/* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2014 Aleix Pol Gonzalez SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */ import QtQuick 2.2 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.2 import QtQuick.Controls 2.12 as QQC2 import org.kde.plasma.core 2.0 as PlasmaCore import org.kde.plasma.components 3.0 as PlasmaComponents import org.kde.kcoreaddons 1.0 as KCoreAddons import "../components" import "timer.js" as AutoTriggerTimer import org.kde.plasma.private.sessions 2.0 PlasmaCore.ColorScope { id: root colorGroup: PlasmaCore.Theme.ComplementaryColorGroup height: screenGeometry.height width: screenGeometry.width signal logoutRequested() signal haltRequested() signal suspendRequested(int spdMethod) signal rebootRequested() signal rebootRequested2(int opt) signal cancelRequested() signal lockScreenRequested() property alias backgroundColor: backgroundRect.color function sleepRequested() { root.suspendRequested(2); } function hibernateRequested() { root.suspendRequested(4); } property real timeout: 30 property real remainingTime: root.timeout property var currentAction: { switch (sdtype) { case ShutdownType.ShutdownTypeReboot: return root.rebootRequested; case ShutdownType.ShutdownTypeHalt: return root.haltRequested; default: return root.logoutRequested; } } KCoreAddons.KUser { id: kuser } // For showing a "other users are logged in" hint SessionsModel { id: sessionsModel includeUnusedSessions: false } QQC2.Action { onTriggered: root.cancelRequested() shortcut: "Escape" } onRemainingTimeChanged: { if (remainingTime <= 0) { root.currentAction(); } } Timer { id: countDownTimer running: true repeat: true interval: 1000 onTriggered: remainingTime-- Component.onCompleted: { AutoTriggerTimer.addCancelAutoTriggerCallback(function() { countDownTimer.running = false; }); } } function isLightColor(color) { return Math.max(color.r, color.g, color.b) > 0.5 } Rectangle { id: backgroundRect anchors.fill: parent //use "black" because this is intended to look like a general darkening of the scene. a dark gray as normal background would just look too "washed out" color: root.isLightColor(PlasmaCore.ColorScope.backgroundColor) ? PlasmaCore.ColorScope.backgroundColor : "black" opacity: 0.5 } MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent onClicked: root.cancelRequested() } UserDelegate { width: PlasmaCore.Units.gridUnit * 7 height: width anchors { horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter bottom: parent.verticalCenter } constrainText: false avatarPath: kuser.faceIconUrl iconSource: "user-identity" isCurrent: true name: kuser.fullName } ColumnLayout { anchors { top: parent.verticalCenter topMargin: PlasmaCore.Units.gridUnit * 2 horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter } spacing: PlasmaCore.Units.largeSpacing height: Math.max(implicitHeight, PlasmaCore.Units.gridUnit * 10) width: Math.max(implicitWidth, PlasmaCore.Units.gridUnit * 16) PlasmaComponents.Label { font.pointSize: PlasmaCore.Theme.defaultFont.pointSize + 1 Layout.maximumWidth: PlasmaCore.Units.gridUnit * 16 Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter Layout.fillWidth: true horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter wrapMode: Text.WordWrap font.italic: true text: i18ndp("plasma_lookandfeel_org.kde.lookandfeel", "One other user is currently logged in. If the computer is shut down or restarted, that user may lose work.", "%1 other users are currently logged in. If the computer is shut down or restarted, those users may lose work.", sessionsModel.count) visible: sessionsModel.count > 1 } PlasmaComponents.Label { font.pointSize: PlasmaCore.Theme.defaultFont.pointSize + 1 Layout.maximumWidth: PlasmaCore.Units.gridUnit * 16 Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter Layout.fillWidth: true horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter wrapMode: Text.WordWrap font.italic: true text: i18nd("plasma_lookandfeel_org.kde.lookandfeel", "When restarted, the computer will enter the firmware setup screen.") visible: rebootToFirmwareSetup } RowLayout { spacing: PlasmaCore.Units.largeSpacing * 2 Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter | Qt.AlignTop LogoutButton { id: suspendButton iconSource: "system-suspend" text: i18ndc("plasma_lookandfeel_org.kde.lookandfeel", "Suspend to RAM", "Sleep") action: root.sleepRequested KeyNavigation.left: logoutButton KeyNavigation.right: hibernateButton visible: spdMethods.SuspendState } LogoutButton { id: hibernateButton iconSource: "system-suspend-hibernate" text: i18nd("plasma_lookandfeel_org.kde.lookandfeel", "Hibernate") action: root.hibernateRequested KeyNavigation.left: suspendButton KeyNavigation.right: rebootButton visible: spdMethods.HibernateState } LogoutButton { id: rebootButton iconSource: "system-reboot" text: i18nd("plasma_lookandfeel_org.kde.lookandfeel", "Restart") action: root.rebootRequested KeyNavigation.left: hibernateButton KeyNavigation.right: shutdownButton focus: sdtype === ShutdownType.ShutdownTypeReboot visible: maysd } LogoutButton { id: shutdownButton iconSource: "system-shutdown" text: i18nd("plasma_lookandfeel_org.kde.lookandfeel", "Shut Down") action: root.haltRequested KeyNavigation.left: rebootButton KeyNavigation.right: logoutButton focus: sdtype === ShutdownType.ShutdownTypeHalt visible: maysd } LogoutButton { id: logoutButton iconSource: "system-log-out" text: i18nd("plasma_lookandfeel_org.kde.lookandfeel", "Log Out") action: root.logoutRequested KeyNavigation.left: shutdownButton KeyNavigation.right: suspendButton focus: sdtype === ShutdownType.ShutdownTypeNone visible: canLogout } } PlasmaComponents.Label { font.pointSize: PlasmaCore.Theme.defaultFont.pointSize + 1 Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter //opacity, as visible would re-layout opacity: countDownTimer.running ? 1 : 0 Behavior on opacity { OpacityAnimator { duration: PlasmaCore.Units.longDuration easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad } } text: { switch (sdtype) { case ShutdownType.ShutdownTypeReboot: return i18ndp("plasma_lookandfeel_org.kde.lookandfeel", "Restarting in 1 second", "Restarting in %1 seconds", root.remainingTime); case ShutdownType.ShutdownTypeHalt: return i18ndp("plasma_lookandfeel_org.kde.lookandfeel", "Shutting down in 1 second", "Shutting down in %1 seconds", root.remainingTime); default: return i18ndp("plasma_lookandfeel_org.kde.lookandfeel", "Logging out in 1 second", "Logging out in %1 seconds", root.remainingTime); } } } RowLayout { Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter PlasmaComponents.Button { implicitWidth: PlasmaCore.Units.gridUnit * 6 font.pointSize: PlasmaCore.Theme.defaultFont.pointSize + 1 enabled: root.currentAction !== null text: i18nd("plasma_lookandfeel_org.kde.lookandfeel", "OK") onClicked: root.currentAction() } PlasmaComponents.Button { implicitWidth: PlasmaCore.Units.gridUnit * 6 font.pointSize: PlasmaCore.Theme.defaultFont.pointSize + 1 text: i18nd("plasma_lookandfeel_org.kde.lookandfeel", "Cancel") onClicked: root.cancelRequested() } } } }