/* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2014 Bhushan Shah SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2014 Marco Martin SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only OR LicenseRef-KDE-Accepted-GPL */ #include "plasmawindowedcorona.h" #include "plasmawindowedview.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include PlasmaWindowedCorona::PlasmaWindowedCorona(QObject *parent) : Plasma::Corona(parent) { KPackage::Package package = KPackage::PackageLoader::self()->loadPackage(QStringLiteral("Plasma/Shell")); package.setPath(QStringLiteral("org.kde.plasma.desktop")); setKPackage(package); // QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, "load", Qt::QueuedConnection); load(); } void PlasmaWindowedCorona::loadApplet(const QString &applet, const QVariantList &arguments) { if (containments().isEmpty()) { return; } Plasma::Containment *cont = containments().first(); // forbid more instances per applet (todo: activate the corresponding already loaded applet) for (Plasma::Applet *a : cont->applets()) { if (a->pluginMetaData().pluginId() == applet) { return; } } PlasmaWindowedView *v = new PlasmaWindowedView(); v->setHasStatusNotifier(m_hasStatusNotifier); v->show(); KConfigGroup appletsGroup(KSharedConfig::openConfig(), "Applets"); QString plugin; for (const QString &group : appletsGroup.groupList()) { KConfigGroup cg(&appletsGroup, group); plugin = cg.readEntry("plugin", QString()); if (plugin == applet) { Plasma::Applet *a = Plasma::PluginLoader::self()->loadApplet(applet, group.toInt(), arguments); if (!a) { qWarning() << "Unable to load applet" << applet << "with arguments" << arguments; v->deleteLater(); return; } a->restore(cg); // Access a->config() before adding to containment // will cause applets to be saved in palsmawindowedrc // so applets will only be created on demand KConfigGroup cg2 = a->config(); cont->addApplet(a); v->setApplet(a); return; } } Plasma::Applet *a = Plasma::PluginLoader::self()->loadApplet(applet, 0, arguments); if (!a) { qWarning() << "Unable to load applet" << applet << "with arguments" << arguments; v->deleteLater(); return; } // Access a->config() before adding to containment // will cause applets to be saved in palsmawindowedrc // so applets will only be created on demand KConfigGroup cg2 = a->config(); cont->addApplet(a); v->setApplet(a); } void PlasmaWindowedCorona::activateRequested(const QStringList &arguments, const QString &workingDirectory) { Q_UNUSED(workingDirectory) if (arguments.count() <= 1) { return; } QCommandLineParser parser; parser.setApplicationDescription(i18n("Plasma Windowed")); parser.addOption( QCommandLineOption(QStringLiteral("statusnotifier"), i18n("Makes the plasmoid stay alive in the Notification Area, even when the window is closed."))); parser.addPositionalArgument(QStringLiteral("applet"), i18n("The applet to open.")); parser.addPositionalArgument(QStringLiteral("args"), i18n("Arguments to pass to the plasmoid."), QStringLiteral("[args...]")); parser.addVersionOption(); parser.addHelpOption(); parser.process(arguments); if (parser.positionalArguments().isEmpty()) { parser.showHelp(1); } const QStringList positionalArguments = parser.positionalArguments(); QVariantList args; QStringList::const_iterator constIterator = positionalArguments.constBegin() + 1; for (; constIterator != positionalArguments.constEnd(); ++constIterator) { args << (*constIterator); } loadApplet(positionalArguments.first(), args); } QRect PlasmaWindowedCorona::screenGeometry(int id) const { Q_UNUSED(id); // TODO? return QRect(); } void PlasmaWindowedCorona::load() { /*this won't load applets, since applets are in plasmawindowedrc*/ loadLayout(QStringLiteral("plasmawindowed-appletsrc")); bool found = false; for (auto c : containments()) { if (c->containmentType() == Plasma::Types::DesktopContainment) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) { qDebug() << "Loading default layout"; createContainment(QStringLiteral("empty")); saveLayout(QStringLiteral("plasmawindowed-appletsrc")); } for (auto c : containments()) { if (c->containmentType() == Plasma::Types::DesktopContainment) { m_containment = c; m_containment->setFormFactor(Plasma::Types::Application); QAction *removeAction = c->actions()->action(QStringLiteral("remove")); if (removeAction) { removeAction->deleteLater(); } break; } } } void PlasmaWindowedCorona::setHasStatusNotifier(bool stay) { m_hasStatusNotifier = stay; }