QortalOS Brooklyn for Raspberry Pi 4
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92 lines
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# Copyright © 2021 Arm Ltd and Contributors. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
CMD=$( basename $0 )
# Revision or tag that Arm NN has been tested with:
DEFAULT_TENSORFLOW_REVISION="tags/v2.5.0" # Release 2.5.0 tag
Usage() {
echo "Gets the revision or tag of TensorFlow that this version of Arm NN has been"
echo "tested with."
echo "Usage: $CMD Gets the default TensorFlow revision/tag ($DEFAULT_TENSORFLOW_REVISION)"
echo "Usage: $CMD -s <TENSORFLOW_SHA>"
echo "Usage: $CMD -p (Print current default revision/tag)"
exit 0
PrintDefaultTensorFlowSha() {
exit 0;
function AssertZeroExitCode {
if [ $EXITCODE -ne 0 ]; then
echo "$1"
echo "+++ Command exited with code $EXITCODE. Please fix the above errors and re-run"
exit 1
# Revision or tag to check out
# process the options given
while getopts "s:ph\?:" opt; do
case "$opt" in
p) PrintDefaultTensorFlowSha;;
h|\?) Usage;;
shift $((OPTIND - 1))
# This script is designed to be called from anywhere
# so it will resolve where to checkout out TensorFlow
# relative to its own location in armnn/scripts
# resolve $SRC until it is no longer a symlink
while [ -h "$SRC" ]; do
DIR="$( cd -P "$( dirname "$SRC" )" >/dev/null && pwd )"
SRC="$(readlink "$SRC")"
# if $SRC was a relative symlink, we need to resolve it
# relative to the path where the symlink file originally was
[[ $SRC != /* ]] && SRC="$DIR/$SRC"
DIR="$( cd -P "$( dirname "$SRC" )" >/dev/null && pwd )"
pushd ${DIR} > /dev/null
cd ../..
# Clone TensorFlow if we don't already have a directory
if [ ! -d tensorflow ]; then
echo "Cloning TensorFlow"
git clone https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow.git
AssertZeroExitCode "Cloning TensorFlow failed"
pushd tensorflow > /dev/null
# Checkout the TensorFlow revision
echo "Checking out ${TENSORFLOW_REVISION}"
git fetch && git checkout ${TENSORFLOW_REVISION}
AssertZeroExitCode "Fetching and checking out ${TENSORFLOW_REVISION} failed"
# If the target tensorflow revision includes a branch we also need to do a pull.
# This generally occurs with a release branch.
if [[ "${TENSORFLOW_REVISION}" == *"branches"* ]]; then
git pull
AssertZeroExitCode "TensorFlow reference includes a branch but git pull failed."
popd > /dev/null # out of tensorflow
popd > /dev/null # back to wherever we were when called
# Make sure the SHA of the revision that was checked out is the last line
# of output from the script... just in case we ever need it.
exit 0