# ARM-Processor A pipelined implementation of ARM processor ## Processor Specifications This CPU has a `32-bit` data bus and a `32-bit` address bus. All of the instructions are 32-bit. Instructions: | Instruction Mnemonic | Definition | Bits 27:26 | Bits 24:21 | |----------------------|---------------------|------------|------------| | MOV | Move | 00 | 1101 | | MVN | Move NOT | 00 | 1111 | | ADD | Add | 00 | 0100 | | ADC | Add with Carry | 00 | 0101 | | SUB | Subtract | 00 | 0010 | | SBC | Subtract with Carry | 00 | 0110 | | AND | Logical AND | 00 | 0000 | | ORR | Logical OR | 00 | 1100 | | EOR | Exclusive OR | 00 | 0001 | | CMP | Compare | 00 | 1010 | | TST | Test | 00 | 1000 | | LDR | Load Register | 01 | 0100 | | STR | Store Register | 01 | 0100 | | B | Branch | 10 | XXXX | ## Developers * [**Mobina Shahbandeh**](https://github.com/mobinashb) * [**Ghazal Kalhor**](https://github.com/kalhorghazal) * [**Omid Bodaghi**](https://github.com/omigo2000)