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SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2016 Eike Hein <hein@kde.org>
SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-only OR LGPL-3.0-only OR LicenseRef-KDE-Accepted-LGPL
#pragma once
#include <QQmlParserStatus>
#include <QSortFilterProxyModel>
#include "abstracttasksmodeliface.h"
#include "taskmanager_export.h"
namespace TaskManager
* @short A unified tasks model.
* This model presents tasks sourced from supplied launcher URLs, startup
* notification data and window data retrieved from the windowing server
* the host process is connected to. The underlying windowing system is
* abstracted away.
* The source data is abstracted into a unified lifecycle for tasks
* suitable for presentation in a user interface.
* Matching startup and window tasks replace launcher tasks. Startup
* tasks are omitted when matching window tasks exist. Tasks that desire
* not to be shown in a user interface are omitted.
* Tasks may be filtered, sorted or grouped by setting properties on the
* model.
* Tasks may be interacted with by calling methods on the model.
* @author Eike Hein <hein@kde.org>
class TASKMANAGER_EXPORT TasksModel : public QSortFilterProxyModel, public AbstractTasksModelIface, public QQmlParserStatus
Q_PROPERTY(int count READ rowCount NOTIFY countChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(int launcherCount READ launcherCount NOTIFY launcherCountChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QStringList launcherList READ launcherList WRITE setLauncherList NOTIFY launcherListChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(bool anyTaskDemandsAttention READ anyTaskDemandsAttention NOTIFY anyTaskDemandsAttentionChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QVariant virtualDesktop READ virtualDesktop WRITE setVirtualDesktop NOTIFY virtualDesktopChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QRect screenGeometry READ screenGeometry WRITE setScreenGeometry NOTIFY screenGeometryChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QString activity READ activity WRITE setActivity NOTIFY activityChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(bool filterByVirtualDesktop READ filterByVirtualDesktop WRITE setFilterByVirtualDesktop NOTIFY filterByVirtualDesktopChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(bool filterByScreen READ filterByScreen WRITE setFilterByScreen NOTIFY filterByScreenChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(bool filterByActivity READ filterByActivity WRITE setFilterByActivity NOTIFY filterByActivityChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(bool filterNotMinimized READ filterNotMinimized WRITE setFilterNotMinimized NOTIFY filterNotMinimizedChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(bool filterNotMaximized READ filterNotMaximized WRITE setFilterNotMaximized NOTIFY filterNotMaximizedChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(bool filterHidden READ filterHidden WRITE setFilterHidden NOTIFY filterHiddenChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(SortMode sortMode READ sortMode WRITE setSortMode NOTIFY sortModeChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(bool separateLaunchers READ separateLaunchers WRITE setSeparateLaunchers NOTIFY separateLaunchersChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(bool launchInPlace READ launchInPlace WRITE setLaunchInPlace NOTIFY launchInPlaceChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(GroupMode groupMode READ groupMode WRITE setGroupMode NOTIFY groupModeChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(bool groupInline READ groupInline WRITE setGroupInline NOTIFY groupInlineChanged)
int groupingWindowTasksThreshold READ groupingWindowTasksThreshold WRITE setGroupingWindowTasksThreshold NOTIFY groupingWindowTasksThresholdChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QStringList groupingAppIdBlacklist READ groupingAppIdBlacklist WRITE setGroupingAppIdBlacklist NOTIFY groupingAppIdBlacklistChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QStringList groupingLauncherUrlBlacklist READ groupingLauncherUrlBlacklist WRITE setGroupingLauncherUrlBlacklist NOTIFY
Q_PROPERTY(QModelIndex activeTask READ activeTask NOTIFY activeTaskChanged)
enum SortMode {
SortDisabled = 0, /**< No sorting is done. */
SortManual, /**< Tasks can be moved with move() and syncLaunchers(). */
SortAlpha, /**< Tasks are sorted alphabetically, by AbstractTasksModel::AppName and Qt::DisplayRole. */
SortVirtualDesktop, /**< Tasks are sorted by the virtual desktop they are on. */
SortActivity, /**< Tasks are sorted by the number of tasks on the activities they're on. */
enum GroupMode {
GroupDisabled = 0, /**< No grouping is done. */
GroupApplications, /**< Tasks are grouped by the application backing them. */
explicit TasksModel(QObject *parent = nullptr);
~TasksModel() override;
QHash<int, QByteArray> roleNames() const override;
Q_INVOKABLE int rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent = QModelIndex()) const override; // Invokable.
QVariant data(const QModelIndex &proxyIndex, int role) const override;
* The number of launcher tasks in the tast list.
* @returns the number of launcher tasks in the task list.
int launcherCount() const;
* The list of launcher URLs serialized to strings along with
* the activities they belong to.
* @see setLauncherList
* @returns the list of launcher URLs serialized to strings.
QStringList launcherList() const;
* Replace the list of launcher URL strings.
* Invalid or empty URLs will be rejected. Duplicate URLs will be
* collapsed.
* @see launcherList
* @param launchers A list of launcher URL strings.
void setLauncherList(const QStringList &launchers);
* Returns whether any task in the model currently demands attention
* (AbstractTasksModel::IsDemandingAttention).
* @returns whether any task in the model currently demands attention.
bool anyTaskDemandsAttention() const;
* The id of the virtual desktop used in filtering by virtual
* desktop. Usually set to the id of the current virtual desktop.
* Defaults to empty.
* @see setVirtualDesktop
* @returns the number of the virtual desktop used in filtering.
QVariant virtualDesktop() const;
* Set the id of the virtual desktop to use in filtering by virtual
* desktop.
* If set to an empty id, filtering by virtual desktop is disabled.
* @see virtualDesktop
* @param desktop A virtual desktop id (QString on Wayland; uint >0 on X11).
void setVirtualDesktop(const QVariant &desktop = QVariant());
* The geometry of the screen used in filtering by screen. Defaults
* to a null QRect.
* @see setGeometryScreen
* @returns the geometry of the screen used in filtering.
QRect screenGeometry() const;
* Set the geometry of the screen to use in filtering by screen.
* If set to an invalid QRect, filtering by screen is disabled.
* @see screenGeometry
* @param geometry A screen geometry.
void setScreenGeometry(const QRect &geometry);
* The id of the activity used in filtering by activity. Usually
* set to the id of the current activity. Defaults to an empty id.
* @see setActivity
* @returns the id of the activity used in filtering.
QString activity() const;
* Set the id of the activity to use in filtering by activity.
* @see activity
* @param activity An activity id.
void setActivity(const QString &activity);
* Whether tasks should be filtered by virtual desktop. Defaults to
* @c false.
* Filtering by virtual desktop only happens if a virtual desktop
* number is set, even if this returns @c true.
* @see setFilterByVirtualDesktop
* @see setVirtualDesktop
* @returns @c true if tasks should be filtered by virtual desktop.
bool filterByVirtualDesktop() const;
* Set whether tasks should be filtered by virtual desktop.
* Filtering by virtual desktop only happens if a virtual desktop
* number is set, even if this is set to @c true.
* @see filterByVirtualDesktop
* @see setVirtualDesktop
* @param filter Whether tasks should be filtered by virtual desktop.
void setFilterByVirtualDesktop(bool filter);
* Whether tasks should be filtered by screen. Defaults to @c false.
* Filtering by screen only happens if a screen number is set, even
* if this returns @c true.
* @see setFilterByScreen
* @see setScreen
* @returns @c true if tasks should be filtered by screen.
bool filterByScreen() const;
* Set whether tasks should be filtered by screen.
* Filtering by screen only happens if a screen number is set, even
* if this is set to @c true.
* @see filterByScreen
* @see setScreen
* @param filter Whether tasks should be filtered by screen.
void setFilterByScreen(bool filter);
* Whether tasks should be filtered by activity. Defaults to @c false.
* Filtering by activity only happens if an activity id is set, even
* if this returns @c true.
* @see setFilterByActivity
* @see setActivity
* @returns @ctrue if tasks should be filtered by activity.
bool filterByActivity() const;
* Set whether tasks should be filtered by activity. Defaults to
* @c false.
* Filtering by virtual desktop only happens if an activity id is set,
* even if this is set to @c true.
* @see filterByActivity
* @see setActivity
* @param filter Whether tasks should be filtered by activity.
void setFilterByActivity(bool filter);
* Whether non-minimized tasks should be filtered. Defaults to
* @c false.
* @see setFilterNotMinimized
* @returns @c true if non-minimized tasks should be filtered.
bool filterNotMinimized() const;
* Set whether non-minimized tasks should be filtered.
* @see filterNotMinimized
* @param filter Whether non-minimized tasks should be filtered.
void setFilterNotMinimized(bool filter);
* Whether non-maximized tasks should be filtered. Defaults to
* @c false.
* @see setFilterNotMaximized
* @returns @c true if non-maximized tasks should be filtered.
bool filterNotMaximized() const;
* Set whether non-maximized tasks should be filtered.
* @see filterNotMaximized
* @param filter Whether non-maximized tasks should be filtered.
void setFilterNotMaximized(bool filter);
* Whether hidden tasks should be filtered. Defaults to
* @c false.
* @see setFilterHidden
* @returns @c true if hidden tasks should be filtered.
bool filterHidden() const;
* Set whether hidden tasks should be filtered.
* @see filterHidden
* @param filter Whether hidden tasks should be filtered.
void setFilterHidden(bool filter);
* The sort mode used in sorting tasks. Defaults to SortAlpha.
* @see setSortMode
* @returns the current sort mode.
SortMode sortMode() const;
* Sets the sort mode used in sorting tasks.
* @see sortMode
* @param mode A sort mode.
void setSortMode(SortMode mode);
* Whether launchers are kept separate from other kinds of tasks.
* Defaults to @c true.
* When enabled, launcher tasks are sorted first in the tasks model
* and move() disallows moving them below the last launcher task,
* or moving a different kind of task above the first launcher. New
* launcher tasks are inserted after the last launcher task. When
* disabled, move() allows mixing, and new launcher tasks are
* appended to the model.
* Further, when disabled, the model always behaves as if
* launchInPlace is enabled: A window task takes the place of the
* first matching launcher task.
* @see LauncherTasksModel
* @see move
* @see launchInPlace
* @see setSeparateLaunchers
* @return whether launcher tasks are kept separate.
bool separateLaunchers() const;
* Sets whether launchers are kept separate from other kinds of tasks.
* When enabled, launcher tasks are sorted first in the tasks model
* and move() disallows moving them below the last launcher task,
* or moving a different kind of task above the first launcher. New
* launcher tasks are inserted after the last launcher task. When
* disabled, move() allows mixing, and new launcher tasks are
* appended to the model.
* Further, when disabled, the model always behaves as if
* launchInPlace is enabled: A window task takes the place of the
* first matching launcher task.
* @see LauncherTasksModel
* @see move
* @see launchInPlace
* @see separateLaunchers
* @param separate Whether to keep launcher tasks separate.
void setSeparateLaunchers(bool separate);
* Whether window tasks should be sorted as their associated launcher
* tasks or separately. Defaults to @c false.
* @see setLaunchInPlace
* @returns whether window tasks should be sorted as their associated
* launcher tasks.
bool launchInPlace() const;
* Sets whether window tasks should be sorted as their associated launcher
* tasks or separately.
* @see launchInPlace
* @param launchInPlace Whether window tasks should be sorted as their
* associated launcher tasks.
void setLaunchInPlace(bool launchInPlace);
* Returns the current group mode, i.e. the criteria by which tasks should
* be grouped.
* Defaults to TasksModel::GroupApplication, which groups tasks backed by
* the same application.
* If the group mode is TasksModel::GroupDisabled, no grouping is done.
* @see setGroupMode
* @returns the current group mode.
TasksModel::GroupMode groupMode() const;
* Sets the group mode, i.e. the criteria by which tasks should be grouped.
* The group mode can be set to TasksModel::GroupDisabled to disable grouping
* entirely, breaking apart any existing groups.
* @see groupMode
* @param mode A group mode.
void setGroupMode(TasksModel::GroupMode mode);
* Returns whether grouping is done "inline" or not, i.e. whether groups
* are maintained inside the flat, top-level list, or by forming a tree.
* In inline grouping mode, move() on a group member will move all siblings
* as well, and sorting is first done among groups, then group members.
* Further, in inline grouping mode, the groupingWindowTasksThreshold
* setting is ignored: Grouping is always done.
* @see setGroupInline
* @see move
* @see groupingWindowTasksThreshold
* @returns whether grouping is done inline or not.
bool groupInline() const;
* Sets whether grouping is done "inline" or not, i.e. whether groups
* are maintained inside the flat, top-level list, or by forming a tree.
* In inline grouping mode, move() on a group member will move all siblings
* as well, and sorting is first done among groups, then group members.
* @see groupInline
* @see move
* @see groupingWindowTasksThreshold
* @param inline Whether to do grouping inline or not.
void setGroupInline(bool groupInline);
* As window tasks (AbstractTasksModel::IsWindow) come and go, groups will
* be formed when this threshold value is exceeded, and broken apart when
* it matches or falls below.
* Defaults to @c -1, which means grouping is done regardless of the number
* of window tasks.
* When the groupInline property is set to @c true, the threshold is ignored:
* Grouping is always done.
* @see setGroupingWindowTasksThreshold
* @see groupInline
* @return the threshold number of window tasks used in grouping decisions.
int groupingWindowTasksThreshold() const;
* Sets the number of window tasks (AbstractTasksModel::IsWindow) above which
* groups will be formed, and at or below which groups will be broken apart.
* If set to -1, grouping will be done regardless of the number of window tasks
* in the source model.
* When the groupInline property is set to @c true, the threshold is ignored:
* Grouping is always done.
* @see groupingWindowTasksThreshold
* @see groupInline
* @param threshold A threshold number of window tasks used in grouping
* decisions.
void setGroupingWindowTasksThreshold(int threshold);
* A blacklist of app ids (AbstractTasksModel::AppId) that is consulted before
* grouping a task. If a task's app id is found on the blacklist, it is not
* grouped.
* The default app id blacklist is empty.
* @see setGroupingAppIdBlacklist
* @returns the blacklist of app ids consulted before grouping a task.
QStringList groupingAppIdBlacklist() const;
* Sets the blacklist of app ids (AbstractTasksModel::AppId) that is consulted
* before grouping a task. If a task's app id is found on the blacklist, it is
* not grouped.
* When set, groups will be formed and broken apart as necessary.
* @see groupingAppIdBlacklist
* @param list a blacklist of app ids to be consulted before grouping a task.
void setGroupingAppIdBlacklist(const QStringList &list);
* A blacklist of launcher URLs (AbstractTasksModel::LauncherUrl) that is
* consulted before grouping a task. If a task's launcher URL is found on the
* blacklist, it is not grouped.
* The default launcher URL blacklist is empty.
* @see setGroupingLauncherUrlBlacklist
* @returns the blacklist of launcher URLs consulted before grouping a task.
QStringList groupingLauncherUrlBlacklist() const;
* Sets the blacklist of launcher URLs (AbstractTasksModel::LauncherUrl) that
* is consulted before grouping a task. If a task's launcher URL is found on
* the blacklist, it is not grouped.
* When set, groups will be formed and broken apart as necessary.
* @see groupingLauncherUrlBlacklist
* @param list a blacklist of launcher URLs to be consulted before grouping a task.
void setGroupingLauncherUrlBlacklist(const QStringList &list);
* Finds the first active (AbstractTasksModel::IsActive) task in the model
* and returns its QModelIndex, or a null QModelIndex if no active task is
* found.
* @returns the model index for the first active task, if any.
QModelIndex activeTask() const;
* Request adding a launcher with the given URL.
* If this URL is already in the list, the request will fail. URLs are
* compared for equality after removing the query string used to hold
* metadata.
* @see launcherUrlsMatch
* @param url A launcher URL.
* @returns @c true if a launcher was added.
Q_INVOKABLE bool requestAddLauncher(const QUrl &url);
* Request removing the launcher with the given URL.
* If this URL is already in the list, the request will fail. URLs are
* compared for equality after removing the query string used to hold
* metadata.
* @see launcherUrlsMatch
* @param url A launcher URL.
* @returns @c true if the launcher was removed.
Q_INVOKABLE bool requestRemoveLauncher(const QUrl &url);
* Request adding a launcher with the given URL to current activity.
* If this URL is already in the list, the request will fail. URLs are
* compared for equality after removing the query string used to hold
* metadata.
* @see launcherUrlsMatch
* @param url A launcher URL.
* @returns @c true if a launcher was added.
Q_INVOKABLE bool requestAddLauncherToActivity(const QUrl &url, const QString &activity);
* Request removing the launcher with the given URL from the current activity.
* If this URL is already in the list, the request will fail. URLs are
* compared for equality after removing the query string used to hold
* metadata.
* @see launcherUrlsMatch
* @param url A launcher URL.
* @returns @c true if the launcher was removed.
Q_INVOKABLE bool requestRemoveLauncherFromActivity(const QUrl &url, const QString &activity);
* Return the list of activities the launcher belongs to.
* If there is no launcher with that url, the list will be empty,
* while if the launcher is on all activities, it will contain a
* null uuid.
* URLs are compared for equality after removing the query string used
* to hold metadata.
Q_INVOKABLE QStringList launcherActivities(const QUrl &url);
* Return the position of the launcher with the given URL.
* URLs are compared for equality after removing the query string used
* to hold metadata.
* @see launcherUrlsMatch
* @param url A launcher URL.
* @returns @c -1 if no launcher exists for the given URL.
Q_INVOKABLE int launcherPosition(const QUrl &url) const;
* Request activation of the task at the given index. Derived classes are
* free to interpret the meaning of "activate" themselves depending on
* the nature and state of the task, e.g. launch or raise a window task.
* @param index An index in this tasks model.
Q_INVOKABLE void requestActivate(const QModelIndex &index) override;
* Request an additional instance of the application backing the task
* at the given index.
* @param index An index in this tasks model.
Q_INVOKABLE void requestNewInstance(const QModelIndex &index) override;
* Requests to open the given URLs with the application backing the task
* at the given index.
* @param index An index in this tasks model.
* @param urls The URLs to be passed to the application.
Q_INVOKABLE void requestOpenUrls(const QModelIndex &index, const QList<QUrl> &urls) override;
* Request the task at the given index be closed.
* @param index An index in this tasks model.
Q_INVOKABLE void requestClose(const QModelIndex &index) override;
* Request starting an interactive move for the task at the given index.
* This is meant for tasks that have an associated window, and may be
* a no-op when there is no window.
* @param index An index in this tasks model.
Q_INVOKABLE void requestMove(const QModelIndex &index) override;
* Request starting an interactive resize for the task at the given index.
* This is meant for tasks that have an associated window, and may be a
* no-op when there is no window.
* @param index An index in this tasks model.
Q_INVOKABLE void requestResize(const QModelIndex &index) override;
* Request toggling the minimized state of the task at the given index.
* This is meant for tasks that have an associated window, and may be
* a no-op when there is no window.
* @param index An index in this tasks model.
Q_INVOKABLE void requestToggleMinimized(const QModelIndex &index) override;
* Request toggling the maximized state of the task at the given index.
* This is meant for tasks that have an associated window, and may be
* a no-op when there is no window.
* @param index An index in this tasks model.
Q_INVOKABLE void requestToggleMaximized(const QModelIndex &index) override;
* Request toggling the keep-above state of the task at the given index.
* This is meant for tasks that have an associated window, and may be
* a no-op when there is no window.
* @param index An index in this tasks model.
Q_INVOKABLE void requestToggleKeepAbove(const QModelIndex &index) override;
* Request toggling the keep-below state of the task at the given index.
* This is meant for tasks that have an associated window, and may be
* a no-op when there is no window.
* @param index An index in this tasks model.
Q_INVOKABLE void requestToggleKeepBelow(const QModelIndex &index) override;
* Request toggling the fullscreen state of the task at the given index.
* This is meant for tasks that have an associated window, and may be
* a no-op when there is no window.
* @param index An index in this tasks model.
Q_INVOKABLE void requestToggleFullScreen(const QModelIndex &index) override;
* Request toggling the shaded state of the task at the given index.
* This is meant for tasks that have an associated window, and may be
* a no-op when there is no window.
* @param index An index in this tasks model.
Q_INVOKABLE void requestToggleShaded(const QModelIndex &index) override;
* Request entering the window at the given index on the specified virtual desktops.
* On Wayland, virtual desktop ids are QStrings. On X11, they are uint >0.
* An empty list has a special meaning: The window is entered on all virtual desktops
* in the session.
* On X11, a window can only be on one or all virtual desktops. Therefore, only the
* first list entry is actually used.
* On X11, the id 0 has a special meaning: The window is entered on all virtual
* desktops in the session.
* @param index An index in this window tasks model.
* @param desktops A list of virtual desktop ids.
Q_INVOKABLE void requestVirtualDesktops(const QModelIndex &index, const QVariantList &desktops) override;
* Request entering the window at the given index on a new virtual desktop,
* which is created in response to this request.
* @param index An index in this window tasks model.
Q_INVOKABLE void requestNewVirtualDesktop(const QModelIndex &index) override;
* Request moving the task at the given index to the specified activities.
* This is meant for tasks that have an associated window, and may be
* a no-op when there is no window.
* This base implementation does nothing.
* @param index An index in this tasks model.
* @param activities The new list of activities.
Q_INVOKABLE void requestActivities(const QModelIndex &index, const QStringList &activities) override;
* Request informing the window manager of new geometry for a visual
* delegate for the task at the given index. The geometry should be in
* screen coordinates.
* If the task at the given index is a group parent, the geometry is
* set for all of its children. If the task at the given index is a
* group member, the geometry is set for all of its siblings.
* @param index An index in this tasks model.
* @param geometry Visual delegate geometry in screen coordinates.
* @param delegate The delegate. Implementations are on their own with
* regard to extracting information from this, and should take care to
* reject invalid objects.
Q_INVOKABLE void requestPublishDelegateGeometry(const QModelIndex &index, const QRect &geometry, QObject *delegate = nullptr) override;
* Request toggling whether the task at the given index, along with any
* tasks matching its kind, should be grouped or not. Task groups will be
* formed or broken apart as needed, along with affecting future grouping
* decisions as new tasks appear.
* As grouping is toggled for a task, updates are made to the
* grouping*Blacklist properties of the model instance.
* @see groupingAppIdBlacklist
* @see groupingLauncherUrlBlacklist
* @param index An index in this tasks model.
Q_INVOKABLE void requestToggleGrouping(const QModelIndex &index);
* Moves a task to a new position in the list. The insert position is
* is bounded to the list start and end.
* syncLaunchers() should be called after a set of move operations to
* update the launcherList property to reflect the new order.
* When the groupInline property is set to @c true, a move request
* for a group member will bring all siblings along.
* @see syncLaunchers
* @see launcherList
* @see setGroupInline
* @param index An index in this tasks model.
* @param newPos The new list position to move the task to.
Q_INVOKABLE bool move(int row, int newPos, const QModelIndex &parent = QModelIndex());
* Updates the launcher list to reflect the new order after calls to
* move(), if needed.
* @see move
* @see launcherList
Q_INVOKABLE void syncLaunchers();
* Given a row in the model, returns a QModelIndex for it. To get an index
* for a child in a task group, an optional child row may be passed as well.
* This easier to use from Qt Quick views than QAbstractItemModel::index is.
* @param row A row index in the model.
* @param childRow A row index for a child of the task group at the given row.
* @returns a model index for the task at the given row, or for one of its
* child tasks.
Q_INVOKABLE QModelIndex makeModelIndex(int row, int childRow = -1) const;
* Given a row in the model, returns a QPersistentModelIndex for it. To get an index
* for a child in a task group, an optional child row may be passed as well.
* @param row A row index in the model.
* @param childRow A row index for a child of the task group at the given row.
* @returns a model index for the task at the given row, or for one of its
* child tasks.
Q_INVOKABLE QPersistentModelIndex makePersistentModelIndex(int row, int childRow = -1) const;
void classBegin() override;
void componentComplete() override;
void countChanged() const;
void launcherCountChanged() const;
void launcherListChanged() const;
void anyTaskDemandsAttentionChanged() const;
void virtualDesktopChanged() const;
void screenGeometryChanged() const;
void activityChanged() const;
void filterByVirtualDesktopChanged() const;
void filterByScreenChanged() const;
void filterByActivityChanged() const;
void filterNotMinimizedChanged() const;
void filterNotMaximizedChanged() const;
void filterHiddenChanged() const;
void sortModeChanged() const;
void separateLaunchersChanged() const;
void launchInPlaceChanged() const;
void groupModeChanged() const;
void groupInlineChanged() const;
void groupingWindowTasksThresholdChanged() const;
void groupingAppIdBlacklistChanged() const;
void groupingLauncherUrlBlacklistChanged() const;
void activeTaskChanged() const;
bool filterAcceptsRow(int sourceRow, const QModelIndex &sourceParent) const override;
bool lessThan(const QModelIndex &left, const QModelIndex &right) const override;
Q_INVOKABLE void updateLauncherCount();
class Private;
class TasksModelLessThan;
friend class TasksModelLessThan;
QScopedPointer<Private> d;