### General - Reduce Qora2 down to core blockchain node with RESTful API access. Other libraries can process name-storage data into websites, or provide web-based wallet UI, etc. - Trying to reduce number of external dependencies where possible, e.g. avoiding heavy-weight ORM like Hive, Hibernate, etc. - Trying to reduce duplicated code, especially across transactions with lots of serialisation and signature generation. - Transaction signatures should really be generated after creating the transaction, compared to the old style of generating signature first (and throw-away transaction in the process) then using signature when creating actual transaction! - Trying to keep most of the source structure, naming, code paths, etc. similar to old Qora to reduce brain load! - More comments/javadoc - More JUnit tests ### Differences due to switching from MapDB to HSQLDB - We might need to maintain more mappings in the database, e.g. Qora address to/from public key, as previously public key objects could be stored directly in MapDB. - The new database tried to store the data in "rawest" form, i.e. raw ```byte[]``` signatures, not base58-encoded. - The ```Transactions``` table contains ```creator``` column, which duplicates various child table columns, e.g. ```PaymentTransactions.sender```, so that all transactions by a specific Qora account can be quickly found without scanning all child tables. - SQL is contained within repository classes repository.* (interfaces) and repository.hsqldb.* (implementations). - We use transfer objects in data.* - "Business logic" is left in qora.* - Some MapDB-based objects had Java Map<> objects as their values. These will need to be unpacked into separate tables.