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2021-05-27 00:21:07 +05:00

153 lines
4.2 KiB

from binascii import hexlify, unhexlify
from time import time
from struct import pack
from hashlib import sha1, sha256
import string
from os import urandom
def read_key_from_file(file):
f = open(file)
n_str = f.readline()[:-1]
e_str = f.readline()[:-1]
p_str = f.readline()[:-1]
q_str = f.readline()[:-1]
e = int(e_str, 16)
p = int(p_str, 16)
q = int(q_str, 16)
n = int(n_str, 16)
if n != p * q:
raise ValueError("wrong key", p, q, n)
return (unhexlify(n_str), unhexlify(e_str), unhexlify(p_str), unhexlify(q_str), e, p, q, n)
def calc_fpr(n,e):
timestamp = int(time())
timestamp_data = pack('>I', timestamp)
m_len = 6 + 2 + 256 + 2 + 4
m = b'\x99' + pack('>H', m_len) + b'\x04' + timestamp_data + b'\x01' + \
pack('>H', 2048) + n + pack('>H', 17) + e
fpr = sha1(m).digest()
return (fpr, timestamp_data)
key = [ None, None, None ]
fpr = [ None, None, None ]
timestamp = [ None, None, None ]
key[0] = read_key_from_file('rsa-sig.key')
key[1] = read_key_from_file('rsa-dec.key')
key[2] = read_key_from_file('rsa-aut.key')
(fpr[0], timestamp[0]) = calc_fpr(key[0][0], key[0][1])
(fpr[1], timestamp[1]) = calc_fpr(key[1][0], key[1][1])
(fpr[2], timestamp[2]) = calc_fpr(key[2][0], key[2][1])
def build_privkey_template(openpgp_keyno, keyno):
n_bytes = key[keyno][0]
e_bytes = b'\x00' + key[keyno][1]
p_bytes = key[keyno][2]
q_bytes = key[keyno][3]
if openpgp_keyno == 1:
keyspec = b'\xb6'
elif openpgp_keyno == 2:
keyspec = b'\xb8'
keyspec = b'\xa4'
key_template = b'\x91\x04'+ b'\x92\x81\x80' + b'\x93\x81\x80'
exthdr = keyspec + b'\x00' + b'\x7f\x48' + b'\x08' + key_template
suffix = b'\x5f\x48' + b'\x82\x01\x04'
t = b'\x4d' + b'\x82\x01\x16' + exthdr + suffix + e_bytes + p_bytes + q_bytes
return t
def build_privkey_template_for_remove(openpgp_keyno):
if openpgp_keyno == 1:
keyspec = b'\xb6'
elif openpgp_keyno == 2:
keyspec = b'\xb8'
keyspec = b'\xa4'
return b'\x4d\02' + keyspec + b'\0x00'
def compute_digestinfo(msg):
digest = sha256(msg).digest()
prefix = b'\x30\31\x30\x0d\x06\x09\x60\x86\x48\x01\x65\x03\x04\x02\x01\x05\x00\x04\x20'
return prefix + digest
# egcd and modinv are from wikibooks
# https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Algorithm_Implementation/Mathematics/Extended_Euclidean_algorithm
def egcd(a, b):
if a == 0:
return (b, 0, 1)
g, y, x = egcd(b % a, a)
return (g, x - (b // a) * y, y)
def modinv(a, m):
g, x, y = egcd(a, m)
if g != 1:
raise Exception('modular inverse does not exist')
return x % m
def pkcs1_pad_for_sign(digestinfo):
byte_repr = b'\x00' + b'\x01' + bytes.ljust(b'', 256 - 19 - 32 - 3, b'\xff') \
+ b'\x00' + digestinfo
return int(hexlify(byte_repr), 16)
def pkcs1_pad_for_crypt(msg):
padlen = 256 - 3 - len(msg)
byte_repr = b'\x00' + b'\x02' \
+ bytes.replace(urandom(padlen), b'\x00', b'\x01') + b'\x00' + msg
return int(hexlify(byte_repr), 16)
def compute_signature(keyno, digestinfo):
e = key[keyno][4]
p = key[keyno][5]
q = key[keyno][6]
n = key[keyno][7]
p1 = p - 1
q1 = q - 1
h = p1 * q1
d = modinv(e, h)
dp = d % p1
dq = d % q1
qp = modinv(q, p)
input = pkcs1_pad_for_sign(digestinfo)
t1 = pow(input, dp, p)
t2 = pow(input, dq, q)
t = ((t1 - t2) * qp) % p
sig = t2 + t * q
return sig
def integer_to_bytes_256(i):
s = hex(i)[2:]
s = s.rstrip('L')
if len(s) & 1:
s = '0' + s
return string.rjust(unhexlify(s), 256, '\x00')
def encrypt(keyno, plaintext):
e = key[keyno][4]
n = key[keyno][7]
m = pkcs1_pad_for_crypt(plaintext)
return b'\x00' + integer_to_bytes_256(pow(m, e, n))
def encrypt_with_pubkey(pubkey_info, plaintext):
n = int(hexlify(pubkey_info[0]), 16)
e = int(hexlify(pubkey_info[1]), 16)
m = pkcs1_pad_for_crypt(plaintext)
return b'\x00' + integer_to_bytes_256(pow(m, e, n))
def verify_signature(pubkey_info, digestinfo, sig):
n = int(hexlify(pubkey_info[0]), 16)
e = int(hexlify(pubkey_info[1]), 16)
di_pkcs1 = pow(sig,e,n)
m = pkcs1_pad_for_sign(digestinfo)
return di_pkcs1 == m