#!/usr/bin/env perl use POSIX; use Getopt::Std; sub usage() { die("usage: $0 [-p port] dev-private-key\n"); } my %opt; getopts('p:', \%opt); usage() unless @ARGV == 1; my $port = $opt{p} || 12391; my $privkey = shift @ARGV; open(POM, '<', 'pom.xml') || die ("Can't open 'pom.xml': $!\n"); my $project; while () { if (m/(\w+)<.artifactId>/o) { $project = $1; last; } } close(POM); open(PROPS, '-|', 'unzip -p target/${project}*.jar build.properties') || die("Can't extract 'build.properties' from JAR: $!\n"); while () { if (m/build.timestamp=(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})T(\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})Z/o) { $timestamp = strftime('%s', $6, $5, $4, $3, $2 - 1, $1 - 1900, 0, 0, 0) * 1000; last; } } close(PROPS); die("Can't process build.timestamp\n") if ! defined $timestamp; $commit_hash = `git show --no-patch --format=%H`; die("Can't find commit hash\n") if ! defined $commit_hash; chomp $commit_hash; $sha256sum = `sha256sum ${project}.update 2>/dev/null || sha256 ${project}.update 2>/dev/null`; die("Can't calculate SHA256 of ${project}.update\n") unless $sha256sum =~ m/(\S{64})/; $sha256 = $1; printf "Build timestamp (ms): %d / 0x%016x\n", $timestamp, $timestamp; printf "Commit hash: %s\n", $commit_hash; printf "SHA256 of ${project}.update: %s\n", $sha256; $tx_type = 10; $tx_timestamp = time() * 1000; $tx_group_id = 1; $service = 1; printf "\nARBITRARY(%d) transaction with timestamp %d, txGroupID %d and service %d\n", $tx_type, $tx_timestamp, $tx_group_id, $service; $data = sprintf "%016x%s%s", $timestamp, $commit_hash, $sha256; printf "\nARBITRARY transaction data payload: %s\n", $data; $n_payments = 0; $is_raw = 1; # RAW_DATA $data_length = length($data) / 2; $fee = 0.001 * 1e8; my $pubkey = `curl --silent --url http://localhost:${port}/utils/publickey --data ${privkey}`; die("Can't convert private key to public key!\n") unless $pubkey; printf "\nPublic key: %s\n", $pubkey; my $pubkey_hex = `curl --silent --url http://localhost:${port}/utils/frombase58 --data ${pubkey}`; printf "Public key hex: %s\n", $pubkey_hex; my $address = `curl --silent --url http://localhost:${port}/addresses/convert/${pubkey}`; printf "Address: %s\n", $address; my $reference = `curl --silent --url http://localhost:${port}/addresses/lastreference/${address}`; printf "Last reference: %s\n", $reference; my $reference_hex = `curl --silent --url http://localhost:${port}/utils/frombase58 --data ${reference}`; printf "Last reference hex: %s\n", $reference_hex; my $raw_tx_hex = sprintf("%08x%016x%08x%s%s%08x%08x%02x%08x%s%016x", $tx_type, $tx_timestamp, $tx_group_id, $reference_hex, $pubkey_hex, $n_payments, $service, $is_raw, $data_length, $data, $fee); printf "\nRaw transaction hex:\n%s\n", $raw_tx_hex; my $raw_tx = `curl --silent --url http://localhost:${port}/utils/tobase58/${raw_tx_hex}`; printf "\nRaw transaction (base58):\n%s\n", $raw_tx; my $sign_data = qq|' { "privateKey": "${privkey}", "transactionBytes": "${raw_tx}" } '|; my $signed_tx = `curl --silent -H "accept: text/plain" -H "Content-Type: application/json" --url http://localhost:${port}/transactions/sign --data ${sign_data}`; printf "\nSigned transaction:\n%s\n", $signed_tx; # Flush STDOUT after every output $| = 1; print "\n"; for (my $delay = 5; $delay > 0; --$delay) { printf "\rSubmitting transaction in %d second%s... CTRL-C to abort ", $delay, ($delay != 1 ? 's' : ''); sleep 1; } printf "\rSubmitting transaction NOW... \n"; my $result = `curl --silent --url http://localhost:${port}/transactions/process --data ${signed_tx}`; printf "\nTransaction accepted: %s\n", $result;