/* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2014, 2015 Ivan Cukic SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2009 Martin Gräßlin SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2003 Lubos Lunak SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 1999, 2000 Matthias Ettrich SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */ // Self #include "switcherbackend.h" // Qt #include #include #include #include #include #include // Qml and QtQuick #include #include // KDE #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static const char *s_action_name_next_activity = "next activity"; static const char *s_action_name_previous_activity = "previous activity"; namespace { bool areModifiersPressed(const QKeySequence &seq) { if (seq.isEmpty()) { return false; } int mod = seq[seq.count() - 1] & Qt::KeyboardModifierMask; auto activeMods = qGuiApp->queryKeyboardModifiers(); return activeMods & mod; } bool isReverseTab(const QKeySequence &prevAction) { if (prevAction == QKeySequence(Qt::ShiftModifier | Qt::Key_Tab)) { return areModifiersPressed(Qt::SHIFT); } else { return false; } } class ThumbnailImageResponse : public QQuickImageResponse { public: ThumbnailImageResponse(const QString &id, const QSize &requestedSize); QQuickTextureFactory *textureFactory() const override; void run(); private: QString m_id; QSize m_requestedSize; QQuickTextureFactory *m_texture = nullptr; }; ThumbnailImageResponse::ThumbnailImageResponse(const QString &id, const QSize &requestedSize) : m_id(id) , m_requestedSize(requestedSize) , m_texture(nullptr) { int width = m_requestedSize.width(); int height = m_requestedSize.height(); if (width <= 0) { width = 320; } if (height <= 0) { height = 240; } if (m_id.isEmpty()) { Q_EMIT finished(); return; } const auto file = QUrl::fromUserInput(m_id); KFileItemList list; list.append(KFileItem(file, QString(), 0)); auto job = KIO::filePreview(list, QSize(width, height)); job->setScaleType(KIO::PreviewJob::Scaled); job->setIgnoreMaximumSize(true); connect( job, &KIO::PreviewJob::gotPreview, this, [this, file](const KFileItem &item, const QPixmap &pixmap) { Q_UNUSED(item); auto image = pixmap.toImage(); m_texture = QQuickTextureFactory::textureFactoryForImage(image); Q_EMIT finished(); }, Qt::QueuedConnection); connect(job, &KIO::PreviewJob::failed, this, [this, job](const KFileItem &item) { Q_UNUSED(item); qWarning() << "SwitcherBackend: FAILED to get the thumbnail" << job->errorString() << job->detailedErrorStrings(); Q_EMIT finished(); }); } QQuickTextureFactory *ThumbnailImageResponse::textureFactory() const { return m_texture; } class ThumbnailImageProvider : public QQuickAsyncImageProvider { public: QQuickImageResponse *requestImageResponse(const QString &id, const QSize &requestedSize) override { return new ThumbnailImageResponse(id, requestedSize); } }; } // local namespace template inline void SwitcherBackend::registerShortcut(const QString &actionName, const QString &text, const QKeySequence &shortcut, Handler &&handler) { auto action = new QAction(this); m_actionShortcut[actionName] = shortcut; action->setObjectName(actionName); action->setText(text); KGlobalAccel::self()->setShortcut(action, {shortcut}); using KActivities::Controller; connect(action, &QAction::triggered, this, std::forward(handler)); } SwitcherBackend::SwitcherBackend(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent) , m_shouldShowSwitcher(false) , m_dropModeActive(false) , m_runningActivitiesModel(new SortedActivitiesModel({KActivities::Info::Running, KActivities::Info::Stopping}, this)) , m_stoppedActivitiesModel(new SortedActivitiesModel({KActivities::Info::Stopped, KActivities::Info::Starting}, this)) { registerShortcut(QString::fromLatin1(s_action_name_next_activity), i18n("Walk through activities"), Qt::META | Qt::Key_Tab, &SwitcherBackend::keybdSwitchToNextActivity); registerShortcut(QString::fromLatin1(s_action_name_previous_activity), i18n("Walk through activities (Reverse)"), Qt::META | Qt::SHIFT | Qt::Key_Tab, &SwitcherBackend::keybdSwitchToPreviousActivity); connect(this, &SwitcherBackend::shouldShowSwitcherChanged, m_runningActivitiesModel, &SortedActivitiesModel::setInhibitUpdates); m_modKeyPollingTimer.setInterval(100); connect(&m_modKeyPollingTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &SwitcherBackend::showActivitySwitcherIfNeeded); m_dropModeHider.setInterval(500); m_dropModeHider.setSingleShot(true); connect(&m_dropModeHider, &QTimer::timeout, this, [this] { setShouldShowSwitcher(false); }); connect(&m_activities, &KActivities::Controller::currentActivityChanged, this, &SwitcherBackend::onCurrentActivityChanged); m_previousActivity = m_activities.currentActivity(); } SwitcherBackend::~SwitcherBackend() { } QObject *SwitcherBackend::instance(QQmlEngine *engine, QJSEngine *scriptEngine) { Q_UNUSED(scriptEngine) engine->addImageProvider(QStringLiteral("wallpaperthumbnail"), new ThumbnailImageProvider()); return new SwitcherBackend(); } void SwitcherBackend::keybdSwitchToNextActivity() { if (isReverseTab(m_actionShortcut[QString::fromLatin1(s_action_name_previous_activity)])) { switchToActivity(Previous); } else { switchToActivity(Next); } } void SwitcherBackend::keybdSwitchToPreviousActivity() { switchToActivity(Previous); } void SwitcherBackend::switchToActivity(Direction direction) { const auto activityToSet = m_runningActivitiesModel->relativeActivity(direction == Next ? 1 : -1); if (activityToSet.isEmpty()) return; QTimer::singleShot(0, this, [this, activityToSet]() { setCurrentActivity(activityToSet); }); keybdSwitchedToAnotherActivity(); } void SwitcherBackend::keybdSwitchedToAnotherActivity() { m_lastInvokedAction = dynamic_cast(sender()); if (KWindowSystem::isPlatformWayland() && !qGuiApp->focusWindow() && !m_inputWindow) { // create a new Window so the compositor sends us modifier info m_inputWindow = new QRasterWindow(); m_inputWindow->setGeometry(0, 0, 1, 1); // Only show once the initial switch has been completed, not cause a switch back connect(&m_activities, &KActivities::Consumer::currentActivityChanged, m_inputWindow, [this] { m_inputWindow->show(); m_inputWindow->update(); }); connect(m_inputWindow, &QWindow::activeChanged, this, [this] { showActivitySwitcherIfNeeded(); }); } else { QTimer::singleShot(100, this, &SwitcherBackend::showActivitySwitcherIfNeeded); } } void SwitcherBackend::showActivitySwitcherIfNeeded() { if (!m_lastInvokedAction || m_dropModeActive) { return; } auto actionName = m_lastInvokedAction->objectName(); if (!m_actionShortcut.contains(actionName)) { return; } if (!areModifiersPressed(m_actionShortcut[actionName])) { m_lastInvokedAction = nullptr; setShouldShowSwitcher(false); return; } setShouldShowSwitcher(true); } void SwitcherBackend::init() { // nothing } void SwitcherBackend::onCurrentActivityChanged(const QString &id) { if (m_shouldShowSwitcher) { // If we are showing the switcher because the user is // pressing Meta+Tab, we are not ready to commit the // activity change to memory return; } if (m_previousActivity == id) return; // Safe, we have a long-lived Consumer object KActivities::Info activity(id); Q_EMIT showSwitchNotification(id, activity.name(), activity.icon()); KConfig config(QStringLiteral("kactivitymanagerd-switcher")); KConfigGroup times(&config, "LastUsed"); const auto now = QDateTime::currentDateTime().toTime_t(); // Updating the time for the activity we just switched to // in the case we do not power off properly, and on the next // start, kamd switches to another activity for some reason times.writeEntry(id, now); if (!m_previousActivity.isEmpty()) { // When leaving an activity, say goodbye and fondly remember // the last time we saw it times.writeEntry(m_previousActivity, now); } times.sync(); m_previousActivity = id; } bool SwitcherBackend::shouldShowSwitcher() const { return m_shouldShowSwitcher; } void SwitcherBackend::setShouldShowSwitcher(bool shouldShowSwitcher) { if (m_inputWindow) { delete m_inputWindow; m_inputWindow = nullptr; } if (m_shouldShowSwitcher == shouldShowSwitcher) return; m_shouldShowSwitcher = shouldShowSwitcher; if (m_shouldShowSwitcher) { // TODO: We really should NOT do this by polling m_modKeyPollingTimer.start(); } else { m_modKeyPollingTimer.stop(); // We might have an unprocessed onCurrentActivityChanged onCurrentActivityChanged(m_activities.currentActivity()); } Q_EMIT shouldShowSwitcherChanged(m_shouldShowSwitcher); } QAbstractItemModel *SwitcherBackend::runningActivitiesModel() const { return m_runningActivitiesModel; } QAbstractItemModel *SwitcherBackend::stoppedActivitiesModel() const { return m_stoppedActivitiesModel; } void SwitcherBackend::setCurrentActivity(const QString &activity) { m_activities.setCurrentActivity(activity); } void SwitcherBackend::stopActivity(const QString &activity) { m_activities.stopActivity(activity); } bool SwitcherBackend::dropEnabled() const { #if HAVE_X11 return true; #else return false; #endif } void SwitcherBackend::dropCopy(QMimeData *mimeData, const QVariant &activityId) { drop(mimeData, Qt::ControlModifier, activityId); } void SwitcherBackend::dropMove(QMimeData *mimeData, const QVariant &activityId) { drop(mimeData, 0, activityId); } void SwitcherBackend::drop(QMimeData *mimeData, int modifiers, const QVariant &activityId) { setDropMode(false); #if HAVE_X11 if (KWindowSystem::isPlatformX11()) { bool ok = false; const QList &ids = TaskManager::XWindowTasksModel::winIdsFromMimeData(mimeData, &ok); if (!ok) { return; } const QString newActivity = activityId.toString(); const QStringList runningActivities = m_activities.runningActivities(); if (!runningActivities.contains(newActivity)) { return; } for (const auto &id : ids) { QStringList activities = KWindowInfo(id, NET::Properties(), NET::WM2Activities).activities(); if (modifiers & Qt::ControlModifier) { // Add to the activity instead of moving. // This is a hack because the task manager reports that // is supports only the 'Move' DND action. if (!activities.contains(newActivity)) { activities << newActivity; } } else { // Move to this activity // if on only one activity, set it to only the new activity // if on >1 activity, remove it from the current activity and add it to the new activity const QString currentActivity = m_activities.currentActivity(); activities.removeAll(currentActivity); activities << newActivity; } KWindowSystem::setOnActivities(id, activities); } } #endif } void SwitcherBackend::setDropMode(bool value) { if (m_dropModeActive == value) return; m_dropModeActive = value; if (value) { setShouldShowSwitcher(true); m_dropModeHider.stop(); } else { m_dropModeHider.start(); } } void SwitcherBackend::toggleActivityManager() { auto message = QDBusMessage::createMethodCall(QStringLiteral("org.kde.plasmashell"), QStringLiteral("/PlasmaShell"), QStringLiteral("org.kde.PlasmaShell"), QStringLiteral("toggleActivityManager")); QDBusConnection::sessionBus().call(message, QDBus::NoBlock); }