mirror of
synced 2025-02-11 17:55:54 +00:00
cleaning up the git
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
# Copyright © 2020 Arm Ltd and Contributors. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
Contains functions specific to decoding and processing inference results for SSD Mobilenet V1 models.
import cv2
import numpy as np
def ssd_processing(output: np.ndarray, confidence_threshold=0.60):
Gets class, bounding box positions and confidence from the four outputs of the SSD model.
output: Vector of outputs from network.
confidence_threshold: Selects only strong detections above this value.
A list of detected objects in the form [class, [box positions], confidence]
if len(output) != 4:
raise RuntimeError('Number of outputs from SSD model does not equal 4')
position, classification, confidence, num_detections = [index[0] for index in output]
detections = []
for i in range(int(num_detections)):
if confidence[i] > confidence_threshold:
class_idx = classification[i]
box = position[i, :4]
# Reorder positions in format [x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max]
box[0], box[1], box[2], box[3] = box[1], box[0], box[3], box[2]
confidence_value = confidence[i]
detections.append((class_idx, box, confidence_value))
return detections
def ssd_resize_factor(video: cv2.VideoCapture):
Gets a multiplier to scale the bounding box positions to
their correct position in the frame.
video: Video capture object, contains information about data source.
Resizing factor to scale box coordinates to output frame size.
frame_height = video.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT)
frame_width = video.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH)
return max(frame_height, frame_width)
@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
# Copyright © 2020 Arm Ltd and Contributors. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
Contains functions specific to decoding and processing inference results for YOLO V3 Tiny models.
import cv2
import numpy as np
def iou(box1: list, box2: list):
Calculates the intersection-over-union (IoU) value for two bounding boxes.
box1: Array of positions for first bounding box
in the form [x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max].
box2: Array of positions for second bounding box.
Calculated intersection-over-union (IoU) value for two bounding boxes.
area_box1 = (box1[2] - box1[0]) * (box1[3] - box1[1])
area_box2 = (box2[2] - box2[0]) * (box2[3] - box2[1])
if area_box1 <= 0 or area_box2 <= 0:
iou_value = 0
y_min_intersection = max(box1[1], box2[1])
x_min_intersection = max(box1[0], box2[0])
y_max_intersection = min(box1[3], box2[3])
x_max_intersection = min(box1[2], box2[2])
area_intersection = max(0, y_max_intersection - y_min_intersection) *\
max(0, x_max_intersection - x_min_intersection)
area_union = area_box1 + area_box2 - area_intersection
iou_value = area_intersection / area_union
except ZeroDivisionError:
iou_value = 0
return iou_value
def yolo_processing(output: np.ndarray, confidence_threshold=0.40, iou_threshold=0.40):
Performs non-maximum suppression on input detections. Any detections
with IOU value greater than given threshold are suppressed.
output: Vector of outputs from network.
confidence_threshold: Selects only strong detections above this value.
iou_threshold: Filters out boxes with IOU values above this value.
A list of detected objects in the form [class, [box positions], confidence]
if len(output) != 1:
raise RuntimeError('Number of outputs from YOLO model does not equal 1')
# Find the array index of detections with confidence value above threshold
confidence_det = output[0][:, :, 4][0]
detections = list(np.where(confidence_det > confidence_threshold)[0])
all_det, nms_det = [], []
# Create list of all detections above confidence threshold
for d in detections:
box_positions = list(output[0][:, d, :4][0])
confidence_score = output[0][:, d, 4][0]
class_idx = np.argmax(output[0][:, d, 5:])
all_det.append((class_idx, box_positions, confidence_score))
# Suppress detections with IOU value above threshold
while all_det:
element = int(np.argmax([all_det[i][2] for i in range(len(all_det))]))
all_det = [*filter(lambda x: (iou(x[1], nms_det[-1][1]) <= iou_threshold), [det for det in all_det])]
return nms_det
def yolo_resize_factor(video: cv2.VideoCapture, input_binding_info: tuple):
Gets a multiplier to scale the bounding box positions to
their correct position in the frame.
video: Video capture object, contains information about data source.
input_binding_info: Contains shape of model input layer.
Resizing factor to scale box coordinates to output frame size.
frame_height = video.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT)
frame_width = video.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH)
model_height, model_width = list(input_binding_info[1].GetShape())[1:3]
return max(frame_height, frame_width) / max(model_height, model_width)
@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
# Automatic Speech Recognition with PyArmNN
This sample application guides the user to perform automatic speech recognition (ASR) with PyArmNN API.
## Prerequisites
### PyArmNN
Before proceeding to the next steps, make sure that you have successfully installed the newest version of PyArmNN on your system by following the instructions in the README of the PyArmNN root directory.
You can verify that PyArmNN library is installed and check PyArmNN version using:
$ pip show pyarmnn
You can also verify it by running the following and getting output similar to below:
$ python -c "import pyarmnn as ann;print(ann.GetVersion())"
### Dependencies
Install the PortAudio package:
$ sudo apt-get install libsndfile1 libportaudio2
Install the required Python modules:
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
### Model
The model we are using is the [Wav2Letter](https://github.com/ARM-software/ML-zoo/tree/master/models/speech_recognition/wav2letter/tflite_int8 ) which can be found in the [Arm Model Zoo repository](
A small selection of suitable wav files containing human speech can be found [here](https://github.com/Azure-Samples/cognitive-services-speech-sdk/tree/master/sampledata/audiofiles).
Labels for this model are defined within run_audio_file.py.
## Performing Automatic Speech Recognition
### Processing Audio Files
Please ensure that your audio file has a sampling rate of 16000Hz.
To run ASR on an audio file, use the following command:
$ python run_audio_file.py --audio_file_path <path/to/your_audio> --model_file_path <path/to/your_model>
You may also add the optional flags:
* `--preferred_backends`
* Takes the preferred backends in preference order, separated by whitespace. For example, passing in "CpuAcc CpuRef" will be read as list ["CpuAcc", "CpuRef"] (defaults to this list)
* CpuAcc represents the CPU backend
* GpuAcc represents the GPU backend
* CpuRef represents the CPU reference kernels
* `--help` prints all available options to screen
## Application Overview
1. [Initialization](#initialization)
2. [Creating a network](#creating-a-network)
3. [Automatic speech recognition pipeline](#automatic-speech-recognition-pipeline)
### Initialization
The application parses the supplied user arguments and loads the audio file in chunks through the `capture_audio()` method which accepts sampling criteria as an `AudioCaptureParams` tuple.
With ASR from an audio file, the application will create a generator object to yield blocks of audio data from the file with a minimum sample size defined in AudioCaptureParams.
MFCC features are extracted from each block based on criteria defined in the `MFCCParams` tuple.
these extracted features constitute the input tensors for the model.
To interpret the inference result of the loaded network; the application passes the label dictionary defined in run_audio_file.py to a decoder and displays the result.
### Creating a network
A PyArmNN application must import a graph from file using an appropriate parser. Arm NN provides parsers for various model file types, including TFLite and ONNX. These parsers are libraries for loading neural networks of various formats into the Arm NN runtime.
Arm NN supports optimized execution on multiple CPU, GPU, and Ethos-N devices. Before executing a graph, the application must select the appropriate device context by using `IRuntime()` to create a runtime context with default options. We can optimize the imported graph by specifying a list of backends in order of preference and implementing backend-specific optimizations, identified by a unique string, for example CpuAcc, GpuAcc, CpuRef represent the accelerated CPU and GPU backends and the CPU reference kernels respectively.
Arm NN splits the entire graph into subgraphs based on these backends. Each subgraph is then optimized, and the corresponding subgraph in the original graph is substituted with its optimized version.
The `Optimize()` function optimizes the graph for inference, then `LoadNetwork()` loads the optimized network onto the compute device. The `LoadNetwork()` function also creates the backend-specific workloads for the layers and a backend-specific workload factory.
Parsers extract the input information for the network. The `GetSubgraphInputTensorNames()` function extracts all the input names and the `GetNetworkInputBindingInfo()` function obtains the input binding information of the graph. The input binding information contains all the essential information about the input. This information is a tuple consisting of integer identifiers for bindable layers and tensor information (data type, quantization info, dimension count, total elements).
Similarly, we can get the output binding information for an output layer by using the parser to retrieve output tensor names and calling the `GetNetworkOutputBindingInfo()` function
For this application, the main point of contact with PyArmNN is through the `ArmnnNetworkExecutor` class, which will handle the network creation step for you.
# common/network_executor.py
# The provided wav2letter model is in .tflite format so we use TfLiteParser() to import the graph
if ext == '.tflite':
parser = ann.ITfLiteParser()
network = parser.CreateNetworkFromBinaryFile(model_file)
# Optimize the network for the list of preferred backends
opt_network, messages = ann.Optimize(
network, preferred_backends, self.runtime.GetDeviceSpec(), ann.OptimizerOptions()
# Load the optimized network onto the runtime device
self.network_id, _ = self.runtime.LoadNetwork(opt_network)
# Get the input and output binding information
self.input_binding_info = parser.GetNetworkInputBindingInfo(graph_id, input_names[0])
self.output_binding_info = parser.GetNetworkOutputBindingInfo(graph_id, output_name)
### Automatic speech recognition pipeline
Mel-frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCCs, [see Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mel-frequency_cepstrum)) are extracted based on criteria defined in the MFCCParams tuple and associated`MFCC Class`.
MFCCs are the result of computing the dot product of the Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) Matrix and the log of the Mel energy.
The `MFCC` class is used in conjunction with the `AudioPreProcessor` class to extract and process MFCC features from a given audio frame.
After all the MFCCs needed for an inference have been extracted from the audio data we convolve them with 1-dimensional Savitzky-Golay filters to compute the first and second MFCC derivatives with respect to time. The MFCCs and the derivatives constitute the input tensors that will be classified by an `ArmnnNetworkExecutor`object.
# mfcc.py & wav2lettermfcc.py
# Extract MFCC features
log_mel_energy = np.maximum(log_mel_energy, log_mel_energy.max() - top_db)
mfcc_feats = np.dot(self.__dct_matrix, log_mel_energy)
# Compute first and second derivatives (delta and delta-delta respectively) by passing a
# Savitzky-Golay filter as a 1D convolution over the features
for i in range(features.shape[1]):
idelta = np.convolve(features[:, i], self.__savgol_order1_coeffs, 'same')
mfcc_delta_np[:, i] = (idelta)
ideltadelta = np.convolve(features[:, i], self.savgol_order2_coeffs, 'same')
mfcc_delta2_np[:, i] = (ideltadelta)
# audio_utils.py
# Quantize the input data and create input tensors with PyArmNN
input_tensor = quantize_input(input_tensor, input_binding_info)
input_tensors = ann.make_input_tensors([input_binding_info], [input_tensor])
Note: `ArmnnNetworkExecutor` has already created the output tensors for you.
After creating the workload tensors, the compute device performs inference for the loaded network by using the `EnqueueWorkload()` function of the runtime context. Calling the `workload_tensors_to_ndarray()` function obtains the inference results as a list of ndarrays.
# common/network_executor.py
status = runtime.EnqueueWorkload(net_id, input_tensors, self.output_tensors)
self.output_result = ann.workload_tensors_to_ndarray(self.output_tensors)
The output from the inference must be decoded to obtain the recognised characters from the speech. A simple greedy decoder classifies the results by taking the highest element of the output as a key for the labels dictionary. The value returned is a character which is appended to a list, and the list is filtered to remove unwanted characters. The produced string is displayed on the console.
## Next steps
Having now gained a solid understanding of performing automatic speech recognition with PyArmNN, you are able to take control and create your own application. For your next steps we suggest to first implement your own network, which can be done by updating the parameters of `ModelParams` and `MfccParams` to match your custom model. The `ArmnnNetworkExecutor` class will handle the network optimisation and loading for you.
An important step to improving accuracy of the generated output sentences is by providing cleaner data to the network. This can be done by including additional preprocessing steps such as noise reduction of your audio data.
In this application, we had used a greedy decoder to decode the integer-encoded output however, better results can be achieved by implementing a beam search decoder. You may even try adding a language model at the end to aim to correct any spelling mistakes the model may produce.
@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
# Copyright © 2021 Arm Ltd and Contributors. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
"""Utilities for speech recognition apps."""
import numpy as np
def decode(model_output: np.ndarray, labels: dict) -> str:
"""Decodes the integer encoded results from inference into a string.
model_output: Results from running inference.
labels: Dictionary of labels keyed on the classification index.
Decoded string.
top1_results = [labels[np.argmax(row)] for row in model_output]
return filter_characters(top1_results)
def filter_characters(results: list) -> str:
"""Filters unwanted and duplicate characters.
results: List of top 1 results from inference.
Final output string to present to user.
text = ""
for i in range(len(results)):
if results[i] == "$":
elif i + 1 < len(results) and results[i] == results[i + 1]:
text += results[i]
return text
def display_text(text: str):
"""Presents the results on the console.
text: Results of performing ASR on the input audio data.
print(text, sep="", end="", flush=True)
def decode_text(is_first_window, labels, output_result):
Slices the text appropriately depending on the window, and decodes for wav2letter output.
* First run, take the left context, and inner context.
* Every other run, take the inner context.
Stores the current right context, and updates it for each inference. Will get used after last inference.
is_first_window: Boolean to show if it is the first window we are running inference on
labels: the label set
output_result: the output from the inference
current_r_context: the current right context
text: the current text string, with the latest output decoded and appended
# For wav2letter with 148 output steps:
# Left context is index 0-48, inner context 49-99, right context 100-147
inner_context_start = 49
inner_context_end = 99
right_context_start = 100
if is_first_window:
# Since it's the first inference, keep the left context, and inner context, and decode
text = decode(output_result[0][0][0][0:inner_context_end], labels)
# Only decode the inner context
text = decode(output_result[0][0][0][inner_context_start:inner_context_end], labels)
# Store the right context, we will need it after the last inference
current_r_context = decode(output_result[0][0][0][right_context_start:], labels)
return current_r_context, text
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
# Copyright © 2021 Arm Ltd and Contributors. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
"""Automatic speech recognition with PyArmNN demo for processing audio clips to text."""
import sys
import os
import numpy as np
script_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
sys.path.insert(1, os.path.join(script_dir, '..', 'common'))
from argparse import ArgumentParser
from network_executor import ArmnnNetworkExecutor
from utils import prepare_input_tensors
from audio_capture import AudioCaptureParams, capture_audio
from audio_utils import decode_text, display_text
from wav2letter_mfcc import Wav2LetterMFCC, W2LAudioPreprocessor
from mfcc import MFCCParams
# Model Specific Labels
labels = {0: 'a', 1: 'b', 2: 'c', 3: 'd', 4: 'e', 5: 'f', 6: 'g', 7: 'h', 8: 'i', 9: 'j', 10: 'k', 11: 'l', 12: 'm',
13: 'n',
14: 'o', 15: 'p', 16: 'q', 17: 'r', 18: 's', 19: 't', 20: 'u', 21: 'v', 22: 'w', 23: 'x', 24: 'y',
25: 'z',
26: "'", 27: ' ', 28: '$'}
def parse_args():
parser = ArgumentParser(description="ASR with PyArmNN")
help="Path to the audio file to perform ASR",
help="Path to ASR model to use",
default=["CpuAcc", "CpuRef"],
help="""List of backends in order of preference for optimizing
subgraphs, falling back to the next backend in the list on unsupported
layers. Defaults to [CpuAcc, CpuRef]""",
return parser.parse_args()
def main(args):
# Read command line args
audio_file = args.audio_file_path
# Create the ArmNN inference runner
network = ArmnnNetworkExecutor(args.model_file_path, args.preferred_backends)
# Specify model specific audio data requirements
audio_capture_params = AudioCaptureParams(dtype=np.float32, overlap=31712, min_samples=47712, sampling_freq=16000,
buffer = capture_audio(audio_file, audio_capture_params)
# Extract features and create the preprocessor
mfcc_params = MFCCParams(sampling_freq=16000, num_fbank_bins=128, mel_lo_freq=0, mel_hi_freq=8000,
num_mfcc_feats=13, frame_len=512, use_htk_method=False, n_fft=512)
wmfcc = Wav2LetterMFCC(mfcc_params)
preprocessor = W2LAudioPreprocessor(wmfcc, model_input_size=296, stride=160)
current_r_context = ""
is_first_window = True
print("Processing Audio Frames...")
for audio_data in buffer:
# Prepare the input Tensors
input_tensors = prepare_input_tensors(audio_data, network.input_binding_info, preprocessor)
# Run inference
output_result = network.run(input_tensors)
# Slice and Decode the text, and store the right context
current_r_context, text = decode_text(is_first_window, labels, output_result)
is_first_window = False
print(current_r_context, flush=True)
if __name__ == "__main__":
args = parse_args()
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
# Copyright © 2020 Arm Ltd and Contributors. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
import os
import ntpath
import urllib.request
import pytest
script_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
def test_data_folder(request):
This fixture returns path to folder with shared test resources among asr tests
data_dir = os.path.join(script_dir, "testdata")
if not os.path.exists(data_dir):
return data_dir
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
# Copyright © 2020 Arm Ltd and Contributors. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
import os
import numpy as np
from context import audio_utils
labels = {0: 'a', 1: 'b', 2: 'c', 3: 'd', 4: 'e', 5: 'f', 6: 'g', 7: 'h', 8: 'i', 9: 'j', 10: 'k', 11: 'l', 12: 'm',
13: 'n',
14: 'o', 15: 'p', 16: 'q', 17: 'r', 18: 's', 19: 't', 20: 'u', 21: 'v', 22: 'w', 23: 'x', 24: 'y',
25: 'z',
26: "'", 27: ' ', 28: '$'}
def test_labels(test_data_folder):
assert len(labels) == 29
assert labels[26] == "\'"
assert labels[27] == r" "
assert labels[28] == "$"
def test_decoder(test_data_folder):
output_tensor = os.path.join(test_data_folder, "inference_output.npy")
encoded = np.load(output_tensor)
decoded_text = audio_utils.decode(encoded, labels)
assert decoded_text == "my voice is my pass"
Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
# Copyright © 2021 Arm Ltd and Contributors. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
import numpy as np
import os
import sys
script_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
sys.path.insert(1, os.path.join(script_dir, '..', 'common'))
from mfcc import MFCC, AudioPreprocessor
class Wav2LetterMFCC(MFCC):
"""Extends base MFCC class to provide Wav2Letter-specific MFCC requirements."""
def __init__(self, mfcc_params):
def spectrum_calc(self, audio_data):
return np.abs(np.fft.rfft(np.hanning(self.mfcc_params.frame_len + 1)[0:self.mfcc_params.frame_len] * audio_data,
self.mfcc_params.n_fft)) ** 2
def log_mel(self, mel_energy):
mel_energy += 1e-10
log_mel_energy = 10.0 * np.log10(mel_energy)
top_db = 80.0
return np.maximum(log_mel_energy, log_mel_energy.max() - top_db)
def create_dct_matrix(self, num_fbank_bins, num_mfcc_feats):
Creates the Discrete Cosine Transform matrix to be used in the compute function.
num_fbank_bins: The number of filter bank bins
num_mfcc_feats: the number of MFCC features
the DCT matrix
dct_m = np.zeros(num_fbank_bins * num_mfcc_feats)
for k in range(num_mfcc_feats):
for n in range(num_fbank_bins):
if k == 0:
dct_m[(k * num_fbank_bins) + n] = 2 * np.sqrt(1 / (4 * num_fbank_bins)) * np.cos(
(np.pi / num_fbank_bins) * (n + 0.5) * k)
dct_m[(k * num_fbank_bins) + n] = 2 * np.sqrt(1 / (2 * num_fbank_bins)) * np.cos(
(np.pi / num_fbank_bins) * (n + 0.5) * k)
dct_m = np.reshape(dct_m, [self.mfcc_params.num_mfcc_feats, self.mfcc_params.num_fbank_bins])
return dct_m
def mel_norm(self, weight, right_mel, left_mel):
"""Over-riding parent class with ASR specific weight normalisation."""
enorm = 2.0 / (self.inv_mel_scale(right_mel, False) - self.inv_mel_scale(left_mel, False))
return weight * enorm
class W2LAudioPreprocessor(AudioPreprocessor):
def __init__(self, mfcc, model_input_size, stride):
self.model_input_size = model_input_size
self.stride = stride
super().__init__(self, model_input_size, stride)
# Savitzky - Golay differential filters
self.savgol_order1_coeffs = np.array([6.66666667e-02, 5.00000000e-02, 3.33333333e-02,
1.66666667e-02, -3.46944695e-18, -1.66666667e-02,
-3.33333333e-02, -5.00000000e-02, -6.66666667e-02])
self.savgol_order2_coeffs = np.array([0.06060606, 0.01515152, -0.01731602,
-0.03679654, -0.04329004, -0.03679654,
-0.01731602, 0.01515152, 0.06060606])
self._mfcc_calc = mfcc
def mfcc_delta_calc(self, features):
"""Over-riding parent class with ASR specific MFCC derivative features"""
mfcc_delta_np = np.zeros_like(features)
mfcc_delta2_np = np.zeros_like(features)
for i in range(features.shape[1]):
idelta = np.convolve(features[:, i], self.savgol_order1_coeffs, 'same')
mfcc_delta_np[:, i] = idelta
ideltadelta = np.convolve(features[:, i], self.savgol_order2_coeffs, 'same')
mfcc_delta2_np[:, i] = ideltadelta
features = np.concatenate((self._normalize(features), self._normalize(mfcc_delta_np),
self._normalize(mfcc_delta2_np)), axis=1)
return features
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
# Copyright © 2021 Arm Ltd and Contributors. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
import os
import ntpath
import urllib.request
import zipfile
import pytest
script_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
def test_data_folder():
This fixture returns path to folder with shared test resources among all tests
data_dir = os.path.join(script_dir, "testdata")
if not os.path.exists(data_dir):
files_to_download = ["https://raw.githubusercontent.com/opencv/opencv/4.0.0/samples/data/messi5.jpg",
for file in files_to_download:
path, filename = ntpath.split(file)
file_path = os.path.join(data_dir, filename)
if not os.path.exists(file_path):
print("\nDownloading test file: " + file_path + "\n")
urllib.request.urlretrieve(file, file_path)
return data_dir
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
# Copyright © 2021 Arm Ltd and Contributors. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
import os
import sys
import numpy as np
script_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(script_dir, '..'))
import common.cv_utils as cv_utils
import common.network_executor as network_executor
import common.utils as utils
import common.audio_capture as audio_capture
import common.mfcc as mfcc
import speech_recognition.wav2letter_mfcc as wav2letter_mfcc
import speech_recognition.audio_utils as audio_utils
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
# Copyright © 2020 Arm Ltd and Contributors. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
import os
from context import cv_utils
from context import utils
def test_get_source_encoding(test_data_folder):
video_file = os.path.join(test_data_folder, "Megamind.avi")
video, video_writer, frame_count = cv_utils.init_video_file_capture(video_file, "/tmp")
assert cv_utils.get_source_encoding_int(video) == 1145656920
def test_read_existing_labels_file(test_data_folder):
label_file = os.path.join(test_data_folder, "labelmap.txt")
labels_map = utils.dict_labels(label_file)
assert labels_map is not None
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
# Copyright © 2021 Arm Ltd and Contributors. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
import os
import numpy as np
import pytest
import collections
from context import mfcc
from context import wav2letter_mfcc
from context import audio_capture
# Elements relevant to MFCC filter bank & feature extraction
MFCC_TEST_PARAMS = collections.namedtuple('mfcc_test_params',
['algo_params', 'mfcc_constructor', 'audio_proc_constructor'])
def kws_test_params():
kws_algo_params = mfcc.MFCCParams(sampling_freq=16000, num_fbank_bins=40, mel_lo_freq=20, mel_hi_freq=4000,
num_mfcc_feats=10, frame_len=640, use_htk_method=True, n_fft=1024)
return MFCC_TEST_PARAMS(kws_algo_params, mfcc.MFCC, mfcc.AudioPreprocessor)
def asr_test_params():
asr_algo_params = mfcc.MFCCParams(sampling_freq=16000, num_fbank_bins=128, mel_lo_freq=0, mel_hi_freq=8000,
num_mfcc_feats=13, frame_len=512, use_htk_method=False, n_fft=512)
return MFCC_TEST_PARAMS(asr_algo_params, wav2letter_mfcc.Wav2LetterMFCC, wav2letter_mfcc.W2LAudioPreprocessor)
def kws_cap_params():
return audio_capture.AudioCaptureParams(dtype=np.float32, overlap=0, min_samples=16000, sampling_freq=16000,
def asr_cap_params():
return audio_capture.AudioCaptureParams(dtype=np.float32, overlap=31712, min_samples=47712,
sampling_freq=16000, mono=True)
def audio_data(test_data_folder, file, audio_cap_params):
audio_file = os.path.join(test_data_folder, file)
capture = audio_capture.capture_audio(audio_file, audio_cap_params)
yield next(capture)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("file", ["yes.wav", "myVoiceIsMyPassportVerifyMe04.wav"])
@pytest.mark.parametrize("audio_cap_params", [kws_cap_params(), asr_cap_params()])
def test_audio_file(audio_data, test_data_folder, file, audio_cap_params):
assert audio_data.shape == (audio_cap_params.min_samples,)
assert audio_data.dtype == audio_cap_params.dtype
@pytest.mark.parametrize("mfcc_test_params, test_out", [(kws_test_params(), 25.470010570730597),
(asr_test_params(), 0.24)])
def test_mel_scale_function(mfcc_test_params, test_out):
mfcc_inst = mfcc_test_params.mfcc_constructor(mfcc_test_params.algo_params)
mel = mfcc_inst.mel_scale(16, mfcc_test_params.algo_params.use_htk_method)
assert np.isclose(mel, test_out)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("mfcc_test_params, test_out", [(kws_test_params(), 10.008767240008943),
(asr_test_params(), 1071.170287494467)])
def test_inverse_mel_scale_function(mfcc_test_params, test_out):
mfcc_inst = mfcc_test_params.mfcc_constructor(mfcc_test_params.algo_params)
mel = mfcc_inst.inv_mel_scale(16, mfcc_test_params.algo_params.use_htk_method)
assert np.isclose(mel, test_out)
mel_filter_test_data_kws = {0: [0.33883214, 0.80088392, 0.74663128, 0.30332531],
1: [0.25336872, 0.69667469, 0.86883317, 0.44281119, 0.02493546],
2: [0.13116683, 0.55718881, 0.97506454, 0.61490026, 0.21241678],
5: [0.32725038, 0.69579596, 0.9417706, 0.58524989, 0.23445207],
-1: [0.02433275, 0.10371618, 0.1828123, 0.26162319, 0.34015089, 0.41839743,
0.49636481, 0.57405503, 0.65147004, 0.72861179, 0.8054822, 0.88208318,
0.95841659, 0.96551568, 0.88971181, 0.81416996, 0.73888833, 0.66386514,
0.58909861, 0.514587, 0.44032856, 0.3663216, 0.29256441, 0.21905531,
0.14579264, 0.07277474]}
mel_filter_test_data_asr = {0: [0.02837754],
1: [0.01438901, 0.01398853],
2: [0.02877802],
5: [0.01478948, 0.01358806],
-1: [4.82151203e-05, 9.48791110e-04, 1.84569875e-03, 2.73896782e-03,
3.62862771e-03, 4.51470746e-03, 5.22215439e-03, 4.34314914e-03,
3.46763895e-03, 2.59559614e-03, 1.72699334e-03, 8.61803536e-04]}
@pytest.mark.parametrize("mfcc_test_params, test_out",
[(kws_test_params(), mel_filter_test_data_kws),
(asr_test_params(), mel_filter_test_data_asr)])
def test_create_mel_filter_bank(mfcc_test_params, test_out):
mfcc_inst = mfcc_test_params.mfcc_constructor(mfcc_test_params.algo_params)
mel_filter_bank = mfcc_inst.create_mel_filter_bank()
assert len(mel_filter_bank) == mfcc_test_params.algo_params.num_fbank_bins
for indx, data in test_out.items():
assert np.allclose(mel_filter_bank[indx], data)
mfcc_test_data_kws = (-22.671347398982626, -0.6161543999707211, 2.072326974167832,
0.5813741475362223, 1.0165529747334272, 0.8581560719988703,
0.4603911069624896, 0.03392820944377398, 1.1651093266902361,
mfcc_test_data_asr = (-735.46345398, 69.50331943, 16.39159347, 22.74874819, 24.84782893,
10.67559303, 12.82828618, -3.51084271, 4.66633677, 10.20079095, 11.34782948, 3.90499354,
@pytest.mark.parametrize("mfcc_test_params, test_out, file, audio_cap_params",
[(kws_test_params(), mfcc_test_data_kws, "yes.wav", kws_cap_params()),
(asr_test_params(), mfcc_test_data_asr, "myVoiceIsMyPassportVerifyMe04.wav",
def test_mfcc_compute_first_frame(audio_data, mfcc_test_params, test_out, file, audio_cap_params):
audio_data = np.array(audio_data)[0:mfcc_test_params.algo_params.frame_len]
mfcc_inst = mfcc_test_params.mfcc_constructor(mfcc_test_params.algo_params)
mfcc_feats = mfcc_inst.mfcc_compute(audio_data)
assert np.allclose((mfcc_feats[0:mfcc_test_params.algo_params.num_mfcc_feats]), test_out)
extract_test_data_kws = {0: [-2.2671347e+01, -6.1615437e-01, 2.0723269e+00, 5.8137417e-01,
1.0165529e+00, 8.5815609e-01, 4.6039110e-01, 3.3928208e-02,
1.1651093e+00, 7.2000260e-03],
1: [-23.488806, -1.1687667, 3.0548365, 1.5129884, 1.4142203,
0.6869772, 1.1875846, 0.5743369, 1.202258, -0.12133602],
2: [-23.909292, -1.5186096, 1.8721082, 0.7378916, 0.44974303,
0.17609395, 0.5183161, 0.37109664, 0.14186797, 0.58400506],
-1: [-23.752186, -0.1796912, 1.9514247, 0.32554424, 1.8425112,
0.8763608, 0.78326845, 0.27808753, 0.73788685, 0.30338883]}
extract_test_data_asr = {0: [-4.98830318e+00, 6.86444461e-01, 3.12024504e-01, 3.56840312e-01,
3.71638149e-01, 2.71728605e-01, 2.86904365e-01, 1.71718955e-01,
2.29365349e-01, 2.68381387e-01, 2.76467651e-01, 2.23998129e-01,
2.62194842e-01, -1.48247385e+01, 1.21875501e+00, 4.20235842e-01,
5.39400637e-01, 6.09882712e-01, 1.68513224e-01, 3.75330061e-01,
8.57576132e-02, 1.92831963e-01, 1.41814977e-01, 1.57615796e-01,
7.19076321e-02, 1.98729336e-01, 3.92199278e+00, -5.76856315e-01,
1.17938723e-02, -9.25096497e-02, -3.59488949e-02, 1.13284402e-03,
1.51282102e-01, 1.13404110e-01, -8.69824737e-02, -1.48449212e-01,
-1.24230251e-01, -1.90728232e-01, -5.37525006e-02],
1: [-4.96694946e+00, 6.69411421e-01, 2.86189795e-01, 3.65071595e-01,
3.92671198e-01, 2.44258150e-01, 2.52177566e-01, 2.16024980e-01,
2.79812217e-01, 2.79687315e-01, 2.95228422e-01, 2.83991724e-01,
2.46358261e-01, -1.33618221e+01, 1.08920455e+00, 3.88707787e-01,
5.05674303e-01, 6.08285785e-01, 1.68113053e-01, 3.54529470e-01,
6.68609440e-02, 1.52882755e-01, 6.89579248e-02, 1.18375972e-01,
5.86742274e-02, 1.15678251e-01, 1.07892036e+01, -1.07193100e+00,
-2.18140319e-01, -3.35950345e-01, -2.57241666e-01, -5.54431602e-02,
-8.38544443e-02, -5.79114584e-03, -2.23973781e-01, -2.91451365e-01,
-2.11069033e-01, -1.90297231e-01, -2.76504964e-01],
2: [-4.98664522e+00, 6.54802263e-01, 3.70355755e-01, 4.06837821e-01,
4.05175537e-01, 2.29149669e-01, 2.83312678e-01, 2.17573136e-01,
3.07824671e-01, 2.48388007e-01, 2.25399241e-01, 2.52003014e-01,
2.83968121e-01, -1.05043650e+01, 7.91533887e-01, 3.11546475e-01,
4.36079264e-01, 5.93271911e-01, 2.02480286e-01, 3.24254721e-01,
6.29674867e-02, 9.67641100e-02, -1.62826646e-02, 5.47595806e-02,
2.90475693e-02, 2.62522381e-02, 1.38787737e+01, -1.32597208e+00,
-3.73900205e-01, -4.38065380e-01, -3.05983245e-01, 1.14390980e-02,
-2.10821658e-01, -6.22789040e-02, -2.88273603e-01, -3.29794526e-01,
-2.43764088e-01, -1.70954674e-01, -3.65193188e-01],
-1: [-2.1894817, 1.583355, -0.45024827, 0.11657667, 0.08940444, 0.09041209,
0.2003613, 0.11800499, 0.18838657, 0.29271516, 0.22758003, 0.10634928,
-0.04019014, 7.203311, -2.414309, 0.28750962, -0.24222863, 0.04680864,
-0.12129474, 0.18059334, 0.06250379, 0.11363743, -0.2561094, -0.08132717,
-0.08500769, 0.18916495, 1.3529671, -3.7919693, 1.937804, 0.6845761,
0.15381853, 0.41106734, -0.28207013, 0.2195526, 0.06716935, -0.02886542,
-0.22860551, 0.24788341, 0.63940096]}
@pytest.mark.parametrize("mfcc_test_params, model_input_size, stride, min_samples, file, audio_cap_params, test_out",
[(kws_test_params(), 49, 320, 16000, "yes.wav", kws_cap_params(),
(asr_test_params(), 296, 160, 47712, "myVoiceIsMyPassportVerifyMe04.wav", asr_cap_params(),
def test_feat_extraction_full_sized_input(audio_data,
min_samples, file, audio_cap_params,
Test out values were gathered by printing the mfcc features collected during the first full inference
on the test wav files. Note the extract_features() function simply calls the mfcc_compute() from previous
test but feeds in enough samples for an inference rather than a single frame. It also computes the 1st & 2nd
derivative features hence the shape (13*3 = 39).
Specific model_input_size and stride parameters are also required as additional arguments.
audio_data = np.array(audio_data)
# Pad with zeros to ensure min_samples for inference
mfcc_inst = mfcc_test_params.mfcc_constructor(mfcc_test_params.algo_params)
preprocessor = mfcc_test_params.audio_proc_constructor(mfcc_inst, model_input_size, stride)
# extract_features passes the audio data to mfcc_compute frame by frame and concatenates results
input_tensor = preprocessor.extract_features(audio_data)
assert len(input_tensor) == model_input_size
for indx, data in test_out.items():
assert np.allclose(input_tensor[indx], data)
# Expected contents of input tensors for inference on a silent wav file
extract_features_zeros_kws = {0: [-2.05949466e+02, -4.88498131e-15, 8.15428020e-15, -5.77315973e-15,
7.03142511e-15, -1.11022302e-14, 2.18015108e-14, -1.77635684e-15,
1.06581410e-14, 2.75335310e-14],
-1: [-2.05949466e+02, -4.88498131e-15, 8.15428020e-15, -5.77315973e-15,
7.03142511e-15, -1.11022302e-14, 2.18015108e-14, -1.77635684e-15,
1.06581410e-14, 2.75335310e-14]}
extract_features_zeros_asr = {
0: [-3.46410162e+00, 2.88675135e-01, 2.88675135e-01, 2.88675135e-01,
2.88675135e-01, 2.88675135e-01, 2.88675135e-01, 2.88675135e-01,
2.88675135e-01, 2.88675135e-01, 2.88675135e-01, 2.88675135e-01,
2.88675135e-01, 2.79662980e+01, 1.75638694e-15, -9.41313626e-16,
9.66012817e-16, -1.23221521e-15, 1.75638694e-15, -1.59035349e-15,
2.41503204e-15, -1.64798493e-15, 4.39096735e-16, -4.95356004e-16,
-2.19548368e-16, -3.55668355e-15, 8.19843971e+00, -4.28340672e-02,
-4.28340672e-02, -4.28340672e-02, -4.28340672e-02, -4.28340672e-02,
-4.28340672e-02, -4.28340672e-02, -4.28340672e-02, -4.28340672e-02,
-4.28340672e-02, -4.28340672e-02, -4.28340672e-02],
- 1: [-3.46410162e+00, 2.88675135e-01, 2.88675135e-01, 2.88675135e-01,
2.88675135e-01, 2.88675135e-01, 2.88675135e-01, 2.88675135e-01,
2.88675135e-01, 2.88675135e-01, 2.88675135e-01, 2.88675135e-01,
2.88675135e-01, 2.79662980e+01, 1.75638694e-15, -9.41313626e-16,
9.66012817e-16, -1.23221521e-15, 1.75638694e-15, -1.59035349e-15,
2.41503204e-15, -1.64798493e-15, 4.39096735e-16, -4.95356004e-16,
-2.19548368e-16, -3.55668355e-15, 8.19843971e+00, -4.28340672e-02,
-4.28340672e-02, -4.28340672e-02, -4.28340672e-02, -4.28340672e-02,
-4.28340672e-02, -4.28340672e-02, -4.28340672e-02, -4.28340672e-02,
-4.28340672e-02, -4.28340672e-02, -4.28340672e-02]}
@pytest.mark.parametrize("mfcc_test_params,model_input_size, stride, min_samples, test_out",
[(kws_test_params(), 49, 320, 16000, extract_features_zeros_kws),
(asr_test_params(), 296, 160, 47712, extract_features_zeros_asr)])
def test_feat_extraction_full_sized_input_zeros(mfcc_test_params, model_input_size, stride, min_samples, test_out):
audio_data = np.zeros(min_samples).astype(np.float32)
mfcc_inst = mfcc_test_params.mfcc_constructor(mfcc_test_params.algo_params)
preprocessor = mfcc_test_params.audio_proc_constructor(mfcc_inst, model_input_size,
input_tensor = preprocessor.extract_features(audio_data)
assert len(input_tensor) == model_input_size
for indx, data in test_out.items():
# Element 14 of feature extraction vector differs minutely during
# inference on a silent wav file compared to array of 0's
# Workarounds were to skip this sample or add large tolerance argument (atol=10)
assert np.allclose(input_tensor[indx][0:13], data[0:13])
assert np.allclose(input_tensor[indx][15:], data[15:])
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
# Copyright © 2020 Arm Ltd and Contributors. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
import os
import cv2
from context import network_executor
from context import cv_utils
def test_execute_network(test_data_folder):
model_path = os.path.join(test_data_folder, "ssd_mobilenet_v1.tflite")
backends = ["CpuAcc", "CpuRef"]
executor = network_executor.ArmnnNetworkExecutor(model_path, backends)
img = cv2.imread(os.path.join(test_data_folder, "messi5.jpg"))
input_tensors = cv_utils.preprocess(img, executor.input_binding_info, True)
output_result = executor.run(input_tensors)
# Ensure it detects a person
classes = output_result[1]
assert classes[0][0] == 0
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright 2020 NXP
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
"""Downloads and extracts resources for unit tests.
It is mandatory to run this script prior to running unit tests. Resources are stored as a tar.gz or a tar.bz2 archive and
extracted into the test/testdata/shared folder.
import tarfile
import requests
import os
import uuid
SCRIPTS_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
EXTRACT_DIR = os.path.join(SCRIPTS_DIR, "..", "test")
ARCHIVE_URL = "https://snapshots.linaro.org/components/pyarmnn-tests/pyarmnn_testdata_201100_20201022.tar.bz2"
def download_resources(url, save_path):
# download archive - only support tar.gz or tar.bz2
print("Downloading '{}'".format(url))
temp_filename = str(uuid.uuid4())
if url.endswith(".tar.bz2"):
temp_filename += ".tar.bz2"
elif url.endswith(".tar.gz"):
temp_filename += ".tar.gz"
raise RuntimeError("Unsupported file.")
r = requests.get(url, stream=True)
except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
raise RuntimeError("Unable to download file: {}".format(e))
file_path = os.path.join(save_path, temp_filename)
with open(file_path, 'wb') as f:
# extract and delete temp file
with tarfile.open(file_path, "r:bz2" if temp_filename.endswith(".tar.bz2") else "r:gz") as tar:
print("Extracting '{}'".format(file_path))
if os.path.exists(file_path):
print("Removing '{}'".format(file_path))
download_resources(ARCHIVE_URL, EXTRACT_DIR)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright © 2020 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
"""Generate PyArmNN documentation."""
import os
import tarfile
import pyarmnn as ann
import shutil
from typing import List, Union
from pdoc.cli import main
def __copy_file_to_dir(file_paths: Union[List[str], str], target_dir_path: str):
file_paths = [] + file_paths
if not (os.path.exists(target_dir_path) and os.path.isdir(target_dir_path)):
for file_path in file_paths:
if not (os.path.exists(file_path) and os.path.isfile(file_path)):
raise RuntimeError('Not a file: {}'.format(file_path))
file_name = os.path.basename(file_path)
shutil.copyfile(file_path, os.path.join(str(target_dir_path), file_name))
def copy_doc_images():
def archive_docs(path, version):
output_filename = f'pyarmnn_docs-{version}.tar'
with tarfile.open(output_filename, "w") as tar:
if __name__ == "__main__":
with open('./README.md', 'r') as readme_file:
top_level_pyarmnn_doc = ''.join(readme_file.readlines())
ann.__doc__ = top_level_pyarmnn_doc
archive_docs('./docs', ann.__version__)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
# Copyright © 2020 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
import inspect
import sys
import logging
from ._generated.pyarmnn_version import GetVersion, GetMajorVersion, GetMinorVersion
# Parsers
from ._generated.pyarmnn_onnxparser import IOnnxParser
except ImportError as err:
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
message = "Your ArmNN library instance does not support Onnx models parser functionality. "
logger.warning("%s Skipped IOnnxParser import.", message)
def IOnnxParser():
"""In case people try importing without having Arm NN built with this parser."""
raise RuntimeError(message)
from ._generated.pyarmnn_tfliteparser import ITfLiteParser, TfLiteParserOptions
except ImportError as err:
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
message = "Your ArmNN library instance does not support TF lite models parser functionality. "
logger.warning("%s Skipped ITfLiteParser import.", message)
def ITfLiteParser():
"""In case people try importing without having Arm NN built with this parser."""
raise RuntimeError(message)
from ._generated.pyarmnn_deserializer import IDeserializer
except ImportError as err:
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
message = "Your ArmNN library instance does not have an armnn models parser funcionality. "
logger.warning("%s Skipped IDeserializer import.", message)
def IDeserializer():
"""In case people try importing without having ArmNN built with this parser."""
raise RuntimeError(message)
# Network
from ._generated.pyarmnn import Optimize, OptimizerOptions, IOptimizedNetwork, IInputSlot, \
IOutputSlot, IConnectableLayer, INetwork
# Backend
from ._generated.pyarmnn import BackendId
from ._generated.pyarmnn import IDeviceSpec
from ._generated.pyarmnn import BackendOptions, BackendOption
# Tensors
from ._generated.pyarmnn import TensorInfo, TensorShape
# Runtime
from ._generated.pyarmnn import IRuntime, CreationOptions, INetworkProperties
# Profiler
from ._generated.pyarmnn import IProfiler
# Types
from ._generated.pyarmnn import DataType_Float16, DataType_Float32, DataType_QAsymmU8, DataType_Signed32, \
DataType_Boolean, DataType_QSymmS16, DataType_QSymmS8, DataType_QAsymmS8, ShapeInferenceMethod_ValidateOnly, \
from ._generated.pyarmnn import DataLayout_NCHW, DataLayout_NHWC, DataLayout_NCDHW, DataLayout_NDHWC
from ._generated.pyarmnn import MemorySource_Malloc, MemorySource_Undefined, MemorySource_DmaBuf, \
from ._generated.pyarmnn import ProfilingDetailsMethod_Undefined, ProfilingDetailsMethod_DetailsWithEvents, \
from ._generated.pyarmnn import ActivationFunction_Abs, ActivationFunction_BoundedReLu, ActivationFunction_LeakyReLu, \
ActivationFunction_Linear, ActivationFunction_ReLu, ActivationFunction_Sigmoid, ActivationFunction_SoftReLu, \
ActivationFunction_Sqrt, ActivationFunction_Square, ActivationFunction_TanH, ActivationDescriptor
from ._generated.pyarmnn import ArgMinMaxFunction_Max, ArgMinMaxFunction_Min, ArgMinMaxDescriptor
from ._generated.pyarmnn import BatchNormalizationDescriptor, BatchToSpaceNdDescriptor
from ._generated.pyarmnn import ChannelShuffleDescriptor, ComparisonDescriptor, ComparisonOperation_Equal, \
ComparisonOperation_Greater, ComparisonOperation_GreaterOrEqual, ComparisonOperation_Less, \
ComparisonOperation_LessOrEqual, ComparisonOperation_NotEqual
from ._generated.pyarmnn import UnaryOperation_Abs, UnaryOperation_Exp, UnaryOperation_Sqrt, UnaryOperation_Rsqrt, \
UnaryOperation_Neg, ElementwiseUnaryDescriptor
from ._generated.pyarmnn import LogicalBinaryOperation_LogicalAnd, LogicalBinaryOperation_LogicalOr, \
from ._generated.pyarmnn import Convolution2dDescriptor, Convolution3dDescriptor, DepthToSpaceDescriptor, \
DepthwiseConvolution2dDescriptor, DetectionPostProcessDescriptor, FakeQuantizationDescriptor, FillDescriptor, \
FullyConnectedDescriptor, GatherDescriptor, InstanceNormalizationDescriptor, LstmDescriptor, \
L2NormalizationDescriptor, MeanDescriptor
from ._generated.pyarmnn import NormalizationAlgorithmChannel_Across, NormalizationAlgorithmChannel_Within, \
NormalizationAlgorithmMethod_LocalBrightness, NormalizationAlgorithmMethod_LocalContrast, NormalizationDescriptor
from ._generated.pyarmnn import PaddingMode_Constant, PaddingMode_Reflect, PaddingMode_Symmetric, PadDescriptor
from ._generated.pyarmnn import PermutationVector, PermuteDescriptor
from ._generated.pyarmnn import OutputShapeRounding_Ceiling, OutputShapeRounding_Floor, \
PaddingMethod_Exclude, PaddingMethod_IgnoreValue, PoolingAlgorithm_Average, PoolingAlgorithm_L2, \
PoolingAlgorithm_Max, Pooling2dDescriptor
from ._generated.pyarmnn import ReduceDescriptor, ReduceOperation_Prod, ReduceOperation_Max, ReduceOperation_Mean, \
ReduceOperation_Min, ReduceOperation_Sum
from ._generated.pyarmnn import ResizeMethod_Bilinear, ResizeMethod_NearestNeighbor, ResizeDescriptor, \
ReshapeDescriptor, SliceDescriptor, SpaceToBatchNdDescriptor, SpaceToDepthDescriptor, StandInDescriptor, \
StackDescriptor, StridedSliceDescriptor, SoftmaxDescriptor, TransposeConvolution2dDescriptor, \
TransposeDescriptor, SplitterDescriptor
from ._generated.pyarmnn import ConcatDescriptor, CreateDescriptorForConcatenation
from ._generated.pyarmnn import LstmInputParams, QuantizedLstmInputParams
# Public API
# Quantization
from ._quantization.quantize_and_dequantize import quantize, dequantize
# Tensor
from ._tensor.tensor import Tensor
from ._tensor.const_tensor import ConstTensor
from ._tensor.workload_tensors import make_input_tensors, make_output_tensors, workload_tensors_to_ndarray
# Utilities
from ._utilities.profiling_helper import ProfilerData, get_profiling_data
from ._version import __version__, __arm_ml_version__
ARMNN_VERSION = GetVersion()
def __check_version():
from ._version import check_armnn_version
__all__ = []
__private_api_names = ['__check_version']
for name, obj in inspect.getmembers(sys.modules[__name__]):
if inspect.isclass(obj) or inspect.isfunction(obj):
if name not in __private_api_names:
@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
# Copyright © 2020 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
# Copyright © 2020 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
from .quantize_and_dequantize import quantize, dequantize
@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
# Copyright © 2020 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
This file contains functions relating to quantizing and dequantizing values.
from .._generated.pyarmnn import Quantize_uint8_t, Quantize_int8_t, Quantize_int16_t, Quantize_int32_t, \
Dequantize_uint8_t, Dequantize_int8_t, Dequantize_int16_t, Dequantize_int32_t
'uint8': Quantize_uint8_t,
'int8': Quantize_int8_t,
'int16': Quantize_int16_t,
'int32': Quantize_int32_t
'uint8': ((0, 255), Dequantize_uint8_t),
'int8': ((-128, 127), Dequantize_int8_t),
'int16': ((-32768, 32767), Dequantize_int16_t),
'int32': ((-2147483648, 2147483647), Dequantize_int32_t)
def quantize(value: float, scale: float, offset: int, target_dtype: str) -> int:
"""Quantize the given value to the given target datatype using Arm NN.
This function can be used to convert a 32-bit floating point value into 8/16/32-bit signed
integer or 8-bit unsigned integer values.
value (float): The value to be quantized.
scale (float): A numeric constant that the value is multiplied by.
offset (int): A 'zero-point' used to 'shift' the integer range.
target_dtype (str): The target data type. Supported values: 'unit8', 'int8', 'int16', 'int32'.
int: A quantized 8-bit unsigned integer value or 8/16/32-bit signed integer value.
if target_dtype not in __DTYPE_TO_QUANTIZE_FUNCTION:
raise ValueError("""Unexpected target datatype {} given.
Armnn currently supports quantization to {} values.""".format(target_dtype, list(__DTYPE_TO_QUANTIZE_FUNCTION.keys())))
return __DTYPE_TO_QUANTIZE_FUNCTION[target_dtype](float(value), scale, offset)
def dequantize(value: int, scale: float, offset: float, from_dtype: str) -> float:
"""Dequantize the given value from the given datatype using Arm NN.
This function can be used to convert an 8-bit unsigned integer value or 8/16/32-bit signed
integer value into a 32-bit floating point value. Typically used when decoding an
output value from an output tensor on a quantized model.
value (int): The value to be dequantized. Value could be numpy numeric data type.
scale (float): A numeric constant that the value is multiplied by.
offset (float): A 'zero-point' used to 'shift' the integer range.
from_dtype (str): The data type 'value' represents. Supported values: 'unit8', 'int8', 'int16', 'int32'.
float: A dequantized 32-bit floating-point value.
# specifies which function to use with given datatype and the value range for that data type.
if from_dtype not in __DTYPE_TO_DEQUANTIZE_FUNCTION:
raise ValueError("""Unexpected value datatype {} given.
Armnn currently supports dequantization from {} values.""".format(from_dtype, list(__DTYPE_TO_DEQUANTIZE_FUNCTION.keys())))
input_range = __DTYPE_TO_DEQUANTIZE_FUNCTION[from_dtype][0]
if not input_range[0] <= value <= input_range[1]:
raise ValueError('Value is not within range of the given datatype {}'.format(from_dtype))
return __DTYPE_TO_DEQUANTIZE_FUNCTION[from_dtype][1](int(value), scale, offset)
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
# Copyright © 2020 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
from .const_tensor import ConstTensor
from .tensor import Tensor
from .workload_tensors import make_input_tensors, make_output_tensors, workload_tensors_to_ndarray
@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
# Copyright © 2020 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
This file contains the custom python implementation for Arm NN Const Tensor objects.
import numpy as np
from .._generated.pyarmnn import DataType_QAsymmU8, DataType_QSymmS8, DataType_QSymmS16, DataType_Signed32, \
DataType_QAsymmS8, DataType_Float32, DataType_Float16
from .._generated.pyarmnn import ConstTensor as AnnConstTensor, TensorInfo, Tensor
class ConstTensor(AnnConstTensor):
"""Creates a PyArmNN ConstTensor object.
A ConstTensor is a Tensor with an immutable data store. Typically, a ConstTensor
is used to input data into a network when running inference.
This class overrides the swig generated Tensor class. The aim of
this is to have an easy to use public API for the ConstTensor objects.
def __init__(self, *args):
Supported tensor data types:
Create empty ConstTensor
>>> import pyarmnn as ann
>>> import numpy as np
>>> ann.ConstTensor()
Create ConstTensor given tensor info and input data
>>> input_data = np.array(...)
>>> ann.ConstTensor(ann.TensorInfo(...), input_data)
Create ConstTensor from another ConstTensor i.e. copy ConstTensor
>>> ann.ConstTensor(ann.ConstTensor())
Create ConstTensor from tensor
>>> ann.ConstTensor(ann.Tensor())
tensor (Tensor, optional): Create a ConstTensor from a Tensor.
const_tensor (ConstTensor, optional): Create a ConstTensor from a ConstTensor i.e. copy.
tensor_info (TensorInfo, optional): Tensor information.
input_data (ndarray): The numpy array will be transformed to a
buffer according to type returned by `TensorInfo.GetDataType`.
Input data values type must correspond to data type returned by
TypeError: Unsupported input data type.
ValueError: Unsupported tensor data type, incorrect input data size and creation of ConstTensor from non-constant TensorInfo.
self.__memory_area = None
# TensorInfo as first argument and numpy array as second
if len(args) > 1 and isinstance(args[0], TensorInfo):
if not isinstance(args[1], np.ndarray):
raise TypeError('Data must be provided as a numpy array.')
# if TensorInfo IsConstant is false
elif not args[0].IsConstant():
raise ValueError('TensorInfo when initializing ConstTensor must be set to constant.')
self.__create_memory_area(args[0].GetDataType(), args[0].GetNumBytes(), args[0].GetNumElements(),
super().__init__(args[0], self.__memory_area.data)
# copy constructor - reference to memory area is passed from copied const
# tensor and armnn's copy constructor is called
elif len(args) > 0 and isinstance(args[0], (ConstTensor, Tensor)):
# if TensorInfo IsConstant is false
if not args[0].GetInfo().IsConstant():
raise ValueError('TensorInfo of Tensor when initializing ConstTensor must be set to constant.')
self.__memory_area = args[0].get_memory_area()
# empty tensor
elif len(args) == 0:
raise ValueError('Incorrect number of arguments or type of arguments provided to create Const Tensor.')
def __copy__(self) -> 'ConstTensor':
""" Make copy of a const tensor.
Make const tensor copyable using the python copy operation.
The tensor memory area is NOT copied. Instead, the new tensor maintains a
reference to the same memory area as the old tensor.
Copy empty tensor
>>> from copy import copy
>>> import pyarmnn as ann
>>> tensor = ann.ConstTensor()
>>> copied_tensor = copy(tensor)
Tensor: a copy of the tensor object provided.
return ConstTensor(self)
def __check_size(data: np.ndarray, num_bytes: int, num_elements: int):
""" Check the size of the input data against the number of bytes provided by tensor info.
data (ndarray): Input data.
num_bytes (int): Number of bytes required by tensor info.
num_elements: Number of elements required by tensor info.
ValueError: number of bytes in input data does not match tensor info.
size_in_bytes = data.nbytes
elements = data.size
if size_in_bytes != num_bytes:
raise ValueError(
"ConstTensor requires {} bytes, {} provided. "
"Is your input array data type ({}) aligned with TensorInfo?".format(num_bytes, size_in_bytes,
if elements != num_elements:
raise ValueError("ConstTensor requires {} elements, {} provided.".format(num_elements, elements))
def __create_memory_area(self, data_type: int, num_bytes: int, num_elements: int, data: np.ndarray):
""" Create the memory area used by the tensor to output its results.
data_type (int): The type of data that will be stored in the memory area.
See DataType_*.
num_bytes (int): Determines the size of the memory area that will be created.
num_elements (int): Determines number of elements in memory area.
data (ndarray): Input data as numpy array.
np_data_type_mapping = {DataType_QAsymmU8: np.uint8,
DataType_QAsymmS8: np.int8,
DataType_QSymmS8: np.int8,
DataType_Float32: np.float32,
DataType_QSymmS16: np.int16,
DataType_Signed32: np.int32,
DataType_Float16: np.float16}
if data_type not in np_data_type_mapping:
raise ValueError("The data type provided for this Tensor is not supported: {}".format(data_type))
if np_data_type_mapping[data_type] != data.dtype:
raise TypeError("Expected data to have type {} for type {} but instead got numpy.{}".format(np_data_type_mapping[data_type], data_type, data.dtype))
self.__check_size(data, num_bytes, num_elements)
self.__memory_area = data
self.__memory_area.flags.writeable = False
def get_memory_area(self) -> np.ndarray:
""" Get values that are stored by the tensor.
ndarray: Tensor data (as numpy array).
return self.__memory_area
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
# Copyright © 2020 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
This file contains the custom python implementation for Arm NN Tensor objects.
import numpy as np
from .._generated.pyarmnn import Tensor as annTensor, TensorInfo, DataType_QAsymmU8, DataType_QSymmS8, \
DataType_QAsymmS8, DataType_Float32, DataType_QSymmS16, DataType_Signed32, DataType_Float16
class Tensor(annTensor):
"""Creates a PyArmNN Tensor object.
This class overrides the swig generated Tensor class. The aim of
this is to create an easy to use public api for the Tensor object.
Memory is allocated and managed by this class, avoiding the need to manage
a separate memory area for the tensor compared to the swig generated api.
def __init__(self, *args):
""" Create Tensor object.
Supported tensor data types:
Create an empty tensor
>>> import pyarmnn as ann
>>> ann.Tensor()
Create tensor given tensor information
>>> ann.Tensor(ann.TensorInfo(...))
Create tensor from another tensor i.e. copy a tensor
>>> ann.Tensor(ann.Tensor())
tensor(Tensor, optional): Create Tensor from a Tensor i.e. copy.
tensor_info (TensorInfo, optional): Tensor information.
TypeError: unsupported input data type.
ValueError: appropriate constructor could not be found with provided arguments.
self.__memory_area = None
# TensorInfo as first argument, we need to create memory area manually
if len(args) > 0 and isinstance(args[0], TensorInfo):
self.__create_memory_area(args[0].GetDataType(), args[0].GetNumElements())
super().__init__(args[0], self.__memory_area.data)
# copy constructor - reference to memory area is passed from copied tensor
# and armnn's copy constructor is called
elif len(args) > 0 and isinstance(args[0], Tensor):
self.__memory_area = args[0].get_memory_area()
# empty constructor
elif len(args) == 0:
raise ValueError('Incorrect number of arguments or type of arguments provided to create Tensor.')
def __copy__(self) -> 'Tensor':
""" Make copy of a tensor.
Make tensor copyable using the python copy operation.
The tensor memory area is NOT copied. Instead, the new tensor maintains a
reference to the same memory area as the old tensor.
Copy empty tensor
>>> from copy import copy
>>> import pyarmnn as ann
>>> tensor = ann.Tensor()
>>> copied_tensor = copy(tensor)
Tensor: a copy of the tensor object provided.
return Tensor(self)
def __create_memory_area(self, data_type: int, num_elements: int):
""" Create the memory area used by the tensor to output its results.
data_type (int): The type of data that will be stored in the memory area.
See DataType_*.
num_elements (int): Determines the size of the memory area that will be created.
np_data_type_mapping = {DataType_QAsymmU8: np.uint8,
DataType_QAsymmS8: np.int8,
DataType_QSymmS8: np.int8,
DataType_Float32: np.float32,
DataType_QSymmS16: np.int16,
DataType_Signed32: np.int32,
DataType_Float16: np.float16}
if data_type not in np_data_type_mapping:
raise ValueError("The data type provided for this Tensor is not supported.")
self.__memory_area = np.empty(shape=(num_elements,), dtype=np_data_type_mapping[data_type])
def get_memory_area(self) -> np.ndarray:
""" Get values that are stored by the tensor.
ndarray : Tensor data (as numpy array).
return self.__memory_area
@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
# Copyright © 2020 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
This file contains functions relating to WorkloadTensors.
WorkloadTensors are the inputTensors and outputTensors that are consumed by IRuntime.EnqueueWorkload.
from typing import Union, List, Tuple
import logging
import numpy as np
from .tensor import Tensor
from .const_tensor import ConstTensor
def make_input_tensors(inputs_binding_info: List[Tuple],
input_data: List[np.ndarray]) -> List[Tuple[int, ConstTensor]]:
"""Returns `inputTensors` to be used with `IRuntime.EnqueueWorkload`.
This is the primary function to call when you want to produce `inputTensors` for `IRuntime.EnqueueWorkload`.
The output is a list of tuples containing ConstTensors with a corresponding input tensor id.
The output should be used directly with `IRuntime.EnqueueWorkload`.
This function works for single or multiple input data and binding information.
Creating inputTensors.
>>> import pyarmnn as ann
>>> import numpy as np
>>> parser = ann.ITfLiteParser()
>>> ...
>>> example_image = np.array(...)
>>> input_binding_info = parser.GetNetworkInputBindingInfo(...)
>>> input_tensors = ann.make_input_tensors([input_binding_info], [example_image])
inputs_binding_info (list of tuples): (int, `TensorInfo`) Binding information for input tensors obtained from
input_data (list ndarrays): Tensor data to be used for inference.
list: `inputTensors` - A list of tuples (`int` , `ConstTensor`).
ValueError: If length of `inputs_binding_info` and `input_data` are not the same.
if len(inputs_binding_info) != len(input_data):
raise ValueError("Length of 'inputs_binding_info' does not match length of 'input_data'")
input_tensors = []
for in_bind_info, in_data in zip(inputs_binding_info, input_data):
in_tensor_id = in_bind_info[0]
in_tensor_info = in_bind_info[1]
input_tensors.append((in_tensor_id, ConstTensor(in_tensor_info, in_data)))
return input_tensors
def make_output_tensors(outputs_binding_info: List[Tuple]) -> List[Tuple[int, Tensor]]:
"""Returns `outputTensors` to be used with `IRuntime.EnqueueWorkload`.
This is the primary function to call when you want to produce `outputTensors` for `IRuntime.EnqueueWorkload`.
The output is a list of tuples containing Tensors with a corresponding output tensor id.
The output should be used directly with `IRuntime.EnqueueWorkload`.
Creating outputTensors.
>>> import pyarmnn as ann
>>> parser = ann.ITfLiteParser()
>>> ...
>>> output_binding_info = parser.GetNetworkOutputBindingInfo(...)
>>> output_tensors = ann.make_output_tensors([output_binding_info])
outputs_binding_info (list of tuples): (int, `TensorInfo`) Binding information for output tensors obtained from
list: `outputTensors` - A list of tuples (`int`, `Tensor`).
output_tensors = []
for out_bind_info in outputs_binding_info:
out_tensor_id = out_bind_info[0]
out_tensor_info = out_bind_info[1]
output_tensors.append((out_tensor_id, Tensor(out_tensor_info)))
return output_tensors
def workload_tensors_to_ndarray(workload_tensors: List[Tuple[int, Union[Tensor, ConstTensor]]]) -> List[np.ndarray]:
"""Returns a list of the underlying tensor data as ndarrays from `inputTensors` or `outputTensors`.
We refer to `inputTensors` and `outputTensors` as workload tensors because
they are used with `IRuntime.EnqueueWorkload`.
Although this function can be used on either `inputTensors` or `outputTensors` the main use of this function
is to collect results from `outputTensors` after `IRuntime.EnqueueWorkload` has been called.
Getting results after inference.
>>> import pyarmnn as ann
>>> ...
>>> runtime = ann.IRuntime(...)
>>> ...
>>> runtime.EnqueueWorkload(net_id, input_tensors, output_tensors)
>>> inference_results = workload_tensors_to_ndarray(output_tensors)
workload_tensors (inputTensors or outputTensors): `inputTensors` or `outputTensors` to get data from. See
`make_input_tensors` and `make_output_tensors`.
list: List of `ndarrays` for the underlying tensor data from given `inputTensors` or `outputTensors`.
arrays = []
for index, (_, tensor) in enumerate(workload_tensors):
logging.info("Workload tensor {} shape: {}".format(index, tensor.GetShape()))
return arrays
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
# Copyright © 2020 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
from .profiling_helper import ProfilerData, get_profiling_data
@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
# Copyright © 2020 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
This file contains functions relating to the use of the Arm NN profiler within PyArmNN.
import json
from collections import namedtuple
ProfilerData = namedtuple('ProfilerData', ['inference_data', 'per_workload_execution_data'])
ProfilerData.__doc__ = """Container to hold the profiling inference data, and the profiling data per workload.
inference_data (dict): holds end-to-end inference performance data. Keys:
'time_unit' - timer units.
'execution_time' - list of total inference execution times for each inference run.
per_workload_execution_data (dict): holds per operation performance data, key is a operation name
Each operation has
'time_unit' - timer units.
'execution_time' - list of total execution times for each inference run.
'backend' - backend used for this operation.
>>> data = get_profiling_data(profiler)
>>> print(data)
>>> ProfilerData(inference_data={'time_unit': 'us',
'execution_time': [8901372.972]},
per_workload_execution_data={'CopyMemGeneric_Execute_#3': {'time_unit': 'us',
'execution_time': [28.941],
'backend': 'Unknown'},
'RefConvolution2dWorkload_Execute_#5': {'time_unit': 'us',
'execution_time': [126838.071],
'backend': 'CpuRef'},
'RefDepthwiseConvolution2dWorkload_Execute_#6': {'time_unit': 'us',
'execution_time': [49886.208],
'backend': 'CpuRef'}
def get_profiling_data(profiler: 'IProfiler') -> ProfilerData:
"""Reads IProfiler object passed in, extracts the relevant data
and returns it in a ProfilerData container.
profiler (IProfiler): The IProfiler object to be parsed.
ProfilerData: A container containing the relevant data extracted from the Profiler output.
top_level_dict = json.loads(profiler.as_json())
armnn_data = top_level_dict["ArmNN"]
#Get the inference measurements dict, this will be just one value for key starting with "inference_measurements"
inference_measurements = [v for k, v in armnn_data.items() if k.startswith("inference_measurements_")][0]
#Get the execution data dict, this will be just one value for key starting with "Execute_"
execution_data = [v for k, v in inference_measurements.items() if k.startswith("Execute_")][0]
workload_data = {}
inference_data = {}
for exec_key, exec_value in execution_data.items():
# Check all items with a type.
if "type" in exec_value and exec_value["type"] == "Event":
for event_key, event_value in exec_value.items():
if event_key.startswith("Wall clock time_#") and event_value["type"] == "Measurement":
time_data = __get_wall_clock_times__(event_value)
time_data["backend"] = __get_backend(exec_key)
workload_data[exec_key] = time_data
# This is the total inference time map
if exec_key.startswith("Wall clock time_#") and exec_value["type"] == "Measurement":
time_data = __get_wall_clock_times__(exec_value)
return ProfilerData(inference_data=inference_data, per_workload_execution_data=workload_data)
def __get_wall_clock_times__(wall_clock_item):
execution_times = wall_clock_item["raw"]
time_data = {}
raw_data = []
for time in execution_times:
time_data["time_unit"] = wall_clock_item["unit"]
time_data["execution_time"] = raw_data
return time_data
def __get_backend(exec_key):
if "ref" in exec_key.lower():
return "CpuRef"
elif "neon" in exec_key.lower():
return "CpuAcc"
elif "cl" in exec_key.lower():
return "GpuAcc"
elif "ethos" in exec_key.lower():
return "EthosNAcc"
return "Unknown"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
# Copyright © 2020 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved.
# Copyright 2020 NXP
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
import os
version_info = (28, 0, 0)
__dev_version_env = os.getenv("PYARMNN_DEV_VER", "")
if __dev_version_env:
__dev_version = "dev0"
__dev_version = "dev{}".format(int(__dev_version_env))
except ValueError:
__dev_version = str(__dev_version_env)
version_info = (*version_info, __dev_version)
__version__ = '.'.join(str(c) for c in version_info)
__arm_ml_version__ = '{}.{}.{}'.format(version_info[0], version_info[1], version_info[2])
def check_armnn_version(installed_armnn_version: str, expected_armnn_version: str = __arm_ml_version__):
"""Compares expected Arm NN version and Arm NN version used to build the package.
installed_armnn_version (str): Arm NN version used to generate the package (e.g. 28.0.0)
expected_armnn_version (str): Expected Arm NN version
expected = expected_armnn_version.split('.', 2)
installed = installed_armnn_version.split('.', 2)
# only compare major and minor versions, not patch
assert (expected[0] == installed[0]) and (expected[1] == installed[1]), \
"Expected ArmNN version is {} but installed ArmNN version is {}".format(expected_armnn_version, installed_armnn_version)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
// Copyright © 2020 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
%module pyarmnn
#include "armnn/Types.hpp"
#include "ProfilingGuid.hpp"
//typemap definitions and other common stuff
%include "standard_header.i"
//armnn api submodules
%include "modules/armnn_backend.i"
%include "modules/armnn_backend_opt.i"
%include "modules/armnn_types.i"
%include "modules/armnn_descriptors.i"
%include "modules/armnn_lstmparam.i"
%include "modules/armnn_network.i"
%include "modules/armnn_profiler.i"
%include "modules/armnn_runtime.i"
%include "modules/armnn_tensor.i"
%include "modules/armnn_types_utils.i"
// Clear exception typemap.
@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
// Copyright © 2020 Arm Ltd and Contributors. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
%module pyarmnn_deserializer
#include "armnnDeserializer/IDeserializer.hpp"
#include "armnn/Types.hpp"
#include "armnn/INetwork.hpp"
#include "armnn/Exceptions.hpp"
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
//typemap definitions and other common stuff
%include "standard_header.i"
namespace std {
%template(BindingPointInfo) pair<int, armnn::TensorInfo>;
%template(MapStringTensorShape) map<std::string, armnn::TensorShape>;
%template(StringVector) vector<string>;
namespace armnnDeserializer
Interface for creating a parser object using ArmNN files.
Parsers are used to automatically construct ArmNN graphs from model files.
") IDeserializer;
%nodefaultctor IDeserializer;
class IDeserializer
%extend IDeserializer {
// This is not a substitution of the default constructor of the Armnn class. It tells swig to create custom __init__
// method for ArmNN python object that will use static factory method to do the job.
IDeserializer() {
return armnnDeserializer::IDeserializer::CreateRaw();
// The following does not replace a real destructor of the Armnn class.
// It creates a functions that will be called when swig object goes out of the scope to clean resources.
// so the user doesn't need to call IDeserializer::Destroy himself.
// $self` is a pointer to extracted ArmNN IDeserializer object.
~IDeserializer() {
Create the network from a armnn binary file.
graphFile (str): Path to the armnn model to be parsed.
INetwork: Parsed network.
RuntimeError: If model file was not found.
") CreateNetworkFromBinaryFile;
%newobject CreateNetworkFromBinary;
armnn::INetwork* CreateNetworkFromBinary(const char *graphFile) {
std::ifstream is(graphFile, std::ifstream::binary);
if (!is.good()) {
std::string locationString = CHECK_LOCATION().AsString();
std::stringstream msg;
msg << "Cannot read the file " << graphFile << locationString;
throw armnn::FileNotFoundException(msg.str());
return $self->CreateNetworkFromBinary(is).release();
// Make both GetNetworkInputBindingInfo and GetNetworkOutputBindingInfo return a std::pair like other parsers instead of struct.
Retrieve binding info (layer id and tensor info) for the network input identified by the given layer name and subgraph id.
subgraphId (int): The layer id. Any value is acceptable since it is unused in the current implementation.
name (str): Name of the input.
tuple: (`int`, `TensorInfo`).
") GetNetworkInputBindingInfo;
std::pair<int, armnn::TensorInfo> GetNetworkInputBindingInfo(unsigned int layerId, const std::string& name){
armnnDeserializer::BindingPointInfo info = $self->GetNetworkInputBindingInfo(layerId, name);
return std::make_pair(info.m_BindingId, info.m_TensorInfo);
Retrieve binding info (layer id and `TensorInfo`) for the network output identified by the given layer name and subgraph id.
layerId (int): The layer id. Any value is acceptable since it is unused in the current implementation.
name (str): Name of the output.
tuple: (`int`, `TensorInfo`).
") GetNetworkOutputBindingInfo;
std::pair<int, armnn::TensorInfo> GetNetworkOutputBindingInfo(unsigned int layerId, const std::string& name){
armnnDeserializer::BindingPointInfo info = $self->GetNetworkOutputBindingInfo(layerId, name);
return std::make_pair(info.m_BindingId, info.m_TensorInfo);
} // end of namespace armnnDeserializer
// Clear exception typemap.
@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
// Copyright © 2020 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
%module pyarmnn_onnxparser
#include "armnnOnnxParser/IOnnxParser.hpp"
#include "armnn/INetwork.hpp"
//typemap definitions and other common stuff
%include "standard_header.i"
namespace std {
%template(BindingPointInfo) pair<int, armnn::TensorInfo>;
%template(MapStringTensorShape) map<std::string, armnn::TensorShape>;
%template(StringVector) vector<string>;
namespace armnnOnnxParser
Interface for creating a parser object using ONNX (https://onnx.ai/) onnx files.
Parsers are used to automatically construct Arm NN graphs from model files.
") IOnnxParser;
%nodefaultctor IOnnxParser;
class IOnnxParser
Retrieve binding info (layer id and tensor info) for the network input identified by the given layer name.
name (string): Name of the input node.
tuple: (`int`, `TensorInfo`)
") GetNetworkInputBindingInfo;
std::pair<int, armnn::TensorInfo> GetNetworkInputBindingInfo(const std::string& name);
Retrieve binding info (layer id and `TensorInfo`) for the network output identified by the given layer name.
name (string): Name of the output node.
tuple: (`int`, `TensorInfo`)
") GetNetworkOutputBindingInfo;
std::pair<int, armnn::TensorInfo> GetNetworkOutputBindingInfo(const std::string& name);
%extend IOnnxParser {
// This is not a substitution of the default constructor of the Armnn class. It tells swig to create custom __init__
// method for IOnnxParser python object that will use static factory method to do the job.
IOnnxParser() {
return armnnOnnxParser::IOnnxParser::CreateRaw();
// The following does not replace a real destructor of the Armnn class.
// It creates a functions that will be called when swig object goes out of the scope to clean resources.
// so the user doesn't need to call IOnnxParser::Destroy himself.
// $self` is a pointer to extracted ArmNN IOnnxParser object.
~IOnnxParser() {
Create the network from a binary file on disk.
graphFile (str): Path to the onnx model to be parsed.
INetwork: Parsed network.
RuntimeError: If model file was not found.
") CreateNetworkFromBinaryFile;
%newobject CreateNetworkFromBinaryFile;
armnn::INetwork* CreateNetworkFromBinaryFile(const char* graphFile) {
return $self->CreateNetworkFromBinaryFile(graphFile).release();
// Clear exception typemap.
@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
// Copyright © 2020 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
%module pyarmnn_tfliteparser
#include "armnnTfLiteParser/ITfLiteParser.hpp"
#include "armnn/Types.hpp"
#include "armnn/INetwork.hpp"
//typemap definitions and other common stuff
%include "standard_header.i"
namespace std {
%template(BindingPointInfo) pair<int, armnn::TensorInfo>;
%template(MapStringTensorShape) map<std::string, armnn::TensorShape>;
%template(StringVector) vector<string>;
namespace armnnTfLiteParser
Interface for creating a parser object using TfLite (https://www.tensorflow.org/lite) tflite files.
Parsers are used to automatically construct Arm NN graphs from model files.
") ITfLiteParser;
%nodefaultctor ITfLiteParser;
class ITfLiteParser
Retrieve binding info (layer id and tensor info) for the network input identified by the given layer name and subgraph id.
subgraphId (int): The subgraph id.
name (str): Name of the input.
tuple: (`int`, `TensorInfo`).
") GetNetworkInputBindingInfo;
std::pair<int, armnn::TensorInfo> GetNetworkInputBindingInfo(size_t subgraphId, const std::string& name);
Retrieve binding info (layer id and `TensorInfo`) for the network output identified by the given layer name and subgraph id.
subgraphId (int): The subgraph id.
name (str): Name of the output.
tuple: (`int`, `TensorInfo`).
") GetNetworkOutputBindingInfo;
std::pair<int, armnn::TensorInfo> GetNetworkOutputBindingInfo(size_t subgraphId, const std::string& name);
Return the number of subgraphs in the parsed model.
int: The number of subgraphs.
") GetSubgraphCount;
size_t GetSubgraphCount();
Return the input tensor names for a given subgraph.
subgraphId (int): The subgraph id.
list: A list of the input tensor names for the given model.
") GetSubgraphInputTensorNames;
std::vector<std::string> GetSubgraphInputTensorNames(size_t subgraphId);
Return the output tensor names for a given subgraph.
subgraphId (int): The subgraph id
list: A list of the output tensor names for the given model.
") GetSubgraphOutputTensorNames;
std::vector<std::string> GetSubgraphOutputTensorNames(size_t subgraphId);
Options for TfLiteParser.
m_StandInLayerForUnsupported (bool): Add StandInLayers as placeholders for unsupported operators.
Default: False
m_InferAndValidate (bool): Infer output shape of operations based on their input shape. Default: False
struct TfLiteParserOptions
bool m_StandInLayerForUnsupported;
bool m_InferAndValidate;
%extend ITfLiteParser {
// This is not a substitution of the default constructor of the Armnn class. It tells swig to create custom __init__
// method for ITfLiteParser python object that will use static factory method to do the job.
ITfLiteParser(const armnnTfLiteParser::ITfLiteParser::TfLiteParserOptions* options = nullptr) {
if (options) {
return armnnTfLiteParser::ITfLiteParser::CreateRaw(
} else {
return armnnTfLiteParser::ITfLiteParser::CreateRaw();
// The following does not replace a real destructor of the Armnn class.
// It creates a functions that will be called when swig object goes out of the scope to clean resources.
// so the user doesn't need to call ITfLiteParser::Destroy himself.
// $self` is a pointer to extracted ArmNN ITfLiteParser object.
~ITfLiteParser() {
Create the network from a flatbuffers binary file.
graphFile (str): Path to the tflite model to be parsed.
INetwork: Parsed network.
RuntimeError: If model file was not found.
") CreateNetworkFromBinaryFile;
%newobject CreateNetworkFromBinaryFile;
armnn::INetwork* CreateNetworkFromBinaryFile(const char* graphFile) {
return $self->CreateNetworkFromBinaryFile(graphFile).release();
} // end of namespace armnnTfLiteParser
// Clear exception typemap.
@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
// Copyright © 2020 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
%module pyarmnn_version
%include "std_string.i"
#include "armnn/Version.hpp"
std::string GetVersion()
std::string GetMajorVersion()
std::string GetMinorVersion()
Returns Arm NN library full version: MAJOR + MINOR + INCREMENTAL.
str: Full version of Arm NN installed.
") GetVersion;
std::string GetVersion();
Returns Arm NN library major version.
str: Major version of Arm NN installed.
") GetMajorVersion;
std::string GetMajorVersion();
Returns Arm NN library minor version.
str: Minor version of Arm NN installed.
") GetMinorVersion;
std::string GetMinorVersion();
@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
// Copyright © 2020 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
#include "armnn/BackendId.hpp"
namespace std {
%template(BackendIdVector) vector<armnn::BackendId>;
%template(BackendIdSet) unordered_set<armnn::BackendId>;
namespace armnn
class BackendId
Creates backend id instance.
Supported backend ids: 'CpuRef', 'CpuAcc', 'GpuAcc', 'EthosNAcc'.
id (str): Computation backend identification.
") BackendId;
BackendId(const std::string& id);
Checks if backend is cpu reference implementation.
bool: True if backend supports cpu reference implementation, False otherwise.
") IsCpuRef;
bool IsCpuRef();
Returns backend identification.
>>> backendId = BackendId('CpuRef')
>>> assert 'CpuRef' == str(backendId)
>>> assert 'CpuRef' == backendId.Get()
str: Backend identification.
") Get;
const std::string& Get();
%extend BackendId {
std::string __str__() {
return $self->Get();
using BackendIdVector = std::vector<armnn::BackendId>;
using BackendIdSet = std::unordered_set<armnn::BackendId>;
@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
// Copyright © 2021 Arm Ltd and Contributors. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
#include "armnn/BackendId.hpp"
#include "armnn/BackendOptions.hpp"
typedef armnn::BackendOptions::BackendOption BackendOption;
Struct for the users to pass backend specific option.
") BackendOption;
%nodefaultctor BackendOption;
struct BackendOption
BackendOption(std::string name, bool value);
BackendOption(std::string name, int value);
BackendOption(std::string name, unsigned int value);
BackendOption(std::string name, float value);
BackendOption(std::string name, std::string value);
std::string GetName();
namespace armnn
Struct for backend specific options, see `BackendOption`.
Options are assigned to a specific backend by providing a backend id.
") BackendOptions;
%nodefaultctor BackendOptions;
struct BackendOptions
BackendOptions(BackendId backend);
BackendOptions(const BackendOptions& other);
Add backend option.
option (`BackendOption`): backend option
") AddOption;
void AddOption(const BackendOption& option);
Get a backend id.
BackendId: assigned backend id.
") GetBackendId;
const BackendId& GetBackendId();
Get backend options count.
int: number of options for a backend.
") GetOptionCount;
size_t GetOptionCount();
Get backend option by index.
idx (int): backend option index
BackendOption: backend option.
") GetOption;
const BackendOption& GetOption(size_t idx);
%pythoncode %{
def __iter__(self):
for count in range(self.GetOptionCount()):
yield self[count]
%extend BackendOptions {
const BackendOption& __getitem__(size_t i) const {
return $self->GetOption(i);
size_t __len__() const {
return $self->GetOptionCount();
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
// Copyright © 2020 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
#include "armnn/LstmParams.hpp"
#include "armnn/QuantizedLstmParams.hpp"
namespace armnn
Long Short-Term Memory layer input parameters.
See `INetwork.AddLstmLayer()`.
Operation described by the following equations:
\[i_t=\sigma(W_{xi}x_t+W_{hi}h_{t-1}+W_{ci}C_{t-1}+b_i) \\\\
f_t=\sigma(W_{xf}x_t+W_{hf}h_{t-1}+W_{cf}C_{t-1}+b_f) \\\\
C_t=clip(f_t \odot C_{t-1} + i_t \odot g(W_{xc}x_t+W_{hc}h_{t-1}+b_c),\ t_{cell}) \\\\
o_t = \sigma(W_{xo}x_t+W_{ho}h_{t-1}+W_{co}C_t+b_o) \\\\
h_t = clip(W_{proj}(o_t \odot g(C_t))+b_{proj},\ t_{proj})\ if\ there\ is\ a\ projection; \\\\
h_t = o_t \odot g(C_t)\ otherwise. \]
\(x_t\) - input;
\(i_t\) - input gate;
\(f_t\) - forget gate;
\(C_t\) - cell state;
\(o_t\) - output;
\(h_t\) - output state;
\(\sigma\) - logistic sigmoid function;
\(g\) - cell input and cell output activation function, see `LstmDescriptor.m_ActivationFunc`;
\(t_{cell}\) - threshold for clipping the cell state, see `LstmDescriptor.m_ClippingThresCell`;
\(t_{proj}\) - threshold for clipping the projected output, see `LstmDescriptor.m_ClippingThresProj`;
m_InputToInputWeights (ConstTensor): \(W_{xi}\), input-to-input weight matrix.
m_InputToForgetWeights (ConstTensor): \(W_{xf}\), input-to-forget weight matrix.
m_InputToCellWeights (ConstTensor): \(W_{xc}\), input-to-cell weight matrix.
m_InputToOutputWeights (ConstTensor): \(W_{xo}\), input-to-output weight matrix.
m_RecurrentToInputWeights (ConstTensor): \(W_{hi}\), recurrent-to-input weight matrix.
m_RecurrentToForgetWeights (ConstTensor): \(W_{hf}\), recurrent-to-forget weight matrix.
m_RecurrentToCellWeights (ConstTensor): \(W_{hc}\), recurrent-to-cell weight matrix.
m_RecurrentToOutputWeights (ConstTensor): \(W_{ho}\), recurrent-to-output weight matrix.
m_CellToInputWeights (ConstTensor): \(W_{ci}\), cell-to-input weight matrix. Has effect if `LstmDescriptor.m_PeepholeEnabled`.
m_CellToForgetWeights (ConstTensor): \(W_{cf}\), cell-to-forget weight matrix. Has effect if `LstmDescriptor.m_PeepholeEnabled`.
m_CellToOutputWeights (ConstTensor): \(W_{co}\), cell-to-output weight matrix. Has effect if `LstmDescriptor.m_PeepholeEnabled`.
m_InputGateBias (ConstTensor): \(b_i\), input gate bias.
m_ForgetGateBias (ConstTensor): \(b_f\), forget gate bias.
m_CellBias (ConstTensor): \(b_c\), cell bias.
m_OutputGateBias (ConstTensor): \(b_o\), output gate bias.
m_ProjectionWeights (ConstTensor): \(W_{proj}\), projection weight matrix.
Has effect if `LstmDescriptor.m_ProjectionEnabled` is set to True.
m_ProjectionBias (ConstTensor): \(b_{proj}\), projection bias.
Has effect if `LstmDescriptor.m_ProjectionEnabled` is set to True.
m_InputLayerNormWeights (ConstTensor): normalisation weights for input,
has effect if `LstmDescriptor.m_LayerNormEnabled` set to True.
m_ForgetLayerNormWeights (ConstTensor): normalisation weights for forget gate,
has effect if `LstmDescriptor.m_LayerNormEnabled` set to True.
m_CellLayerNormWeights (ConstTensor): normalisation weights for current cell,
has effect if `LstmDescriptor.m_LayerNormEnabled` set to True.
m_OutputLayerNormWeights (ConstTensor): normalisation weights for output gate,
has effect if `LstmDescriptor.m_LayerNormEnabled` set to True.
") LstmInputParams;
struct LstmInputParams
const armnn::ConstTensor* m_InputToInputWeights;
const armnn::ConstTensor* m_InputToForgetWeights;
const armnn::ConstTensor* m_InputToCellWeights;
const armnn::ConstTensor* m_InputToOutputWeights;
const armnn::ConstTensor* m_RecurrentToInputWeights;
const armnn::ConstTensor* m_RecurrentToForgetWeights;
const armnn::ConstTensor* m_RecurrentToCellWeights;
const armnn::ConstTensor* m_RecurrentToOutputWeights;
const armnn::ConstTensor* m_CellToInputWeights;
const armnn::ConstTensor* m_CellToForgetWeights;
const armnn::ConstTensor* m_CellToOutputWeights;
const armnn::ConstTensor* m_InputGateBias;
const armnn::ConstTensor* m_ForgetGateBias;
const armnn::ConstTensor* m_CellBias;
const armnn::ConstTensor* m_OutputGateBias;
const armnn::ConstTensor* m_ProjectionWeights;
const armnn::ConstTensor* m_ProjectionBias;
const armnn::ConstTensor* m_InputLayerNormWeights;
const armnn::ConstTensor* m_ForgetLayerNormWeights;
const armnn::ConstTensor* m_CellLayerNormWeights;
const armnn::ConstTensor* m_OutputLayerNormWeights;
Quantized Long Short-Term Memory layer input parameters.
See `INetwork.AddQuantizedLstmLayer()`.
Operation described by the following equations:
\[i_t=\sigma(W_{xi}x_t+W_{hi}h_{t-1}+W_{ci}C_{t-1}+b_i) \\\\
f_t=\sigma(W_{xf}x_t+W_{hf}h_{t-1}+W_{cf}C_{t-1}+b_f) \\\\
C_t=clip(f_t \odot C_{t-1} + i_t \odot g(W_{xc}x_t+W_{hc}h_{t-1}+b_c),\ t_{cell}) \\\\
o_t = \sigma(W_{xo}x_t+W_{ho}h_{t-1}+W_{co}C_t+b_o) \\\\
h_t = clip(W_{proj}(o_t \odot g(C_t))+b_{proj},\ t_{proj})\ if\ there\ is\ a\ projection; \\\\
h_t = o_t \odot g(C_t)\ otherwise. \]
\(x_t\) - input;
\(i_t\) - input gate;
\(f_t\) - forget gate;
\(C_t\) - cell state;
\(o_t\) - output;
\(h_t\) - output state;
\(\sigma\) - logistic sigmoid function;
\(g\) - cell input and cell output activation function, see `LstmDescriptor.m_ActivationFunc`;
\(t_{cell}\) - threshold for clipping the cell state, see `LstmDescriptor.m_ClippingThresCell`;
\(t_{proj}\) - threshold for clipping the projected output, see `LstmDescriptor.m_ClippingThresProj`;
m_InputToInputWeights (ConstTensor): \(W_{xi}\), input-to-input weight matrix.
m_InputToForgetWeights (ConstTensor): \(W_{xf}\), input-to-forget weight matrix.
m_InputToCellWeights (ConstTensor): \(W_{xc}\), input-to-cell weight matrix.
m_InputToOutputWeights (ConstTensor): \(W_{xo}\), input-to-output weight matrix.
m_RecurrentToInputWeights (ConstTensor): \(W_{hi}\), recurrent-to-input weight matrix.
m_RecurrentToForgetWeights (ConstTensor): \(W_{hf}\), recurrent-to-forget weight matrix.
m_RecurrentToCellWeights (ConstTensor): \(W_{hc}\), recurrent-to-cell weight matrix.
m_RecurrentToOutputWeights (ConstTensor): \(W_{ho}\), recurrent-to-output weight matrix.
m_InputGateBias (ConstTensor): \(b_i\), input gate bias.
m_ForgetGateBias (ConstTensor): \(b_f\), forget gate bias.
m_CellBias (ConstTensor): \(b_c\), cell bias.
m_OutputGateBias (ConstTensor): \(b_o\), output gate bias.
") QuantizedLstmInputParams;
struct QuantizedLstmInputParams
const armnn::ConstTensor* m_InputToInputWeights;
const armnn::ConstTensor* m_InputToForgetWeights;
const armnn::ConstTensor* m_InputToCellWeights;
const armnn::ConstTensor* m_InputToOutputWeights;
const armnn::ConstTensor* m_RecurrentToInputWeights;
const armnn::ConstTensor* m_RecurrentToForgetWeights;
const armnn::ConstTensor* m_RecurrentToCellWeights;
const armnn::ConstTensor* m_RecurrentToOutputWeights;
const armnn::ConstTensor* m_InputGateBias;
const armnn::ConstTensor* m_ForgetGateBias;
const armnn::ConstTensor* m_CellBias;
const armnn::ConstTensor* m_OutputGateBias;
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
// Copyright © 2020 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
#include "armnn/IProfiler.hpp"
namespace armnn
Interface for profiling Arm NN. See `IRuntime.GetProfiler`.
IProfiler object allows you to enable profiling and get various profiling results.
") IProfiler;
%nodefaultctor IProfiler;
%nodefaultdtor IProfiler;
class IProfiler
Sets the profiler to start/stop profiling.
enableProfiling (bool): Flag to enable/disable profiling.
") EnableProfiling;
void EnableProfiling(bool enableProfiling);
Checks if profiling is enabled.
bool: If profiling is enabled or not.
") IsProfilingEnabled;
bool IsProfilingEnabled();
%extend IProfiler {
Gets the string value of the profiling events analysis log.
str: The profiling events analysis log.
") event_log;
std::string event_log()
std::ostringstream oss;
return oss.str();
Gets the profiling log as the JSON string.
str: Profiling log as JSON formatted string.
") as_json;
std::string as_json()
std::ostringstream oss;
return oss.str();
@ -0,0 +1,316 @@
// Copyright © 2020 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
#include "armnn/IRuntime.hpp"
#include "armnn/Deprecated.hpp"
#include <iostream>
#include <ostream>
#include <sstream>
namespace std {
%template() pair<int, string>;
%template(IntPair) pair<int, int>;
%template(ConstTensorPair) pair<int, armnn::ConstTensor>;
%template(TensorPair) pair<int, armnn::Tensor>;
%template(InputTensorsVector) vector<pair<int, armnn::ConstTensor>>;
%template(OutputTensorsVector) vector<pair<int, armnn::Tensor>>;
%include <std_shared_ptr.i>
typedef armnn::IRuntime::CreationOptions::ExternalProfilingOptions ExternalProfilingOptions;
struct ExternalProfilingOptions
Structure for holding ExternalProfiling options.
m_EnableProfiling (bool): If set enables profiling in armnn
m_OutgoingCaptureFile (string): If specified the outgoing external profiling packets will be captured
in this file, in the specified format
m_IncomingCaptureFile (string): If specified the incoming external profiling packets will be
captured in this file
m_FileOnly (bool): If enabled, then the 'file-only' test mode of external profiling will be enabled
m_CapturePeriod (uint32_t): If profiling is enabled in 'file-only' mode this is the
capture period that will be used in the test
m_FileFormat (string): If profiling is enabled, this specifies the output file format
m_TimelineEnabled: Set if timeline reporting is enabled or not
") ExternalProfilingOptions;
bool m_EnableProfiling;
std::string m_OutgoingCaptureFile;
std::string m_IncomingCaptureFile;
bool m_FileOnly;
uint32_t m_CapturePeriod;
std::string m_FileFormat;
bool m_TimelineEnabled;
typedef armnn::IRuntime::CreationOptions CreationOptions;
struct CreationOptions
Structure for holding creation options. For majority of cases it is fine to leave values at default.
m_GpuAccTunedParameters (IGpuAccTunedParameters): If set, uses the GpuAcc tuned parameters from the given object
when executing GPU workloads. It will also be updated with new
tuned parameters if it is configured to do so.
m_EnableGpuProfiling (bool): Setting this flag will allow the user to obtain GPU profiling information from
the runtime.
m_DynamicBackendsPath (string): Setting this value will override the paths set by the DYNAMIC_BACKEND_PATHS
compiler directive. Only a single path is allowed for the override.
m_ProfilingOptions (ExternalProfilingOptions): Struct to set the profiling options
") CreationOptions;
std::shared_ptr<armnn::IGpuAccTunedParameters> m_GpuAccTunedParameters;
bool m_EnableGpuProfiling;
std::string m_DynamicBackendsPath;
ExternalProfilingOptions m_ProfilingOptions;
typedef armnn::INetworkProperties INetworkProperties;
namespace armnn
%nodefaultctor INetworkProperties;
struct INetworkProperties
Structure for holding network properties.
m_AsyncEnabled (bool): Enable asynchronous execution of multiple network.
m_InputSource (MemorySource): When inputs are imported this defines the type of the imported memory.
m_OutputSource (MemorySource): When outputs are imported this defines the type of the imported memory.
m_ProfilingEnabled (bool): Enable profiling.
ProfilingDetailsMethod (ProfilingDetailsMethod): Customize profiling details.
") INetworkProperties;
INetworkProperties(bool asyncEnabled,
MemorySource inputSource,
MemorySource outputSource,
bool profilingEnabled = false,
ProfilingDetailsMethod detailsMethod = ProfilingDetailsMethod::Undefined);
const bool m_AsyncEnabled;
const bool m_ProfilingEnabled;
const ProfilingDetailsMethod m_OutputNetworkDetailsMethod;
const MemorySource m_InputSource;
const MemorySource m_OutputSource;
Interface for runtime objects.
Runtime objects are responsible for performing inference on an `IOptimizedNetwork`.
options (CreationOptions): CreationOptions data struct.
") IRuntime;
%nodefaultctor IRuntime;
class IRuntime
armnn::IRuntime::UnloadNetwork(NetworkId networkId);
armnn::IRuntime::EnqueueWorkload(NetworkId networkId,
const std::vector<std::pair<int, armnn::ConstTensor>>& inputTensors,
const std::vector<std::pair<int, armnn::Tensor>>& outputTensors);
Get information relating to networks input tensor.
networkId (int): Unique ID of the network being run.
layerId (int): Unique ID of the input layer.
TensorInfo: Information relating to the input tensor a network.
") GetInputTensorInfo;
armnn::TensorInfo GetInputTensorInfo(int networkId, int layerId);
Get information relating to networks output tensor.
networkId (int): Unique ID of the network being run.
layerId (int): Unique ID of the output layer.
TensorInfo: Information relating to the output tensor a network.
") GetOutputTensorInfo;
armnn::TensorInfo GetOutputTensorInfo(int networkId, int layerId);
Get information relating supported compute backends on current device.
IDeviceSpec: Device spec information detailing all supported backends on current platform.
") GetDeviceSpec;
const IDeviceSpec& GetDeviceSpec();
%extend IRuntime {
//tell python to disown the IOptimizedNetwork pointer
//because IRuntime takes ownership
%typemap(in) armnn::IOptimizedNetwork* {
if (!SWIG_IsOK(SWIG_ConvertPtr($input, (void **) &$1, $1_descriptor, SWIG_POINTER_DISOWN))) {
SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_TypeError, "in method '$symname', argument 2 of type armnn::IOptimizedNetwork*");
Loads a complete network into the IRuntime.
The runtime takes ownership of the network once passed in.
network (IOptimizedNetwork): An optimized network to load into the IRuntime.
networkProperties (INetworkProperties): Properties that allows the user to opt-in to import/export behavior. Default: None.
tuple: (int, str) Network id and non fatal failure or warning messsages.
RuntimeError: If process fails.
") LoadNetwork;
std::pair<int, std::string> LoadNetwork(armnn::IOptimizedNetwork* network,
const INetworkProperties* networkProperties = nullptr)
armnn::IOptimizedNetworkPtr netPtr(network, &armnn::IOptimizedNetwork::Destroy);
armnn::NetworkId networkIdOut;
std::string errorString;
armnn::Status status;
if (networkProperties) {
status = $self->LoadNetwork(networkIdOut, std::move(netPtr), errorString, *networkProperties);
} else {
status = $self->LoadNetwork(networkIdOut, std::move(netPtr), errorString);
if(status == armnn::Status::Failure)
throw armnn::Exception(errorString);
auto net_id_int = static_cast<int>(networkIdOut);
return std::make_pair(net_id_int, errorString);
%typemap(in) armnn::IOptimizedNetwork*;
Calling this function will perform an inference on your network.
networkId (int): Unique ID of the network to run.
inputTensors (list): A list of tuples (int, `ConstTensor`), see `make_input_tensors`.
outputTensors (list): A list of tuples (int, `Tensor`), see `make_output_tensors`.
") EnqueueWorkload;
void EnqueueWorkload(int networkId, const std::vector<std::pair<int, armnn::ConstTensor>>& inputTensors,
const std::vector<std::pair<int, armnn::Tensor>>& outputTensors) {
armnn::Status status = $self->EnqueueWorkload(networkId, inputTensors, outputTensors);
if(status == armnn::Status::Failure)
throw armnn::Exception("Failed to enqueue workload for network.");
Unload a currently loaded network from the runtime.
networkId (int): Unique ID of the network to unload.
") UnloadNetwork;
void UnloadNetwork(int networkId) {
armnn::Status status = $self->UnloadNetwork(networkId);
if(status == armnn::Status::Failure)
throw armnn::Exception("Failed to unload network.");
Returns the IProfiler instance registered against the working thread, and stored on the loaded network.
Be aware that if the runtime has unloaded the network, or if the runtime is destroyed,
that the IProfiler instance will also be destroyed, and will cause a segmentation fault.
networkId (int): The ID of the loaded network you want to profile.
IProfiler: IProfiler instance the given loaded network has stored.
RuntimeError: If no profiler is found.
") GetProfiler;
armnn::IProfiler* GetProfiler(int networkId) {
std::shared_ptr<armnn::IProfiler> profiler = $self->GetProfiler(networkId);
if (nullptr == profiler) {
throw armnn::Exception("Failed to get profiler");
return profiler.get();
~IRuntime() {
IRuntime(const CreationOptions& options) {
return armnn::IRuntime::CreateRaw(options);
@ -0,0 +1,355 @@
// Copyright © 2020 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
#include "armnn/Tensor.hpp"
%include <typemaps/tensor_memory.i>
%include <typemaps/tensor_shape.i>
namespace armnn
Class for holding the shape information of an Arm NN tensor.
This class is iterable. You can iterate over it to get each value of the Tensor shape.
Obtain tensor shape information as a list.
>>> import pyarmnn as ann
>>> import numpy as np
>>> tensor_info = ann.TensorInfo(ann.TensorShape((4, 2, 1, 3)), ann.DataType_Float32)
>>> tensor = ann.ConstTensor(tensor_info, np.ones([4, 2, 1, 3], dtype=np.float32))
>>> print(list(tensor.GetShape()))
[4, 2, 1, 3]
") TensorShape;
class TensorShape
// Make TensorShape iterable so we can return shape dims easily.
%pythoncode %{
def __iter__(self):
for dim in range(self.GetNumDimensions()):
yield self[dim]
%tensor_shape_typemap(unsigned int numDimensions, const unsigned int* dimensionSizes);
TensorShape(unsigned int numDimensions, const unsigned int* dimensionSizes);
%clear_tensor_shape_typemap(unsigned int numDimensions, const unsigned int* dimensionSizes);
Returns the number of dimensions in this TensorShape.
int: The number of dimensions in this TensorShape.
") GetNumDimensions;
unsigned int GetNumDimensions() const;
Returns the total number of elements for a tensor with this TensorShape.
int: The total number of elements for a tensor with this TensorShape.
") GetNumElements;
unsigned int GetNumElements() const;
%extend TensorShape {
unsigned int __getitem__(unsigned int i) const {
return $self->operator[](i);
void __setitem__(unsigned int i, unsigned int val) {
$self->operator[](i) = val;
std::string __str__() {
std::string dim = "NumDimensions: " + std::to_string($self->GetNumDimensions());
std::string elm = "NumElements: " + std::to_string($self->GetNumElements());
std::string shapeStr = "TensorShape{Shape(";
auto numDimensions = $self->GetNumDimensions();
auto sizeDims = $self->GetNumDimensions();
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numDimensions; i++) {
shapeStr += std::to_string($self->operator[](i));
if (sizeDims - 1 > 0) {
shapeStr += ", ";
shapeStr = shapeStr + "), " + dim + ", " + elm + "}";
return shapeStr;
Class for holding the tensor information of an Arm NN tensor such as quantization, datatype, shape etc.
") TensorInfo;
class TensorInfo
TensorInfo(const TensorInfo& other);
TensorInfo(const TensorShape& shape, DataType dataType,
float quantizationScale = 0.0f, int32_t quantizationOffset = 0,
bool isConstant = False);
Get the tensor shape.
TensorShape: Current shape of the tensor.
") GetShape;
TensorShape& GetShape();
Set the tensor shape. Must have the same number of elements as current tensor.
newShape (TensorShape): New tensor shape to reshape to.
") SetShape;
void SetShape(const TensorShape& newShape);
Returns the number of dimensions in this Tensor.
int: The number of dimensions in this Tensor.
") GetNumDimensions;
unsigned int GetNumDimensions() const;
Returns the total number of elements for this Tensor.
int: The total number of elements for this Tensor.
") GetNumElements;
unsigned int GetNumElements() const;
Get the tensor datatype.
DataType: Current tensor DataType.
") GetDataType;
DataType GetDataType() const;
Set the tensor datatype.
type (DataType): DataType to set the tensor to.
") SetDataType;
void SetDataType(DataType type);
Get the value of the tensors quantization scale.
float: Tensor quantization scale value.
") GetQuantizationScale;
float GetQuantizationScale() const;
Get the value of the tensors quantization offset.
int: Tensor quantization offset value.
") GetQuantizationOffset;
int32_t GetQuantizationOffset() const;
Set the value of the tensors quantization scale.
scale (float): Scale value to set.
") SetQuantizationScale;
void SetQuantizationScale(float scale);
Set the value of the tensors quantization offset.
offset (int): Offset value to set.
") SetQuantizationOffset;
void SetQuantizationOffset(int32_t offset);
Returns true if the tensor is a quantized data type.
bool: True if the tensor is a quantized data type.
") IsQuantized;
bool IsQuantized() const;
Returns true if the tensor info is constant.
bool: True if the tensor info is constant.
") IsConstant;
bool IsConstant() const;
Sets the tensor info to be constant.
IsConstant (bool): Sets tensor info to constant.
") SetConstant;
void SetConstant(const bool IsConstant = True);
Check that the types are the same and, if quantize, that the quantization parameters are the same.
bool: True if matched, else False.
") IsTypeSpaceMatch;
bool IsTypeSpaceMatch(const TensorInfo& other) const;
Get the number of bytes needed for this tensor.
int: Number of bytes consumed by this tensor.
") GetNumBytes;
unsigned int GetNumBytes() const;
%extend TensorInfo {
std::string __str__() {
const std::string tmp = "TensorInfo{DataType: " + std::to_string(static_cast<int>($self->GetDataType()))
+ ", IsQuantized: " + std::to_string($self->IsQuantized())
+ ", QuantizationScale: " + std::to_string( $self->GetQuantizationScale())
+ ", QuantizationOffset: " + std::to_string($self->GetQuantizationOffset())
+ ", IsConstant: " + std::to_string($self->IsConstant())
+ ", NumDimensions: " + std::to_string($self->GetNumDimensions())
+ ", NumElements: " + std::to_string($self->GetNumElements()) + "}";
return tmp;
class Tensor
Tensor(const Tensor& other);
%mutable_memory(void* memory);
Tensor(const TensorInfo& info, void* memory);
%clear_mutable_memory(void* memory);
const TensorInfo& GetInfo() const;
const TensorShape& GetShape() const;
DataType GetDataType() const;
unsigned int GetNumDimensions() const;
unsigned int GetNumBytes() const;
unsigned int GetNumElements() const;
/* we want to disable getting the memory area from here - forcing use of get_memory_area() in public api.
void* GetMemoryArea() const;*/
%extend Tensor {
std::string __str__() {
const std::string tmp = "Tensor{DataType: " + std::to_string(static_cast<int>($self->GetDataType()))
+ ", NumBytes: " + std::to_string($self->GetNumBytes())
+ ", NumDimensions: " + std::to_string( $self->GetNumDimensions())
+ ", NumElements: " + std::to_string($self->GetNumElements()) + "}";
return tmp;
class ConstTensor
ConstTensor(const Tensor& other);
ConstTensor(const ConstTensor& other);
%const_memory(const void* memory);
ConstTensor(const TensorInfo& info, const void* memory);
%clear_const_memory(const void* memory);
const TensorInfo& GetInfo() const;
const TensorShape& GetShape() const;
DataType GetDataType() const;
unsigned int GetNumDimensions() const;
unsigned int GetNumBytes() const;
unsigned int GetNumElements() const;
/* we want to disable getting the memory area from here - forcing use of get_memory_area() in public api.
void* GetMemoryArea() const;*/
%extend ConstTensor {
std::string __str__() {
const std::string tmp = "ConstTensor{DataType: " + std::to_string(static_cast<int>($self->GetDataType()))
+ ", NumBytes: " + std::to_string($self->GetNumBytes())
+ ", NumDimensions: " + std::to_string( $self->GetNumDimensions())
+ ", NumElements: " + std::to_string($self->GetNumElements()) + "}";
return tmp;
@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
// Copyright © 2020 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
#include "armnn/Types.hpp"
%include <typemaps/permutation_vector.i>
namespace armnn
Vector used to permute a tensor.
For a 4-d tensor laid out in a memory with the format (Batch Element, Height, Width, Channels),
which is to be passed as an input to Arm NN, each source dimension is mapped to the corresponding
Arm NN dimension. The Batch dimension remains the same (0 -> 0). The source Height dimension is mapped
to the location of the Arm NN Height dimension (1 -> 2). Similar arguments are made for the Width and
Channels (2 -> 3 and 3 -> 1). This will lead to m_DimMappings pointing to the following array:
[ 0, 2, 3, 1 ].
Note that the mapping should be reversed if considering the case of Arm NN 4-d outputs (Batch Element,
Channels, Height, Width) being written to a destination with the format mentioned above. We now have
0 -> 0, 2 -> 1, 3 -> 2, 1 -> 3, which, when reordered, lead to the following m_DimMappings contents:
[ 0, 3, 1, 2 ].
dimMappings (list): Indicates how to translate tensor elements from a given source into the target destination,
when source and target potentially have different memory layouts.
") PermutationVector;
class PermutationVector
using ValueType = unsigned int;
using SizeType = unsigned int;
%permutation_vector_typemap(const ValueType *dimMappings, SizeType numDimMappings);
PermutationVector(const ValueType *dimMappings, SizeType numDimMappings);
%clear_permutation_vector_typemap(const ValueType *dimMappings, SizeType numDimMappings);
Get the PermutationVector size.
SizeType: Current size of the PermutationVector.
") GetSize;
SizeType GetSize();
Checks if a specified permutation vector is its inverse
bool: returns true if the specified Permutation vector is its inverse.
") IsInverse;
bool IsInverse(const PermutationVector& other);
%extend PermutationVector {
unsigned int __getitem__(unsigned int i) const {
return $self->operator[](i);
bool __eq__(PermutationVector other) {
int size = $self->GetSize();
int otherSize = other.GetSize();
if(size != otherSize)
return false;
for(int i = 0; i < size; ++i){
if($self->operator[](i) != other[i])
return false;
return true;
return true;
Interface for device specifications. Main use is to get information relating to what compute capability the device being used has.
") IDeviceSpec;
Returns the backends supported by this compute device.
set: This devices supported backends.
") GetSupportedBackends;
%ignore PermutationVector;
#define ARMNN_DEPRECATED_ENUM // SWIG does not support C++ attributes, need this to help generate from Deprecated.hpp.
#define ARMNN_DEPRECATED_ENUM_MSG(message) // SWIG does not support C++ attributes, need this to help generate from Deprecated.hpp.
%include "armnn/Types.hpp"
%extend armnn::IDeviceSpec {
std::string __str__() {
std::string deviceStr = "IDeviceSpec { supportedBackends: [";
auto bends = $self->GetSupportedBackends();
auto sizeBends = $self->GetSupportedBackends().size();
for (std::unordered_set<armnn::BackendId>::const_iterator p = bends.begin(); p != bends.end(); ++p) {
deviceStr += p->Get();
if (sizeBends - 1 > 0) {
deviceStr += ", ";
deviceStr = deviceStr + "]}";
return deviceStr;
@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
// Copyright © 2020 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
#include "armnn/TypesUtils.hpp"
namespace armnn
constexpr unsigned int GetDataTypeSize(DataType dataType);
constexpr const char* GetDataTypeName(DataType dataType);
template<typename QuantizedType>
QuantizedType Quantize(float value, float scale, int32_t offset);
%template(Quantize_uint8_t) Quantize<uint8_t>;
%template(Quantize_int8_t) Quantize<int8_t>;
%template(Quantize_int16_t) Quantize<int16_t>;
%template(Quantize_int32_t) Quantize<int32_t>;
template <typename QuantizedType>
float Dequantize(QuantizedType value, float scale, int32_t offset);
%template(Dequantize_uint8_t) Dequantize<uint8_t>;
%template(Dequantize_int8_t) Dequantize<int8_t>;
%template(Dequantize_int16_t) Dequantize<int16_t>;
%template(Dequantize_int32_t) Dequantize<int32_t>;
@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
// Copyright © 2020 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
%include "stl.i"
%include "cstring.i"
%include "std_string.i"
%include "std_vector.i"
%include "std_unordered_set.i"
%include "std_pair.i"
%include "stdint.i"
%include "carrays.i"
%include "exception.i"
%include "typemaps.i"
%include "std_iostream.i"
%ignore *::operator=;
%ignore *::operator[];
// Define exception typemap to wrap armnn exception into python exception.
try {
} catch (const armnn::Exception& e) {
SWIG_exception(SWIG_RuntimeError, const_cast<char*>(e.what()));
%exception __getitem__ {
try {
} catch (const armnn::InvalidArgumentException &e) {
SWIG_exception(SWIG_ValueError, const_cast<char*>(e.what()));
} catch (const std::out_of_range &e) {
SWIG_exception(SWIG_IndexError, const_cast<char*>(e.what()));
} catch (const std::exception &e) {
SWIG_exception(SWIG_RuntimeError, const_cast<char*>(e.what()));
%exception __setitem__ {
try {
} catch (const armnn::InvalidArgumentException &e) {
SWIG_exception(SWIG_ValueError, const_cast<char*>(e.what()));
} catch (const std::out_of_range &e) {
SWIG_exception(SWIG_IndexError, const_cast<char*>(e.what()));
} catch (const std::exception &e) {
SWIG_exception(SWIG_RuntimeError, const_cast<char*>(e.what()));
@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
// Copyright © 2021 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
%inline %{
static PyObject* from_model_options_to_python(std::vector<armnn::BackendOptions>* input) {
Py_ssize_t size = input->size();
PyObject* localList = PyList_New(size);
if (!localList) {
return PyErr_NoMemory();
for(Py_ssize_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
PyObject* obj = SWIG_NewPointerObj(SWIG_as_voidptr(&input->at(i)), SWIGTYPE_p_armnn__BackendOptions, 0 | 0 );
PyList_SET_ITEM(localList, i, obj);
return localList;
%define %model_options_typemap
// this typemap works for struct argument get
%typemap(out) std::vector<armnn::BackendOptions>* {
$result = from_model_options_to_python($1);
// this typemap works for struct argument set
%typemap(in) std::vector<armnn::BackendOptions>* {
if (PySequence_Check($input)) {
int res = swig::asptr($input, &$1);
if (!SWIG_IsOK(res) || !$1) {
SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(($1 ? res : SWIG_TypeError)),
"in method '" "OptimizerOptions_m_ModelOptions_set" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "std::vector< armnn::BackendOptions,std::allocator< armnn::BackendOptions > > *""'");
} else {
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "Argument value object does not provide sequence protocol.");
%define %model_options_clear
%typemap(out) std::vector<armnn::BackendOptions>*;
%typemap(in) std::vector<armnn::BackendOptions>*;
@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
// Copyright © 2020 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
%define %optimize_typemap_out
%typemap(out) (std::pair<armnn::IOptimizedNetwork*, std::vector<std::string>>) {
PyObject * network = SWIG_NewPointerObj(SWIG_as_voidptr($1.first), SWIGTYPE_p_armnn__IOptimizedNetwork, SWIG_POINTER_OWN);
$result = PyTuple_New(2);
// Convert vector to fixed-size tuple
std::vector<std::string> strings = $1.second;
Py_ssize_t size = strings.size();
// New reference. Need to Py_DECREF
PyObject* errMsgTuple = PyTuple_New(size);
if (!errMsgTuple) {
return PyErr_NoMemory();
for (Py_ssize_t i = 0; i < size; i++) {
// New reference. Need to Py_DECREF
PyObject *string = PyString_FromString(strings[i].c_str());
if (!string) {
return PyErr_NoMemory();
PyTuple_SetItem(errMsgTuple, i, string);
// Create result tuple
PyTuple_SetItem($result, 0, network);
PyTuple_SetItem($result, 1, errMsgTuple);
%define %clear_optimize_typemap_out
%typemap(out) (std::pair<armnn::IOptimizedNetwork*, std::vector<std::string>>)
@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
// Copyright © 2020 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
%define %permutation_vector_typemap(TYPE1, TYPE2)
%typemap(in) (TYPE1, TYPE2) {
if (PyTuple_Check($input)) {
PyObject* seq = $input;
$2 = PySequence_Fast_GET_SIZE(seq);
$1 = (unsigned int*)PyMem_RawMalloc($2*sizeof(unsigned int));
if(!$1) {
int size = (int)$2;
for(int i=0; i < size; i++) {
PyObject *longItem;
// Borrowed reference. No need to Py_DECREF
PyObject *item = PySequence_Fast_GET_ITEM(seq, i);
if(!item) {
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "Failed to read data from tuple");
// New reference. Need to Py_DECREF
longItem = PyNumber_Long(item);
if(!longItem) {
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "All elements must be numbers");
$1[i] = (unsigned int)PyLong_AsUnsignedLong(longItem);
} else {
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "Argument is not a tuple");
%typemap(freearg) (TYPE1, TYPE2) {
%define %clear_permutation_vector_typemap(TYPE1, TYPE2)
%typemap(in) (TYPE1, TYPE2);
%typemap(freearg) (TYPE1, TYPE2);
@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
// Copyright © 2020 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
%define %mutable_memory(TYPEMAP)
%typemap(in) (TYPEMAP) {
int res; void *buf = 0;
Py_buffer view;
res = PyObject_GetBuffer($input, &view, PyBUF_WRITABLE);
buf = view.buf;
if (res < 0) {
%argument_fail(res, "(TYPEMAP)", $symname, $argnum);
$1 = buf;
%typemap(typecheck) (TYPEMAP) {
$1 = PyObject_CheckBuffer($input) || PyTuple_Check($input) ? 1 : 0;
%define %clear_mutable_memory(TYPEMAP)
%typemap(in) (TYPEMAP);
%typemap(typecheck) (TYPEMAP);
%define %const_memory(TYPEMAP)
%typemap(in) (TYPEMAP) {
int res; void *buf = 0;
Py_buffer view;
res = PyObject_GetBuffer($input, &view, PyBUF_CONTIG_RO);
buf = view.buf;
if (res < 0) {
%argument_fail(res, "(TYPEMAP)", $symname, $argnum);
$1 = buf;
%typemap(typecheck) (TYPEMAP) {
$1 = PyObject_CheckBuffer($input) || PyTuple_Check($input) ? 1 : 0;
%define %clear_const_memory(TYPEMAP)
%typemap(in) (TYPEMAP);
%typemap(typecheck) (TYPEMAP);
@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
// Copyright © 2020 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
%define %tensor_shape_typemap(TYPE1, TYPE2)
%typemap(in) (TYPE1, TYPE2) {
if (PyTuple_Check($input)) {
PyObject* seq = $input;
$1 = PySequence_Fast_GET_SIZE(seq);
$2 = (unsigned int*)PyMem_RawMalloc($1*sizeof(unsigned int));
if(!$2) {
int size = (int)$1;
for(int i=0; i < size; i++) {
PyObject *longItem;
// Borrowed reference. No need to Py_DECREF
PyObject *item = PySequence_Fast_GET_ITEM(seq, i);
if(!item) {
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "Failed to read data from tuple");
// New reference. Need to Py_DECREF
longItem = PyNumber_Long(item);
if(!longItem) {
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "All elements must be numbers");
$2[i] = (unsigned int)PyLong_AsUnsignedLong(longItem);
} else {
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "Argument is not a tuple");
%typemap(freearg) (TYPE1, TYPE2) {
%define %clear_tensor_shape_typemap(TYPE1, TYPE2)
%typemap(in) (TYPE1, TYPE2);
%typemap(freearg) (TYPE1, TYPE2);
@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
// Copyright © 2020 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
%inline %{
int from_python_to_cpp(PyObject *obj, long* val) {
return SWIG_AsVal_long(obj, val);
int from_python_to_cpp(PyObject *obj, int* val) {
return SWIG_AsVal_int(obj, val);
int from_python_to_cpp(PyObject *obj, unsigned int* val) {
return SWIG_AsVal_unsigned_SS_int(obj, val);
int from_python_to_cpp(PyObject *obj, unsigned short* val) {
return SWIG_AsVal_unsigned_SS_short(obj, val);
int from_python_to_cpp(PyObject *obj, float* val) {
return SWIG_AsVal_float(obj, val);
int from_python_to_cpp(PyObject *obj, double* val) {
return SWIG_AsVal_double(obj, val);
int from_python_to_cpp(PyObject *obj, unsigned long long* val) {
return SWIG_AsVal_unsigned_SS_long_SS_long(obj, val);
int from_python_to_cpp(PyObject *obj, long long* val) {
return SWIG_AsVal_long_SS_long(obj, val);
int from_python_to_cpp(PyObject *obj, unsigned long* val) {
return SWIG_AsVal_unsigned_SS_long(obj, val);
int from_python_to_cpp(PyObject *obj, short* val) {
return SWIG_AsVal_short(obj, val);
PyObject* from_cpp_to_python(long& val){
return PyLong_FromLong(val);
PyObject* from_cpp_to_python(unsigned long& val){
return PyLong_FromUnsignedLong(val);
PyObject* from_cpp_to_python(long long& val){
return PyLong_FromLongLong(val);
PyObject* from_cpp_to_python(unsigned long long& val){
return PyLong_FromUnsignedLongLong(val);
PyObject* from_cpp_to_python(int& val){
return PyLong_FromLong(static_cast<long>(val));
PyObject* from_cpp_to_python(unsigned int& val){
return PyLong_FromUnsignedLong(static_cast<unsigned long>(val));
PyObject* from_cpp_to_python(unsigned short& val){
return PyLong_FromUnsignedLong(static_cast<unsigned long>(val));
PyObject* from_cpp_to_python(float& val){
return PyFloat_FromDouble(static_cast<double>(val));
PyObject* from_cpp_to_python(double& val){
return PyFloat_FromDouble(val);
template<class U, class V>
PyObject* from_cpp_to_python(std::pair<U, V>& pair){
PyObject* first = from_cpp_to_python(pair.first);
PyObject* second = from_cpp_to_python(pair.second);
PyObject* localTuple = PyTuple_New(2);
if (!localTuple) {
return PyErr_NoMemory();
PyTuple_SetItem(localTuple, 0, first);
PyTuple_SetItem(localTuple, 1, second);
return localTuple;
template<class K, class V>
static int from_python_to_cpp(PyObject* tuple, std::pair<K,V>* out) {
if (PyTuple_Check(tuple)) {
auto size = PyTuple_Size(tuple);
if (size != 2) {
return SWIG_ValueError;
PyObject* firstPy = PyTuple_GetItem(tuple, 0);
PyObject* secondPy = PyTuple_GetItem(tuple, 1);
if (!SWIG_IsOK(from_python_to_cpp(firstPy, &out->first))) {
return SWIG_TypeError;
if (!SWIG_IsOK(from_python_to_cpp(secondPy, &out->second))) {
return SWIG_TypeError;
} else {
return SWIG_TypeError;
return SWIG_OK;
//---------------std::vector <-> python list ---------------------
template<class T>
static PyObject* from_vector_to_python(std::vector<T>* input) {
Py_ssize_t size = input->size();
PyObject* localList = PyList_New(size);
if (!localList) {
return PyErr_NoMemory();
for(Py_ssize_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
PyObject* obj = from_cpp_to_python(input->at(i));
PyList_SET_ITEM(localList, i, obj);
return localList;
template<class T>
int from_python_to_vector(PyObject* seq, std::vector<T>& out) {
Py_ssize_t size = PySequence_Fast_GET_SIZE(seq);
for(Py_ssize_t i=0; i < size; i++) {
PyObject *item = PySequence_Fast_GET_ITEM(seq, i);
if(!item) {
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "Failed to read data from given sequence");
return SWIG_NullReferenceError;
T element;
int res = from_python_to_cpp(item, &element);
if (!SWIG_IsOK(res)) {
PyObject* itemRepr = PyObject_Repr(item);
PyObject* itemStrObj = PyUnicode_AsEncodedString(itemRepr, "utf-8", "replace");
const char* itemStr = PyBytes_AS_STRING(itemStrObj);
auto pythonType = Py_TYPE(item)->tp_name;
PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, "Failed to convert python input value %s of type '%s' to C type '%s'", itemStr, pythonType, typeid(T).name());
return SWIG_TypeError;
return SWIG_OK;
%define %list_to_vector(TYPEMAP...)
// this typemap works for struct argument set
%typemap(in) TYPEMAP* (TYPEMAP tmp) {
if (PySequence_Check($input)) {
if (from_python_to_vector($input, tmp) < 0) {
$1 = &tmp;
} else {
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "Argument value object does not provide sequence protocol, implement __getitem__() method.");
// this typemap works for constructor
%typemap(in) TYPEMAP {
if (PySequence_Check($input)) {
if (from_python_to_vector($input, $1) < 0){
} else {
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "Argument value object does not provide sequence protocol, implement __getitem__() method.");
// this typemap works for struct argument get
%typemap(out) TYPEMAP* {
$result = from_vector_to_python($1);
// this typemap works for overloaded methods and ctors
%typemap(typecheck) (TYPEMAP) {
$1 = PySequence_Check($input) ? 1 : 0;
%define %list_to_vector_clear(TYPEMAP...)
%typemap(in) (TYPEMAP);
%typemap(in) TYPEMAP* (TYPEMAP tmp);
%typemap(typecheck) (TYPEMAP);
%typemap(out) TYPEMAP*;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,275 @@
# Copyright © 2020 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
import pytest
import numpy as np
import pyarmnn as ann
def _get_const_tensor_info(dt):
tensor_info = ann.TensorInfo(ann.TensorShape((2, 3)), dt, 0.0, 0, True)
return tensor_info
@pytest.mark.parametrize("dt, data",
(ann.DataType_Float32, np.random.randint(1, size=(2, 4)).astype(np.float32)),
(ann.DataType_Float16, np.random.randint(1, size=(2, 4)).astype(np.float16)),
(ann.DataType_QAsymmU8, np.random.randint(1, size=(2, 4)).astype(np.uint8)),
(ann.DataType_QAsymmS8, np.random.randint(1, size=(2, 4)).astype(np.int8)),
(ann.DataType_QSymmS8, np.random.randint(1, size=(2, 4)).astype(np.int8)),
(ann.DataType_Signed32, np.random.randint(1, size=(2, 4)).astype(np.int32)),
(ann.DataType_QSymmS16, np.random.randint(1, size=(2, 4)).astype(np.int16))
], ids=['float32', 'float16', 'unsigned int8', 'signed int8', 'signed int8', 'int32', 'int16'])
def test_const_tensor_too_many_elements(dt, data):
tensor_info = _get_const_tensor_info(dt)
num_bytes = tensor_info.GetNumBytes()
with pytest.raises(ValueError) as err:
ann.ConstTensor(tensor_info, data)
assert 'ConstTensor requires {} bytes, {} provided.'.format(num_bytes, data.nbytes) in str(err.value)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("dt, data",
(ann.DataType_Float32, np.random.randint(1, size=(2, 2)).astype(np.float32)),
(ann.DataType_Float16, np.random.randint(1, size=(2, 2)).astype(np.float16)),
(ann.DataType_QAsymmU8, np.random.randint(1, size=(2, 2)).astype(np.uint8)),
(ann.DataType_QAsymmS8, np.random.randint(1, size=(2, 2)).astype(np.int8)),
(ann.DataType_QSymmS8, np.random.randint(1, size=(2, 2)).astype(np.int8)),
(ann.DataType_Signed32, np.random.randint(1, size=(2, 2)).astype(np.int32)),
(ann.DataType_QSymmS16, np.random.randint(1, size=(2, 2)).astype(np.int16))
], ids=['float32', 'float16', 'unsigned int8', 'signed int8', 'signed int8', 'int32', 'int16'])
def test_const_tensor_too_little_elements(dt, data):
tensor_info = _get_const_tensor_info(dt)
num_bytes = tensor_info.GetNumBytes()
with pytest.raises(ValueError) as err:
ann.ConstTensor(tensor_info, data)
assert 'ConstTensor requires {} bytes, {} provided.'.format(num_bytes, data.nbytes) in str(err.value)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("dt, data",
(ann.DataType_Float32, np.random.randint(1, size=(2, 2, 3, 3)).astype(np.float32)),
(ann.DataType_Float16, np.random.randint(1, size=(2, 2, 3, 3)).astype(np.float16)),
(ann.DataType_QAsymmU8, np.random.randint(1, size=(2, 2, 3, 3)).astype(np.uint8)),
(ann.DataType_QAsymmS8, np.random.randint(1, size=(2, 2, 3, 3)).astype(np.int8)),
(ann.DataType_QSymmS8, np.random.randint(1, size=(2, 2, 3, 3)).astype(np.int8)),
(ann.DataType_Signed32, np.random.randint(1, size=(2, 2, 3, 3)).astype(np.int32)),
(ann.DataType_QSymmS16, np.random.randint(1, size=(2, 2, 3, 3)).astype(np.int16))
], ids=['float32', 'float16', 'unsigned int8', 'signed int8', 'signed int8', 'int32', 'int16'])
def test_const_tensor_multi_dimensional_input(dt, data):
tensor = ann.ConstTensor(ann.TensorInfo(ann.TensorShape((2, 2, 3, 3)), dt, 0.0, 0, True), data)
assert data.size == tensor.GetNumElements()
assert data.nbytes == tensor.GetNumBytes()
assert dt == tensor.GetDataType()
assert tensor.get_memory_area().data
def test_create_const_tensor_from_tensor():
tensor_info = ann.TensorInfo(ann.TensorShape((2, 3)), ann.DataType_Float32, 0.0, 0, True)
tensor = ann.Tensor(tensor_info)
copied_tensor = ann.ConstTensor(tensor)
assert copied_tensor != tensor, "Different objects"
assert copied_tensor.GetInfo() != tensor.GetInfo(), "Different objects"
assert copied_tensor.get_memory_area().ctypes.data == tensor.get_memory_area().ctypes.data, "Same memory area"
assert copied_tensor.GetNumElements() == tensor.GetNumElements()
assert copied_tensor.GetNumBytes() == tensor.GetNumBytes()
assert copied_tensor.GetDataType() == tensor.GetDataType()
def test_const_tensor_from_tensor_has_memory_area_access_after_deletion_of_original_tensor():
tensor_info = ann.TensorInfo(ann.TensorShape((2, 3)), ann.DataType_Float32, 0.0, 0, True)
tensor = ann.Tensor(tensor_info)
tensor.get_memory_area()[0] = 100
copied_mem = tensor.get_memory_area().copy()
assert 100 == copied_mem[0], "Memory was copied correctly"
copied_tensor = ann.ConstTensor(tensor)
tensor.get_memory_area()[0] = 200
assert 200 == tensor.get_memory_area()[0], "Tensor and copied Tensor point to the same memory"
assert 200 == copied_tensor.get_memory_area()[0], "Tensor and copied Tensor point to the same memory"
assert 100 == copied_mem[0], "Copied test memory not affected"
copied_mem[0] = 200 # modify test memory to equal copied Tensor
del tensor
np.testing.assert_array_equal(copied_tensor.get_memory_area(), copied_mem), "After initial tensor was deleted, " \
"copied Tensor still has " \
"its memory as expected"
def test_create_const_tensor_incorrect_args():
with pytest.raises(ValueError) as err:
ann.ConstTensor('something', 'something')
expected_error_message = "Incorrect number of arguments or type of arguments provided to create Const Tensor."
assert expected_error_message in str(err.value)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("dt, data",
# -1 not in data type enum
(-1, np.random.randint(1, size=(2, 3)).astype(np.float32)),
], ids=['unknown'])
def test_const_tensor_unsupported_datatype(dt, data):
tensor_info = _get_const_tensor_info(dt)
with pytest.raises(ValueError) as err:
ann.ConstTensor(tensor_info, data)
assert 'The data type provided for this Tensor is not supported: -1' in str(err.value)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("dt, data",
(ann.DataType_Float32, [[1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1]]),
(ann.DataType_Float16, [[1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1]]),
(ann.DataType_QAsymmU8, [[1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1]]),
(ann.DataType_QAsymmS8, [[1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1]]),
(ann.DataType_QSymmS8, [[1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1]])
], ids=['float32', 'float16', 'unsigned int8', 'signed int8', 'signed int8'])
def test_const_tensor_incorrect_input_datatype(dt, data):
tensor_info = _get_const_tensor_info(dt)
with pytest.raises(TypeError) as err:
ann.ConstTensor(tensor_info, data)
assert 'Data must be provided as a numpy array.' in str(err.value)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("dt, data",
(ann.DataType_Float32, np.random.randint(1, size=(2, 3)).astype(np.float32)),
(ann.DataType_Float16, np.random.randint(1, size=(2, 3)).astype(np.float16)),
(ann.DataType_QAsymmU8, np.random.randint(1, size=(2, 3)).astype(np.uint8)),
(ann.DataType_QAsymmS8, np.random.randint(1, size=(2, 3)).astype(np.int8)),
(ann.DataType_QSymmS8, np.random.randint(1, size=(2, 3)).astype(np.int8)),
(ann.DataType_Signed32, np.random.randint(1, size=(2, 3)).astype(np.int32)),
(ann.DataType_QSymmS16, np.random.randint(1, size=(2, 3)).astype(np.int16))
], ids=['float32', 'float16', 'unsigned int8', 'signed int8', 'signed int8', 'int32', 'int16'])
class TestNumpyDataTypes:
def test_copy_const_tensor(self, dt, data):
tensor_info = _get_const_tensor_info(dt)
tensor = ann.ConstTensor(tensor_info, data)
copied_tensor = ann.ConstTensor(tensor)
assert copied_tensor != tensor, "Different objects"
assert copied_tensor.GetInfo() != tensor.GetInfo(), "Different objects"
assert copied_tensor.get_memory_area().ctypes.data == tensor.get_memory_area().ctypes.data, "Same memory area"
assert copied_tensor.GetNumElements() == tensor.GetNumElements()
assert copied_tensor.GetNumBytes() == tensor.GetNumBytes()
assert copied_tensor.GetDataType() == tensor.GetDataType()
def test_const_tensor__str__(self, dt, data):
tensor_info = _get_const_tensor_info(dt)
d_type = tensor_info.GetDataType()
num_dimensions = tensor_info.GetNumDimensions()
num_bytes = tensor_info.GetNumBytes()
num_elements = tensor_info.GetNumElements()
tensor = ann.ConstTensor(tensor_info, data)
assert str(tensor) == "ConstTensor{{DataType: {}, NumBytes: {}, NumDimensions: " \
"{}, NumElements: {}}}".format(d_type, num_bytes, num_dimensions, num_elements)
def test_const_tensor_with_info(self, dt, data):
tensor_info = _get_const_tensor_info(dt)
elements = tensor_info.GetNumElements()
num_bytes = tensor_info.GetNumBytes()
d_type = dt
tensor = ann.ConstTensor(tensor_info, data)
assert tensor_info != tensor.GetInfo(), "Different objects"
assert elements == tensor.GetNumElements()
assert num_bytes == tensor.GetNumBytes()
assert d_type == tensor.GetDataType()
def test_immutable_memory(self, dt, data):
tensor_info = _get_const_tensor_info(dt)
tensor = ann.ConstTensor(tensor_info, data)
with pytest.raises(ValueError) as err:
tensor.get_memory_area()[0] = 0
assert 'is read-only' in str(err.value)
def test_numpy_dtype_matches_ann_dtype(self, dt, data):
np_data_type_mapping = {ann.DataType_QAsymmU8: np.uint8,
ann.DataType_QAsymmS8: np.int8,
ann.DataType_QSymmS8: np.int8,
ann.DataType_Float32: np.float32,
ann.DataType_QSymmS16: np.int16,
ann.DataType_Signed32: np.int32,
ann.DataType_Float16: np.float16}
tensor_info = _get_const_tensor_info(dt)
tensor = ann.ConstTensor(tensor_info, data)
assert np_data_type_mapping[tensor.GetDataType()] == data.dtype
# This test checks that mismatched numpy and PyArmNN datatypes with same number of bits raises correct error.
@pytest.mark.parametrize("dt, data",
(ann.DataType_Float32, np.random.randint(1, size=(2, 3)).astype(np.int32)),
(ann.DataType_Float16, np.random.randint(1, size=(2, 3)).astype(np.int16)),
(ann.DataType_QAsymmU8, np.random.randint(1, size=(2, 3)).astype(np.int8)),
(ann.DataType_QAsymmS8, np.random.randint(1, size=(2, 3)).astype(np.uint8)),
(ann.DataType_QSymmS8, np.random.randint(1, size=(2, 3)).astype(np.uint8)),
(ann.DataType_Signed32, np.random.randint(1, size=(2, 3)).astype(np.float32)),
(ann.DataType_QSymmS16, np.random.randint(1, size=(2, 3)).astype(np.float16))
], ids=['float32', 'float16', 'unsigned int8', 'signed int8', 'signed int8', 'int32', 'int16'])
def test_numpy_dtype_mismatch_ann_dtype(dt, data):
np_data_type_mapping = {ann.DataType_QAsymmU8: np.uint8,
ann.DataType_QAsymmS8: np.int8,
ann.DataType_QSymmS8: np.int8,
ann.DataType_Float32: np.float32,
ann.DataType_QSymmS16: np.int16,
ann.DataType_Signed32: np.int32,
ann.DataType_Float16: np.float16}
tensor_info = _get_const_tensor_info(dt)
with pytest.raises(TypeError) as err:
ann.ConstTensor(tensor_info, data)
assert str(err.value) == "Expected data to have type {} for type {} but instead got numpy.{}".format(
np_data_type_mapping[dt], dt, data.dtype)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("dt, data",
(ann.DataType_Float32, np.random.randint(1, size=(2, 3)).astype(np.float32)),
(ann.DataType_Float16, np.random.randint(1, size=(2, 3)).astype(np.float16)),
(ann.DataType_QAsymmU8, np.random.randint(1, size=(2, 3)).astype(np.uint8)),
(ann.DataType_QAsymmS8, np.random.randint(1, size=(2, 3)).astype(np.int8)),
(ann.DataType_QSymmS8, np.random.randint(1, size=(2, 3)).astype(np.int8)),
(ann.DataType_Signed32, np.random.randint(1, size=(2, 3)).astype(np.int32)),
(ann.DataType_QSymmS16, np.random.randint(1, size=(2, 3)).astype(np.int16))
], ids=['float32', 'float16', 'unsigned int8', 'signed int8', 'signed int8', 'int32', 'int16'])
class TestConstTensorConstructorErrors:
def test_tensorinfo_isconstant_not_set(self, dt, data):
with pytest.raises(ValueError) as err:
ann.ConstTensor(ann.TensorInfo(ann.TensorShape((2, 2, 3, 3)), dt, 0.0, 0, False), data)
assert str(err.value) == "TensorInfo when initializing ConstTensor must be set to constant."
def test_tensor_tensorinfo_isconstant_not_set(self, dt, data):
with pytest.raises(ValueError) as err:
ann.ConstTensor(ann.Tensor(ann.TensorInfo(ann.TensorShape((2, 2, 3, 3)), dt, 0.0, 0, False), data))
assert str(err.value) == "TensorInfo of Tensor when initializing ConstTensor must be set to constant."
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,601 @@
# Copyright © 2020 Arm Ltd and Contributors. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
import inspect
import pytest
import pyarmnn as ann
import numpy as np
import pyarmnn._generated.pyarmnn as generated
def test_activation_descriptor_default_values():
desc = ann.ActivationDescriptor()
assert desc.m_Function == ann.ActivationFunction_Sigmoid
assert desc.m_A == 0
assert desc.m_B == 0
def test_argminmax_descriptor_default_values():
desc = ann.ArgMinMaxDescriptor()
assert desc.m_Function == ann.ArgMinMaxFunction_Min
assert desc.m_Axis == -1
def test_batchnormalization_descriptor_default_values():
desc = ann.BatchNormalizationDescriptor()
assert desc.m_DataLayout == ann.DataLayout_NCHW
np.allclose(0.0001, desc.m_Eps)
def test_batchtospacend_descriptor_default_values():
desc = ann.BatchToSpaceNdDescriptor()
assert desc.m_DataLayout == ann.DataLayout_NCHW
assert [1, 1] == desc.m_BlockShape
assert [(0, 0), (0, 0)] == desc.m_Crops
def test_batchtospacend_descriptor_assignment():
desc = ann.BatchToSpaceNdDescriptor()
desc.m_BlockShape = (1, 2, 3)
ololo = [(1, 2), (3, 4)]
size_1 = len(ololo)
desc.m_Crops = ololo
assert size_1 == len(ololo)
desc.m_DataLayout = ann.DataLayout_NHWC
assert ann.DataLayout_NHWC == desc.m_DataLayout
assert [1, 2, 3] == desc.m_BlockShape
assert [(1, 2), (3, 4)] == desc.m_Crops
@pytest.mark.parametrize("input_shape, value, vtype", [([-1], -1, 'int'), (("one", "two"), "'one'", 'str'),
([1.33, 4.55], 1.33, 'float'),
([{1: "one"}], "{1: 'one'}", 'dict')], ids=lambda x: str(x))
def test_batchtospacend_descriptor_rubbish_assignment_shape(input_shape, value, vtype):
desc = ann.BatchToSpaceNdDescriptor()
with pytest.raises(TypeError) as err:
desc.m_BlockShape = input_shape
assert "Failed to convert python input value {} of type '{}' to C type 'j'".format(value, vtype) in str(err.value)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("input_crops, value, vtype", [([(1, 2), (3, 4, 5)], '(3, 4, 5)', 'tuple'),
([(1, 'one')], "(1, 'one')", 'tuple'),
([-1], -1, 'int'),
([(1, (1, 2))], '(1, (1, 2))', 'tuple'),
([[1, [1, 2]]], '[1, [1, 2]]', 'list')
], ids=lambda x: str(x))
def test_batchtospacend_descriptor_rubbish_assignment_crops(input_crops, value, vtype):
desc = ann.BatchToSpaceNdDescriptor()
with pytest.raises(TypeError) as err:
desc.m_Crops = input_crops
assert "Failed to convert python input value {} of type '{}' to C type".format(value, vtype) in str(err.value)
def test_batchtospacend_descriptor_empty_assignment():
desc = ann.BatchToSpaceNdDescriptor()
desc.m_BlockShape = []
assert [] == desc.m_BlockShape
def test_batchtospacend_descriptor_ctor():
desc = ann.BatchToSpaceNdDescriptor([1, 2, 3], [(4, 5), (6, 7)])
assert desc.m_DataLayout == ann.DataLayout_NCHW
assert [1, 2, 3] == desc.m_BlockShape
assert [(4, 5), (6, 7)] == desc.m_Crops
def test_channelshuffle_descriptor_default_values():
desc = ann.ChannelShuffleDescriptor()
assert desc.m_Axis == 0
assert desc.m_NumGroups == 0
def test_convolution2d_descriptor_default_values():
desc = ann.Convolution2dDescriptor()
assert desc.m_PadLeft == 0
assert desc.m_PadTop == 0
assert desc.m_PadRight == 0
assert desc.m_PadBottom == 0
assert desc.m_StrideX == 1
assert desc.m_StrideY == 1
assert desc.m_DilationX == 1
assert desc.m_DilationY == 1
assert desc.m_BiasEnabled == False
assert desc.m_DataLayout == ann.DataLayout_NCHW
def test_convolution3d_descriptor_default_values():
desc = ann.Convolution3dDescriptor()
assert desc.m_PadLeft == 0
assert desc.m_PadTop == 0
assert desc.m_PadRight == 0
assert desc.m_PadBottom == 0
assert desc.m_PadFront == 0
assert desc.m_PadBack == 0
assert desc.m_StrideX == 1
assert desc.m_StrideY == 1
assert desc.m_StrideZ == 1
assert desc.m_DilationX == 1
assert desc.m_DilationY == 1
assert desc.m_DilationZ == 1
assert desc.m_BiasEnabled == False
assert desc.m_DataLayout == ann.DataLayout_NDHWC
def test_depthtospace_descriptor_default_values():
desc = ann.DepthToSpaceDescriptor()
assert desc.m_BlockSize == 1
assert desc.m_DataLayout == ann.DataLayout_NHWC
def test_depthwise_convolution2d_descriptor_default_values():
desc = ann.DepthwiseConvolution2dDescriptor()
assert desc.m_PadLeft == 0
assert desc.m_PadTop == 0
assert desc.m_PadRight == 0
assert desc.m_PadBottom == 0
assert desc.m_StrideX == 1
assert desc.m_StrideY == 1
assert desc.m_DilationX == 1
assert desc.m_DilationY == 1
assert desc.m_BiasEnabled == False
assert desc.m_DataLayout == ann.DataLayout_NCHW
def test_detectionpostprocess_descriptor_default_values():
desc = ann.DetectionPostProcessDescriptor()
assert desc.m_MaxDetections == 0
assert desc.m_MaxClassesPerDetection == 1
assert desc.m_DetectionsPerClass == 1
assert desc.m_NmsScoreThreshold == 0
assert desc.m_NmsIouThreshold == 0
assert desc.m_NumClasses == 0
assert desc.m_UseRegularNms == False
assert desc.m_ScaleH == 0
assert desc.m_ScaleW == 0
assert desc.m_ScaleX == 0
assert desc.m_ScaleY == 0
def test_fakequantization_descriptor_default_values():
desc = ann.FakeQuantizationDescriptor()
np.allclose(6, desc.m_Max)
np.allclose(-6, desc.m_Min)
def test_fill_descriptor_default_values():
desc = ann.FillDescriptor()
np.allclose(0, desc.m_Value)
def test_gather_descriptor_default_values():
desc = ann.GatherDescriptor()
assert desc.m_Axis == 0
def test_fully_connected_descriptor_default_values():
desc = ann.FullyConnectedDescriptor()
assert desc.m_BiasEnabled == False
assert desc.m_TransposeWeightMatrix == False
def test_instancenormalization_descriptor_default_values():
desc = ann.InstanceNormalizationDescriptor()
assert desc.m_Gamma == 1
assert desc.m_Beta == 0
assert desc.m_DataLayout == ann.DataLayout_NCHW
np.allclose(1e-12, desc.m_Eps)
def test_lstm_descriptor_default_values():
desc = ann.LstmDescriptor()
assert desc.m_ActivationFunc == 1
assert desc.m_ClippingThresCell == 0
assert desc.m_ClippingThresProj == 0
assert desc.m_CifgEnabled == True
assert desc.m_PeepholeEnabled == False
assert desc.m_ProjectionEnabled == False
assert desc.m_LayerNormEnabled == False
def test_l2normalization_descriptor_default_values():
desc = ann.L2NormalizationDescriptor()
assert desc.m_DataLayout == ann.DataLayout_NCHW
np.allclose(1e-12, desc.m_Eps)
def test_mean_descriptor_default_values():
desc = ann.MeanDescriptor()
assert desc.m_KeepDims == False
def test_normalization_descriptor_default_values():
desc = ann.NormalizationDescriptor()
assert desc.m_NormChannelType == ann.NormalizationAlgorithmChannel_Across
assert desc.m_NormMethodType == ann.NormalizationAlgorithmMethod_LocalBrightness
assert desc.m_NormSize == 0
assert desc.m_Alpha == 0
assert desc.m_Beta == 0
assert desc.m_K == 0
assert desc.m_DataLayout == ann.DataLayout_NCHW
def test_origin_descriptor_default_values():
desc = ann.ConcatDescriptor()
assert 0 == desc.GetNumViews()
assert 0 == desc.GetNumDimensions()
assert 1 == desc.GetConcatAxis()
def test_origin_descriptor_incorrect_views():
desc = ann.ConcatDescriptor(2, 2)
with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as err:
desc.SetViewOriginCoord(1000, 100, 1000)
assert "Failed to set view origin coordinates." in str(err.value)
def test_origin_descriptor_ctor():
desc = ann.ConcatDescriptor(2, 2)
value = 5
for i in range(desc.GetNumViews()):
for j in range(desc.GetNumDimensions()):
desc.SetViewOriginCoord(i, j, value+i)
assert 2 == desc.GetNumViews()
assert 2 == desc.GetNumDimensions()
assert [5, 5] == desc.GetViewOrigin(0)
assert [6, 6] == desc.GetViewOrigin(1)
assert 1 == desc.GetConcatAxis()
def test_pad_descriptor_default_values():
desc = ann.PadDescriptor()
assert desc.m_PadValue == 0
assert desc.m_PaddingMode == ann.PaddingMode_Constant
def test_permute_descriptor_default_values():
pv = ann.PermutationVector((0, 2, 3, 1))
desc = ann.PermuteDescriptor(pv)
assert desc.m_DimMappings.GetSize() == 4
assert desc.m_DimMappings[0] == 0
assert desc.m_DimMappings[1] == 2
assert desc.m_DimMappings[2] == 3
assert desc.m_DimMappings[3] == 1
def test_pooling_descriptor_default_values():
desc = ann.Pooling2dDescriptor()
assert desc.m_PoolType == ann.PoolingAlgorithm_Max
assert desc.m_PadLeft == 0
assert desc.m_PadTop == 0
assert desc.m_PadRight == 0
assert desc.m_PadBottom == 0
assert desc.m_PoolHeight == 0
assert desc.m_PoolWidth == 0
assert desc.m_StrideX == 0
assert desc.m_StrideY == 0
assert desc.m_OutputShapeRounding == ann.OutputShapeRounding_Floor
assert desc.m_PaddingMethod == ann.PaddingMethod_Exclude
assert desc.m_DataLayout == ann.DataLayout_NCHW
def test_reshape_descriptor_default_values():
desc = ann.ReshapeDescriptor()
# check the empty Targetshape
assert desc.m_TargetShape.GetNumDimensions() == 0
def test_reduce_descriptor_default_values():
desc = ann.ReduceDescriptor()
assert desc.m_KeepDims == False
assert desc.m_vAxis == []
assert desc.m_ReduceOperation == ann.ReduceOperation_Sum
def test_slice_descriptor_default_values():
desc = ann.SliceDescriptor()
assert desc.m_TargetWidth == 0
assert desc.m_TargetHeight == 0
assert desc.m_Method == ann.ResizeMethod_NearestNeighbor
assert desc.m_DataLayout == ann.DataLayout_NCHW
def test_resize_descriptor_default_values():
desc = ann.ResizeDescriptor()
assert desc.m_TargetWidth == 0
assert desc.m_TargetHeight == 0
assert desc.m_Method == ann.ResizeMethod_NearestNeighbor
assert desc.m_DataLayout == ann.DataLayout_NCHW
assert desc.m_AlignCorners == False
def test_spacetobatchnd_descriptor_default_values():
desc = ann.SpaceToBatchNdDescriptor()
assert desc.m_DataLayout == ann.DataLayout_NCHW
def test_spacetodepth_descriptor_default_values():
desc = ann.SpaceToDepthDescriptor()
assert desc.m_BlockSize == 1
assert desc.m_DataLayout == ann.DataLayout_NHWC
def test_stack_descriptor_default_values():
desc = ann.StackDescriptor()
assert desc.m_Axis == 0
assert desc.m_NumInputs == 0
# check the empty Inputshape
assert desc.m_InputShape.GetNumDimensions() == 0
def test_slice_descriptor_default_values():
desc = ann.SliceDescriptor()
desc.m_Begin = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
desc.m_Size = (1, 2, 3, 4)
assert [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] == desc.m_Begin
assert [1, 2, 3, 4] == desc.m_Size
def test_slice_descriptor_ctor():
desc = ann.SliceDescriptor([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], (1, 2, 3, 4))
assert [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] == desc.m_Begin
assert [1, 2, 3, 4] == desc.m_Size
def test_strided_slice_descriptor_default_values():
desc = ann.StridedSliceDescriptor()
desc.m_Begin = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
desc.m_End = [6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
desc.m_Stride = (10, 10)
desc.m_BeginMask = 1
desc.m_EndMask = 2
desc.m_ShrinkAxisMask = 3
desc.m_EllipsisMask = 4
desc.m_NewAxisMask = 5
assert [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] == desc.m_Begin
assert [6, 7, 8, 9, 10] == desc.m_End
assert [10, 10] == desc.m_Stride
assert 1 == desc.m_BeginMask
assert 2 == desc.m_EndMask
assert 3 == desc.m_ShrinkAxisMask
assert 4 == desc.m_EllipsisMask
assert 5 == desc.m_NewAxisMask
def test_strided_slice_descriptor_ctor():
desc = ann.StridedSliceDescriptor([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [6, 7, 8, 9, 10], (10, 10))
desc.m_Begin = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
desc.m_End = [6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
desc.m_Stride = (10, 10)
assert [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] == desc.m_Begin
assert [6, 7, 8, 9, 10] == desc.m_End
assert [10, 10] == desc.m_Stride
def test_softmax_descriptor_default_values():
desc = ann.SoftmaxDescriptor()
assert desc.m_Axis == -1
np.allclose(1.0, desc.m_Beta)
def test_space_to_batch_nd_descriptor_default_values():
desc = ann.SpaceToBatchNdDescriptor()
assert [1, 1] == desc.m_BlockShape
assert [(0, 0), (0, 0)] == desc.m_PadList
assert ann.DataLayout_NCHW == desc.m_DataLayout
def test_space_to_batch_nd_descriptor_assigned_values():
desc = ann.SpaceToBatchNdDescriptor()
desc.m_BlockShape = (90, 100)
desc.m_PadList = [(1, 2), (3, 4)]
assert [90, 100] == desc.m_BlockShape
assert [(1, 2), (3, 4)] == desc.m_PadList
assert ann.DataLayout_NCHW == desc.m_DataLayout
def test_space_to_batch_nd_descriptor_ctor():
desc = ann.SpaceToBatchNdDescriptor((1, 2, 3), [(1, 2), (3, 4)])
assert [1, 2, 3] == desc.m_BlockShape
assert [(1, 2), (3, 4)] == desc.m_PadList
assert ann.DataLayout_NCHW == desc.m_DataLayout
def test_transpose_convolution2d_descriptor_default_values():
desc = ann.TransposeConvolution2dDescriptor()
assert desc.m_PadLeft == 0
assert desc.m_PadTop == 0
assert desc.m_PadRight == 0
assert desc.m_PadBottom == 0
assert desc.m_StrideX == 0
assert desc.m_StrideY == 0
assert desc.m_BiasEnabled == False
assert desc.m_DataLayout == ann.DataLayout_NCHW
assert desc.m_OutputShapeEnabled == False
def test_transpose_descriptor_default_values():
pv = ann.PermutationVector((0, 3, 2, 1, 4))
desc = ann.TransposeDescriptor(pv)
assert desc.m_DimMappings.GetSize() == 5
assert desc.m_DimMappings[0] == 0
assert desc.m_DimMappings[1] == 3
assert desc.m_DimMappings[2] == 2
assert desc.m_DimMappings[3] == 1
assert desc.m_DimMappings[4] == 4
def test_view_descriptor_default_values():
desc = ann.SplitterDescriptor()
assert 0 == desc.GetNumViews()
assert 0 == desc.GetNumDimensions()
def test_elementwise_unary_descriptor_default_values():
desc = ann.ElementwiseUnaryDescriptor()
assert desc.m_Operation == ann.UnaryOperation_Abs
def test_logical_binary_descriptor_default_values():
desc = ann.LogicalBinaryDescriptor()
assert desc.m_Operation == ann.LogicalBinaryOperation_LogicalAnd
def test_view_descriptor_incorrect_input():
desc = ann.SplitterDescriptor(2, 3)
with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as err:
desc.SetViewOriginCoord(1000, 100, 1000)
assert "Failed to set view origin coordinates." in str(err.value)
with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as err:
desc.SetViewSize(1000, 100, 1000)
assert "Failed to set view size." in str(err.value)
def test_view_descriptor_ctor():
desc = ann.SplitterDescriptor(2, 3)
value_size = 1
value_orig_coord = 5
for i in range(desc.GetNumViews()):
for j in range(desc.GetNumDimensions()):
desc.SetViewOriginCoord(i, j, value_orig_coord+i)
desc.SetViewSize(i, j, value_size+i)
assert 2 == desc.GetNumViews()
assert 3 == desc.GetNumDimensions()
assert [5, 5] == desc.GetViewOrigin(0)
assert [6, 6] == desc.GetViewOrigin(1)
assert [1, 1] == desc.GetViewSizes(0)
assert [2, 2] == desc.GetViewSizes(1)
def test_createdescriptorforconcatenation_ctor():
input_shape_vector = [ann.TensorShape((2, 1)), ann.TensorShape((3, 1)), ann.TensorShape((4, 1))]
desc = ann.CreateDescriptorForConcatenation(input_shape_vector, 0)
assert 3 == desc.GetNumViews()
assert 0 == desc.GetConcatAxis()
assert 2 == desc.GetNumDimensions()
c = desc.GetViewOrigin(1)
d = desc.GetViewOrigin(0)
def test_createdescriptorforconcatenation_wrong_shape_for_axis():
input_shape_vector = [ann.TensorShape((1, 2)), ann.TensorShape((3, 4)), ann.TensorShape((5, 6))]
with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as err:
desc = ann.CreateDescriptorForConcatenation(input_shape_vector, 0)
assert "All inputs to concatenation must be the same size along all dimensions except the concatenation dimension" in str(
@pytest.mark.parametrize("input_shape_vector", [([-1, "one"]),
([1.33, 4.55]),
([{1: "one"}])], ids=lambda x: str(x))
def test_createdescriptorforconcatenation_rubbish_assignment_shape_vector(input_shape_vector):
with pytest.raises(TypeError) as err:
desc = ann.CreateDescriptorForConcatenation(input_shape_vector, 0)
assert "in method 'CreateDescriptorForConcatenation', argument 1 of type 'std::vector< armnn::TensorShape,std::allocator< armnn::TensorShape > >'" in str(
generated_classes = inspect.getmembers(generated, inspect.isclass)
generated_classes_names = list(map(lambda x: x[0], generated_classes))
@pytest.mark.parametrize("desc_name", ['ActivationDescriptor',
class TestDescriptorMassChecks:
def test_desc_implemented(self, desc_name):
assert desc_name in generated_classes_names
def test_desc_equal(self, desc_name):
desc_class = next(filter(lambda x: x[0] == desc_name, generated_classes))[1]
assert desc_class() == desc_class()
generated_classes = inspect.getmembers(generated, inspect.isclass)
generated_classes_names = list(map(lambda x: x[0], generated_classes))
@pytest.mark.parametrize("desc_name", ['ActivationDescriptor',
class TestDescriptorMassChecks:
def test_desc_implemented(self, desc_name):
assert desc_name in generated_classes_names
def test_desc_equal(self, desc_name):
desc_class = next(filter(lambda x: x[0] == desc_name, generated_classes))[1]
assert desc_class() == desc_class()
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
# Copyright © 2020 Arm Ltd and Contributors. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
import os
import pytest
import pyarmnn as ann
import numpy as np
def parser(shared_data_folder):
Parse and setup the test network to be used for the tests below
parser = ann.IDeserializer()
parser.CreateNetworkFromBinary(os.path.join(shared_data_folder, 'mock_model.armnn'))
yield parser
def test_deserializer_swig_destroy():
assert ann.IDeserializer.__swig_destroy__, "There is a swig python destructor defined"
assert ann.IDeserializer.__swig_destroy__.__name__ == "delete_IDeserializer"
def test_check_deserializer_swig_ownership(parser):
# Check to see that SWIG has ownership for parser. This instructs SWIG to take
# ownership of the return value. This allows the value to be automatically
# garbage-collected when it is no longer in use
assert parser.thisown
def test_deserializer_get_network_input_binding_info(parser):
# use 0 as a dummy value for layer_id, which is unused in the actual implementation
layer_id = 0
input_name = 'input_1'
input_binding_info = parser.GetNetworkInputBindingInfo(layer_id, input_name)
tensor = input_binding_info[1]
assert tensor.GetDataType() == 2
assert tensor.GetNumDimensions() == 4
assert tensor.GetNumElements() == 784
assert tensor.GetQuantizationOffset() == 128
assert tensor.GetQuantizationScale() == 0.007843137718737125
def test_deserializer_get_network_output_binding_info(parser):
# use 0 as a dummy value for layer_id, which is unused in the actual implementation
layer_id = 0
output_name = "dense/Softmax"
output_binding_info1 = parser.GetNetworkOutputBindingInfo(layer_id, output_name)
# Check the tensor info retrieved from GetNetworkOutputBindingInfo
tensor1 = output_binding_info1[1]
assert tensor1.GetDataType() == 2
assert tensor1.GetNumDimensions() == 2
assert tensor1.GetNumElements() == 10
assert tensor1.GetQuantizationOffset() == 0
assert tensor1.GetQuantizationScale() == 0.00390625
def test_deserializer_filenotfound_exception(shared_data_folder):
parser = ann.IDeserializer()
with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as err:
parser.CreateNetworkFromBinary(os.path.join(shared_data_folder, 'some_unknown_network.armnn'))
# Only check for part of the exception since the exception returns
# absolute path which will change on different machines.
assert 'Cannot read the file' in str(err.value)
def test_deserializer_end_to_end(shared_data_folder):
parser = ann.IDeserializer()
network = parser.CreateNetworkFromBinary(os.path.join(shared_data_folder, "mock_model.armnn"))
# use 0 as a dummy value for layer_id, which is unused in the actual implementation
layer_id = 0
input_name = 'input_1'
output_name = 'dense/Softmax'
input_binding_info = parser.GetNetworkInputBindingInfo(layer_id, input_name)
preferred_backends = [ann.BackendId('CpuAcc'), ann.BackendId('CpuRef')]
options = ann.CreationOptions()
runtime = ann.IRuntime(options)
opt_network, messages = ann.Optimize(network, preferred_backends, runtime.GetDeviceSpec(), ann.OptimizerOptions())
assert 0 == len(messages)
net_id, messages = runtime.LoadNetwork(opt_network)
assert "" == messages
# Load test image data stored in input_lite.npy
input_tensor_data = np.load(os.path.join(shared_data_folder, 'deserializer/input_lite.npy'))
input_tensors = ann.make_input_tensors([input_binding_info], [input_tensor_data])
output_tensors = []
out_bind_info = parser.GetNetworkOutputBindingInfo(layer_id, output_name)
out_tensor_info = out_bind_info[1]
out_tensor_id = out_bind_info[0]
runtime.EnqueueWorkload(net_id, input_tensors, output_tensors)
output_vectors = []
for index, out_tensor in enumerate(output_tensors):
# Load golden output file for result comparison.
expected_outputs = np.load(os.path.join(shared_data_folder, 'deserializer/golden_output_lite.npy'))
# Check that output matches golden output
assert (expected_outputs == output_vectors[0]).all()
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
# Copyright © 2020 Arm Ltd and Contributors. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
import inspect
from typing import Tuple
import pytest
import pyarmnn._generated.pyarmnn as generated_armnn
import pyarmnn._generated.pyarmnn as generated_deserializer
import pyarmnn._generated.pyarmnn_onnxparser as generated_onnx
import pyarmnn._generated.pyarmnn_tfliteparser as generated_tflite
swig_independent_classes = ('IBackend',
def get_classes(swig_independent_classes: Tuple):
# We need to ignore some swig generated_armnn classes. This is because some are abstract classes
# They cannot be created with the swig generated_armnn wrapper, therefore they don't need a destructor.
# Swig also generates its own meta class - this needs to be ignored.
ignored_class_names = (*swig_independent_classes, '_SwigNonDynamicMeta')
return list(filter(lambda x: x[0] not in ignored_class_names,
inspect.getmembers(generated_armnn, inspect.isclass) +
inspect.getmembers(generated_deserializer, inspect.isclass) +
inspect.getmembers(generated_tflite, inspect.isclass) +
inspect.getmembers(generated_onnx, inspect.isclass)))
@pytest.mark.parametrize("class_instance", get_classes(swig_independent_classes), ids=lambda x: 'class={}'.format(x[0]))
class TestPyOwnedClasses:
def test_destructors_exist_per_class(self, class_instance):
assert getattr(class_instance[1], '__swig_destroy__', None)
def test_owned(self, class_instance):
assert getattr(class_instance[1], 'thisown', None)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("class_instance", swig_independent_classes)
class TestPyIndependentClasses:
def test_destructors_does_not_exist_per_class(self, class_instance):
assert not getattr(class_instance[1], '__swig_destroy__', None)
def test_not_owned(self, class_instance):
assert not getattr(class_instance[1], 'thisown', None)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
# Copyright © 2020 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
import pytest
import pyarmnn as ann
def network():
return ann.INetwork()
class TestIInputIOutputIConnectable:
def test_input_slot(self, network):
# Create input, addition & output layer
input1 = network.AddInputLayer(0, "input1")
input2 = network.AddInputLayer(1, "input2")
add = network.AddAdditionLayer("addition")
output = network.AddOutputLayer(0, "output")
# Connect the input/output slots for each layer
# Check IInputSlot GetConnection()
input_slot = add.GetInputSlot(0)
input_slot_connection = input_slot.GetConnection()
assert isinstance(input_slot_connection, ann.IOutputSlot)
del input_slot_connection
assert input_slot.GetConnection()
assert isinstance(input_slot.GetConnection(), ann.IOutputSlot)
del input_slot
assert add.GetInputSlot(0)
def test_output_slot(self, network):
# Create input, addition & output layer
input1 = network.AddInputLayer(0, "input1")
input2 = network.AddInputLayer(1, "input2")
add = network.AddAdditionLayer("addition")
output = network.AddOutputLayer(0, "output")
# Connect the input/output slots for each layer
# Check IInputSlot GetConnection()
add_get_input_connection = add.GetInputSlot(0).GetConnection()
output_get_input_connection = output.GetInputSlot(0).GetConnection()
# Check IOutputSlot GetConnection()
add_get_output_connect = add.GetOutputSlot(0).GetConnection(0)
assert isinstance(add_get_output_connect.GetConnection(), ann.IOutputSlot)
# Test IOutputSlot GetNumConnections() & CalculateIndexOnOwner()
assert add_get_input_connection.GetNumConnections() == 1
assert len(add_get_input_connection) == 1
assert add_get_input_connection[0]
assert add_get_input_connection.CalculateIndexOnOwner() == 0
# Check GetOwningLayerGuid(). Check that it is different for add and output layer
assert add_get_input_connection.GetOwningLayerGuid() != output_get_input_connection.GetOwningLayerGuid()
# Set TensorInfo
test_tensor_info = ann.TensorInfo(ann.TensorShape((2, 3)), ann.DataType_Float32)
# Check IsTensorInfoSet()
assert not add_get_input_connection.IsTensorInfoSet()
assert add_get_input_connection.IsTensorInfoSet()
# Check GetTensorInfo()
output_tensor_info = add_get_input_connection.GetTensorInfo()
assert 2 == output_tensor_info.GetNumDimensions()
assert 6 == output_tensor_info.GetNumElements()
# Check Disconnect()
assert output_get_input_connection.GetNumConnections() == 1 # 1 connection to Outputslot0 from input1
add.GetOutputSlot(0).Disconnect(output.GetInputSlot(0)) # disconnect add.OutputSlot0 from Output.InputSlot0
assert output_get_input_connection.GetNumConnections() == 0
def test_output_slot__out_of_range(self, network):
# Create input layer to check output slot get item handling
input1 = network.AddInputLayer(0, "input1")
outputSlot = input1.GetOutputSlot(0)
with pytest.raises(ValueError) as err:
assert "Invalid index 1 provided" in str(err.value)
def test_iconnectable_guid(self, network):
# Check IConnectable GetGuid()
# Note Guid can change based on which tests are run so
# checking here that each layer does not have the same guid
add_id = network.AddAdditionLayer().GetGuid()
output_id = network.AddOutputLayer(0).GetGuid()
assert add_id != output_id
def test_iconnectable_layer_functions(self, network):
# Create input, addition & output layer
input1 = network.AddInputLayer(0, "input1")
input2 = network.AddInputLayer(1, "input2")
add = network.AddAdditionLayer("addition")
output = network.AddOutputLayer(0, "output")
# Check GetNumInputSlots(), GetName() & GetNumOutputSlots()
assert input1.GetNumInputSlots() == 0
assert input1.GetName() == "input1"
assert input1.GetNumOutputSlots() == 1
assert input2.GetNumInputSlots() == 0
assert input2.GetName() == "input2"
assert input2.GetNumOutputSlots() == 1
assert add.GetNumInputSlots() == 2
assert add.GetName() == "addition"
assert add.GetNumOutputSlots() == 1
assert output.GetNumInputSlots() == 1
assert output.GetName() == "output"
assert output.GetNumOutputSlots() == 0
# Check GetOutputSlot()
input1_get_output = input1.GetOutputSlot(0)
assert input1_get_output.GetNumConnections() == 0
assert len(input1_get_output) == 0
# Check GetInputSlot()
add_get_input = add.GetInputSlot(0)
assert isinstance(add_get_input, ann.IInputSlot)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
# Copyright © 2021 Arm Ltd and Contributors. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
import pytest
from pyarmnn import BackendOptions, BackendOption, BackendId, OptimizerOptions, ShapeInferenceMethod_InferAndValidate
@pytest.mark.parametrize("data", (True, -100, 128, 0.12345, 'string'))
def test_backend_option_ctor(data):
bo = BackendOption("name", data)
assert "name" == bo.GetName()
def test_backend_options_ctor():
backend_id = BackendId('a')
bos = BackendOptions(backend_id)
assert 'a' == str(bos.GetBackendId())
another_bos = BackendOptions(bos)
assert 'a' == str(another_bos.GetBackendId())
def test_backend_options_add():
backend_id = BackendId('a')
bos = BackendOptions(backend_id)
bo = BackendOption("name", 1)
assert 1 == bos.GetOptionCount()
assert 1 == len(bos)
assert 'name' == bos[0].GetName()
assert 'name' == bos.GetOption(0).GetName()
for option in bos:
assert 'name' == option.GetName()
bos.AddOption(BackendOption("name2", 2))
assert 2 == bos.GetOptionCount()
assert 2 == len(bos)
def test_backend_option_ownership():
backend_id = BackendId('b')
bos = BackendOptions(backend_id)
bo = BackendOption('option', True)
assert bo.thisown
del bo
assert 1 == bos.GetOptionCount()
option = bos[0]
assert not option.thisown
assert 'option' == option.GetName()
del option
option_again = bos[0]
assert not option_again.thisown
assert 'option' == option_again.GetName()
def test_optimizer_options_with_model_opt():
a = BackendOptions(BackendId('a'))
oo = OptimizerOptions(True,
mo = oo.m_ModelOptions
assert 1 == len(mo)
assert 'a' == str(mo[0].GetBackendId())
b = BackendOptions(BackendId('b'))
c = BackendOptions(BackendId('c'))
oo.m_ModelOptions = (a, b, c)
mo = oo.m_ModelOptions
assert 3 == len(oo.m_ModelOptions)
assert 'a' == str(mo[0].GetBackendId())
assert 'b' == str(mo[1].GetBackendId())
assert 'c' == str(mo[2].GetBackendId())
def test_optimizer_option_default():
oo = OptimizerOptions(True,
assert 0 == len(oo.m_ModelOptions)
def test_optimizer_options_fail():
a = BackendOptions(BackendId('a'))
with pytest.raises(TypeError) as err:
assert "Wrong number or type of arguments" in str(err.value)
with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as err:
assert "BFloat16 and Float16 optimization cannot be enabled at the same time" in str(err.value)
with pytest.raises(TypeError) as err:
oo = OptimizerOptions(True,
oo.m_ModelOptions = 'nonsense'
assert "in method 'OptimizerOptions_m_ModelOptions_set', argument 2" in str(err.value)
with pytest.raises(TypeError) as err:
oo = OptimizerOptions(True,
oo.m_ModelOptions = ['nonsense', a]
assert "in method 'OptimizerOptions_m_ModelOptions_set', argument 2" in str(err.value)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,421 @@
# Copyright © 2020 Arm Ltd and Contributors. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
import os
import stat
import numpy as np
import pytest
import pyarmnn as ann
def test_optimizer_options_default_values():
opt = ann.OptimizerOptions()
assert opt.m_ReduceFp32ToFp16 == False
assert opt.m_Debug == False
assert opt.m_ReduceFp32ToBf16 == False
assert opt.m_ImportEnabled == False
assert opt.m_shapeInferenceMethod == ann.ShapeInferenceMethod_ValidateOnly
def test_optimizer_options_set_values1():
opt = ann.OptimizerOptions(True, True)
assert opt.m_ReduceFp32ToFp16 == True
assert opt.m_Debug == True
assert opt.m_ReduceFp32ToBf16 == False
assert opt.m_ImportEnabled == False
assert opt.m_shapeInferenceMethod == ann.ShapeInferenceMethod_ValidateOnly
def test_optimizer_options_set_values2():
opt = ann.OptimizerOptions(False, False, True)
assert opt.m_ReduceFp32ToFp16 == False
assert opt.m_Debug == False
assert opt.m_ReduceFp32ToBf16 == True
assert opt.m_ImportEnabled == False
assert opt.m_shapeInferenceMethod == ann.ShapeInferenceMethod_ValidateOnly
def test_optimizer_options_set_values3():
opt = ann.OptimizerOptions(False, False, True, ann.ShapeInferenceMethod_InferAndValidate, True)
assert opt.m_ReduceFp32ToFp16 == False
assert opt.m_Debug == False
assert opt.m_ReduceFp32ToBf16 == True
assert opt.m_ImportEnabled == True
assert opt.m_shapeInferenceMethod == ann.ShapeInferenceMethod_InferAndValidate
def get_runtime(shared_data_folder, network_file):
parser= ann.ITfLiteParser()
preferred_backends = [ann.BackendId('CpuAcc'), ann.BackendId('CpuRef')]
network = parser.CreateNetworkFromBinaryFile(os.path.join(shared_data_folder, network_file))
options = ann.CreationOptions()
runtime = ann.IRuntime(options)
yield preferred_backends, network, runtime
def test_optimize_executes_successfully(network_file, get_runtime):
preferred_backends = [ann.BackendId('CpuRef')]
network = get_runtime[1]
runtime = get_runtime[2]
opt_network, messages = ann.Optimize(network, preferred_backends, runtime.GetDeviceSpec(), ann.OptimizerOptions())
assert len(messages) == 0, 'With only CpuRef, there should be no warnings irrelevant of architecture.'
assert opt_network
def test_optimize_owned_by_python(network_file, get_runtime):
preferred_backends = get_runtime[0]
network = get_runtime[1]
runtime = get_runtime[2]
opt_network, _ = ann.Optimize(network, preferred_backends, runtime.GetDeviceSpec(), ann.OptimizerOptions())
assert opt_network.thisown
def test_optimize_executes_successfully_for_neon_backend_only(network_file, get_runtime):
preferred_backends = [ann.BackendId('CpuAcc')]
network = get_runtime[1]
runtime = get_runtime[2]
opt_network, messages = ann.Optimize(network, preferred_backends, runtime.GetDeviceSpec(), ann.OptimizerOptions())
assert 0 == len(messages)
assert opt_network
def test_optimize_fails_for_invalid_backends(network_file, get_runtime):
invalid_backends = [ann.BackendId('Unknown')]
network = get_runtime[1]
runtime = get_runtime[2]
with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as err:
ann.Optimize(network, invalid_backends, runtime.GetDeviceSpec(), ann.OptimizerOptions())
expected_error_message = "None of the preferred backends [Unknown ] are supported."
assert expected_error_message in str(err.value)
def test_optimize_fails_for_no_backends_specified(network_file, get_runtime):
empty_backends = []
network = get_runtime[1]
runtime = get_runtime[2]
with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as err:
ann.Optimize(network, empty_backends, runtime.GetDeviceSpec(), ann.OptimizerOptions())
expected_error_message = "Invoked Optimize with no backends specified"
assert expected_error_message in str(err.value)
def test_serialize_to_dot(network_file, get_runtime, tmpdir):
preferred_backends = get_runtime[0]
network = get_runtime[1]
runtime = get_runtime[2]
opt_network, _ = ann.Optimize(network, preferred_backends,
runtime.GetDeviceSpec(), ann.OptimizerOptions())
dot_file_path = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'mock_model.dot')
"""Check that serialized file does not exist at the start, gets created after SerializeToDot and is not empty"""
assert not os.path.exists(dot_file_path)
assert os.path.exists(dot_file_path)
with open(dot_file_path) as res_file:
expected_data = res_file.read()
assert len(expected_data) > 1
assert '[label=< [1,28,28,1] >]' in expected_data
def test_serialize_to_dot_mode_readonly(network_file, get_runtime, tmpdir):
preferred_backends = get_runtime[0]
network = get_runtime[1]
runtime = get_runtime[2]
opt_network, _ = ann.Optimize(network, preferred_backends,
runtime.GetDeviceSpec(), ann.OptimizerOptions())
"""Create file, write to it and change mode to read-only"""
dot_file_path = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'mock_model.dot')
f = open(dot_file_path, "w+")
os.chmod(dot_file_path, stat.S_IREAD)
assert os.path.exists(dot_file_path)
with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as err:
expected_error_message = "Failed to open dot file"
assert expected_error_message in str(err.value)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("method", [
def test_network_method_exists(method):
assert getattr(ann.INetwork, method, None)
def test_fullyconnected_layer_optional_none():
net = ann.INetwork()
layer = net.AddFullyConnectedLayer(ann.FullyConnectedDescriptor(),
assert layer
def test_fullyconnected_layer_optional_provided():
net = ann.INetwork()
layer = net.AddFullyConnectedLayer(ann.FullyConnectedDescriptor(),
assert layer
def test_fullyconnected_layer_all_args():
net = ann.INetwork()
layer = net.AddFullyConnectedLayer(ann.FullyConnectedDescriptor(),
assert layer
assert 'NAME1' == layer.GetName()
def test_DepthwiseConvolution2d_layer_optional_none():
net = ann.INetwork()
layer = net.AddDepthwiseConvolution2dLayer(convolution2dDescriptor=ann.DepthwiseConvolution2dDescriptor(),
assert layer
def test_DepthwiseConvolution2d_layer_optional_provided():
net = ann.INetwork()
layer = net.AddDepthwiseConvolution2dLayer(convolution2dDescriptor=ann.DepthwiseConvolution2dDescriptor(),
assert layer
def test_DepthwiseConvolution2d_layer_all_args():
net = ann.INetwork()
layer = net.AddDepthwiseConvolution2dLayer(convolution2dDescriptor=ann.DepthwiseConvolution2dDescriptor(),
assert layer
assert 'NAME1' == layer.GetName()
def test_Convolution2d_layer_optional_none():
net = ann.INetwork()
layer = net.AddConvolution2dLayer(convolution2dDescriptor=ann.Convolution2dDescriptor(),
assert layer
def test_Convolution2d_layer_optional_provided():
net = ann.INetwork()
layer = net.AddConvolution2dLayer(convolution2dDescriptor=ann.Convolution2dDescriptor(),
assert layer
def test_Convolution2d_layer_all_args():
net = ann.INetwork()
layer = net.AddConvolution2dLayer(convolution2dDescriptor=ann.Convolution2dDescriptor(),
assert layer
assert 'NAME1' == layer.GetName()
def test_add_constant_layer_to_fully_connected():
inputWidth = 1
inputHeight = 1
inputChannels = 5
inputNum = 2
outputChannels = 3
outputNum = 2
inputShape = ( inputNum, inputChannels, inputHeight, inputWidth )
outputShape = ( outputNum, outputChannels )
weightsShape = ( inputChannels, outputChannels )
biasShape = ( outputChannels, )
input = np.array([
[1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0],
[5.0, 4.0, 3.0, 2.0, 1.0]
], dtype=np.float32)
weights = np.array([
[.5, 2., .5],
[.5, 2., 1.],
[.5, 2., 2.],
[.5, 2., 3.],
[.5, 2., 4.]
], dtype=np.float32)
biasValues = np.array([10, 20, 30], dtype=np.float32)
expectedOutput = np.array([
[0.5 + 1.0 + 1.5 + 2.0 + 2.5 + biasValues[0],
2.0 + 4.0 + 6.0 + 8.0 + 10. + biasValues[1],
0.5 + 2.0 + 6.0 + 12. + 20. + biasValues[2]],
[2.5 + 2.0 + 1.5 + 1.0 + 0.5 + biasValues[0],
10.0 + 8.0 + 6.0 + 4.0 + 2. + biasValues[1],
2.5 + 4.0 + 6.0 + 6. + 4. + biasValues[2]]
], dtype=np.float32)
network = ann.INetwork()
input_info = ann.TensorInfo(ann.TensorShape(inputShape), ann.DataType_Float32, 0, 0, True)
input_tensor = ann.ConstTensor(input_info, input)
input_layer = network.AddInputLayer(0, "input")
w_info = ann.TensorInfo(ann.TensorShape(weightsShape), ann.DataType_Float32, 0, 0, True)
w_tensor = ann.ConstTensor(w_info, weights)
w_layer = network.AddConstantLayer(w_tensor, "weights")
b_info = ann.TensorInfo(ann.TensorShape(biasShape), ann.DataType_Float32, 0, 0, True)
b_tensor = ann.ConstTensor(b_info, biasValues)
b_layer = network.AddConstantLayer(b_tensor, "bias")
fc_descriptor = ann.FullyConnectedDescriptor()
fc_descriptor.m_BiasEnabled = True
fc_descriptor.m_ConstantWeights = True
fully_connected = network.AddFullyConnectedLayer(fc_descriptor, "fc")
output_info = ann.TensorInfo(ann.TensorShape(outputShape), ann.DataType_Float32)
output_tensor = ann.Tensor(output_info, np.zeros([1, 1], dtype=np.float32))
output = network.AddOutputLayer(0, "output")
preferred_backends = [ann.BackendId('CpuRef')]
options = ann.CreationOptions()
runtime = ann.IRuntime(options)
opt_network, messages = ann.Optimize(network, preferred_backends, runtime.GetDeviceSpec(), ann.OptimizerOptions())
net_id, messages = runtime.LoadNetwork(opt_network)
input_tensors = [(0, input_tensor)]
output_tensors = [(0, output_tensor)]
runtime.EnqueueWorkload(net_id, input_tensors, output_tensors)
output_vectors = ann.workload_tensors_to_ndarray(output_tensors)
assert (output_vectors==expectedOutput).all()
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
# Copyright © 2020 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
import os
import pytest
import pyarmnn as ann
import numpy as np
def parser(shared_data_folder):
Parse and setup the test network to be used for the tests below
# create onnx parser
parser = ann.IOnnxParser()
# path to model
path_to_model = os.path.join(shared_data_folder, 'mock_model.onnx')
# parse onnx binary & create network
yield parser
def test_onnx_parser_swig_destroy():
assert ann.IOnnxParser.__swig_destroy__, "There is a swig python destructor defined"
assert ann.IOnnxParser.__swig_destroy__.__name__ == "delete_IOnnxParser"
def test_check_onnx_parser_swig_ownership(parser):
# Check to see that SWIG has ownership for parser. This instructs SWIG to take
# ownership of the return value. This allows the value to be automatically
# garbage-collected when it is no longer in use
assert parser.thisown
def test_onnx_parser_get_network_input_binding_info(parser):
input_binding_info = parser.GetNetworkInputBindingInfo("input")
tensor = input_binding_info[1]
assert tensor.GetDataType() == 1
assert tensor.GetNumDimensions() == 4
assert tensor.GetNumElements() == 784
assert tensor.GetQuantizationOffset() == 0
assert tensor.GetQuantizationScale() == 0
def test_onnx_parser_get_network_output_binding_info(parser):
output_binding_info = parser.GetNetworkOutputBindingInfo("output")
tensor = output_binding_info[1]
assert tensor.GetDataType() == 1
assert tensor.GetNumDimensions() == 4
assert tensor.GetNumElements() == 10
assert tensor.GetQuantizationOffset() == 0
assert tensor.GetQuantizationScale() == 0
def test_onnx_filenotfound_exception(shared_data_folder):
parser = ann.IOnnxParser()
# path to model
path_to_model = os.path.join(shared_data_folder, 'some_unknown_model.onnx')
# parse onnx binary & create network
with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as err:
# Only check for part of the exception since the exception returns
# absolute path which will change on different machines.
assert 'Invalid (null) filename' in str(err.value)
def test_onnx_parser_end_to_end(shared_data_folder):
parser = ann.IOnnxParser = ann.IOnnxParser()
network = parser.CreateNetworkFromBinaryFile(os.path.join(shared_data_folder, 'mock_model.onnx'))
# load test image data stored in input_onnx.npy
input_binding_info = parser.GetNetworkInputBindingInfo("input")
input_tensor_data = np.load(os.path.join(shared_data_folder, 'onnx_parser/input_onnx.npy')).astype(np.float32)
options = ann.CreationOptions()
runtime = ann.IRuntime(options)
preferred_backends = [ann.BackendId('CpuAcc'), ann.BackendId('CpuRef')]
opt_network, messages = ann.Optimize(network, preferred_backends, runtime.GetDeviceSpec(), ann.OptimizerOptions())
assert 0 == len(messages)
net_id, messages = runtime.LoadNetwork(opt_network)
assert "" == messages
input_tensors = ann.make_input_tensors([input_binding_info], [input_tensor_data])
output_tensors = ann.make_output_tensors([parser.GetNetworkOutputBindingInfo("output")])
runtime.EnqueueWorkload(net_id, input_tensors, output_tensors)
output = ann.workload_tensors_to_ndarray(output_tensors)
# Load golden output file for result comparison.
golden_output = np.load(os.path.join(shared_data_folder, 'onnx_parser/golden_output_onnx.npy'))
# Check that output matches golden output to 4 decimal places (there are slight rounding differences after this)
np.testing.assert_almost_equal(output[0], golden_output, decimal=4)
@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
# Copyright © 2020 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
import os
import pytest
import pyarmnn as ann
class MockIProfiler:
def __init__(self, json_string):
self._profile_json = json_string
def as_json(self):
return self._profile_json
def mock_profiler(shared_data_folder):
path_to_file = os.path.join(shared_data_folder, 'mock_profile_out.json')
with open(path_to_file, 'r') as file:
profiler_output = file.read()
return MockIProfiler(profiler_output)
def test_inference_exec(mock_profiler):
profiling_data_obj = ann.get_profiling_data(mock_profiler)
assert (len(profiling_data_obj.inference_data) > 0)
assert (len(profiling_data_obj.per_workload_execution_data) > 0)
# Check each total execution time
assert (profiling_data_obj.inference_data["execution_time"] == [1.1, 2.2, 3.3, 4.4, 5.5, 6.6])
assert (profiling_data_obj.inference_data["time_unit"] == "us")
@pytest.mark.parametrize("exec_times, unit, backend, workload", [([2, 2,
2, 2,
2, 2],
([2, 2,
2, 2,
2, 2],
([2, 2,
2, 2,
2, 2],
([2, 2,
2, 2,
2, 2],
def test_profiler_workloads(mock_profiler, exec_times, unit, backend, workload):
profiling_data_obj = ann.get_profiling_data(mock_profiler)
work_load_exec = profiling_data_obj.per_workload_execution_data[workload]
assert work_load_exec["execution_time"] == exec_times
assert work_load_exec["time_unit"] == unit
assert work_load_exec["backend"] == backend
@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
# Copyright © 2020 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
import pytest
import numpy as np
import pyarmnn as ann
# import generated so we can test for Dequantize_* and Quantize_*
# functions not available in the public API.
import pyarmnn._generated.pyarmnn as gen_ann
@pytest.mark.parametrize('method', ['Quantize_int8_t',
def test_quantize_exists(method):
assert method in dir(gen_ann) and callable(getattr(gen_ann, method))
@pytest.mark.parametrize('dt, min, max', [('uint8', 0, 255),
('int8', -128, 127),
('int16', -32768, 32767),
('int32', -2147483648, 2147483647)])
def test_quantize_uint8_output(dt, min, max):
result = ann.quantize(3.3274056911468506, 0.02620004490017891, 128, dt)
assert type(result) is int and min <= result <= max
@pytest.mark.parametrize('dt', ['uint8',
def test_dequantize_uint8_output(dt):
result = ann.dequantize(3, 0.02620004490017891, 128, dt)
assert type(result) is float
def test_quantize_unsupported_dtype():
with pytest.raises(ValueError) as err:
ann.quantize(3.3274056911468506, 0.02620004490017891, 128, 'uint16')
assert 'Unexpected target datatype uint16 given.' in str(err.value)
def test_dequantize_unsupported_dtype():
with pytest.raises(ValueError) as err:
ann.dequantize(3, 0.02620004490017891, 128, 'uint16')
assert 'Unexpected value datatype uint16 given.' in str(err.value)
def test_dequantize_value_range():
with pytest.raises(ValueError) as err:
ann.dequantize(-1, 0.02620004490017891, 128, 'uint8')
assert 'Value is not within range of the given datatype uint8' in str(err.value)
@pytest.mark.parametrize('dt, data', [('uint8', np.uint8(255)),
('int8', np.int8(127)),
('int16', np.int16(32767)),
('int32', np.int32(2147483647)),
('uint8', np.int8(127)),
('uint8', np.int16(255)),
('uint8', np.int32(255)),
('int8', np.uint8(127)),
('int8', np.int16(127)),
('int8', np.int32(127)),
('int16', np.int8(127)),
('int16', np.uint8(255)),
('int16', np.int32(32767)),
('int32', np.uint8(255)),
('int16', np.int8(127)),
('int32', np.int16(32767))
def test_dequantize_numpy_dt(dt, data):
result = ann.dequantize(data, 1, 0, dt)
assert type(result) is float
assert np.float32(data) == result
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,320 @@
# Copyright © 2020 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
import os
import pytest
import warnings
import numpy as np
import pyarmnn as ann
def random_runtime(shared_data_folder):
parser = ann.ITfLiteParser()
network = parser.CreateNetworkFromBinaryFile(os.path.join(shared_data_folder, 'mock_model.tflite'))
preferred_backends = [ann.BackendId('CpuRef')]
options = ann.CreationOptions()
runtime = ann.IRuntime(options)
graphs_count = parser.GetSubgraphCount()
graph_id = graphs_count - 1
input_names = parser.GetSubgraphInputTensorNames(graph_id)
input_binding_info = parser.GetNetworkInputBindingInfo(graph_id, input_names[0])
input_tensor_id = input_binding_info[0]
input_tensor_info = input_binding_info[1]
output_names = parser.GetSubgraphOutputTensorNames(graph_id)
input_data = np.random.randint(255, size=input_tensor_info.GetNumElements(), dtype=np.uint8)
const_tensor_pair = (input_tensor_id, ann.ConstTensor(input_tensor_info, input_data))
input_tensors = [const_tensor_pair]
output_tensors = []
for index, output_name in enumerate(output_names):
out_bind_info = parser.GetNetworkOutputBindingInfo(graph_id, output_name)
out_tensor_info = out_bind_info[1]
out_tensor_id = out_bind_info[0]
yield preferred_backends, network, runtime, input_tensors, output_tensors
def mock_model_runtime(shared_data_folder):
parser = ann.ITfLiteParser()
network = parser.CreateNetworkFromBinaryFile(os.path.join(shared_data_folder, 'mock_model.tflite'))
graph_id = 0
input_binding_info = parser.GetNetworkInputBindingInfo(graph_id, "input_1")
input_tensor_data = np.load(os.path.join(shared_data_folder, 'tflite_parser/input_lite.npy'))
preferred_backends = [ann.BackendId('CpuRef')]
options = ann.CreationOptions()
runtime = ann.IRuntime(options)
opt_network, messages = ann.Optimize(network, preferred_backends, runtime.GetDeviceSpec(), ann.OptimizerOptions())
net_id, messages = runtime.LoadNetwork(opt_network)
input_tensors = ann.make_input_tensors([input_binding_info], [input_tensor_data])
output_names = parser.GetSubgraphOutputTensorNames(graph_id)
outputs_binding_info = []
for output_name in output_names:
outputs_binding_info.append(parser.GetNetworkOutputBindingInfo(graph_id, output_name))
output_tensors = ann.make_output_tensors(outputs_binding_info)
yield runtime, net_id, input_tensors, output_tensors
def test_python_disowns_network(random_runtime):
preferred_backends = random_runtime[0]
network = random_runtime[1]
runtime = random_runtime[2]
opt_network, _ = ann.Optimize(network, preferred_backends,
runtime.GetDeviceSpec(), ann.OptimizerOptions())
assert not opt_network.thisown
def test_load_network(random_runtime):
preferred_backends = random_runtime[0]
network = random_runtime[1]
runtime = random_runtime[2]
opt_network, _ = ann.Optimize(network, preferred_backends,
runtime.GetDeviceSpec(), ann.OptimizerOptions())
net_id, messages = runtime.LoadNetwork(opt_network)
assert "" == messages
assert net_id == 0
def test_create_runtime_with_external_profiling_enabled():
options = ann.CreationOptions()
options.m_ProfilingOptions.m_FileOnly = True
options.m_ProfilingOptions.m_EnableProfiling = True
options.m_ProfilingOptions.m_OutgoingCaptureFile = "/tmp/outgoing.txt"
options.m_ProfilingOptions.m_IncomingCaptureFile = "/tmp/incoming.txt"
options.m_ProfilingOptions.m_TimelineEnabled = True
options.m_ProfilingOptions.m_CapturePeriod = 1000
options.m_ProfilingOptions.m_FileFormat = "JSON"
runtime = ann.IRuntime(options)
assert runtime is not None
def test_create_runtime_with_external_profiling_enabled_invalid_options():
options = ann.CreationOptions()
options.m_ProfilingOptions.m_FileOnly = True
options.m_ProfilingOptions.m_EnableProfiling = False
options.m_ProfilingOptions.m_OutgoingCaptureFile = "/tmp/outgoing.txt"
options.m_ProfilingOptions.m_IncomingCaptureFile = "/tmp/incoming.txt"
options.m_ProfilingOptions.m_TimelineEnabled = True
options.m_ProfilingOptions.m_CapturePeriod = 1000
options.m_ProfilingOptions.m_FileFormat = "JSON"
with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as err:
runtime = ann.IRuntime(options)
expected_error_message = "It is not possible to enable timeline reporting without profiling being enabled"
assert expected_error_message in str(err.value)
def test_load_network_properties_provided(random_runtime):
preferred_backends = random_runtime[0]
network = random_runtime[1]
runtime = random_runtime[2]
opt_network, _ = ann.Optimize(network, preferred_backends,
runtime.GetDeviceSpec(), ann.OptimizerOptions())
inputSource = ann.MemorySource_Malloc
outputSource = ann.MemorySource_Malloc
properties = ann.INetworkProperties(False, inputSource, outputSource)
net_id, messages = runtime.LoadNetwork(opt_network, properties)
assert "" == messages
assert net_id == 0
def test_network_properties_constructor(random_runtime):
preferred_backends = random_runtime[0]
network = random_runtime[1]
runtime = random_runtime[2]
opt_network, _ = ann.Optimize(network, preferred_backends,
runtime.GetDeviceSpec(), ann.OptimizerOptions())
inputSource = ann.MemorySource_Undefined
outputSource = ann.MemorySource_Undefined
properties = ann.INetworkProperties(True, inputSource, outputSource)
assert properties.m_AsyncEnabled == True
assert properties.m_ProfilingEnabled == False
assert properties.m_OutputNetworkDetailsMethod == ann.ProfilingDetailsMethod_Undefined
assert properties.m_InputSource == ann.MemorySource_Undefined
assert properties.m_OutputSource == ann.MemorySource_Undefined
net_id, messages = runtime.LoadNetwork(opt_network, properties)
assert "" == messages
assert net_id == 0
def test_unload_network_fails_for_invalid_net_id(random_runtime):
preferred_backends = random_runtime[0]
network = random_runtime[1]
runtime = random_runtime[2]
ann.Optimize(network, preferred_backends, runtime.GetDeviceSpec(), ann.OptimizerOptions())
with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as err:
expected_error_message = "Failed to unload network."
assert expected_error_message in str(err.value)
def test_enqueue_workload(random_runtime):
preferred_backends = random_runtime[0]
network = random_runtime[1]
runtime = random_runtime[2]
input_tensors = random_runtime[3]
output_tensors = random_runtime[4]
opt_network, _ = ann.Optimize(network, preferred_backends,
runtime.GetDeviceSpec(), ann.OptimizerOptions())
net_id, _ = runtime.LoadNetwork(opt_network)
runtime.EnqueueWorkload(net_id, input_tensors, output_tensors)
def test_enqueue_workload_fails_with_empty_input_tensors(random_runtime):
preferred_backends = random_runtime[0]
network = random_runtime[1]
runtime = random_runtime[2]
input_tensors = []
output_tensors = random_runtime[4]
opt_network, _ = ann.Optimize(network, preferred_backends,
runtime.GetDeviceSpec(), ann.OptimizerOptions())
net_id, _ = runtime.LoadNetwork(opt_network)
with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as err:
runtime.EnqueueWorkload(net_id, input_tensors, output_tensors)
expected_error_message = "Number of inputs provided does not match network."
assert expected_error_message in str(err.value)
@pytest.mark.parametrize('count', [5])
def test_multiple_inference_runs_yield_same_result(count, mock_model_runtime):
Test that results remain consistent among multiple runs of the same inference.
runtime = mock_model_runtime[0]
net_id = mock_model_runtime[1]
input_tensors = mock_model_runtime[2]
output_tensors = mock_model_runtime[3]
expected_results = np.array([[4, 85, 108, 29, 8, 16, 0, 2, 5, 0]])
for _ in range(count):
runtime.EnqueueWorkload(net_id, input_tensors, output_tensors)
output_vectors = ann.workload_tensors_to_ndarray(output_tensors)
for i in range(len(expected_results)):
assert output_vectors[i].all() == expected_results[i].all()
def test_aarch64_inference_results(mock_model_runtime):
runtime = mock_model_runtime[0]
net_id = mock_model_runtime[1]
input_tensors = mock_model_runtime[2]
output_tensors = mock_model_runtime[3]
runtime.EnqueueWorkload(net_id, input_tensors, output_tensors)
output_vectors = ann.workload_tensors_to_ndarray(output_tensors)
expected_outputs = expected_results = np.array([[4, 85, 108, 29, 8, 16, 0, 2, 5, 0]])
for i in range(len(expected_outputs)):
assert output_vectors[i].all() == expected_results[i].all()
def test_enqueue_workload_with_profiler(random_runtime):
Tests ArmNN's profiling extension
preferred_backends = random_runtime[0]
network = random_runtime[1]
runtime = random_runtime[2]
input_tensors = random_runtime[3]
output_tensors = random_runtime[4]
opt_network, _ = ann.Optimize(network, preferred_backends,
runtime.GetDeviceSpec(), ann.OptimizerOptions())
net_id, _ = runtime.LoadNetwork(opt_network)
profiler = runtime.GetProfiler(net_id)
# By default profiling should be turned off:
assert profiler.IsProfilingEnabled() is False
# Enable profiling:
assert profiler.IsProfilingEnabled() is True
# Run the inference:
runtime.EnqueueWorkload(net_id, input_tensors, output_tensors)
# Get profile output as a string:
str_profile = profiler.as_json()
# Verify that certain markers are present:
assert len(str_profile) != 0
assert str_profile.find('\"ArmNN\": {') > 0
# Get events analysis output as a string:
str_events_analysis = profiler.event_log()
assert "Event Sequence - Name | Duration (ms) | Start (ms) | Stop (ms) | Device" in str_events_analysis
assert profiler.thisown == 0
def test_check_runtime_swig_ownership(random_runtime):
# Check to see that SWIG has ownership for runtime. This instructs SWIG to take
# ownership of the return value. This allows the value to be automatically
# garbage-collected when it is no longer in use
runtime = random_runtime[2]
assert runtime.thisown
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
# Copyright © 2020 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved.
# Copyright 2020 NXP
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
import os
import sys
import shutil
import pytest
from setup import find_armnn, find_includes, linux_gcc_lib_search, check_armnn_version
def _setup_armnn(tmpdir):
includes = str(os.path.join(tmpdir, 'include'))
libs = str(os.path.join(tmpdir, 'lib'))
os.environ["TEST_ARMNN_INCLUDE"] = includes
os.environ["TEST_ARMNN_LIB"] = libs
os.environ["EMPTY_ARMNN_INCLUDE"] = ''
with open(os.path.join(libs, "libarmnn.so"), "w"):
with open(os.path.join(libs, "libarmnnSomeThing1.so"), "w"):
with open(os.path.join(libs, "libarmnnSomeThing1.so.1"), "w"):
with open(os.path.join(libs, "libarmnnSomeThing1.so.1.2"), "w"):
with open(os.path.join(libs, "libarmnnSomeThing2.so"), "w"):
with open(os.path.join(libs, "libSomeThing3.so"), "w"):
del os.environ["TEST_ARMNN_INCLUDE"]
del os.environ["TEST_ARMNN_LIB"]
del os.environ["EMPTY_ARMNN_INCLUDE"]
def test_find_armnn(tmpdir):
lib_names, lib_paths = find_armnn(lib_name='libarmnn*.so',
armnn_includes = find_includes(armnn_include_env="TEST_ARMNN_INCLUDE")
assert [':libarmnn.so', ':libarmnnSomeThing1.so', ':libarmnnSomeThing2.so'] == sorted(lib_names)
assert [os.path.join(tmpdir, 'lib')] == lib_paths
assert [os.path.join(tmpdir, 'include')] == armnn_includes
def test_find_armnn_default_path(tmpdir):
lib_names, lib_paths = find_armnn(lib_name='libarmnn*.so',
armnn_includes = find_includes('TEST_ARMNN_INCLUDE')
assert [':libarmnn.so', ':libarmnnSomeThing1.so', ':libarmnnSomeThing2.so'] == sorted(lib_names)
assert [os.path.join(tmpdir, 'lib')] == lib_paths
assert [os.path.join(tmpdir, 'include')] == armnn_includes
def test_not_find_armnn(tmpdir):
with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as err:
find_armnn(lib_name='libarmnn*.so', armnn_libs_env="RUBBISH_LIB",
assert 'ArmNN library libarmnn*.so was not found in (\'/lib\',)' in str(err.value)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("env", ["RUBBISH_INCLUDE", "EMPTY_ARMNN_INCLUDE"])
def test_rubbish_armnn_include(tmpdir, env):
includes = find_includes(armnn_include_env=env)
assert includes == ['/usr/local/include', '/usr/include']
def test_gcc_serch_path():
assert linux_gcc_lib_search()
def test_armnn_version():
check_armnn_version('28.0.0', '28.0.0')
def test_incorrect_armnn_version():
with pytest.raises(AssertionError) as err:
check_armnn_version('28.0.0', '28.1.0')
assert 'Expected ArmNN version is 28.1.0 but installed ArmNN version is 28.0.0' in str(err.value)
def test_armnn_version_patch_does_not_matter():
check_armnn_version('28.0.0', '28.0.1')
@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
# Copyright © 2020 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
import pytest
import pyarmnn as ann
def get_supported_backends_setup(shared_data_folder):
options = ann.CreationOptions()
runtime = ann.IRuntime(options)
get_device_spec = runtime.GetDeviceSpec()
supported_backends = get_device_spec.GetSupportedBackends()
yield supported_backends
def test_ownership():
options = ann.CreationOptions()
runtime = ann.IRuntime(options)
device_spec = runtime.GetDeviceSpec()
assert not device_spec.thisown
def test_to_string():
options = ann.CreationOptions()
runtime = ann.IRuntime(options)
device_spec = runtime.GetDeviceSpec()
expected_str = "IDeviceSpec {{ supportedBackends: [" \
"{}" \
"]}}".format(', '.join(map(lambda b: str(b), device_spec.GetSupportedBackends())))
assert expected_str == str(device_spec)
def test_get_supported_backends_cpu_ref(get_supported_backends_setup):
assert "CpuRef" in map(lambda b: str(b), get_supported_backends_setup)
class TestNoneCpuRefBackends:
@pytest.mark.parametrize("backend", ["CpuAcc"])
def test_get_supported_backends_cpu_acc(self, get_supported_backends_setup, backend):
assert backend in map(lambda b: str(b), get_supported_backends_setup)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
# Copyright © 2020 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
from copy import copy
import pytest
import numpy as np
import pyarmnn as ann
def __get_tensor_info(dt):
tensor_info = ann.TensorInfo(ann.TensorShape((2, 3)), dt)
return tensor_info
@pytest.mark.parametrize("dt", [ann.DataType_Float32, ann.DataType_Float16,
ann.DataType_QAsymmU8, ann.DataType_QSymmS8,
def test_create_tensor_with_info(dt):
tensor_info = __get_tensor_info(dt)
elements = tensor_info.GetNumElements()
num_bytes = tensor_info.GetNumBytes()
d_type = dt
tensor = ann.Tensor(tensor_info)
assert tensor_info != tensor.GetInfo(), "Different objects"
assert elements == tensor.GetNumElements()
assert num_bytes == tensor.GetNumBytes()
assert d_type == tensor.GetDataType()
def test_create_tensor_undefined_datatype():
tensor_info = ann.TensorInfo()
with pytest.raises(ValueError) as err:
assert 'The data type provided for this Tensor is not supported.' in str(err.value)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("dt", [ann.DataType_Float32])
def test_tensor_memory_output(dt):
tensor_info = __get_tensor_info(dt)
tensor = ann.Tensor(tensor_info)
# empty memory area because inference has not yet been run.
assert tensor.get_memory_area().tolist() # has random stuff
assert 4 == tensor.get_memory_area().itemsize, "it is float32"
@pytest.mark.parametrize("dt", [ann.DataType_Float32, ann.DataType_Float16,
ann.DataType_QAsymmU8, ann.DataType_QSymmS8,
def test_tensor__str__(dt):
tensor_info = __get_tensor_info(dt)
elements = tensor_info.GetNumElements()
num_bytes = tensor_info.GetNumBytes()
d_type = dt
dimensions = tensor_info.GetNumDimensions()
tensor = ann.Tensor(tensor_info)
assert str(tensor) == "Tensor{{DataType: {}, NumBytes: {}, NumDimensions: " \
"{}, NumElements: {}}}".format(d_type, num_bytes, dimensions, elements)
def test_create_empty_tensor():
tensor = ann.Tensor()
assert 0 == tensor.GetNumElements()
assert 0 == tensor.GetNumBytes()
assert tensor.get_memory_area() is None
@pytest.mark.parametrize("dt", [ann.DataType_Float32, ann.DataType_Float16,
ann.DataType_QAsymmU8, ann.DataType_QSymmS8,
def test_create_tensor_from_tensor(dt):
tensor_info = __get_tensor_info(dt)
tensor = ann.Tensor(tensor_info)
copied_tensor = ann.Tensor(tensor)
assert copied_tensor != tensor, "Different objects"
assert copied_tensor.GetInfo() != tensor.GetInfo(), "Different objects"
assert copied_tensor.get_memory_area().ctypes.data == tensor.get_memory_area().ctypes.data, "Same memory area"
assert copied_tensor.GetNumElements() == tensor.GetNumElements()
assert copied_tensor.GetNumBytes() == tensor.GetNumBytes()
assert copied_tensor.GetDataType() == tensor.GetDataType()
@pytest.mark.parametrize("dt", [ann.DataType_Float32, ann.DataType_Float16,
ann.DataType_QAsymmU8, ann.DataType_QSymmS8,
def test_copy_tensor(dt):
tensor = ann.Tensor(__get_tensor_info(dt))
copied_tensor = copy(tensor)
assert copied_tensor != tensor, "Different objects"
assert copied_tensor.GetInfo() != tensor.GetInfo(), "Different objects"
assert copied_tensor.get_memory_area().ctypes.data == tensor.get_memory_area().ctypes.data, "Same memory area"
assert copied_tensor.GetNumElements() == tensor.GetNumElements()
assert copied_tensor.GetNumBytes() == tensor.GetNumBytes()
assert copied_tensor.GetDataType() == tensor.GetDataType()
@pytest.mark.parametrize("dt", [ann.DataType_Float32, ann.DataType_Float16,
ann.DataType_QAsymmU8, ann.DataType_QSymmS8,
def test_copied_tensor_has_memory_area_access_after_deletion_of_original_tensor(dt):
tensor = ann.Tensor(__get_tensor_info(dt))
tensor.get_memory_area()[0] = 100
initial_mem_copy = np.array(tensor.get_memory_area())
assert 100 == initial_mem_copy[0]
copied_tensor = ann.Tensor(tensor)
del tensor
np.testing.assert_array_equal(copied_tensor.get_memory_area(), initial_mem_copy)
assert 100 == copied_tensor.get_memory_area()[0]
def test_create_const_tensor_incorrect_args():
with pytest.raises(ValueError) as err:
ann.Tensor('something', 'something')
expected_error_message = "Incorrect number of arguments or type of arguments provided to create Tensor."
assert expected_error_message in str(err.value)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("dt", [ann.DataType_Float16])
def test_tensor_memory_output_fp16(dt):
# Check Tensor with float16
tensor_info = __get_tensor_info(dt)
tensor = ann.Tensor(tensor_info)
assert tensor.GetNumElements() == 6
assert tensor.GetNumBytes() == 12
assert tensor.GetDataType() == ann.DataType_Float16
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
# Copyright © 2020 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
import os
import pytest
import pyarmnn as ann
import numpy as np
def get_tensor_info_input(shared_data_folder):
Sample input tensor information.
parser = ann.ITfLiteParser()
parser.CreateNetworkFromBinaryFile(os.path.join(shared_data_folder, 'mock_model.tflite'))
graph_id = 0
input_binding_info = [parser.GetNetworkInputBindingInfo(graph_id, 'input_1')]
yield input_binding_info
def get_tensor_info_output(shared_data_folder):
Sample output tensor information.
parser = ann.ITfLiteParser()
parser.CreateNetworkFromBinaryFile(os.path.join(shared_data_folder, 'mock_model.tflite'))
graph_id = 0
output_names = parser.GetSubgraphOutputTensorNames(graph_id)
outputs_binding_info = []
for output_name in output_names:
outputs_binding_info.append(parser.GetNetworkOutputBindingInfo(graph_id, output_name))
yield outputs_binding_info
def test_make_input_tensors(get_tensor_info_input):
input_tensor_info = get_tensor_info_input
input_data = []
for tensor_id, tensor_info in input_tensor_info:
input_data.append(np.random.randint(0, 255, size=(1, tensor_info.GetNumElements())).astype(np.uint8))
input_tensors = ann.make_input_tensors(input_tensor_info, input_data)
assert len(input_tensors) == 1
for tensor, tensor_info in zip(input_tensors, input_tensor_info):
# Because we created ConstTensor function, we cannot check type directly.
assert type(tensor[1]).__name__ == 'ConstTensor'
assert str(tensor[1].GetInfo()) == str(tensor_info[1])
def test_make_output_tensors(get_tensor_info_output):
output_binding_info = get_tensor_info_output
output_tensors = ann.make_output_tensors(output_binding_info)
assert len(output_tensors) == 1
for tensor, tensor_info in zip(output_tensors, output_binding_info):
assert type(tensor[1]) == ann.Tensor
assert str(tensor[1].GetInfo()) == str(tensor_info[1])
def test_workload_tensors_to_ndarray(get_tensor_info_output):
# Check shape and size of output from workload_tensors_to_ndarray matches expected.
output_binding_info = get_tensor_info_output
output_tensors = ann.make_output_tensors(output_binding_info)
data = ann.workload_tensors_to_ndarray(output_tensors)
for i in range(0, len(output_tensors)):
assert data[i].shape == tuple(output_tensors[i][1].GetShape())
assert data[i].size == output_tensors[i][1].GetNumElements()
def test_make_input_tensors_fp16(get_tensor_info_input):
# Check ConstTensor with float16
input_tensor_info = get_tensor_info_input
input_data = []
for tensor_id, tensor_info in input_tensor_info:
input_data.append(np.random.randint(0, 255, size=(1, tensor_info.GetNumElements())).astype(np.float16))
tensor_info.SetDataType(ann.DataType_Float16) # set datatype to float16
input_tensors = ann.make_input_tensors(input_tensor_info, input_data)
assert len(input_tensors) == 1
for tensor, tensor_info in zip(input_tensors, input_tensor_info):
# Because we created ConstTensor function, we cannot check type directly.
assert type(tensor[1]).__name__ == 'ConstTensor'
assert str(tensor[1].GetInfo()) == str(tensor_info[1])
assert tensor[1].GetDataType() == ann.DataType_Float16
assert tensor[1].GetNumElements() == 28*28*1
assert tensor[1].GetNumBytes() == (28*28*1)*2 # check each element is two byte
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
# Copyright © 2020 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
import pyarmnn as ann
def test_tensor_info_ctor_shape():
tensor_shape = ann.TensorShape((1, 1, 2))
tensor_info = ann.TensorInfo(tensor_shape, ann.DataType_QAsymmU8, 0.5, 1)
assert 2 == tensor_info.GetNumElements()
assert 3 == tensor_info.GetNumDimensions()
assert ann.DataType_QAsymmU8 == tensor_info.GetDataType()
assert 0.5 == tensor_info.GetQuantizationScale()
assert 1 == tensor_info.GetQuantizationOffset()
shape = tensor_info.GetShape()
assert 2 == shape.GetNumElements()
assert 3 == shape.GetNumDimensions()
def test_tensor_info__str__():
tensor_info = ann.TensorInfo(ann.TensorShape((2, 3)), ann.DataType_QAsymmU8, 0.5, 1, True)
assert tensor_info.__str__() == "TensorInfo{DataType: 2, IsQuantized: 1, QuantizationScale: 0.500000, " \
"QuantizationOffset: 1, IsConstant: 1, NumDimensions: 2, NumElements: 6}"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
# Copyright © 2020 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
import pytest
import pyarmnn as ann
def test_tensor_shape_tuple():
tensor_shape = ann.TensorShape((1, 2, 3))
assert 3 == tensor_shape.GetNumDimensions()
assert 6 == tensor_shape.GetNumElements()
def test_tensor_shape_one():
tensor_shape = ann.TensorShape((10,))
assert 1 == tensor_shape.GetNumDimensions()
assert 10 == tensor_shape.GetNumElements()
def test_tensor_shape_empty():
with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as err:
assert "Tensor numDimensions must be greater than 0" in str(err.value)
def test_tensor_shape_tuple_mess():
tensor_shape = ann.TensorShape((1, "2", 3.0))
assert 3 == tensor_shape.GetNumDimensions()
assert 6 == tensor_shape.GetNumElements()
def test_tensor_shape_list():
with pytest.raises(TypeError) as err:
ann.TensorShape([1, 2, 3])
assert "Argument is not a tuple" in str(err.value)
def test_tensor_shape_tuple_mess_fail():
with pytest.raises(TypeError) as err:
ann.TensorShape((1, "two", 3.0))
assert "All elements must be numbers" in str(err.value)
def test_tensor_shape_varags():
with pytest.raises(TypeError) as err:
ann.TensorShape(1, 2, 3)
assert "__init__() takes 2 positional arguments but 4 were given" in str(err.value)
def test_tensor_shape__get_item_out_of_bounds():
tensor_shape = ann.TensorShape((1, 2, 3))
with pytest.raises(ValueError) as err:
for i in range(4):
assert "Invalid dimension index: 3 (number of dimensions is 3)" in str(err.value)
def test_tensor_shape__set_item_out_of_bounds():
tensor_shape = ann.TensorShape((1, 2, 3))
with pytest.raises(ValueError) as err:
for i in range(4):
tensor_shape[i] = 1
assert "Invalid dimension index: 3 (number of dimensions is 3)" in str(err.value)
def test_tensor_shape___str__():
tensor_shape = ann.TensorShape((1, 2, 3))
assert str(tensor_shape) == "TensorShape{Shape(1, 2, 3), NumDimensions: 3, NumElements: 6}"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
# Copyright © 2020 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
import os
import pytest
import pyarmnn as ann
import numpy as np
def test_TfLiteParserOptions_default_values():
parserOptions = ann.TfLiteParserOptions()
assert parserOptions.m_InferAndValidate == False
assert parserOptions.m_StandInLayerForUnsupported == False
def parser(shared_data_folder):
Parse and setup the test network to be used for the tests below
parser = ann.ITfLiteParser()
parser.CreateNetworkFromBinaryFile(os.path.join(shared_data_folder, 'mock_model.tflite'))
yield parser
def test_tflite_parser_swig_destroy():
assert ann.ITfLiteParser.__swig_destroy__, "There is a swig python destructor defined"
assert ann.ITfLiteParser.__swig_destroy__.__name__ == "delete_ITfLiteParser"
def test_check_tflite_parser_swig_ownership(parser):
# Check to see that SWIG has ownership for parser. This instructs SWIG to take
# ownership of the return value. This allows the value to be automatically
# garbage-collected when it is no longer in use
assert parser.thisown
def test_tflite_parser_with_optional_options():
parserOptions = ann.TfLiteParserOptions()
parserOptions.m_InferAndValidate = True
parser = ann.ITfLiteParser(parserOptions)
assert parser.thisown
def create_with_opt() :
parserOptions = ann.TfLiteParserOptions()
parserOptions.m_InferAndValidate = True
return ann.ITfLiteParser(parserOptions)
def test_tflite_parser_with_optional_options_out_of_scope(shared_data_folder):
parser = create_with_opt()
network = parser.CreateNetworkFromBinaryFile(os.path.join(shared_data_folder, "mock_model.tflite"))
graphs_count = parser.GetSubgraphCount()
graph_id = graphs_count - 1
input_names = parser.GetSubgraphInputTensorNames(graph_id)
input_binding_info = parser.GetNetworkInputBindingInfo(graph_id, input_names[0])
output_names = parser.GetSubgraphOutputTensorNames(graph_id)
preferred_backends = [ann.BackendId('CpuAcc'), ann.BackendId('CpuRef')]
options = ann.CreationOptions()
runtime = ann.IRuntime(options)
opt_network, messages = ann.Optimize(network, preferred_backends, runtime.GetDeviceSpec(), ann.OptimizerOptions())
assert 0 == len(messages)
net_id, messages = runtime.LoadNetwork(opt_network)
assert "" == messages
def test_tflite_get_sub_graph_count(parser):
graphs_count = parser.GetSubgraphCount()
assert graphs_count == 1
def test_tflite_get_network_input_binding_info(parser):
graphs_count = parser.GetSubgraphCount()
graph_id = graphs_count - 1
input_names = parser.GetSubgraphInputTensorNames(graph_id)
input_binding_info = parser.GetNetworkInputBindingInfo(graph_id, input_names[0])
tensor = input_binding_info[1]
assert tensor.GetDataType() == 2
assert tensor.GetNumDimensions() == 4
assert tensor.GetNumElements() == 784
assert tensor.GetQuantizationOffset() == 128
assert tensor.GetQuantizationScale() == 0.007843137718737125
def test_tflite_get_network_output_binding_info(parser):
graphs_count = parser.GetSubgraphCount()
graph_id = graphs_count - 1
output_names = parser.GetSubgraphOutputTensorNames(graph_id)
output_binding_info1 = parser.GetNetworkOutputBindingInfo(graph_id, output_names[0])
# Check the tensor info retrieved from GetNetworkOutputBindingInfo
tensor1 = output_binding_info1[1]
assert tensor1.GetDataType() == 2
assert tensor1.GetNumDimensions() == 2
assert tensor1.GetNumElements() == 10
assert tensor1.GetQuantizationOffset() == 0
assert tensor1.GetQuantizationScale() == 0.00390625
def test_tflite_get_subgraph_input_tensor_names(parser):
graphs_count = parser.GetSubgraphCount()
graph_id = graphs_count - 1
input_names = parser.GetSubgraphInputTensorNames(graph_id)
assert input_names == ('input_1',)
def test_tflite_get_subgraph_output_tensor_names(parser):
graphs_count = parser.GetSubgraphCount()
graph_id = graphs_count - 1
output_names = parser.GetSubgraphOutputTensorNames(graph_id)
assert output_names[0] == 'dense/Softmax'
def test_tflite_filenotfound_exception(shared_data_folder):
parser = ann.ITfLiteParser()
with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as err:
parser.CreateNetworkFromBinaryFile(os.path.join(shared_data_folder, 'some_unknown_network.tflite'))
# Only check for part of the exception since the exception returns
# absolute path which will change on different machines.
assert 'Cannot find the file' in str(err.value)
def test_tflite_parser_end_to_end(shared_data_folder):
parser = ann.ITfLiteParser()
network = parser.CreateNetworkFromBinaryFile(os.path.join(shared_data_folder, "mock_model.tflite"))
graphs_count = parser.GetSubgraphCount()
graph_id = graphs_count - 1
input_names = parser.GetSubgraphInputTensorNames(graph_id)
input_binding_info = parser.GetNetworkInputBindingInfo(graph_id, input_names[0])
output_names = parser.GetSubgraphOutputTensorNames(graph_id)
preferred_backends = [ann.BackendId('CpuAcc'), ann.BackendId('CpuRef')]
options = ann.CreationOptions()
runtime = ann.IRuntime(options)
opt_network, messages = ann.Optimize(network, preferred_backends, runtime.GetDeviceSpec(), ann.OptimizerOptions())
assert 0 == len(messages)
net_id, messages = runtime.LoadNetwork(opt_network)
assert "" == messages
# Load test image data stored in input_lite.npy
input_tensor_data = np.load(os.path.join(shared_data_folder, 'tflite_parser/input_lite.npy'))
input_tensors = ann.make_input_tensors([input_binding_info], [input_tensor_data])
output_tensors = []
for index, output_name in enumerate(output_names):
out_bind_info = parser.GetNetworkOutputBindingInfo(graph_id, output_name)
out_tensor_info = out_bind_info[1]
out_tensor_id = out_bind_info[0]
runtime.EnqueueWorkload(net_id, input_tensors, output_tensors)
output_vectors = []
for index, out_tensor in enumerate(output_tensors):
# Load golden output file for result comparison.
expected_outputs = np.load(os.path.join(shared_data_folder, 'tflite_parser/golden_output_lite.npy'))
# Check that output matches golden output
assert (expected_outputs == output_vectors[0]).all()
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
# Copyright © 2020 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
import pytest
import pyarmnn as ann
def test_activation_function():
assert 0 == ann.ActivationFunction_Sigmoid
assert 1 == ann.ActivationFunction_TanH
assert 2 == ann.ActivationFunction_Linear
assert 3 == ann.ActivationFunction_ReLu
assert 4 == ann.ActivationFunction_BoundedReLu
assert 5 == ann.ActivationFunction_SoftReLu
assert 6 == ann.ActivationFunction_LeakyReLu
assert 7 == ann.ActivationFunction_Abs
assert 8 == ann.ActivationFunction_Sqrt
assert 9 == ann.ActivationFunction_Square
def test_permutation_vector():
pv = ann.PermutationVector((0, 2, 3, 1))
assert pv[0] == 0
assert pv[2] == 3
pv2 = ann.PermutationVector((0, 2, 3, 1))
assert pv == pv2
pv4 = ann.PermutationVector((0, 3, 1, 2))
assert pv.IsInverse(pv4)
with pytest.raises(ValueError) as err:
assert err.type is ValueError
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
# Copyright © 2020 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved.
# Copyright 2020 NXP
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
import os
import importlib
def test_rel_version():
import pyarmnn._version as v
assert "dev" not in v.__version__
del v
def test_dev_version():
import pyarmnn._version as v
os.environ["PYARMNN_DEV_VER"] = "1"
assert "28.0.0.dev1" == v.__version__
del os.environ["PYARMNN_DEV_VER"]
del v
def test_arm_version_not_affected():
import pyarmnn._version as v
os.environ["PYARMNN_DEV_VER"] = "1"
assert "28.0.0" == v.__arm_ml_version__
del os.environ["PYARMNN_DEV_VER"]
del v
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
// Copyright © 2021 Arm Ltd and Contributors. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
#include <armnn/INetwork.hpp>
#include <armnn/IRuntime.hpp>
#include <armnn/Utils.hpp>
#include <armnn/Descriptors.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
/// A simple example of using the ArmNN SDK API to run a network multiple times with different inputs in an asynchronous
/// manner.
/// Background info: The usual runtime->EnqueueWorkload, which is used to trigger the execution of a network, is not
/// thread safe. Each workload has memory assigned to it which would be overwritten by each thread.
/// Before we added support for this you had to load a network multiple times to execute it at the
/// same time. Every time a network is loaded, it takes up memory on your device. Making the
/// execution thread safe helps to reduce the memory footprint for concurrent executions significantly.
/// This example shows you how to execute a model concurrently (multiple threads) while still only
/// loading it once.
/// As in most of our simple samples, the network in this example will ask the user for a single input number for each
/// execution of the network.
/// The network consists of a single fully connected layer with a single neuron. The neurons weight is set to 1.0f
/// to produce an output number that is the same as the input.
int main()
using namespace armnn;
// The first part of this code is very similar to the SimpleSample.cpp you should check it out for comparison
// The interesting part starts when the graph is loaded into the runtime
std::vector<float> inputs;
float number1;
std::cout << "Please enter a number for the first iteration: " << std::endl;
std::cin >> number1;
float number2;
std::cout << "Please enter a number for the second iteration: " << std::endl;
std::cin >> number2;
// Turn on logging to standard output
// This is useful in this sample so that users can learn more about what is going on
ConfigureLogging(true, false, LogSeverity::Warning);
// Construct ArmNN network
NetworkId networkIdentifier;
INetworkPtr myNetwork = INetwork::Create();
float weightsData[] = {1.0f}; // Identity
TensorInfo weightsInfo(TensorShape({1, 1}), DataType::Float32, 0.0f, 0, true);
ConstTensor weights(weightsInfo, weightsData);
// Constant layer that now holds weights data for FullyConnected
IConnectableLayer* const constantWeightsLayer = myNetwork->AddConstantLayer(weights, "const weights");
FullyConnectedDescriptor fullyConnectedDesc;
IConnectableLayer* const fullyConnectedLayer = myNetwork->AddFullyConnectedLayer(fullyConnectedDesc,
"fully connected");
IConnectableLayer* InputLayer = myNetwork->AddInputLayer(0);
IConnectableLayer* OutputLayer = myNetwork->AddOutputLayer(0);
// Create ArmNN runtime
IRuntime::CreationOptions options; // default options
IRuntimePtr run = IRuntime::Create(options);
//Set the tensors in the network.
TensorInfo inputTensorInfo(TensorShape({1, 1}), DataType::Float32);
TensorInfo outputTensorInfo(TensorShape({1, 1}), DataType::Float32);
// Optimise ArmNN network
IOptimizedNetworkPtr optNet = Optimize(*myNetwork, {Compute::CpuRef}, run->GetDeviceSpec());
if (!optNet)
// This shouldn't happen for this simple sample, with reference backend.
// But in general usage Optimize could fail if the hardware at runtime cannot
// support the model that has been provided.
std::cerr << "Error: Failed to optimise the input network." << std::endl;
return 1;
// Load graph into runtime.
std::string errmsg; // To hold an eventual error message if loading the network fails
// Add network properties to enable async execution. The MemorySource::Undefined variables indicate
// that neither inputs nor outputs will be imported. Importing will be covered in another example.
armnn::INetworkProperties networkProperties(true, MemorySource::Undefined, MemorySource::Undefined);
// Creates structures for inputs and outputs. A vector of float for each execution.
std::vector<std::vector<float>> inputData{{number1}, {number2}};
std::vector<std::vector<float>> outputData;
outputData.resize(2, std::vector<float>(1));
inputTensorInfo = run->GetInputTensorInfo(networkIdentifier, 0);
std::vector<InputTensors> inputTensors
{{0, armnn::ConstTensor(inputTensorInfo, inputData[0].data())}},
{{0, armnn::ConstTensor(inputTensorInfo, inputData[1].data())}}
std::vector<OutputTensors> outputTensors
{{0, armnn::Tensor(run->GetOutputTensorInfo(networkIdentifier, 0), outputData[0].data())}},
{{0, armnn::Tensor(run->GetOutputTensorInfo(networkIdentifier, 0), outputData[1].data())}}
// Lambda function to execute the network. We use it as thread function.
auto execute = [&](unsigned int executionIndex)
auto memHandle = run->CreateWorkingMemHandle(networkIdentifier);
run->Execute(*memHandle, inputTensors[executionIndex], outputTensors[executionIndex]);
// Prepare some threads and let each execute the network with a different input
std::vector<std::thread> threads;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < inputTensors.size(); ++i)
threads.emplace_back(std::thread(execute, i));
// Wait for the threads to finish
for (std::thread& t : threads)
std::cout << "Your numbers were " << outputData[0][0] << " and " << outputData[1][0] << std::endl;
return 0;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
add_executable(SimpleSample SimpleSample.cpp)
target_link_libraries(SimpleSample armnn ${CMAKE_THREAD_LIBS_INIT})
add_executable(AsyncExecutionSample AsyncExecutionSample.cpp)
target_link_libraries(AsyncExecutionSample armnn ${CMAKE_THREAD_LIBS_INIT})
add_executable(DynamicSample DynamicSample.cpp)
target_link_libraries(DynamicSample armnn ${CMAKE_THREAD_LIBS_INIT})
add_executable(CustomMemoryAllocatorSample CustomMemoryAllocatorSample.cpp)
target_link_libraries(CustomMemoryAllocatorSample armnn ${CMAKE_THREAD_LIBS_INIT})
add_executable(PreImportMemorySample PreImportMemorySample.cpp)
target_link_libraries(PreImportMemorySample armnn ${CMAKE_THREAD_LIBS_INIT})
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
// Copyright © 2021 Arm Ltd and Contributors. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
#include <armnn/ArmNN.hpp>
#include <armnn/backends/ICustomAllocator.hpp>
#include <arm_compute/core/CL/CLKernelLibrary.h>
#include <arm_compute/runtime/CL/CLScheduler.h>
#include <iostream>
/** Sample implementation of ICustomAllocator for use with the ClBackend.
* Note: any memory allocated must be host addressable with write access
* in order for ArmNN to be able to properly use it. */
class SampleClBackendCustomAllocator : public armnn::ICustomAllocator
SampleClBackendCustomAllocator() = default;
void* allocate(size_t size, size_t alignment) override
// If alignment is 0 just use the CL_DEVICE_GLOBAL_MEM_CACHELINE_SIZE for alignment
if (alignment == 0)
alignment = arm_compute::CLKernelLibrary::get().get_device().getInfo<CL_DEVICE_GLOBAL_MEM_CACHELINE_SIZE>();
size_t space = size + alignment + alignment;
auto allocatedMemPtr = std::malloc(space * sizeof(size_t));
if (std::align(alignment, size, allocatedMemPtr, space) == nullptr)
throw armnn::Exception("SampleClBackendCustomAllocator::Alignment failed");
return allocatedMemPtr;
void free(void* ptr) override
armnn::MemorySource GetMemorySourceType() override
return armnn::MemorySource::Malloc;
// A simple example application to show the usage of a custom memory allocator. In this sample, the users single
// input number is multiplied by 1.0f using a fully connected layer with a single neuron to produce an output
// number that is the same as the input. All memory required to execute this mini network is allocated with
// the provided custom allocator.
// Using a Custom Allocator is required for use with Protected Mode and Protected Memory.
// This example is provided using only unprotected malloc as Protected Memory is platform
// and implementation specific.
// Note: This example is similar to the SimpleSample application that can also be found in armnn/samples.
// The differences are in the use of a custom allocator, the backend is GpuAcc, and the inputs/outputs
// are being imported instead of copied. (Import must be enabled when using a Custom Allocator)
// You might find this useful for comparison.
int main()
using namespace armnn;
float number;
std::cout << "Please enter a number: " << std::endl;
std::cin >> number;
// Turn on logging to standard output
// This is useful in this sample so that users can learn more about what is going on
armnn::ConfigureLogging(true, false, LogSeverity::Info);
// Construct ArmNN network
armnn::NetworkId networkIdentifier;
INetworkPtr myNetwork = INetwork::Create();
armnn::FullyConnectedDescriptor fullyConnectedDesc;
float weightsData[] = {1.0f}; // Identity
TensorInfo weightsInfo(TensorShape({1, 1}), DataType::Float32, 0.0f, 0, true);
armnn::ConstTensor weights(weightsInfo, weightsData);
IConnectableLayer *fullyConnected = myNetwork->AddFullyConnectedLayer(fullyConnectedDesc,
"fully connected");
IConnectableLayer *InputLayer = myNetwork->AddInputLayer(0);
IConnectableLayer *OutputLayer = myNetwork->AddOutputLayer(0);
// Create ArmNN runtime:
// This is the interesting bit when executing a model with a custom allocator.
// You can have different allocators for different backends. To support this
// the runtime creation option has a map that takes a BackendId and the corresponding
// allocator that should be used for that backend.
// Only GpuAcc supports a Custom Allocator for now
// Note: This is not covered in this example but if you want to run a model on
// protected memory a custom allocator needs to be provided that supports
// protected memory allocations and the MemorySource of that allocator is
// set to MemorySource::DmaBufProtected
IRuntime::CreationOptions options;
auto customAllocator = std::make_shared<SampleClBackendCustomAllocator>();
options.m_CustomAllocatorMap = {{"GpuAcc", std::move(customAllocator)}};
IRuntimePtr runtime = IRuntime::Create(options);
//Set the tensors in the network.
TensorInfo inputTensorInfo(TensorShape({1, 1}), DataType::Float32);
unsigned int numElements = inputTensorInfo.GetNumElements();
size_t totalBytes = numElements * sizeof(float);
TensorInfo outputTensorInfo(TensorShape({1, 1}), DataType::Float32);
// Optimise ArmNN network
OptimizerOptions optOptions;
optOptions.m_ImportEnabled = true;
armnn::IOptimizedNetworkPtr optNet =
Optimize(*myNetwork, {"GpuAcc"}, runtime->GetDeviceSpec(), optOptions);
if (!optNet)
// This shouldn't happen for this simple sample, with GpuAcc backend.
// But in general usage Optimize could fail if the backend at runtime cannot
// support the model that has been provided.
std::cerr << "Error: Failed to optimise the input network." << std::endl;
return 1;
// Load graph into runtime
std::string ignoredErrorMessage;
INetworkProperties networkProperties(false, MemorySource::Malloc, MemorySource::Malloc);
runtime->LoadNetwork(networkIdentifier, std::move(optNet), ignoredErrorMessage, networkProperties);
// Creates structures for input & output
const size_t alignment =
void* alignedInputPtr = options.m_CustomAllocatorMap["GpuAcc"]->allocate(totalBytes, alignment);
// Input with negative values
auto* inputPtr = reinterpret_cast<float*>(alignedInputPtr);
std::fill_n(inputPtr, numElements, number);
void* alignedOutputPtr = options.m_CustomAllocatorMap["GpuAcc"]->allocate(totalBytes, alignment);
auto* outputPtr = reinterpret_cast<float*>(alignedOutputPtr);
std::fill_n(outputPtr, numElements, -10.0f);
inputTensorInfo = runtime->GetInputTensorInfo(networkIdentifier, 0);
armnn::InputTensors inputTensors
{0, armnn::ConstTensor(inputTensorInfo, alignedInputPtr)},
armnn::OutputTensors outputTensors
{0, armnn::Tensor(runtime->GetOutputTensorInfo(networkIdentifier, 0), alignedOutputPtr)}
// Execute network
runtime->EnqueueWorkload(networkIdentifier, inputTensors, outputTensors);
// Tell the CLBackend to sync memory so we can read the output.
auto* outputResult = reinterpret_cast<float*>(alignedOutputPtr);
std::cout << "Your number was " << outputResult[0] << std::endl;
return 0;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
// Copyright © 2020 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
#include <armnn/INetwork.hpp>
#include <armnn/IRuntime.hpp>
#include <armnn/Utils.hpp>
#include <armnn/Descriptors.hpp>
#include <iostream>
/// A simple example of using the ArmNN SDK API with the standalone sample dynamic backend.
/// In this example, an addition layer is used to add 2 input tensors to produce a result output tensor.
int main()
using namespace armnn;
// Construct ArmNN network
armnn::NetworkId networkIdentifier;
INetworkPtr myNetwork = INetwork::Create();
IConnectableLayer* input0 = myNetwork->AddInputLayer(0);
IConnectableLayer* input1 = myNetwork->AddInputLayer(1);
IConnectableLayer* add = myNetwork->AddAdditionLayer();
IConnectableLayer* output = myNetwork->AddOutputLayer(0);
TensorInfo tensorInfo(TensorShape({2, 1}), DataType::Float32);
// Create ArmNN runtime
IRuntime::CreationOptions options; // default options
armnn::IRuntimePtr run(armnn::IRuntime::Create(options));
// Optimise ArmNN network
armnn::IOptimizedNetworkPtr optNet = Optimize(*myNetwork, {"SampleDynamic"}, run->GetDeviceSpec());
if (!optNet)
// This shouldn't happen for this simple sample, with reference backend.
// But in general usage Optimize could fail if the hardware at runtime cannot
// support the model that has been provided.
std::cerr << "Error: Failed to optimise the input network." << std::endl;
return 1;
// Load graph into runtime
run->LoadNetwork(networkIdentifier, std::move(optNet));
// input data
std::vector<float> input0Data
5.0f, 3.0f
std::vector<float> input1Data
10.0f, 8.0f
std::vector<float> outputData(2);
TensorInfo inputTensorInfo = run->GetInputTensorInfo(networkIdentifier, 0);
InputTensors inputTensors
{0,armnn::ConstTensor(inputTensorInfo, input0Data.data())},
{1,armnn::ConstTensor(inputTensorInfo, input1Data.data())}
OutputTensors outputTensors
{0,armnn::Tensor(run->GetOutputTensorInfo(networkIdentifier, 0), outputData.data())}
// Execute network
run->EnqueueWorkload(networkIdentifier, inputTensors, outputTensors);
std::cout << "Addition operator result is {" << outputData[0] << "," << outputData[1] << "}" << std::endl;
return 0;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
# Image Classification with the Arm NN Tensorflow Lite Delegate
This application demonstrates the use of the Arm NN Tensorflow Lite Delegate.
In this application we integrate the Arm NN Tensorflow Lite Delegate into the
TensorFlow Lite Python package.
## Before You Begin
This repository assumes you have built, or have downloaded the
`libarmnnDelegate.so` and `libarmnn.so` from the GitHub releases page. You will
also need to have built the TensorFlow Lite library from source if you plan on building
these ArmNN library files yourself.
If you have not already installed these, please follow our guides in the ArmNN
repository. The guide to build the delegate can be found
[here](../../delegate/BuildGuideNative.md) and the guide to integrate the
delegate into Python can be found
This guide will assume you have retrieved the binaries
from the ArmNN Github page, so there is no need to build Tensorflow from source.
## Getting Started
Before running the application, we will first need to:
- Install the required Python packages
- Download this example
- Download a model and corresponding label mapping
- Download an example image
1. Install required packages and Git Large File Storage (to download models
from the Arm ML-Zoo).
sudo apt-get install -y python3 python3-pip wget git git-lfs unzip
git lfs install
2. Clone the Arm NN repository and change directory to this example.
git clone https://github.com/arm-software/armnn.git
cd armnn/samples/ImageClassification
3. Download your model and label mappings.
For this example we use the `MobileNetV2` model. This model can be found in
the Arm ML-Zoo as well as scripts to download the labels for the model.
export BASEDIR=$(pwd)
#clone the model zoo
git clone https://github.com/arm-software/ml-zoo.git
#go to the mobilenetv2 uint8 folder
cd ml-zoo/models/image_classification/mobilenet_v2_1.0_224/tflite_uint8
#generate the labelmapping
#cd back to this project folder
#copy your model and label mapping
cp ml-zoo/models/image_classification/mobilenet_v2_1.0_224/tflite_uint8/mobilenet_v2_1.0_224_quantized_1_default_1.tflite .
cp ml-zoo/models/image_classification/mobilenet_v2_1.0_224/tflite_uint8/labelmappings.txt .
4. Download a test image.
wget -O cat.png "https://github.com/dmlc/mxnet.js/blob/main/data/cat.png?raw=true"
5. Download the required Python packages.
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
6. Copy over your `libarmnnDelegate.so` and `libarmnn.so` library files
you built/downloaded before trying this application to the application
folder. For example:
cp /path/to/armnn/binaries/libarmnnDelegate.so .
cp /path/to/armnn/binaries/libarmnn.so .
## Folder Structure
You should now have the following folder structure:
├── README.md
├── run_classifier.py # script for the demo
├── libarmnnDelegate.so
├── libarmnn.so
├── cat.png # downloaded example image
├── mobilenet_v2_1.0_224_quantized_1_default_1.tflite # tflite model from ml-zoo
└── labelmappings.txt # model label mappings for output processing
## Run the model
python3 run_classifier.py \
--input_image cat.png \
--model_file mobilenet_v2_1.0_224_quantized_1_default_1.tflite \
--label_file labelmappings.txt \
--delegate_path /path/to/armnn/binaries/libarmnnDelegate.so \
--preferred_backends GpuAcc CpuAcc CpuRef
The output prediction will be printed. In this example we get:
'tabby, tabby cat'
## Running an inference with the Arm NN TensorFlow Lite Delegate
Compared to your usual TensorFlow Lite projects, using the Arm NN TensorFlow
Lite Delegate requires one extra step when loading in your model:
import tflite_runtime.interpreter as tflite
armnn_delegate = tflite.load_delegate("/path/to/armnn/binaries/libarmnnDelegate.so",
"backends": "GpuAcc,CpuAcc,CpuRef",
"logging-severity": "info"
interpreter = tflite.Interpreter(
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
import argparse
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Union
import tflite_runtime.interpreter as tflite
from PIL import Image
import numpy as np
def check_args(args: argparse.Namespace):
"""Check the values used in the command-line have acceptable values
- args: argparse.Namespace
- None
- FileNotFoundError: if passed files do not exist.
- IOError: if files are of incorrect format.
input_image_p = args.input_image
if not input_image_p.suffix in (".png", ".jpg", ".jpeg"):
raise IOError(
"--input_image option should point to an image file of the "
"format .jpg, .jpeg, .png"
if not input_image_p.exists():
raise FileNotFoundError("Cannot find ", input_image_p.name)
model_p = args.model_file
if not model_p.suffix == ".tflite":
raise IOError("--model_file should point to a tflite file.")
if not model_p.exists():
raise FileNotFoundError("Cannot find ", model_p.name)
label_mapping_p = args.label_file
if not label_mapping_p.suffix == ".txt":
raise IOError("--label_file expects a .txt file.")
if not label_mapping_p.exists():
raise FileNotFoundError("Cannot find ", label_mapping_p.name)
# check all args given in preferred backends make sense
supported_backends = ["GpuAcc", "CpuAcc", "CpuRef"]
if not all([backend in supported_backends for backend in args.preferred_backends]):
raise ValueError("Incorrect backends given. Please choose from "\
"'GpuAcc', 'CpuAcc', 'CpuRef'.")
return None
def load_image(image_path: Path, model_input_dims: Union[tuple, list], grayscale: bool):
"""load an image and put into correct format for the tensorflow lite model
- image_path: pathlib.Path
- model_input_dims: tuple (or array-like). (height,width)
- image: np.array
height, width = model_input_dims
# load and resize image
image = Image.open(image_path).resize((width, height))
# convert to greyscale if expected
if grayscale:
image = image.convert("LA")
image = np.expand_dims(image, axis=0)
return image
def load_delegate(delegate_path: Path, backends: list):
"""load the armnn delegate.
- delegate_path: pathlib.Path -> location of you libarmnnDelegate.so
- backends: list -> list of backends you want to use in string format
- armnn_delegate: tflite.delegate
# create a command separated string
backend_string = ",".join(backends)
# load delegate
armnn_delegate = tflite.load_delegate(
options={"backends": backend_string, "logging-severity": "info"},
return armnn_delegate
def load_tf_model(model_path: Path, armnn_delegate: tflite.Delegate):
"""load a tflite model for use with the armnn delegate.
- model_path: pathlib.Path
- armnn_delegate: tflite.TfLiteDelegate
- interpreter: tflite.Interpreter
interpreter = tflite.Interpreter(
model_path=model_path.as_posix(), experimental_delegates=[armnn_delegate]
return interpreter
def run_inference(interpreter, input_image):
"""Run inference on a processed input image and return the output from
- interpreter: tflite_runtime.interpreter.Interpreter
- input_image: np.array
- output_data: np.array
# Get input and output tensors.
input_details = interpreter.get_input_details()
output_details = interpreter.get_output_details()
# Test model on random input data.
interpreter.set_tensor(input_details[0]["index"], input_image)
output_data = interpreter.get_tensor(output_details[0]["index"])
return output_data
def create_mapping(label_mapping_p):
"""Creates a Python dictionary mapping an index to a label.
label_mapping[idx] = label
- label_mapping_p: pathlib.Path
- label_mapping: dict
idx = 0
label_mapping = {}
with open(label_mapping_p) as label_mapping_raw:
for line in label_mapping_raw:
label_mapping[idx] = line
idx += 1
return label_mapping
def process_output(output_data, label_mapping):
"""Process the output tensor into a label from the labelmapping file. Takes
the index of the maximum valur from the output array.
- output_data: np.array
- label_mapping: dict
- str: labelmapping for max index.
idx = np.argmax(output_data[0])
return label_mapping[idx]
def main(args):
"""Run the inference for options passed in the command line.
- args: argparse.Namespace
- None
# sanity check on args
# load in the armnn delegate
armnn_delegate = load_delegate(args.delegate_path, args.preferred_backends)
# load tflite model
interpreter = load_tf_model(args.model_file, armnn_delegate)
# get input shape for image resizing
input_shape = interpreter.get_input_details()[0]["shape"]
height, width = input_shape[1], input_shape[2]
input_shape = (height, width)
# load input image
input_image = load_image(args.input_image, input_shape, False)
# get label mapping
labelmapping = create_mapping(args.label_file)
output_tensor = run_inference(interpreter, input_image)
output_prediction = process_output(output_tensor, labelmapping)
print("Prediction: ", output_prediction)
return None
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
"--input_image", help="File path of image file", type=Path, required=True
help="File path of the model tflite file",
help="File path of model labelmapping file",
help="File path of ArmNN delegate file",
help="list of backends in order of preference",
default=["CpuAcc", "CpuRef"],
args = parser.parse_args()
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
# Copyright © 2021 Arm Ltd and Contributors. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.0.2)
# Make the standard a requirement => prevent fallback to previous
# supported standard
# We want to pass standard C/C++ flags, without gnu extensions
project (keyword-spotting-example)
set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS_DEBUG "-DDEBUG -O0 -g -fPIC -pthread")
set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG "-DDEBUG -O0 -g -fPIC -pthread")
# Build in release mode by default
file(GLOB SOURCES "src/*.cpp")
file(GLOB COMMON_UTILS_SOURCES "../common/src/Utils/*.cpp")
file(GLOB COMMON_AUDIO_SOURCES "../common/src/Audio/*.cpp")
file(GLOB TEST_SOURCES "test/*.cpp")
file(GLOB APP_MAIN "src/Main.cpp")
target_link_libraries("${APP_TARGET_NAME}" PUBLIC ${ARMNN_LIBS} -lsndfile -lsamplerate)
target_include_directories("${APP_TARGET_NAME}" PUBLIC ${ARMNN_INCLUDE_DIR} )
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,283 @@
# Keyword Spotting Example
## Introduction
This is a sample code showing keyword spotting using Arm NN public C++ API. The compiled application can take
* an audio file
as input and produce
* recognised keyword in the audio file
as output. The application works with the [fully quantised DS CNN Large model](https://github.com/ARM-software/ML-zoo/raw/68b5fbc77ed28e67b2efc915997ea4477c1d9d5b/models/keyword_spotting/ds_cnn_large/tflite_clustered_int8/) which is trained to recongize 12 keywords, including an unknown word.
## Dependencies
This example utilises `libsndfile`, `libasound` and `libsamplerate` libraries to capture the raw audio data from file, and to re-sample to the expected sample rate. Top level inference API is provided by Arm NN library.
### Arm NN
Keyword spotting example build system does not trigger Arm NN compilation. Thus, before building the application,
please ensure that Arm NN libraries and header files are available on your build platform.
The application executable binary dynamically links with the following Arm NN libraries:
* libarmnn.so
* libarmnnTfLiteParser.so
The build script searches for available Arm NN libraries in the following order:
1. Inside custom user directory specified by ARMNN_LIB_DIR cmake option.
2. Inside the current Arm NN repository, assuming that Arm NN was built following [these instructions](../../BuildGuideCrossCompilation.md).
3. Inside default locations for system libraries, assuming Arm NN was installed from deb packages.
Arm NN header files will be searched in parent directory of found libraries files under `include` directory, i.e.
libraries found in `/usr/lib` or `/usr/lib64` and header files in `/usr/include` (or `${ARMNN_LIB_DIR}/include`).
Please see [find_armnn.cmake](./cmake/find_armnn.cmake) for implementation details.
## Building
There is one flow for building this application:
* native build on a host platform
### Build Options
* ARMNN_LIB_DIR - point to the custom location of the Arm NN libs and headers.
* BUILD_UNIT_TESTS - set to `1` to build tests. Additionally to the main application, `keyword-spotting-example-tests`
unit tests executable will be created.
### Native Build
To build this application on a host platform, firstly ensure that required dependencies are installed:
For example, for raspberry PI:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get -yq install libsndfile1-dev
sudo apt-get -yq install libasound2-dev
sudo apt-get -yq install libsamplerate-dev
To build demo application, create a build directory:
mkdir build
cd build
If you have already installed Arm NN and and the required libraries:
Inside build directory, run cmake and make commands:
cmake ..
This will build the following in bin directory:
* `keyword-spotting-example` - application executable
If you have custom Arm NN location, use `ARMNN_LIB_DIR` options:
cmake -DARMNN_LIB_DIR=/path/to/armnn ..
## Executing
Once the application executable is built, it can be executed with the following options:
* --audio-file-path: Path to the audio file to run keyword spotting on **[REQUIRED]**
* --model-file-path: Path to the Keyword Spotting model to use **[REQUIRED]**
* --preferred-backends: Takes the preferred backends in preference order, separated by comma.
For example: `CpuAcc,GpuAcc,CpuRef`. Accepted options: [`CpuAcc`, `CpuRef`, `GpuAcc`].
Defaults to `CpuRef` **[OPTIONAL]**
### Keyword Spotting on a supplied audio file
A small selection of suitable wav files containing keywords can be found [here](https://git.mlplatform.org/ml/ethos-u/ml-embedded-evaluation-kit.git/plain/resources/kws/samples/).
To run keyword spotting on a supplied audio file and output the result to console:
./keyword-spotting-example --audio-file-path /path/to/audio/file --model-file-path /path/to/model/file
# Application Overview
This section provides a walkthrough of the application, explaining in detail the steps:
1. Initialisation
1. Reading from Audio Source
2. Creating a Network
1. Creating Parser and Importing Graph
2. Optimizing Graph for Compute Device
3. Creating Input and Output Binding Information
3. Keyword spotting pipeline
1. Pre-processing the Captured Audio
2. Making Input and Output Tensors
3. Executing Inference
4. Postprocessing
5. Decoding and Processing Inference Output
### Initialisation
##### Reading from Audio Source
After parsing user arguments, the chosen audio file is loaded into an AudioCapture object.
We use [`AudioCapture`](./include/AudioCapture.hpp) in our main function to capture appropriately sized audio blocks from the source using the
`Next()` function.
The `AudioCapture` object also re-samples the audio input to a desired sample rate, and sets the number of channels used to one channel (i.e `mono`)
### Creating a Network
All operations with Arm NN and networks are encapsulated in [`ArmnnNetworkExecutor`](./include/ArmnnNetworkExecutor.hpp)
##### Creating Parser and Importing Graph
The first step with Arm NN SDK is to import a graph from file by using the appropriate parser.
The Arm NN SDK provides parsers for reading graphs from a variety of model formats. In our application we specifically
focus on `.tflite, .pb, .onnx` models.
Based on the extension of the provided model file, the corresponding parser is created and the network file loaded with
`CreateNetworkFromBinaryFile()` method. The parser will handle the creation of the underlying Arm NN graph.
Currently this example only supports tflite format model files and uses `ITfLiteParser`:
#include "armnnTfLiteParser/ITfLiteParser.hpp"
armnnTfLiteParser::ITfLiteParserPtr parser = armnnTfLiteParser::ITfLiteParser::Create();
armnn::INetworkPtr network = parser->CreateNetworkFromBinaryFile(modelPath.c_str());
##### Optimizing Graph for Compute Device
Arm NN supports optimized execution on multiple CPU and GPU devices. Prior to executing a graph, we must select the
appropriate device context. We do this by creating a runtime context with default options with `IRuntime()`.
For example:
#include "armnn/ArmNN.hpp"
auto runtime = armnn::IRuntime::Create(armnn::IRuntime::CreationOptions());
We can optimize the imported graph by specifying a list of backends in order of preference and implement
backend-specific optimizations. The backends are identified by a string unique to the backend,
for example `CpuAcc, GpuAcc, CpuRef`.
For example:
std::vector<armnn::BackendId> backends{"CpuAcc", "GpuAcc", "CpuRef"};
Internally and transparently, Arm NN splits the graph into subgraph based on backends, it calls a optimize subgraphs
function on each of them and, if possible, substitutes the corresponding subgraph in the original graph with
its optimized version.
Using the `Optimize()` function we optimize the graph for inference and load the optimized network onto the compute
device with `LoadNetwork()`. This function creates the backend-specific workloads
for the layers and a backend specific workload factory which is called to create the workloads.
For example:
armnn::IOptimizedNetworkPtr optNet = Optimize(*network,
std::string errorMessage;
runtime->LoadNetwork(0, std::move(optNet), errorMessage));
std::cerr << errorMessage << std::endl;
##### Creating Input and Output Binding Information
Parsers can also be used to extract the input information for the network. By calling `GetSubgraphInputTensorNames`
we extract all the input names and, with `GetNetworkInputBindingInfo`, bind the input points of the graph.
For example:
std::vector<std::string> inputNames = parser->GetSubgraphInputTensorNames(0);
auto inputBindingInfo = parser->GetNetworkInputBindingInfo(0, inputNames[0]);
The input binding information contains all the essential information about the input. It is a tuple consisting of
integer identifiers for bindable layers (inputs, outputs) and the tensor info (data type, quantization information,
number of dimensions, total number of elements).
Similarly, we can get the output binding information for an output layer by using the parser to retrieve output
tensor names and calling `GetNetworkOutputBindingInfo()`.
### Keyword Spotting pipeline
The keyword spotting pipeline has 3 steps to perform: data pre-processing, run inference and decode inference results.
See [`KeywordSpottingPipeline`](include/KeywordSpottingPipeline.hpp) for more details.
#### Pre-processing the Audio Input
Each frame captured from source is read and stored by the AudioCapture object.
It's `Next()` function provides us with the correctly positioned window of data, sized appropriately for the given model, to pre-process before inference.
std::vector<float> audioBlock = capture.Next();
std::vector<int8_t> preprocessedData = kwsPipeline->PreProcessing(audioBlock);
The `MFCC` class is then used to extract the Mel-frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCCs, [see Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mel-frequency_cepstrum)) from each stored audio frame in the provided window of audio, to be used as features for the network. MFCCs are the result of computing the dot product of the Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) Matrix and the log of the Mel energy.
After all the MFCCs needed for an inference have been extracted from the audio data they are concatenated to make the input tensor for the model.
#### Executing Inference
common::InferenceResults results;
kwsPipeline->Inference(preprocessedData, results);
Inference step will call `ArmnnNetworkExecutor::Run` method that will prepare input tensors and execute inference.
A compute device performs inference for the loaded network using the `EnqueueWorkload()` function of the runtime context.
For example:
//const void* inputData = ...;
//outputTensors were pre-allocated before
armnn::InputTensors inputTensors = {{ inputBindingInfo.first,armnn::ConstTensor(inputBindingInfo.second, inputData)}};
runtime->EnqueueWorkload(0, inputTensors, outputTensors);
We allocate memory for output data once and map it to output tensor objects. After successful inference, we read data
from the pre-allocated output data buffer. See [`ArmnnNetworkExecutor::ArmnnNetworkExecutor`](./src/ArmnnNetworkExecutor.cpp)
and [`ArmnnNetworkExecutor::Run`](./src/ArmnnNetworkExecutor.cpp) for more details.
#### Postprocessing
##### Decoding
The output from the inference is decoded to obtain the spotted keyword- the word with highest probability is outputted to the console.
kwsPipeline->PostProcessing(results, labels,
[](int index, std::string& label, float prob) -> void {
printf("Keyword \"%s\", index %d:, probability %f\n",
The produced string is displayed on the console.
@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
# Copyright © 2021 Arm Ltd and Contributors. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
# Function to download a file from the Arm Model Zoo
function(download_file_from_modelzoo model_zoo_version file_sub_path download_path)
set(MODEL_ZOO_REPO "https://github.com/ARM-software/ML-zoo/raw")
string(JOIN "/" FILE_URL
${MODEL_ZOO_REPO} ${model_zoo_version} ${file_sub_path})
message(STATUS "Downloading ${FILE_URL} to ${download_path}...")
file(DOWNLOAD ${FILE_URL} ${download_path}
message(FATAL_ERROR "Download failed with error code: ${RET_VAL}; "
"Error message: ${RET_MSG}")
file(GLOB TEST_SOURCES "test/*")
file(GLOB TESTS_AUDIO_COMMON "../common/test/Audio/*")
URL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Azure-Samples/cognitive-services-speech-sdk/master/sampledata/audiofiles/myVoiceIsMyPassportVerifyMe04.wav
BUILD_COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy <DOWNLOAD_DIR>/myVoiceIsMyPassportVerifyMe04.wav ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/test/resources
set(MODEL_FILENAME ds_cnn_clustered_int8.tflite)
# Download the default model
set(ZOO_COMMON_SUBPATH "models/keyword_spotting/ds_cnn_large/tflite_clustered_int8")
set(ZOO_MODEL_VERSION "68b5fbc77ed28e67b2efc915997ea4477c1d9d5b")
download_file_from_modelzoo(${ZOO_MODEL_VERSION} ${ZOO_MODEL_SUBPATH} ${DEFAULT_MODEL_PATH})
target_include_directories("${TEST_TARGET_NAME}" PUBLIC ${TEST_TPIP_INCLUDE}
target_link_libraries("${TEST_TARGET_NAME}" PUBLIC ${ARMNN_LIBS} -lsndfile -lsamplerate)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
// Copyright © 2021 Arm Ltd and Contributors. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
# pragma once
#include <string>
#include <map>
#include "ArmnnNetworkExecutor.hpp"
namespace kws
* @brief Decodes quantised last layer of model output
class Decoder
int quantisationOffset;
float quantisationScale;
Decoder(int quantisationOffset, float quantisationScale) : quantisationOffset(quantisationOffset),
quantisationScale(quantisationScale) {}
std::pair<int, float> decodeOutput(std::vector<int8_t>& modelOutput);
} // namespace kws
@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
// Copyright © 2021 Arm Ltd and Contributors. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
#include <numeric>
#include "DsCnnMfcc.hpp"
namespace kws
class DsCNNPreprocessor
DsCNNPreprocessor(uint32_t windowLen, uint32_t windowStride,
std::unique_ptr<DsCnnMFCC> mfccInst);
* @brief Calculates the features required from audio data. This
* includes MFCC, first and second order deltas,
* normalisation and finally, quantisation. The tensor is
* populated with feature from a given window placed along
* in a single row.
* @param[in] audioData pointer to the first element of audio data
* @param[in] output output to be populated
* @return true if successful, false in case of error.
std::vector<int8_t> Invoke(const float* audioData,
size_t dataSize,
int quantOffset,
float quantScale) ;
uint32_t m_windowLen; // Window length for MFCC
uint32_t m_windowStride; // Window stride len for MFCC
std::unique_ptr<MFCC> m_mfcc;
} // namespace kws
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
// Copyright © 2020 Arm Ltd and Contributors. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
#pragma once
#include "MFCC.hpp"
/* Class to provide DS-CNN specific MFCC calculation requirements. */
class DsCnnMFCC : public MFCC
explicit DsCnnMFCC(MfccParams& params)
: MFCC(params)
DsCnnMFCC() = delete;
~DsCnnMFCC() = default;
@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
// Copyright © 2020 Arm Ltd and Contributors. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
#pragma once
#include "ArmnnNetworkExecutor.hpp"
#include "Decoder.hpp"
#include "MFCC.hpp"
#include "DsCNNPreprocessor.hpp"
namespace kws
* Generic Keyword Spotting pipeline with 3 steps: data pre-processing, inference execution and inference
* result post-processing.
class KWSPipeline
* Creates speech recognition pipeline with given network executor and decoder.
* @param executor - unique pointer to inference runner
* @param decoder - unique pointer to inference results decoder
KWSPipeline(std::unique_ptr<common::ArmnnNetworkExecutor<int8_t>> executor,
std::unique_ptr<Decoder> decoder,
std::unique_ptr<DsCNNPreprocessor> preProcessor);
* @brief Standard audio pre-processing implementation.
* Preprocesses and prepares the data for inference by
* extracting the MFCC features.
* @param[in] audio - the raw audio data
std::vector<int8_t> PreProcessing(std::vector<float>& audio);
* @brief Executes inference
* Calls inference runner provided during instance construction.
* @param[in] preprocessedData - input inference data. Data type should be aligned with input tensor.
* @param[out] result - raw inference results.
void Inference(const std::vector<int8_t>& preprocessedData, common::InferenceResults<int8_t>& result);
* @brief Standard inference results post-processing implementation.
* Decodes inference results using decoder provided during construction.
* @param[in] inferenceResult - inference results to be decoded.
* @param[in] labels - the words we use for the model
void PostProcessing(common::InferenceResults<int8_t>& inferenceResults,
std::map<int, std::string>& labels,
const std::function<void (int, std::string&, float)>& callback);
* @brief Get the number of samples for the pipeline input
* @return - number of samples for the pipeline
int getInputSamplesSize();
std::unique_ptr<common::ArmnnNetworkExecutor<int8_t>> m_executor;
std::unique_ptr<Decoder> m_decoder;
std::unique_ptr<DsCNNPreprocessor> m_preProcessor;
using IPipelinePtr = std::unique_ptr<kws::KWSPipeline>;
* Constructs speech recognition pipeline based on configuration provided.
* @param[in] config - speech recognition pipeline configuration.
* @param[in] labels - asr labels
* @return unique pointer to asr pipeline.
IPipelinePtr CreatePipeline(common::PipelineOptions& config);
};// namespace kws
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
// Copyright © 2021 Arm Ltd and Contributors. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
#include "Decoder.hpp"
std::pair<int, float> kws::Decoder::decodeOutput(std::vector<int8_t>& modelOutput)
std::vector<float> dequantisedOutput;
//Normalise vector values into new vector
for (auto& value : modelOutput)
float normalisedModelOutput = this->quantisationScale * (static_cast<float >(value) -
static_cast<float >(this->quantisationOffset));
//Get largest value in modelOutput
const std::vector<float>::iterator& maxElementIterator = std::max_element(dequantisedOutput.begin(),
//Find the labelMapIndex of the largest value which corresponds to a key in a label map
int labelMapIndex = static_cast<int>(std::distance(dequantisedOutput.begin(), maxElementIterator));
//Round to two DP
float maxModelOutputProbability = std::roundf((*maxElementIterator) * 100) / 100;
return std::make_pair(labelMapIndex, maxModelOutputProbability);
@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
// Copyright © 2021 Arm Ltd and Contributors. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
#include <cmath>
#include <numeric>
#include <algorithm>
#include <memory>
#include "MathUtils.hpp"
#include "SlidingWindow.hpp"
#include "DsCNNPreprocessor.hpp"
std::vector<int8_t> kws::DsCNNPreprocessor::Invoke(const float* audioData, size_t dataSize,
int quantOffset, float quantScale)
auto window = SlidingWindow<const float>(
audioData, dataSize,
this->m_windowLen, this->m_windowStride);
uint32_t mfccBufIdx = 0;
std::vector<int8_t> outputBuffer;
// While we can slide over the window
while (window.HasNext())
const float* mfccWindow = window.Next();
auto mfccAudioData = std::vector<float>(mfccWindow, mfccWindow + this->m_windowLen);
auto mfcc = this->m_mfcc->MfccComputeQuant<int8_t>(mfccAudioData, quantScale, quantOffset);
std::copy(mfcc.begin(), mfcc.end(), std::back_inserter(outputBuffer));
return outputBuffer;
kws::DsCNNPreprocessor::DsCNNPreprocessor(const uint32_t windowLen, const uint32_t windowStride,
std::unique_ptr<DsCnnMFCC> mfccInst) :
m_windowLen{windowLen}, m_windowStride{windowStride}, m_mfcc{std::move(mfccInst)} {}
@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
// Copyright © 2020 Arm Ltd and Contributors. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
#include "KeywordSpottingPipeline.hpp"
#include "ArmnnNetworkExecutor.hpp"
#include "DsCNNPreprocessor.hpp"
namespace kws
KWSPipeline::KWSPipeline(std::unique_ptr<common::ArmnnNetworkExecutor<int8_t>> executor,
std::unique_ptr<Decoder> decoder,
std::unique_ptr<DsCNNPreprocessor> preProcessor
) :
m_preProcessor(std::move(preProcessor)) {}
std::vector<int8_t> KWSPipeline::PreProcessing(std::vector<float>& audio)
return m_preProcessor->Invoke(audio.data(), audio.size(), m_executor->GetQuantizationOffset(),
void KWSPipeline::Inference(const std::vector<int8_t>& preprocessedData,
common::InferenceResults<int8_t>& result)
m_executor->Run(preprocessedData.data(), preprocessedData.size(), result);
void KWSPipeline::PostProcessing(common::InferenceResults<int8_t>& inferenceResults,
std::map<int, std::string>& labels,
const std::function<void (int, std::string&, float)>& callback)
std::pair<int,float> outputDecoder = this->m_decoder->decodeOutput(inferenceResults[0]);
int keywordIndex = std::get<0>(outputDecoder);
std::string output = labels[keywordIndex];
callback(keywordIndex, output, std::get<1>(outputDecoder));
int KWSPipeline::getInputSamplesSize()
return this->m_preProcessor->m_windowLen +
((this->m_preProcessor->m_mfcc->m_params.m_numMfccVectors - 1) *
IPipelinePtr CreatePipeline(common::PipelineOptions& config)
if (config.m_ModelName == "DS_CNN_CLUSTERED_INT8")
//DS-CNN model settings
float SAMP_FREQ = 16000;
int MFCC_WINDOW_LEN = 640;
int NUM_MFCC_FEATS = 10;
//todo: calc in pipeline and use in main
float MEL_LO_FREQ = 20;
float MEL_HI_FREQ = 4000;
int NUM_FBANK_BIN = 40;
MfccParams mfccParams(SAMP_FREQ,
std::unique_ptr<DsCnnMFCC> mfccInst = std::make_unique<DsCnnMFCC>(mfccParams);
auto preprocessor = std::make_unique<kws::DsCNNPreprocessor>(
auto executor = std::make_unique<common::ArmnnNetworkExecutor<int8_t>>(
config.m_ModelFilePath, config.m_backends);
auto decoder = std::make_unique<kws::Decoder>(executor->GetOutputQuantizationOffset(0),
return std::make_unique<kws::KWSPipeline>(std::move(executor),
std::move(decoder), std::move(preprocessor));
throw std::invalid_argument("Unknown Model name: " + config.m_ModelName + " .");
};// namespace kws
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
// Copyright © 2021 Arm Ltd and Contributors. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include "KeywordSpottingPipeline.hpp"
#include "CmdArgsParser.hpp"
#include "ArmnnNetworkExecutor.hpp"
#include "AudioCapture.hpp"
const std::string AUDIO_FILE_PATH = "--audio-file-path";
const std::string MODEL_FILE_PATH = "--model-file-path";
const std::string LABEL_PATH = "--label-path";
const std::string PREFERRED_BACKENDS = "--preferred-backends";
const std::string HELP = "--help";
* The accepted options for this Speech Recognition executable
static std::map<std::string, std::string> CMD_OPTIONS =
{AUDIO_FILE_PATH, "[REQUIRED] Path to the Audio file to run speech recognition on"},
{MODEL_FILE_PATH, "[REQUIRED] Path to the Speech Recognition model to use"},
{PREFERRED_BACKENDS, "[OPTIONAL] Takes the preferred backends in preference order, separated by comma."
" For example: CpuAcc,GpuAcc,CpuRef. Accepted options: [CpuAcc, CpuRef, GpuAcc]."
" Defaults to CpuAcc,CpuRef"}
* Reads the user supplied backend preference, splits it by comma, and returns an ordered vector
std::vector<armnn::BackendId> GetPreferredBackendList(const std::string& preferredBackends)
std::vector<armnn::BackendId> backends;
std::stringstream ss(preferredBackends);
while (ss.good())
std::string backend;
std::getline(ss, backend, ',');
return backends;
//Labels for this model
std::map<int, std::string> labels =
{0, "silence"},
{1, "unknown"},
{2, "yes"},
{3, "no"},
{4, "up"},
{5, "down"},
{6, "left"},
{7, "right"},
{8, "on"},
{9, "off"},
{10, "stop"},
{11, "go"}
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
printf("ArmNN major version: %d\n", ARMNN_MAJOR_VERSION);
std::map<std::string, std::string> options;
//Read command line args
int result = ParseOptions(options, CMD_OPTIONS, argv, argc);
if (result != 0)
return result;
// Create the ArmNN inference runner
common::PipelineOptions pipelineOptions;
pipelineOptions.m_ModelName = "DS_CNN_CLUSTERED_INT8";
pipelineOptions.m_ModelFilePath = GetSpecifiedOption(options, MODEL_FILE_PATH);
if (CheckOptionSpecified(options, PREFERRED_BACKENDS))
pipelineOptions.m_backends = GetPreferredBackendList(
(GetSpecifiedOption(options, PREFERRED_BACKENDS)));
pipelineOptions.m_backends = {"CpuAcc", "CpuRef"};
kws::IPipelinePtr kwsPipeline = kws::CreatePipeline(pipelineOptions);
//Extract audio data from sound file
auto filePath = GetSpecifiedOption(options, AUDIO_FILE_PATH);
std::vector<float> audioData = audio::AudioCapture::LoadAudioFile(filePath);
audio::AudioCapture capture;
//todo: read samples and stride from pipeline
//Loop through audio data buffer
while (capture.HasNext())
std::vector<float> audioBlock = capture.Next();
common::InferenceResults<int8_t> results;
//Prepare input tensors
std::vector<int8_t> preprocessedData = kwsPipeline->PreProcessing(audioBlock);
//Run inference
kwsPipeline->Inference(preprocessedData, results);
//Decode output
kwsPipeline->PostProcessing(results, labels,
[](int index, std::string& label, float prob) -> void {
printf("Keyword \"%s\", index %d:, probability %f\n",
return 0;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
// Copyright © 2021 Arm Ltd and Contributors. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
#include <catch.hpp>
#include <map>
#include "Decoder.hpp"
TEST_CASE("Test KWS decoder")
// Actual output probability: [0.0, 0.06, 0.02, 0.03, 0.0, 0.0, 0.05, 0.0, 0.83, 0.0, 0.1, 0.0]
// int8 quantised Model output [1, 4, 2, 3, 1, 1, 3, 1, 43, 1, 6, 1]
// Reconstructed dequantised probability [0.0, 0.06, 0.02, 0.04, 0.0, 0.0, 0.04, 0.0, 0.84, 0.0, 0.1, 0.0]
int quantisationOffset = 1;
float quantisationScale = 0.02;
std::vector<int8_t> modelOutput = {1, 4, 2, 3, 1, 1, 3, 1, 43, 1, 6, 1};
kws::Decoder decoder(quantisationOffset,quantisationScale);
std::pair<int,float> result = decoder.decodeOutput(modelOutput);
CHECK(result == std::pair<int,float>(8,0.84));
@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
// Copyright © 2021 Arm Ltd and Contributors. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
#include <catch.hpp>
#include <map>
#include <cinttypes>
#include "KeywordSpottingPipeline.hpp"
#include "DsCNNPreprocessor.hpp"
static std::string GetResourceFilePath(const std::string& filename)
std::string testResources = TEST_RESOURCE_DIR;
if (testResources.empty())
throw std::invalid_argument("Invalid test resources directory provided");
if(testResources.back() != '/')
return testResources + "/" + filename;
return testResources + filename;
TEST_CASE("Test Keyword spotting pipeline")
const int8_t ifm0_kws [] =
-0x1b, 0x4f, 0x7a, -0x55, 0x6, -0x11, 0x6e, -0x6, 0x67, -0x7e, -0xd, 0x6, 0x49, 0x79, -0x1e, 0xe,
0x1d, 0x6e, 0x6f, 0x6f, -0x2e, -0x4b, 0x2, -0x3e, 0x40, -0x4b, -0x7, 0x31, -0x38, -0x64, -0x28,
0xc, -0x1d, 0xf, 0x1c, 0x5a, -0x4b, 0x56, 0x7e, 0x9, -0x29, 0x13, -0x65, -0xa, 0x34, -0x59, 0x41,
-0x6f, 0x75, 0x67, -0x5f, 0x17, 0x4a, -0x76, -0x7a, 0x49, -0x19, -0x41, 0x78, 0x40, 0x44, 0xe,
-0x51, -0x5c, 0x3d, 0x24, 0x76, -0x66, -0x11, 0x5e, 0x7b, -0x4, 0x7a, 0x9, 0x13, 0x8, -0x21, -0x11,
0x13, 0x7a, 0x25, 0x6, -0x68, 0x6a, -0x30, -0x16, -0x43, -0x27, 0x4c, 0x6b, -0x14, -0x12, -0x5f,
0x49, -0x2a, 0x44, 0x57, -0x78, -0x72, 0x62, -0x8, -0x38, -0x73, -0x2, -0x80, 0x79, -0x3f, 0x57,
0x9, -0x7e, -0x34, -0x59, 0x19, -0x66, 0x58, -0x3b, -0x69, -0x1a, 0x13, -0x2f, -0x2f, 0x13, 0x35,
-0x30, 0x1e, 0x3b, -0x71, 0x67, 0x7d, -0x5d, 0x1a, 0x69, -0x53, -0x38, -0xf, 0x76, 0x2, 0x7e, 0x45,
-0xa, 0x59, -0x6b, -0x28, -0x5d, -0x63, -0x7d, -0x3, 0x48, 0x74, -0x75, -0x7a, 0x1f, -0x53, 0x5b,
0x4d, -0x18, -0x4a, 0x39, -0x52, 0x5a, -0x6b, -0x41, -0x3e, -0x61, -0x80, -0x52, 0x67, 0x71, -0x47,
0x79, -0x41, 0x3a, -0x8, -0x1f, 0x4d, -0x7, 0x5b, 0x6b, -0x1b, -0x8, -0x20, -0x21, 0x7c, -0x74,
0x25, -0x68, -0xe, -0x7e, -0x45, -0x28, 0x45, -0x1a, -0x39, 0x78, 0x11, 0x48, -0x6b, -0x7b, -0x43,
-0x21, 0x38, 0x46, 0x7c, -0x5d, 0x59, 0x53, -0x3f, -0x15, 0x59, -0x17, 0x75, 0x2f, 0x7c, 0x68, 0x6a,
0x0, -0x10, 0x5b, 0x61, 0x36, -0x41, 0x33, 0x23, -0x80, -0x1d, -0xb, -0x56, 0x2d, 0x68, -0x68,
0x2f, 0x48, -0x5d, -0x44, 0x64, -0x27, 0x68, -0x13, 0x39, -0x3f, 0x18, 0x31, 0x15, -0x78, -0x2,
0x72, 0x60, 0x59, -0x30, -0x22, 0x73, 0x61, 0x76, -0x4, -0x62, -0x64, -0x80, -0x32, -0x16, 0x51,
-0x2, -0x70, 0x71, 0x3f, -0x5f, -0x35, -0x3c, 0x79, 0x48, 0x61, 0x5b, -0x20, -0x1e, -0x68, -0x1c,
0x6c, 0x3a, 0x28, -0x36, -0x3e, 0x5f, -0x75, -0x73, 0x1e, 0x75, -0x66, -0x22, 0x20, -0x64, 0x67,
0x36, 0x14, 0x37, -0xa, -0xe, 0x8, -0x37, -0x43, 0x21, -0x8, 0x54, 0x1, 0x34, -0x2c, -0x73, -0x11,
-0x48, -0x1c, -0x40, 0x14, 0x4e, -0x53, 0x25, 0x5e, 0x14, 0x4f, 0x7c, 0x6d, -0x61, -0x38, 0x35,
-0x5a, -0x44, 0x12, 0x52, -0x60, 0x22, -0x1c, -0x8, -0x4, -0x6b, -0x71, 0x43, 0xb, 0x7b, -0x7,
-0x3c, -0x3b, -0x40, -0xd, 0x44, 0x6, 0x30, 0x38, 0x57, 0x1f, -0x7, 0x2, 0x4f, 0x64, 0x7c, -0x3,
-0x13, -0x71, -0x45, -0x53, -0x52, 0x2b, -0x11, -0x1d, -0x2, -0x29, -0x37, 0x3d, 0x19, 0x76, 0x18,
0x1d, 0x12, -0x29, -0x5e, -0x54, -0x48, 0x5d, -0x41, -0x3f, 0x7e, -0x2a, 0x41, 0x57, -0x65, -0x15,
0x12, 0x1f, -0x57, 0x79, -0x64, 0x3a, -0x2f, 0x7f, -0x6c, 0xa, 0x52, -0x1f, -0x41, 0x6e, -0x4b,
0x3d, -0x1b, -0x42, 0x22, -0x3c, -0x35, -0xf, 0xc, 0x32, -0x15, -0x68, -0x21, 0x0, -0x16, 0x14,
-0x10, -0x5b, 0x2f, 0x21, 0x41, -0x8, -0x12, -0xa, 0x10, 0xf, 0x7e, -0x76, -0x1d, 0x2b, -0x49,
0x42, -0x25, -0x78, -0x69, -0x2c, 0x3f, 0xc, 0x52, 0x6d, 0x2e, -0x13, 0x76, 0x37, -0x36, -0x51,
-0x5, -0x63, -0x4f, 0x1c, 0x6b, -0x4b, 0x71, -0x12, 0x72, -0x3f,-0x4a, 0xf, 0x3a, -0xd, 0x38, 0x3b,
-0x5d, 0x75, -0x43, -0x10, -0xa, -0x7a, 0x1a, -0x44, 0x1c, 0x6a, 0x43, -0x1b, -0x35, 0x7d, -0x2c,
-0x10, 0x5b, -0x42, -0x4f, 0x69, 0x1f, 0x1b, -0x64, -0x21, 0x19, -0x5d, 0x2e, -0x2a, -0x65, -0x13,
-0x70, -0x6e
const int8_t ofm0_kws [] =
-0x80, 0x7f, -0x80, -0x80, -0x80, -0x80, -0x80, -0x80, -0x80, -0x80, -0x80, -0x80
// First 640 samples from yes.wav.
std::vector<int16_t> testWav = std::vector<int16_t>
139, 143, 164, 163, 157, 156, 151, 148, 172, 171,
165, 169, 149, 142, 145, 147, 166, 146, 112, 132,
132, 136, 165, 176, 176, 152, 138, 158, 179, 185,
183, 148, 121, 130, 167, 204, 163, 132, 165, 184,
193, 205, 210, 204, 195, 178, 168, 197, 207, 201,
197, 177, 185, 196, 191, 198, 196, 183, 193, 181,
157, 170, 167, 159, 164, 152, 146, 167, 180, 171,
194, 232, 204, 173, 171, 172, 184, 169, 175, 199,
200, 195, 185, 214, 214, 193, 196, 191, 204, 191,
172, 187, 183, 192, 203, 172, 182, 228, 232, 205,
177, 174, 191, 210, 210, 211, 197, 177, 198, 217,
233, 236, 203, 191, 169, 145, 149, 161, 198, 206,
176, 137, 142, 181, 200, 215, 201, 188, 166, 162,
184, 155, 135, 132, 126, 142, 169, 184, 172, 156,
132, 119, 150, 147, 154, 160, 125, 130, 137, 154,
161, 168, 195, 182, 160, 134, 138, 146, 130, 120,
101, 122, 137, 118, 117, 131, 145, 140, 146, 148,
148, 168, 159, 134, 114, 114, 130, 147, 147, 134,
125, 98, 107, 127, 99, 79, 84, 107, 117, 114,
93, 92, 127, 112, 109, 110, 96, 118, 97, 87,
110, 95, 128, 153, 147, 165, 146, 106, 101, 137,
139, 96, 73, 90, 91, 51, 69, 102, 100, 103,
96, 101, 123, 107, 82, 89, 118, 127, 99, 100,
111, 97, 111, 123, 106, 121, 133, 103, 100, 88,
85, 111, 114, 125, 102, 91, 97, 84, 139, 157,
109, 66, 72, 129, 111, 90, 127, 126, 101, 109,
142, 138, 129, 159, 140, 80, 74, 78, 76, 98,
68, 42, 106, 143, 112, 102, 115, 114, 82, 75,
92, 80, 110, 114, 66, 86, 119, 101, 101, 103,
118, 145, 85, 40, 62, 88, 95, 87, 73, 64,
86, 71, 71, 105, 80, 73, 96, 92, 85, 90,
81, 86, 105, 100, 89, 78, 102, 114, 95, 98,
69, 70, 108, 112, 111, 90, 104, 137, 143, 160,
145, 121, 98, 86, 91, 87, 115, 123, 109, 99,
85, 120, 131, 116, 125, 144, 153, 111, 98, 110,
93, 89, 101, 137, 155, 142, 108, 94, 136, 145,
129, 129, 122, 109, 90, 76, 81, 110, 119, 96,
95, 102, 105, 111, 90, 89, 111, 115, 86, 51,
107, 140, 105, 105, 110, 142, 125, 76, 75, 69,
65, 52, 61, 69, 55, 42, 47, 58, 37, 35,
24, 20, 44, 22, 16, 26, 6, 3, 4, 23,
60, 51, 30, 12, 24, 31, -9, -16, -13, 13,
19, 9, 37, 55, 70, 36, 23, 57, 45, 33,
50, 59, 18, 11, 62, 74, 52, 8, -3, 26,
51, 48, -5, -9, 12, -7, -12, -5, 28, 41,
-2, -30, -13, 31, 33, -12, -22, -8, -15, -17,
2, -6, -25, -27, -24, -8, 4, -9, -52, -47,
-9, -32, -45, -5, 41, 15, -32, -14, 2, -1,
-10, -30, -32, -25, -21, -17, -14, 8, -4, -13,
34, 18, -36, -38, -18, -19, -28, -17, -14, -16,
-2, -20, -27, 12, 11, -17, -33, -12, -22, -64,
-42, -26, -23, -22, -37, -51, -53, -30, -18, -48,
-69, -38, -54, -96, -72, -49, -50, -57, -41, -22,
-43, -64, -54, -23, -49, -69, -41, -44, -42, -49,
-40, -26, -54, -50, -38, -49, -70, -94, -89, -69,
-56, -65, -71, -47, -39, -49, -79, -91, -56, -46,
-62, -86, -64, -32, -47, -50, -71, -77, -65, -68,
-52, -51, -61, -67, -61, -81, -93, -52, -59, -62,
-51, -75, -76, -50, -32, -54, -68, -70, -43, 1,
-42, -92, -80, -41, -38, -79, -69, -49, -82, -122,
-93, -21, -24, -61, -70, -73, -62, -74, -69, -43,
-25, -15, -43, -23, -26, -69, -44, -12, 1, -51,
-78, -13, 3, -53, -105, -72, -24, -62, -66, -31,
-40, -65, -86, -64, -44, -55, -63, -61, -37, -41,
// Golden audio ops mfcc output for the above wav.
const std::vector<float> testWavMfcc
-22.67135, -0.61615, 2.07233, 0.58137, 1.01655, 0.85816, 0.46039, 0.03393, 1.16511, 0.0072,
std::vector<float> testWavFloat(640);
constexpr float normaliser = 1.0/(1u<<15u);
std::transform(testWav.begin(), testWav.end(), testWavFloat.begin(),
std::bind1st(std::multiplies<float>(), normaliser));
const float DsCNNInputQuantizationScale = 1.107164;
const int DsCNNInputQuantizationOffset = 95;
std::map<int,std::string> labels =
{1, "unknown"},
{ 2, "yes"},
{ 3,"no"},
{ 4, "up"},
{ 5, "down"},
{ 6, "left"},
{ 7, "right"},
{ 8, "on"},
{ 9, "off"},
{ 10, "stop"},
{11, "go"}
common::PipelineOptions options;
options.m_ModelFilePath = GetResourceFilePath("ds_cnn_clustered_int8.tflite");
options.m_ModelName = "DS_CNN_CLUSTERED_INT8";
options.m_backends = {"CpuAcc", "CpuRef"};
kws::IPipelinePtr kwsPipeline = kws::CreatePipeline(options);
CHECK(kwsPipeline->getInputSamplesSize() == 16000);
std::vector<int8_t> expectedWavMfcc;
for(auto& i : testWavMfcc)
(i + DsCNNInputQuantizationScale * DsCNNInputQuantizationOffset) / DsCNNInputQuantizationScale);
expectedWavMfcc.resize(49 * 10);
std::vector<int8_t> preprocessedData = kwsPipeline->PreProcessing(testWavFloat);
CHECK(preprocessedData.size() == expectedWavMfcc.size());
for(int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
CHECK(expectedWavMfcc[i] == Approx(preprocessedData[i]).margin(1));
SECTION("Execute inference")
common::InferenceResults<int8_t> result;
std::vector<int8_t> IFM(std::begin(ifm0_kws), std::end(ifm0_kws));
kwsPipeline->Inference(IFM, result);
std::vector<int8_t> OFM(std::begin(ofm0_kws), std::end(ofm0_kws));
CHECK(1 == result.size());
CHECK(OFM.size() == result[0].size());
int count = 0;
for (auto& i : result)
for (signed char& j : i)
CHECK(j == OFM[count++]);
SECTION("Convert inference result to keyword")
std::vector< std::vector< int8_t >> modelOutput = {{1, 4, 2, 3, 1, 1, 3, 1, 43, 1, 6, 1}};
kwsPipeline->PostProcessing(modelOutput, labels,
[](int index, std::string& label, float prob) -> void {
CHECK(index == 8);
CHECK(label == "on");
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
# Copyright © 2020 Arm Ltd and Contributors. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.0.2)
# Make the standard a requirement => prevent fallback to previous
# supported standard
# We want to pass standard C/C++ flags, without gnu extensions
project (object_detection_example)
# Build in release mode by default
file(GLOB SOURCES "src/*.cpp")
file(GLOB CVUTILS_SOURCES "../common/src/CVUtils**/*.cpp")
file(GLOB UTILS_SOURCES "../common/src/Utils**/*.cpp")
file(GLOB TEST_SOURCES "test/*.cpp")
file(GLOB APP_MAIN "src/Main.cpp")
message("Building OpenCV libs")
add_dependencies("${APP_TARGET_NAME}" "${OPENCV_LIB}")
target_link_libraries("${APP_TARGET_NAME}" PUBLIC ${ARMNN_LIBS} ${OPENCV_LIBS})
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,453 @@
# Object Detection Example
## Introduction
This is a sample code showing object detection using Arm NN public C++ API. The compiled application can take
* a video file
as input and
* save a video file
* or output video stream to the window
with detections shown in bounding boxes, class labels and confidence.
## Dependencies
This example utilises OpenCV functions to capture and output video data. Top level inference API is provided by Arm NN
### Arm NN
Object detection example build system does not trigger Arm NN compilation. Thus, before building the application,
please ensure that Arm NN libraries and header files are available on your build platform.
The application executable binary dynamically links with the following Arm NN libraries:
* libarmnn.so
* libarmnnTfLiteParser.so
The build script searches for available Arm NN libraries in the following order:
1. Inside custom user directory specified by ARMNN_LIB_DIR cmake option.
2. Inside the current Arm NN repository, assuming that Arm NN was built following [this instructions](../../BuildGuideCrossCompilation.md).
3. Inside default locations for system libraries, assuming Arm NN was installed from deb packages.
Arm NN header files will be searched in parent directory of found libraries files under `include` directory, i.e.
libraries found in `/usr/lib` or `/usr/lib64` and header files in `/usr/include` (or `${ARMNN_LIB_DIR}/include`).
Please see [find_armnn.cmake](./cmake/find_armnn.cmake) for implementation details.
### OpenCV
This application uses [OpenCV (Open Source Computer Vision Library)](https://opencv.org/) for video stream processing.
Your host platform may have OpenCV available through linux package manager. If this is the case, please install it using
standard way. If not, our build system has a script to download and cross-compile required OpenCV modules
as well as [FFMPEG](https://ffmpeg.org/) and [x264 encoder](https://www.videolan.org/developers/x264.html) libraries.
The latter will build limited OpenCV functionality and application will support only video file input and video file output
way of working. Displaying video frames in a window requires building OpenCV with GTK and OpenGL support.
The application executable binary dynamically links with the following OpenCV libraries:
* libopencv_core.so.4.0.0
* libopencv_imgproc.so.4.0.0
* libopencv_imgcodecs.so.4.0.0
* libopencv_videoio.so.4.0.0
* libopencv_video.so.4.0.0
* libopencv_highgui.so.4.0.0
and transitively depends on:
* libavcodec.so (FFMPEG)
* libavformat.so (FFMPEG)
* libavutil.so (FFMPEG)
* libswscale.so (FFMPEG)
* libx264.so (x264)
The application searches for above libraries in the following order:
1. Inside custom user directory specified by OPENCV_LIB_DIR cmake option.
2. Inside default locations for system libraries.
If no OpenCV libraries were found, the cross-compilation build is extended with x264, ffmpeg and OpenCV compilation steps.
Note: Native build does not add third party libraries to compilation.
Please see [find_opencv.cmake](./cmake/find_opencv.cmake) for implementation details.
## Building
There are two flows for building this application:
* native build on a host platform,
* cross-compilation for a Arm-based host platform.
### Build Options
* CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE - choose one of the available cross-compilation toolchain files:
* `cmake/aarch64-toolchain.cmake`
* `cmake/arm-linux-gnueabihf-toolchain.cmake`
* ARMNN_LIB_DIR - point to the custom location of the Arm NN libs and headers.
* OPENCV_LIB_DIR - point to the custom location of the OpenCV libs and headers.
* BUILD_UNIT_TESTS - set to `1` to build tests. Additionally to the main application, `object_detection_example-tests`
unit tests executable will be created.
### Native Build
To build this application on a host platform, firstly ensure that required dependencies are installed:
For example, for raspberry PI:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get -yq install pkg-config
sudo apt-get -yq install libgtk2.0-dev zlib1g-dev libjpeg-dev libpng-dev libxvidcore-dev libx264-dev
sudo apt-get -yq install libavcodec-dev libavformat-dev libswscale-dev
To build demo application, create a build directory:
mkdir build
cd build
If you have already installed Arm NN and OpenCV:
Inside build directory, run cmake and make commands:
cmake ..
This will build the following in bin directory:
* object_detection_example - application executable
If you have custom Arm NN and OpenCV location, use `OPENCV_LIB_DIR` and `ARMNN_LIB_DIR` options:
cmake -DARMNN_LIB_DIR=/path/to/armnn -DOPENCV_LIB_DIR=/path/to/opencv ..
### Cross-compilation
This section will explain how to cross-compile the application and dependencies on a Linux x86 machine
for arm host platforms.
You will require working cross-compilation toolchain supported by your host platform. For raspberry Pi 3 and 4 with glibc
runtime version 2.28, the following toolchains were successfully used:
* https://releases.linaro.org/components/toolchain/binaries/latest-7/aarch64-linux-gnu/
* https://releases.linaro.org/components/toolchain/binaries/latest-7/arm-linux-gnueabihf/
Choose aarch64-linux-gnu if `lscpu` command shows architecture as aarch64 or arm-linux-gnueabihf if detected
architecture is armv71.
You can check runtime version on your host platform by running:
ldd --version
On **build machine**, install C and C++ cross compiler toolchains and add them to the PATH variable.
Install package dependencies:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get -yq install pkg-config
Package config is required by OpenCV build to discover FFMPEG libs.
To build demo application, create a build directory:
mkdir build
cd build
Inside build directory, run cmake and make commands:
**Arm 32bit**
cmake -DARMNN_LIB_DIR=<path-to-armnn-libs> -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=cmake/arm-linux-gnueabihf-toolchain.cmake ..
**Arm 64bit**
cmake -DARMNN_LIB_DIR=<path-to-armnn-libs> -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=cmake/aarch64-toolchain.cmake ..
Add `-j` flag to the make command to run compilation in multiple threads.
From the build directory, copy the following to the host platform:
* bin directory - contains object_detection_example executable,
* lib directory - contains cross-compiled OpenCV, ffmpeg, x264 libraries,
* Your Arm NN libs used during compilation.
The full list of libs after cross-compilation to copy on your board:
## Executing
Once the application executable is built, it can be executed with the following options:
* --video-file-path: Path to the video file to run object detection on **[REQUIRED]**
* --model-file-path: Path to the Object Detection model to use **[REQUIRED]**
* --label-path: Path to the label set for the provided model file **[REQUIRED]**
* --model-name: The name of the model being used. Accepted options: SSD_MOBILE | YOLO_V3_TINY **[REQUIRED]**
* --output-video-file-path: Path to the output video file with detections added in. Defaults to /tmp/output.avi
* --preferred-backends: Takes the preferred backends in preference order, separated by comma.
For example: CpuAcc,GpuAcc,CpuRef. Accepted options: [CpuAcc, CpuRef, GpuAcc].
Defaults to CpuRef **[OPTIONAL]**
### Object Detection on a supplied video file
To run object detection on a supplied video file and output result to a video file:
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/path/to/armnn/libs:/path/to/opencv/libs ./object_detection_example --label-path /path/to/labels/file
--video-file-path /path/to/video/file --model-file-path /path/to/model/file
--model-name [YOLO_V3_TINY | SSD_MOBILE] --output-video-file-path /path/to/output/file
To run object detection on a supplied video file and output result to a window gui:
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/path/to/armnn/libs:/path/to/opencv/libs ./object_detection_example --label-path /path/to/labels/file
--video-file-path /path/to/video/file --model-file-path /path/to/model/file
--model-name [YOLO_V3_TINY | SSD_MOBILE]
This application has been verified to work against the MobileNet SSD and the YOLO V3 tiny models, which can be downloaded along with their label sets from the Arm Model Zoo:
* https://github.com/ARM-software/ML-zoo/tree/master/models/object_detection/ssd_mobilenet_v1
* https://github.com/ARM-software/ML-zoo/tree/master/models/object_detection/yolo_v3_tiny
# Application Overview
This section provides a walkthrough of the application, explaining in detail the steps:
1. Initialisation
1. Reading from Video Source
2. Preparing Labels and Model Specific Functions
2. Creating a Network
1. Creating Parser and Importing Graph
3. Optimizing Graph for Compute Device
4. Creating Input and Output Binding Information
3. Object detection pipeline
1. Pre-processing the Captured Frame
2. Making Input and Output Tensors
3. Executing Inference
4. Postprocessing
5. Decoding and Processing Inference Output
6. Drawing Bounding Boxes
### Initialisation
##### Reading from Video Source
After parsing user arguments, the chosen video file or stream is loaded into an OpenCV `cv::VideoCapture` object.
We use [`IFrameReader`](./include/IFrameReader.hpp) interface and OpenCV specific implementation
[`CvVideoFrameReader`](./include/CvVideoFrameReader.hpp) in our main function to capture frames from the source using the
`ReadFrame()` function.
The `CvVideoFrameReader` object also tells us information about the input video. Using this information and application
arguments, we create one of the implementations of the [`IFrameOutput`](./include/IFrameOutput.hpp) interface:
[`CvVideoFileWriter`](./include/CvVideoFileWriter.hpp) or [`CvWindowOutput`](./include/CvWindowOutput.hpp).
This object will be used at the end of every loop to write the processed frame to an output video file or gui
`CvVideoFileWriter` uses `cv::VideoWriter` with ffmpeg backend. `CvWindowOutput` makes use of `cv::imshow()` function.
See `GetFrameSourceAndSink` function in [Main.cpp](./src/Main.cpp) for more details.
##### Preparing Labels and Model Specific Functions
In order to interpret the result of running inference on the loaded network, it is required to load the labels
associated with the model. In the provided example code, the `AssignColourToLabel` function creates a vector of pairs
label - colour that is ordered according to object class index at the output node of the model. Labels are assigned with
a randomly generated RGB color. This ensures that each class has a unique color which will prove helpful when plotting
the bounding boxes of various detected objects in a frame.
Depending on the model being used, `CreatePipeline` function returns specific implementation of the object detection
### Creating a Network
All operations with Arm NN and networks are encapsulated in [`ArmnnNetworkExecutor`](./include/ArmnnNetworkExecutor.hpp)
##### Creating Parser and Importing Graph
The first step with Arm NN SDK is to import a graph from file by using the appropriate parser.
The Arm NN SDK provides parsers for reading graphs from a variety of model formats. In our application we specifically
focus on `.tflite, .pb, .onnx` models.
Based on the extension of the provided model file, the corresponding parser is created and the network file loaded with
`CreateNetworkFromBinaryFile()` method. The parser will handle the creation of the underlying Arm NN graph.
Current example accepts tflite format model files, we use `ITfLiteParser`:
#include "armnnTfLiteParser/ITfLiteParser.hpp"
armnnTfLiteParser::ITfLiteParserPtr parser = armnnTfLiteParser::ITfLiteParser::Create();
armnn::INetworkPtr network = parser->CreateNetworkFromBinaryFile(modelPath.c_str());
##### Optimizing Graph for Compute Device
Arm NN supports optimized execution on multiple CPU and GPU devices. Prior to executing a graph, we must select the
appropriate device context. We do this by creating a runtime context with default options with `IRuntime()`.
For example:
#include "armnn/ArmNN.hpp"
auto runtime = armnn::IRuntime::Create(armnn::IRuntime::CreationOptions());
We can optimize the imported graph by specifying a list of backends in order of preference and implement
backend-specific optimizations. The backends are identified by a string unique to the backend,
for example `CpuAcc, GpuAcc, CpuRef`.
For example:
std::vector<armnn::BackendId> backends{"CpuAcc", "GpuAcc", "CpuRef"};
Internally and transparently, Arm NN splits the graph into subgraph based on backends, it calls a optimize subgraphs
function on each of them and, if possible, substitutes the corresponding subgraph in the original graph with
its optimized version.
Using the `Optimize()` function we optimize the graph for inference and load the optimized network onto the compute
device with `LoadNetwork()`. This function creates the backend-specific workloads
for the layers and a backend specific workload factory which is called to create the workloads.
For example:
armnn::IOptimizedNetworkPtr optNet = Optimize(*network,
std::string errorMessage;
runtime->LoadNetwork(0, std::move(optNet), errorMessage));
std::cerr << errorMessage << std::endl;
##### Creating Input and Output Binding Information
Parsers can also be used to extract the input information for the network. By calling `GetSubgraphInputTensorNames`
we extract all the input names and, with `GetNetworkInputBindingInfo`, bind the input points of the graph.
For example:
std::vector<std::string> inputNames = parser->GetSubgraphInputTensorNames(0);
auto inputBindingInfo = parser->GetNetworkInputBindingInfo(0, inputNames[0]);
The input binding information contains all the essential information about the input. It is a tuple consisting of
integer identifiers for bindable layers (inputs, outputs) and the tensor info (data type, quantization information,
number of dimensions, total number of elements).
Similarly, we can get the output binding information for an output layer by using the parser to retrieve output
tensor names and calling `GetNetworkOutputBindingInfo()`.
### Object detection pipeline
Generic object detection pipeline has 3 steps to perform data pre-processing, run inference and decode inference results
in the post-processing step.
See [`ObjDetectionPipeline`](include/ObjectDetectionPipeline.hpp) and implementations for [`MobileNetSSDv1`](include/ObjectDetectionPipeline.hpp)
and [`YoloV3Tiny`](include/ObjectDetectionPipeline.hpp) for more details.
#### Pre-processing the Captured Frame
Each frame captured from source is read as an `cv::Mat` in BGR format but channels are swapped to RGB in a frame reader
cv::Mat processed;
objectDetectionPipeline->PreProcessing(frame, processed);
A pre-processing step consists of resizing the frame to the required resolution, padding and doing data type conversion
to match the model input layer.
For example, SSD MobileNet V1 that is used in our example takes for input a tensor with shape `[1, 300, 300, 3]` and
data type `uint8`.
Pre-processing step returns `cv::Mat` object containing data ready for inference.
#### Executing Inference
od::InferenceResults results;
objectDetectionPipeline->Inference(processed, results);
Inference step will call `ArmnnNetworkExecutor::Run` method that will prepare input tensors and execute inference.
A compute device performs inference for the loaded network using the `EnqueueWorkload()` function of the runtime context.
For example:
//const void* inputData = ...;
//outputTensors were pre-allocated before
armnn::InputTensors inputTensors = {{ inputBindingInfo.first,armnn::ConstTensor(inputBindingInfo.second, inputData)}};
runtime->EnqueueWorkload(0, inputTensors, outputTensors);
We allocate memory for output data once and map it to output tensor objects. After successful inference, we read data
from the pre-allocated output data buffer. See [`ArmnnNetworkExecutor::ArmnnNetworkExecutor`](./src/ArmnnNetworkExecutor.cpp)
and [`ArmnnNetworkExecutor::Run`](./src/ArmnnNetworkExecutor.cpp) for more details.
#### Postprocessing
##### Decoding and Processing Inference Output
The output from inference must be decoded to obtain information about detected objects in the frame. In the examples
there are implementations for two networks but you may also implement your own network decoding solution here.
For SSD MobileNet V1 models, we decode the results to obtain the bounding box positions, classification index,
confidence and number of detections in the input frame.
See [`SSDResultDecoder`](./include/SSDResultDecoder.hpp) for more details.
For YOLO V3 Tiny models, we decode the output and perform non-maximum suppression to filter out any weak detections
below a confidence threshold and any redudant bounding boxes above an intersection-over-union threshold.
See [`YoloResultDecoder`](./include/YoloResultDecoder.hpp) for more details.
It is encouraged to experiment with threshold values for confidence and intersection-over-union (IoU)
to achieve the best visual results.
The detection results are always returned as a vector of [`DetectedObject`](./include/DetectedObject.hpp),
with the box positions list containing bounding box coordinates in the form `[x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max]`.
#### Drawing Bounding Boxes
Post-processing step accepts a callback function to be invoked when the decoding is finished. We will use it
to draw detections on the initial frame.
With the obtained detections and using [`AddInferenceOutputToFrame`](./src/ImageUtils.cpp) function, we are able to draw bounding boxes around
detected objects and add the associated label and confidence score.
//results - inference output
objectDetectionPipeline->PostProcessing(results, [&frame, &labels](od::DetectedObjects detects) -> void {
AddInferenceOutputToFrame(detects, *frame, labels);
The processed frames are written to a file or displayed in a separate window.
@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
# Copyright © 2020 Arm Ltd and Contributors. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
file(GLOB TEST_SOURCES "test/*")
URL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/opencv/opencv/4.0.0/samples/data/basketball1.png
URL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/opencv/opencv/4.0.0/samples/data/messi5.jpg
URL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/opencv/opencv/4.0.0/samples/data/Megamind.avi
URL https://github.com/ARM-software/ML-zoo/raw/master/models/object_detection/ssd_mobilenet_v1/tflite_uint8/ssd_mobilenet_v1.tflite
BUILD_COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy <DOWNLOAD_DIR>/ssd_mobilenet_v1.tflite ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/test/resources
message("Building OpenCV libs")
add_dependencies("${TEST_TARGET_NAME}" "${OPENCV_LIB}")
target_include_directories("${TEST_TARGET_NAME}" PUBLIC ${TEST_TPIP_INCLUDE}
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
// Copyright © 2020 Arm Ltd and Contributors. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
#pragma once
namespace od
* @brief Class used to store and receive bounding box location and size information
class BoundingBox
* @brief Default constructor
* @brief Constructor with parameters to configure the bounding box dimensions
* @param[in] x int value representing the x coordinate.
* @param[in] y int value representing the y coordinate.
* @param[in] width unsigned int value representing the width value.
* @param[in] height unsigned int value representing the height value.
BoundingBox(int x, int y, unsigned int width, unsigned int height);
* @brief Constructor with a BoundingBox type parameter to copy from.
* @param[in] other Bounding box to copy.
BoundingBox(const BoundingBox& other);
~BoundingBox() = default;
* @brief Function to retrieve the X coordinate.
int GetX() const;
* @brief Function to retrieve the Y coordinate.
int GetY() const;
* @brief Function to retrieve the width.
unsigned int GetWidth() const;
* @brief Function to retrieve the height.
unsigned int GetHeight() const;
* @brief Function to set the X coordinate.
* @param[in] x int value representing x coordinate
void SetX(int x);
* @brief Function to set the Y coordinate.
* @param[in] y int value representing y coordinate
void SetY(int y);
* @brief Function to set the width of the BoundingBox.
* @param[in] width int value representing the width
void SetWidth(unsigned int width);
* @brief Function to set the height of the BoundingBox.
* @param[in] height int value representing the height
void SetHeight(unsigned int height);
* @brief Function to check equality with another BoundingBox
* @param[in] other BoundingBox to compare with
BoundingBox& operator=(const BoundingBox& other);
int m_X;
int m_Y;
unsigned int m_Width;
unsigned int m_Height;
* @brief: Get a bounding box within the limits of another bounding box
* @param[in] boxIn Input bounding box
* @param[out] boxOut Output bounding box
* @param[in] boxLimits Bounding box defining the limits which the output
* needs to conform to.
* @return none
void GetValidBoundingBox(const BoundingBox& boxIn, BoundingBox& boxOut,
const BoundingBox& boxLimits);
}// namespace od
@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
// Copyright © 2020 Arm Ltd and Contributors. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
#pragma once
#include "BoundingBox.hpp"
#include <string>
#include <vector>
namespace od
* An object detection network inference result decoded data representation.
class DetectedObject
* Creates detection with given parameters.
* @param id - class id
* @param label - human readable text class label
* @param boundingBox - rectangular detection coordinates
* @param score - detection score/probability
DetectedObject(unsigned int id,
std::string label,
const BoundingBox& boundingBox,
float score);
~DetectedObject() = default;
* Get class id
* @return id
unsigned int GetId() const;
* Get human readable text class label
* @return label
const std::string& GetLabel() const;
* Get rectangular detection coordinates
* @return detection coordinates
const BoundingBox& GetBoundingBox() const;
* Get detection score
* @return score
float GetScore() const;
* Set class id
* @param[in] id - class id
void SetId(unsigned int id);
* Set class label
* @param[in] label - human readable text class label
void SetLabel(const std::string& label);
* Set detection coordinates
* @param[in] boundingBox detection coordinates
void SetBoundingBox(const BoundingBox& boundingBox);
* Set detection score
* @param[in] score - detection score
void SetScore(float score);
unsigned int m_Id;
std::string m_Label;
BoundingBox m_BoundingBox;
float m_Score;
using DetectedObjects = std::vector<DetectedObject>;
}// namespace od
@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
// Copyright © 2020 Arm Ltd and Contributors. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
#pragma once
#include "DetectedObject.hpp"
#include "Types.hpp"
#include <vector>
namespace od
class IDetectionResultDecoder
* @brief Returns decoded detected objects from a network model.
* @desc Outputs 4 vectors: bounding boxes, label, probabilities & number of detections.
* This function decodes network model output and converts it to expected format.
* @param[in] results Vector of outputs from a model.
* @param[in] outputFrameSize Struct containing height & width of output frame that is displayed.
* @param[in] resizedFrameSize Struct containing height & width of resized input frame before padding
* and inference.
* @param[in] labels Vector of network labels.
* @param[in] detectionScoreThreshold float value for the detection score threshold.
* @return Vector of decoded detected objects.
virtual DetectedObjects Decode(const common::InferenceResults<float>& results,
const common::Size& outputFrameSize,
const common::Size& resizedFrameSize,
const std::vector<std::string>& labels) = 0;
}// namespace od
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