QortalOS Brooklyn for Raspberry Pi 4
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/// Copyright (c) 2021 ARM Limited and Contributors. All rights reserved.
/// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
namespace armnn
@page contribguides Contribution Guides
This is a collection of guides that should help you contribute code to Arm NN. Before you get started, please
take a look into our /ref md_Contributor_Guide section.
- @subpage md_src_backends_README \n
This guide explains how to add your own backend to Arm NN. This might be useful if you would like to accelerate neural
networks on hardware that Arm NN currently doesn't support.
- @subpage md_src_dynamic_README \n
Arm NN allows you to load a backend dynamically on runtime. To find out how that can be done take a look at this guide.
/// Create pages for each tool so they appear nicely in the doxygen tree-view. Subpages are not listed there.
/// Also we can overwrite the page name this way.
namespace armnn
@page md_src_backends_README Backend Developer Guide
@page md_src_dynamic_README Dynamically loadable Backend