QortalOS Brooklyn for Raspberry Pi 4
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35 lines
794 B

`include "settings.h"
module MEM_Reg
input clk,
input rst,
input [`REG_FILE_DEPTH-1:0] dst,
input [`WORD_WIDTH-1:0] ALU_res,
input [`WORD_WIDTH-1:0] mem,
input mem_read, WB_en,
output reg [`REG_FILE_DEPTH-1:0] dst_out,
output reg [`WORD_WIDTH-1:0] ALU_res_out,
output reg [`WORD_WIDTH-1:0] mem_out,
output reg mem_read_out, WB_en_out
always @(posedge clk, posedge rst) begin
if(rst) begin
dst_out <= 0;
ALU_res_out <= 0;
mem_out <= 0;
mem_read_out <= 0;
WB_en_out <= 0;
else begin
dst_out <= dst;
ALU_res_out <= ALU_res;
mem_out <= mem;
mem_read_out <= mem_read;
WB_en_out <= WB_en;