QortalOS Brooklyn for Raspberry Pi 4
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CPU to ISA Version Mapping
Mapping of some CPU versions to relevant ISA versions.
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CPU Architecture version
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Power10 Power ISA v3.1
Power9 Power ISA v3.0B
Power8 Power ISA v2.07
Power7 Power ISA v2.06
Power6 Power ISA v2.05
PA6T Power ISA v2.04
Cell PPU - Power ISA v2.02 with some minor exceptions
- Plus Altivec/VMX ~= 2.03
Power5++ Power ISA v2.04 (no VMX)
Power5+ Power ISA v2.03
Power5 - PowerPC User Instruction Set Architecture Book I v2.02
- PowerPC Virtual Environment Architecture Book II v2.02
- PowerPC Operating Environment Architecture Book III v2.02
PPC970 - PowerPC User Instruction Set Architecture Book I v2.01
- PowerPC Virtual Environment Architecture Book II v2.01
- PowerPC Operating Environment Architecture Book III v2.01
- Plus Altivec/VMX ~= 2.03
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Key Features
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CPU VMX (aka. Altivec)
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Power10 Yes
Power9 Yes
Power8 Yes
Power7 Yes
Power6 Yes
PA6T Yes
Cell PPU Yes
Power5++ No
Power5+ No
Power5 No
PPC970 Yes
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Power10 Yes
Power9 Yes
Power8 Yes
Power7 Yes
Power6 No
Cell PPU No
Power5++ No
Power5+ No
Power5 No
PPC970 No
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CPU Transactional Memory
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Power10 No (* see Power ISA v3.1, "Appendix A. Notes on the Removal of Transactional Memory from the Architecture")
Power9 Yes (* see transactional_memory.txt)
Power8 Yes
Power7 No
Power6 No
Cell PPU No
Power5++ No
Power5+ No
Power5 No
PPC970 No
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