#define BOARD_NAME "ST Nucleo F103" #define BOARD_ID 0x9b87c16d /* * Please add X3 and USB cable to ST Nucleo F103. * * Solder X3 XTAL of 8MHz (and put C33 and C34 of 22pF). * Solder the bridges for R35 and R37, since it's 0 ohm. * * (Optional) Remove SB54 and SB55. * * At CN10, connect USB cable * Vbus RED --> 10 NC ----------> CN7 (6 E5V) * D+ GREEN --> 12 PA11 ---[1K5]--> CN6 (4 3V3) * D- WHITE --> 14 PA12 * GND BLACK --> 20 GND */ #define MCU_STM32F1 1 #define STM32F10X_MD /* Medium-density device */ #define STM32_PLLXTPRE STM32_PLLXTPRE_DIV1 #define STM32_PLLMUL_VALUE 9 #define STM32_HSECLK 8000000 #define GPIO_LED_BASE GPIOA_BASE #define GPIO_LED_SET_TO_EMIT 5 #undef GPIO_USB_BASE /* No external DISCONNECT/RENUM circuit. */ #define GPIO_OTHER_BASE GPIOB_BASE /* * Port A setup. * PA0 - Input with pull-up USART2-CTS * PA1 - Alternate function push pull output 2MHz USART2-RTS * PA2 - Alternate function push pull output 2MHz USART2-TX * PA3 - Input with pull-up USART2-RX * PA4 - Alternate function push pull output 2MHz USART2-CK * PA5 - Push pull output 2MHz (LED 1:ON 0:OFF) * PA11 - Push Pull output 10MHz 0 default (until USB enabled) (USBDM) * PA12 - Push Pull output 10MHz 0 default (until USB enabled) (USBDP) * ------------------------ Default * PAx - input with pull-up */ #define VAL_GPIO_LED_ODR 0xFFFFE7FF #define VAL_GPIO_LED_CRL 0x882A8AA8 /* PA7...PA0 */ #define VAL_GPIO_LED_CRH 0x88811888 /* PA15...PA8 */ /* * Port B setup. * PB0 - input with pull-up: AN8 for NeuG * PB1 - input with pull-up: AN9 for NeuG * --- * --- * PB4 - Input with pull-up: Card insertion detect: 0 when detected * --- * PB6 - Output push pull 2MHz: Vcc for card: default 0 * --- * PB8 - Output push pull 2MHz: Vpp for card: default 0 * PB9 - Output push pull 2MHz: RST for card: default 0 * PB10 - Alternate function open-drain output 50MHz USART3-TX * PB11 - Input with pull-up USART3-RX * PB12 - Alternate function push pull output 50MHz USART3-CK * PB13 - Input with pull-up USART3-CTS * PB14 - Alternate function push pull output 50MHz USART3-RTS * --- * ------------------------ Default * PBx - input with pull-up. */ #define VAL_GPIO_OTHER_ODR 0xFFFFFCBF #define VAL_GPIO_OTHER_CRL 0x82888888 /* PB7...PB0 */ #define VAL_GPIO_OTHER_CRH 0x8B8B8F22 /* PB15...PB8 */ #define RCC_ENR_IOP_EN (RCC_APB2ENR_IOPAEN | RCC_APB2ENR_IOPBEN) #define RCC_RSTR_IOP_RST (RCC_APB2RSTR_IOPARST | RCC_APB2RSTR_IOPBRST)