/* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2014-2015 Eike Hein SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */ import QtQuick 2.12 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.1 import QtQml 2.15 import org.kde.plasma.plasmoid 2.0 import org.kde.plasma.core 2.0 as PlasmaCore import org.kde.plasma.components 2.0 as PlasmaComponents import org.kde.plasma.extras 2.0 as PlasmaExtras import org.kde.kquickcontrolsaddons 2.0 import org.kde.private.desktopcontainment.folder 0.1 as Folder import "code/FolderTools.js" as FolderTools FocusScope { id: main signal pressed property QtObject model: dir property Item rubberBand: null property alias view: gridView property alias isRootView: gridView.isRootView property alias currentIndex: gridView.currentIndex property alias url: dir.url property alias status: dir.status property alias positions: positioner.positions property alias errorString: dir.errorString property alias dragging: dir.dragging property alias dragInProgressAnywhere: dir.dragInProgressAnywhere property alias locked: dir.locked property alias sortMode: dir.sortMode property alias filterMode: dir.filterMode property alias filterPattern: dir.filterPattern property alias filterMimeTypes: dir.filterMimeTypes property alias flow: gridView.flow property alias layoutDirection: gridView.layoutDirection property alias cellWidth: gridView.cellWidth property alias cellHeight: gridView.cellHeight property alias overflowing: gridView.overflowing property alias scrollLeft: gridView.scrollLeft property alias scrollRight: gridView.scrollRight property alias scrollUp: gridView.scrollUp property alias scrollDown: gridView.scrollDown property alias hoveredItem: gridView.hoveredItem property var history: [] property var lastPosition: null property bool goingBack: false property Item backButton: null property var dialog: null property Item editor: null property int previouslySelectedItemIndex: -1 function positionViewAtBeginning() { gridView.positionViewAtBeginning(); } function rename() { if (gridView.currentIndex != -1) { var renameAction = folderView.model.action("rename"); if (renameAction && !renameAction.enabled) { return; } if (!editor) { editor = editorComponent.createObject(listener); } editor.targetItem = gridView.currentItem; } } function cancelRename() { if (editor) { editor.targetItem = null; } } function linkHere(sourceUrl) { dir.linkHere(sourceUrl); } function handleDragMove(x, y) { var child = childAt(x, y); if (child !== null && child === backButton) { hoveredItem = null; backButton.handleDragMove(); } else { if (backButton && backButton.containsDrag) { backButton.endDragMove(); } var pos = mapToItem(gridView.contentItem, x, y); var item = gridView.itemAt(pos.x, pos.y); if (item && item.isDir) { hoveredItem = item; } else { hoveredItem = null; } } } function endDragMove() { if (backButton && backButton.active) { backButton.endDragMove(); } else if (hoveredItem && !hoveredItem.popupDialog) { hoveredItem = null; } } function dropItemAt(pos) { var item = gridView.itemAt(pos.x, pos.y); if (item) { if (item.blank) { return -1; } var hOffset = Math.abs(Math.min(gridView.contentX, gridView.originX)); var hPos = mapToItem(item.hoverArea, pos.x + hOffset, pos.y); if ((hPos.x < 0 || hPos.y < 0 || hPos.x > item.hoverArea.width || hPos.y > item.hoverArea.height)) { return -1; } else { return positioner.map(item.index); } } return -1; } function drop(target, event, pos) { var dropPos = mapToItem(gridView.contentItem, pos.x, pos.y); var dropIndex = gridView.indexAt(dropPos.x, dropPos.y); var dragPos = mapToItem(gridView.contentItem, listener.dragX, listener.dragY); var dragIndex = gridView.indexAt(dragPos.x, dragPos.y); if (listener.dragX == -1 || dragIndex !== dropIndex) { dir.drop(target, event, dropItemAt(dropPos), root.isContainment && !plasmoid.immutable); } } Connections { target: dir function onPopupMenuAboutToShow(dropJob, mimeData, x, y) { if (root.isContainment && !plasmoid.immutable) { plasmoid.processMimeData(mimeData, x, y, dropJob); } } } Connections { target: plasmoid function onExpandedChanged() { if (plasmoid.expanded && dir.status === Folder.FolderModel.Ready && !gridView.model) { gridView.model = positioner; } } } Binding { target: plasmoid property: "busy" value: !gridView.model && dir.status === Folder.FolderModel.Listing restoreMode: Binding.RestoreBinding } function makeBackButton() { return Qt.createQmlObject("BackButtonItem {}", main); } function doCd(row) { history.push({"url": url, "index": gridView.currentIndex, "yPosition": gridView.visibleArea.yPosition}); updateHistory(); dir.cd(row); gridView.currentIndex = -1; } function doBack() { goingBack = true; gridView.currentIndex = -1; lastPosition = history.pop(); url = lastPosition.url; updateHistory(); } // QML doesn't detect change in the array(history) property, so update it explicitly. function updateHistory() { history = history; } Connections { target: root function onIsPopupChanged() { if (backButton == null && root.useListViewMode) { backButton = makeBackButton(); } else if (backButton != null) { backButton.destroy(); } } } MouseEventListener { id: listener anchors { topMargin: backButton != null ? backButton.height : undefined fill: parent } property alias hoveredItem: gridView.hoveredItem property Item pressedItem: null property int pressX: -1 property int pressY: -1 property int dragX: -1 property int dragY: -1 property variant cPress: null property bool doubleClickInProgress: false acceptedButtons: { if (hoveredItem == null && main.isRootView) { return root.isPopup ? (Qt.LeftButton | Qt.MiddleButton | Qt.BackButton) : Qt.LeftButton; } return root.isPopup ? (Qt.LeftButton | Qt.MiddleButton | Qt.RightButton | Qt.BackButton) : (Qt.LeftButton | Qt.RightButton); } hoverEnabled: true onPressXChanged: { cPress = mapToItem(gridView.contentItem, pressX, pressY); } onPressYChanged: { cPress = mapToItem(gridView.contentItem, pressX, pressY); } onPressed: { // Ignore press events outside the viewport (i.e. on scrollbars). if (!scrollArea.viewport.contains(Qt.point(mouse.x,mouse.y))) { return; } scrollArea.focus = true; if (mouse.buttons & Qt.BackButton) { if (root.isPopup && dir.resolvedUrl !== dir.resolve(plasmoid.configuration.url)) { doBack(); mouse.accepted = true; } return; } if (editor && childAt(mouse.x, mouse.y) !== editor) { editor.commit(); } if (mouse.source === Qt.MouseEventSynthesizedByQt) { var index = gridView.indexAt(mouse.x, mouse.y); var indexItem = gridView.itemAtIndex(index); if (indexItem && indexItem.iconArea) { gridView.currentIndex = index; hoveredItem = indexItem; } else { hoveredItem = null; } if (gridView.hoveredItem && gridView.hoveredItem.toolTip.active) { gridView.hoveredItem.toolTip.hideToolTip(); } } pressX = mouse.x; pressY = mouse.y; if (!hoveredItem || hoveredItem.blank) { if (!gridView.ctrlPressed) { gridView.currentIndex = -1; previouslySelectedItemIndex = -1; dir.clearSelection(); } if (mouse.buttons & Qt.RightButton) { clearPressState(); dir.openContextMenu(main, mouse.modifiers); mouse.accepted = true; } } else { pressedItem = hoveredItem; var pos = mapToItem(hoveredItem.actionsOverlay, mouse.x, mouse.y); if (!(pos.x <= hoveredItem.actionsOverlay.width && pos.y <= hoveredItem.actionsOverlay.height)) { if (gridView.shiftPressed && gridView.currentIndex != -1) { positioner.setRangeSelected(gridView.anchorIndex, hoveredItem.index); } else { // Deselecting everything else when one item is clicked is handled in onReleased in order to distinguish between drag and click if (!gridView.ctrlPressed && !dir.isSelected(positioner.map(hoveredItem.index))) { previouslySelectedItemIndex = -1; dir.clearSelection(); } if (gridView.ctrlPressed) { dir.toggleSelected(positioner.map(hoveredItem.index)); } else { dir.setSelected(positioner.map(hoveredItem.index)); } } gridView.currentIndex = hoveredItem.index; if (mouse.buttons & Qt.RightButton) { if (pressedItem.toolTip && pressedItem.toolTip.active) { pressedItem.toolTip.hideToolTip(); } clearPressState(); dir.openContextMenu(hoveredItem, mouse.modifiers); mouse.accepted = true; } } } main.pressed(); } onCanceled: pressCanceled() onReleased: { if (hoveredItem && !hoveredItem.blank && mouse.button != Qt.RightButton) { var pos = mapToItem(hoveredItem.actionsOverlay, mouse.x, mouse.y); if (!(pos.x <= hoveredItem.actionsOverlay.width && pos.y <= hoveredItem.actionsOverlay.height) && (!(gridView.shiftPressed && gridView.currentIndex != -1) && !gridView.ctrlPressed)) { dir.clearSelection(); dir.setSelected(positioner.map(hoveredItem.index)); } } pressCanceled(); } onPressAndHold: { if (mouse.source == Qt.MouseEventSynthesizedByQt) { if (pressedItem) { if (pressedItem.toolTip && pressedItem.toolTip.active) { pressedItem.toolTip.hideToolTip(); } } clearPressState(); if (hoveredItem) { dir.openContextMenu(hoveredItem, mouse.modifiers); } } } onClicked: { clearPressState(); if (mouse.button === Qt.RightButton || (editor && childAt(mouse.x, mouse.y) === editor)) { return; } if (!hoveredItem || hoveredItem.blank || gridView.currentIndex == -1 || gridView.ctrlPressed || gridView.shiftPressed) { // Bug 357367: Replay mouse event, so containment actions assigned to left mouse button work. eventGenerator.sendMouseEvent(plasmoid, EventGenerator.MouseButtonPress, mouse.x, mouse.y, mouse.button, mouse.buttons, mouse.modifiers); return; } var pos = mapToItem(hoveredItem, mouse.x, mouse.y); // Moving from an item to its preview popup dialog doesn't unset hoveredItem // even though the cursor has left it, so we need to check whether the click // actually occurred inside the item we expect it in before going ahead. If it // didn't, clean up (e.g. dismissing the dialog as a side-effect of unsetting // hoveredItem) and abort. if (pos.x < 0 || pos.x > hoveredItem.width || pos.y < 0 || pos.y > hoveredItem.height) { hoveredItem = null; previouslySelectedItemIndex = -1; dir.clearSelection(); return; // If the hoveredItem is clicked while having a preview popup dialog open, // only dismiss the dialog and abort. } else if (hoveredItem.popupDialog) { hoveredItem.closePopup(); return; } pos = mapToItem(hoveredItem.actionsOverlay, mouse.x, mouse.y); if (!(pos.x <= hoveredItem.actionsOverlay.width && pos.y <= hoveredItem.actionsOverlay.height)) { // Clicked on the label of an already-selected item: rename it if (pos.x > hoveredItem.labelArea.x && pos.x <= hoveredItem.labelArea.x + hoveredItem.labelArea.width && pos.y > hoveredItem.labelArea.y && pos.y <= hoveredItem.labelArea.y + hoveredItem.labelArea.height && previouslySelectedItemIndex == gridView.currentIndex && gridView.currentIndex != -1 && !Qt.styleHints.singleClickActivation && plasmoid.configuration.renameInline && !doubleClickInProgress ) { rename(); return; } // Single-click mode and single-clicked on the item or // double-click mode and double-clicked on the item: open it if (Qt.styleHints.singleClickActivation || doubleClickInProgress || mouse.source == Qt.MouseEventSynthesizedByQt) { var func = root.useListViewMode && (mouse.button === Qt.LeftButton) && hoveredItem.isDir ? doCd : dir.run; func(positioner.map(gridView.currentIndex)); previouslySelectedItemIndex = gridView.currentIndex; hoveredItem = null; } // None of the above: select it else { doubleClickInProgress = true; doubleClickTimer.interval = Qt.styleHints.mouseDoubleClickInterval; doubleClickTimer.start(); previouslySelectedItemIndex = gridView.currentIndex; } } } onPositionChanged: { gridView.ctrlPressed = (mouse.modifiers & Qt.ControlModifier); gridView.shiftPressed = (mouse.modifiers & Qt.ShiftModifier); var cPos = mapToItem(gridView.contentItem, mouse.x, mouse.y); var item = gridView.itemAt(cPos.x, cPos.y); var leftEdge = Math.min(gridView.contentX, gridView.originX); if (!item || item.blank) { if (gridView.hoveredItem && !root.containsDrag && (!dialog || !dialog.containsDrag) && !gridView.hoveredItem.popupDialog) { gridView.hoveredItem = null; } } else { var fPos = mapToItem(item.frame, mouse.x, mouse.y); if (fPos.x < 0 || fPos.y < 0 || fPos.x > item.frame.width || fPos.y > item.frame.height) { gridView.hoveredItem = null; } } // Trigger autoscroll. if (pressX != -1) { gridView.scrollLeft = (mouse.x <= 0 && gridView.contentX > leftEdge); gridView.scrollRight = (mouse.x >= gridView.width && gridView.contentX < gridView.contentItem.width - gridView.width); gridView.scrollUp = (mouse.y <= 0 && gridView.contentY > 0); gridView.scrollDown = (mouse.y >= gridView.height && gridView.contentY < gridView.contentItem.height - gridView.height); } // Update rubberband geometry. if (main.rubberBand) { var rB = main.rubberBand; if (cPos.x < cPress.x) { rB.x = Math.max(leftEdge, cPos.x); rB.width = Math.abs(rB.x - cPress.x); } else { rB.x = cPress.x; var ceil = Math.max(gridView.width, gridView.contentItem.width) + leftEdge; rB.width = Math.min(ceil - rB.x, Math.abs(rB.x - cPos.x)); } if (cPos.y < cPress.y) { rB.y = Math.max(0, cPos.y); rB.height = Math.abs(rB.y - cPress.y); } else { rB.y = cPress.y; var ceil = Math.max(gridView.height, gridView.contentItem.height); rB.height = Math.min(ceil - rB.y, Math.abs(rB.y - cPos.y)); } // Ensure rubberband is at least 1px in size or else it will become // invisible and not match any items. rB.width = Math.max(1, rB.width); rB.height = Math.max(1, rB.height); gridView.rectangleSelect(rB.x, rB.y, rB.width, rB.height); return; } // Drag initiation. if (pressX != -1 && root.isDrag(pressX, pressY, mouse.x, mouse.y)) { if (pressedItem != null && dir.isSelected(positioner.map(pressedItem.index))) { pressedItem.toolTip.hideToolTip(); dragX = mouse.x; dragY = mouse.y; gridView.verticalDropHitscanOffset = pressedItem.iconArea.y + (pressedItem.iconArea.height / 2) dir.dragSelected(mouse.x, mouse.y); dragX = -1; dragY = -1; clearPressState(); } else { // Disable rubberband in popup list view mode or while renaming if (root.useListViewMode || (editor && editor.targetItem)) { return; } dir.pinSelection(); main.rubberBand = rubberBandObject.createObject(gridView.contentItem, {x: cPress.x, y: cPress.y}) gridView.interactive = false; } } } Component { id: rubberBandObject Folder.RubberBand { id: rubberBand width: 0 height: 0 z: 99999 function close() { opacityAnimation.restart() } OpacityAnimator { id: opacityAnimation target: rubberBand to: 0 from: 1 duration: PlasmaCore.Units.shortDuration // This easing curve has an elognated start, which works // better than a standard easing curve for the rubberband // animation, which fades out fast and is generally of a // small area. easing { bezierCurve: [0.4, 0.0, 1, 1] type: Easing.Bezier } onFinished: { rubberBand.visible = false rubberBand.enabled = false rubberBand.destroy() } } } } onContainsMouseChanged: { if (!containsMouse && !main.rubberBand) { clearPressState(); if (gridView.hoveredItem && !gridView.hoveredItem.popupDialog) { gridView.hoveredItem = null; } } } onHoveredItemChanged: { doubleClickInProgress = false; if (!hoveredItem) { hoverActivateTimer.stop(); } } function pressCanceled() { if (main.rubberBand) { main.rubberBand.close() main.rubberBand = null gridView.interactive = true; gridView.cachedRectangleSelection = null; dir.unpinSelection(); } clearPressState(); gridView.cancelAutoscroll(); } function clearPressState() { pressedItem = null; pressX = -1; pressY = -1; } Timer { id: doubleClickTimer onTriggered: { listener.doubleClickInProgress = false; } } Timer { id: hoverActivateTimer interval: root.hoverActivateDelay onTriggered: { if (!hoveredItem) { return; } if (root.useListViewMode) { doCd(index); } else if (plasmoid.configuration.popups) { hoveredItem.openPopup(); } } } PlasmaExtras.ScrollArea { id: scrollArea anchors.fill: parent focus: true property bool ready: false readonly property int viewportWidth: scrollArea.ready && viewport ? Math.ceil(viewport.width) : 0 readonly property int viewportHeight: scrollArea.ready && viewport ? Math.ceil(viewport.height) : 0 Component.onCompleted: { scrollArea.ready = true; } GridView { id: gridView property bool isRootView: false property int iconSize: makeIconSize() property int verticalDropHitscanOffset: 0 property Item hoveredItem: null property int anchorIndex: 0 property bool ctrlPressed: false property bool shiftPressed: false property bool overflowing: (visibleArea.heightRatio < 1.0 || visibleArea.widthRatio < 1.0) property bool scrollLeft: false property bool scrollRight: false property bool scrollUp: false property bool scrollDown: false property variant cachedRectangleSelection: null currentIndex: -1 keyNavigationWraps: false boundsBehavior: Flickable.StopAtBounds function calcExtraSpacing(cellSize, containerSize) { var availableColumns = Math.floor(containerSize / cellSize); var extraSpacing = 0; if (availableColumns > 0) { var allColumnSize = availableColumns * cellSize; var extraSpace = Math.max(containerSize - allColumnSize, 0); extraSpacing = extraSpace / availableColumns; } return Math.floor(extraSpacing); } cellWidth: { if (root.useListViewMode) { return gridView.width; } else { var iconWidth = iconSize + (2 * PlasmaCore.Units.largeSpacing) + (2 * PlasmaCore.Units.smallSpacing); if (root.isContainment && isRootView && scrollArea.viewportWidth > 0) { var minIconWidth = Math.max(iconWidth, PlasmaCore.Units.iconSizes.small * ((plasmoid.configuration.labelWidth * 2) + 4)); var extraWidth = calcExtraSpacing(minIconWidth, scrollArea.viewportWidth); return minIconWidth + extraWidth; } else { return iconWidth; } } } cellHeight: { if (root.useListViewMode) { return Math.ceil((Math.max(PlasmaCore.Theme.mSize(PlasmaCore.Theme.defaultFont).height, iconSize) + Math.max(highlightItemSvg.margins.top + highlightItemSvg.margins.bottom, listItemSvg.margins.top + listItemSvg.margins.bottom)) / 2) * 2; } else { var iconHeight = iconSize + (PlasmaCore.Theme.mSize(PlasmaCore.Theme.defaultFont).height * plasmoid.configuration.textLines) + (4 * PlasmaCore.Units.smallSpacing); if (root.isContainment && isRootView && scrollArea.viewportHeight > 0) { var extraHeight = calcExtraSpacing(iconHeight, scrollArea.viewportHeight); return iconHeight + extraHeight; } else { return iconHeight; } } } delegate: FolderItemDelegate { width: gridView.cellWidth height: gridView.cellHeight } onContentXChanged: { if (hoveredItem) { hoverActivateTimer.stop(); } cancelRename(); dir.setDragHotSpotScrollOffset(contentX, contentY); if (contentX == 0) { scrollLeft = false; } if (contentX == contentItem.width - width) { scrollRight = false; } // Update rubberband geometry. if (main.rubberBand) { var rB = main.rubberBand; if (scrollLeft) { rB.x = Math.min(gridView.contentX, gridView.originX); rB.width = listener.cPress.x; } if (scrollRight) { var lastCol = gridView.contentX + gridView.width; rB.width = lastCol - rB.x; } gridView.rectangleSelect(rB.x, rB.y, rB.width, rB.height); } } onContentYChanged: { if (hoveredItem) { hoverActivateTimer.stop(); } cancelRename(); dir.setDragHotSpotScrollOffset(contentX, contentY); if (contentY == 0) { scrollUp = false; } if (contentY == contentItem.height - height) { scrollDown = false; } // Update rubberband geometry. if (main.rubberBand) { var rB = main.rubberBand; if (scrollUp) { rB.y = 0; rB.height = listener.cPress.y; } if (scrollDown) { var lastRow = gridView.contentY + gridView.height; rB.height = lastRow - rB.y; } gridView.rectangleSelect(rB.x, rB.y, rB.width, rB.height); } } onScrollLeftChanged: { if (scrollLeft && gridView.visibleArea.widthRatio < 1.0) { smoothX.enabled = true; contentX = (gridView.flow == GridView.FlowLeftToRight) ? gridView.contentX : gridView.originX; } else { contentX = contentX; smoothX.enabled = false; } } onScrollRightChanged: { if (scrollRight && gridView.visibleArea.widthRatio < 1.0) { smoothX.enabled = true; contentX = ((gridView.flow == GridView.FlowLeftToRight) ? gridView.contentX : gridView.originX) + (contentItem.width - width); } else { contentX = contentX; smoothX.enabled = false; } } onScrollUpChanged: { if (scrollUp && gridView.visibleArea.heightRatio < 1.0) { smoothY.enabled = true; contentY = 0; } else { contentY = contentY; smoothY.enabled = false; } } onScrollDownChanged: { if (scrollDown && gridView.visibleArea.heightRatio < 1.0) { smoothY.enabled = true; contentY = contentItem.height - height; } else { contentY = contentY; smoothY.enabled = false; } } onFlowChanged: { // FIXME TODO: Preserve positions. if (positioner.enabled) { positioner.reset(); } } onLayoutDirectionChanged: { // FIXME TODO: Preserve positions. if (positioner.enabled) { positioner.reset(); } } onCurrentIndexChanged: { positionViewAtIndex(currentIndex, GridView.Contain); } onCachedRectangleSelectionChanged: { if (cachedRectangleSelection == null) { return; } if (cachedRectangleSelection.length) { // Set current index to start of selection. // cachedRectangleSelection is pre-sorted. currentIndex = cachedRectangleSelection[0]; } dir.updateSelection(cachedRectangleSelection.map(positioner.map), gridView.ctrlPressed); } function makeIconSize() { if (root.useListViewMode) { return PlasmaCore.Units.iconSizes.small; } return FolderTools.iconSizeFromTheme(plasmoid.configuration.iconSize); } function updateSelection(modifier) { if (modifier & Qt.ShiftModifier) { positioner.setRangeSelected(anchorIndex, currentIndex); } else { dir.clearSelection(); dir.setSelected(positioner.map(currentIndex)); if (currentIndex == -1) { previouslySelectedItemIndex = -1; } previouslySelectedItemIndex = currentIndex; } } function cancelAutoscroll() { scrollLeft = false; scrollRight = false; scrollUp = false; scrollDown = false; } function rectangleSelect(x, y, width, height) { var rows = (gridView.flow == GridView.FlowLeftToRight); var axis = rows ? gridView.width : gridView.height; var step = rows ? cellWidth : cellHeight; var perStripe = Math.floor(axis / step); var stripes = Math.ceil(gridView.count / perStripe); var cWidth = gridView.cellWidth - (2 * PlasmaCore.Units.smallSpacing); var cHeight = gridView.cellHeight - (2 * PlasmaCore.Units.smallSpacing); var midWidth = gridView.cellWidth / 2; var midHeight = gridView.cellHeight / 2; var indices = []; for (var s = 0; s < stripes; s++) { for (var i = 0; i < perStripe; i++) { var index = (s * perStripe) + i; if (index >= gridView.count) { break; } if (positioner.isBlank(index)) { continue; } var itemX = ((rows ? i : s) * gridView.cellWidth); var itemY = ((rows ? s : i) * gridView.cellHeight); if (gridView.effectiveLayoutDirection == Qt.RightToLeft) { itemX -= (rows ? gridView.contentX : gridView.originX); itemX += cWidth; itemX = (rows ? gridView.width : gridView.contentItem.width) - itemX; } // Check if the rubberband intersects this cell first to avoid doing more // expensive work. if (main.rubberBand.intersects(Qt.rect(itemX + PlasmaCore.Units.smallSpacing, itemY + PlasmaCore.Units.smallSpacing, cWidth, cHeight))) { var item = gridView.contentItem.childAt(itemX + midWidth, itemY + midHeight); // If this is a visible item, check for intersection with the actual // icon or label rects for better feel. if (item && item.iconArea) { var iconRect = Qt.rect(itemX + item.iconArea.x, itemY + item.iconArea.y, item.iconArea.width, item.iconArea.height); if (main.rubberBand.intersects(iconRect)) { indices.push(index); continue; } var labelRect = Qt.rect(itemX + item.labelArea.x, itemY + item.labelArea.y, item.labelArea.width, item.labelArea.height); if (main.rubberBand.intersects(labelRect)) { indices.push(index); continue; } } else { // Otherwise be content with the cell intersection. indices.push(index); } } } } gridView.cachedRectangleSelection = indices; } function runOrCdSelected() { if (currentIndex != -1 && dir.hasSelection()) { if (root.useListViewMode && currentItem.isDir) { doCd(positioner.map(currentIndex)); } else { dir.runSelected(); } } } Behavior on contentX { id: smoothX; enabled: false; SmoothedAnimation { velocity: 700 } } Behavior on contentY { id: smoothY; enabled: false; SmoothedAnimation { velocity: 700 } } Keys.onReturnPressed: { if (event.modifiers === Qt.AltModifier) { dir.openPropertiesDialog(); } else { runOrCdSelected(); } } Keys.onEnterPressed: Keys.returnPressed(event) Keys.onMenuPressed: { if (currentIndex != -1 && dir.hasSelection() && currentItem) { dir.setSelected(positioner.map(currentIndex)); dir.openContextMenu(currentItem.frame, event.modifiers); } else { // Otherwise let the containment handle it. event.accepted = false; } } Keys.onEscapePressed: { if (!editor || !editor.targetItem) { previouslySelectedItemIndex = -1; dir.clearSelection(); event.accepted = false; } } Folder.ShortCut { Component.onCompleted: { installAsEventFilterFor(gridView); } onDeleteFile: { dir.deleteSelected(); } onRenameFile: { rename(); } onCreateFolder: { model.createFolder(); } } Keys.onPressed: { event.accepted = true; if (event.matches(StandardKey.Delete)) { if (dir.hasSelection()) { dir.action("trash").trigger(); } } else if (event.key === Qt.Key_Control) { ctrlPressed = true; } else if (event.key === Qt.Key_Shift) { shiftPressed = true; if (currentIndex != -1) { anchorIndex = currentIndex; } } else if (event.key === Qt.Key_Home) { currentIndex = 0; updateSelection(event.modifiers); } else if (event.key === Qt.Key_End) { currentIndex = count - 1; updateSelection(event.modifiers); } else if (event.matches(StandardKey.Copy)) { dir.copy(); } else if (event.matches(StandardKey.Paste)) { dir.paste(); } else if (event.matches(StandardKey.Cut)) { dir.cut(); } else if (event.matches(StandardKey.Undo)) { dir.undo(); } else if (event.matches(StandardKey.Refresh)) { dir.refresh(); } else if (event.matches(StandardKey.SelectAll)) { positioner.setRangeSelected(0, count - 1); } else { event.accepted = false; } } Keys.onReleased: { if (event.key === Qt.Key_Control) { ctrlPressed = false; } else if (event.key === Qt.Key_Shift) { shiftPressed = false; anchorIndex = 0; } } Keys.onLeftPressed: { if (root.isPopup && root.useListViewMode) { if (dir.resolvedUrl !== dir.resolve(plasmoid.configuration.url)) { doBack(); } } else if (positioner.enabled) { var newIndex = positioner.nearestItem(currentIndex, FolderTools.effectiveNavDirection(gridView.flow, gridView.effectiveLayoutDirection, Qt.LeftArrow)); if (newIndex !== -1) { currentIndex = newIndex; updateSelection(event.modifiers); } } else { var oldIndex = currentIndex; moveCurrentIndexLeft(); if (oldIndex === currentIndex) { return; } updateSelection(event.modifiers); } } Keys.onRightPressed: { if (root.isPopup && root.useListViewMode) { if (currentIndex != -1 && dir.hasSelection() && currentItem.isDir) { doCd(positioner.map(currentIndex)); } } else if (positioner.enabled) { var newIndex = positioner.nearestItem(currentIndex, FolderTools.effectiveNavDirection(gridView.flow, gridView.effectiveLayoutDirection, Qt.RightArrow)); if (newIndex !== -1) { currentIndex = newIndex; updateSelection(event.modifiers); } } else { var oldIndex = currentIndex; moveCurrentIndexRight(); if (oldIndex === currentIndex) { return; } updateSelection(event.modifiers); } } Keys.onUpPressed: { if (positioner.enabled) { var newIndex = positioner.nearestItem(currentIndex, FolderTools.effectiveNavDirection(gridView.flow, gridView.effectiveLayoutDirection, Qt.UpArrow)); if (newIndex !== -1) { currentIndex = newIndex; updateSelection(event.modifiers); } } else { var oldIndex = currentIndex; moveCurrentIndexUp(); if (oldIndex === currentIndex) { return; } updateSelection(event.modifiers); } } Keys.onDownPressed: { if (positioner.enabled) { var newIndex = positioner.nearestItem(currentIndex, FolderTools.effectiveNavDirection(gridView.flow, gridView.effectiveLayoutDirection, Qt.DownArrow)); if (newIndex !== -1) { currentIndex = newIndex; updateSelection(event.modifiers); } } else { var oldIndex = currentIndex; moveCurrentIndexDown(); if (oldIndex === currentIndex) { return; } updateSelection(event.modifiers); } } Keys.onBackPressed: { if (root.isPopup && dir.resolvedUrl !== dir.resolve(plasmoid.configuration.url)) { doBack(); } } Connections { target: units function onIconSizesChanged() { gridView.iconSize = gridView.makeIconSize(); } } Connections { target: plasmoid.configuration function onIconSizeChanged() { gridView.iconSize = gridView.makeIconSize(); } function onViewModeChanged() { gridView.iconSize = gridView.makeIconSize(); } function onUrlChanged() { history = []; updateHistory(); } } } } Folder.WheelInterceptor { anchors.fill: parent enabled: root.isContainment && !gridView.overflowing destination: plasmoid } Folder.FolderModel { id: dir usedByContainment: root.isContainment && main.isRootView sortDesc: plasmoid.configuration.sortDesc sortDirsFirst: plasmoid.configuration.sortDirsFirst parseDesktopFiles: (plasmoid.configuration.url === "desktop:/") previews: plasmoid.configuration.previews previewPlugins: plasmoid.configuration.previewPlugins appletInterface: plasmoid onListingCompleted: { if (!gridView.model && plasmoid.expanded) { gridView.model = positioner; gridView.currentIndex = isPopup ? 0 : -1; } else if (goingBack) { goingBack = false; gridView.currentIndex = Math.min(lastPosition.index, gridView.count - 1); setSelected(positioner.map(gridView.currentIndex)); gridView.contentY = lastPosition.yPosition * gridView.contentHeight; } } onMove: { var rows = (gridView.flow == GridView.FlowLeftToRight); var axis = rows ? gridView.width : gridView.height; var step = rows ? cellWidth : cellHeight; var perStripe = Math.floor(axis / step); var dropPos = mapToItem(gridView.contentItem, x, y); var leftEdge = Math.min(gridView.contentX, gridView.originX); var moves = [] var itemX = -1; var itemY = -1; var col = -1; var row = -1; var from = -1; var to = -1; for (var i = 0; i < urls.length; i++) { from = positioner.indexForUrl(urls[i]); to = -1; if (from === -1) { continue; } var offset = dir.dragCursorOffset(positioner.map(from)); if (offset.x === -1) { continue; } itemX = dropPos.x + offset.x + (listener.dragX % cellWidth) + (cellWidth / 2); itemY = dropPos.y + offset.y + (listener.dragY % cellHeight) + gridView.verticalDropHitscanOffset; if (gridView.effectiveLayoutDirection == Qt.RightToLeft) { itemX -= (rows ? gridView.contentX : gridView.originX); itemX = (rows ? gridView.width : gridView.contentItem.width) - itemX; } col = Math.floor(itemX / gridView.cellWidth); row = Math.floor(itemY / gridView.cellHeight); if ((rows ? col : row) < perStripe) { to = ((rows ? row : col) * perStripe) + (rows ? col : row); if (to < 0) { return; } } if (from !== to) { moves.push(from); moves.push(to); } } if (moves.length) { // Update also the currentIndex, otherwise it // is not set properly. gridView.currentIndex = positioner.move(moves); gridView.forceLayout(); } previouslySelectedItemIndex = -1; } } Folder.Positioner { id: positioner enabled: isContainment && sortMode === -1 folderModel: dir perStripe: Math.floor(((gridView.flow == GridView.FlowLeftToRight) ? gridView.width : gridView.height) / ((gridView.flow == GridView.FlowLeftToRight) ? gridView.cellWidth : gridView.cellHeight)); } Folder.ItemViewAdapter { id: viewAdapter adapterView: gridView adapterModel: positioner adapterIconSize: gridView.iconSize * 2 adapterVisibleArea: Qt.rect(gridView.contentX, gridView.contentY, gridView.contentWidth, gridView.contentHeight) Component.onCompleted: { gridView.movementStarted.connect(viewAdapter.viewScrolled); dir.viewAdapter = viewAdapter; } } Component { id: editorComponent PlasmaComponents.TextArea { id: editor visible: false wrapMode: root.useListViewMode ? TextEdit.NoWrap : TextEdit.Wrap textMargin: 0 horizontalAlignment: root.useListViewMode ? TextEdit.AlignHLeft : TextEdit.AlignHCenter property Item targetItem: null onTargetItemChanged: { if (targetItem != null) { var xy = getXY(); x = xy[0]; y = xy[1]; width = getWidth(); height = getInitHeight(); text = targetItem.name; adjustSize(); editor.select(0, dir.fileExtensionBoundary(positioner.map(targetItem.index))); if(isPopup) { flickableItem.contentX = Math.max(flickableItem.contentWidth - contentItem.width, 0); } else { flickableItem.contentY = Math.max(flickableItem.contentHeight - contentItem.height, 0); } visible = true; } else { x: 0 y: 0 visible = false; } } onVisibleChanged: { if (visible) { focus = true; } else { scrollArea.focus = true; } } Keys.onPressed: { switch(event.key) { case Qt.Key_Return: case Qt.Key_Enter: commit(); break; case Qt.Key_Escape: if (targetItem) { targetItem = null; event.accepted = true; } break; case Qt.Key_Home: if (event.modifiers & Qt.ShiftModifier) { editor.select(0, cursorPosition); } else { editor.select(0, 0); } event.accepted = true; break; case Qt.Key_End: if (event.modifiers & Qt.ShiftModifier) { editor.select(cursorPosition, text.length); } else { editor.select(text.length, text.length); } event.accepted = true; break; default: adjustSize(); break; } } Keys.onReleased: { adjustSize(); } function getXY() { var pos = main.mapFromItem(targetItem, targetItem.labelArea.x, targetItem.labelArea.y); var _x, _y; if (root.useListViewMode) { _x = targetItem.labelArea.x - __style.padding.left; _y = pos.y - __style.padding.top; } else { _x = targetItem.x + Math.abs(Math.min(gridView.contentX, gridView.originX)); _x += __style.padding.left; _x += scrollArea.viewport.x; if (verticalScrollBarPolicy == Qt.ScrollBarAlwaysOn && gridView.effectiveLayoutDirection == Qt.RightToLeft) { _x -= __verticalScrollBar.parent.verticalScrollbarOffset; } _y = pos.y + PlasmaCore.Units.smallSpacing - __style.padding.top; } return([ _x, _y ]); } function getWidth(addWidthVerticalScroller) { return(targetItem.label.parent.width - PlasmaCore.Units.smallSpacing + (root.useListViewMode ? -(__style.padding.left + __style.padding.right + PlasmaCore.Units.smallSpacing) : 0) + (addWidthVerticalScroller ? __verticalScrollBar.parent.verticalScrollbarOffset : 0)); } function getHeight(addWidthHoriozontalScroller, init) { var _height; if(isPopup || init) { _height = targetItem.labelArea.height + __style.padding.top + __style.padding.bottom; } else { var realHeight = contentHeight + __style.padding.top + __style.padding.bottom; var maxHeight = PlasmaCore.Theme.mSize(PlasmaCore.Theme.defaultFont).height * (plasmoid.configuration.textLines + 1) + __style.padding.top + __style.padding.bottom; _height = Math.min(realHeight, maxHeight); } return(_height + (addWidthHoriozontalScroller ? __horizontalScrollBar.parent.horizontalScrollbarOffset : 0)); } function getInitHeight() { return(getHeight(false, true)); } function adjustSize() { if(isPopup) { if(contentWidth + __style.padding.left + __style.padding.right > width) { visible = true; horizontalScrollBarPolicy = Qt.ScrollBarAlwaysOn; height = getHeight(true); } else { horizontalScrollBarPolicy = Qt.ScrollBarAlwaysOff; height = getHeight(); } } else { height = getHeight(); if(contentHeight + __style.padding.top + __style.padding.bottom > height) { visible = true; verticalScrollBarPolicy = Qt.ScrollBarAlwaysOn; width = getWidth(true); } else { verticalScrollBarPolicy = Qt.ScrollBarAlwaysOff; width = getWidth(); } } var xy = getXY(); x = xy[0]; y = xy[1]; } function commit() { if (targetItem) { dir.rename(positioner.map(targetItem.index), text); targetItem = null; } } } } Component.onCompleted: { dir.requestRename.connect(rename); } } Component.onCompleted: { if (backButton == null && root.useListViewMode) { backButton = makeBackButton(); } } }