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Loop through all available direct peer connections and try each one in turn.

Also added some extra conditionals to avoid repeated attempts with the same port.
CalDescent 3 years ago
  1. 144


@ -317,80 +317,102 @@ public class ArbitraryDataFileManager extends Thread {
public boolean fetchDataFilesFromPeersForSignature(byte[] signature) {
String signature58 = Base58.encode(signature);
// Firstly fetch peers that claim to be hosting files for this signature
List<ArbitraryDirectConnectionInfo> connectionInfoList = getDirectConnectionInfoForSignature(signature);
if (connectionInfoList == null || connectionInfoList.isEmpty()) {
LOGGER.debug("No direct connection peers found for signature {}", signature58);
return false;
boolean success = false;
LOGGER.debug("Attempting a direct peer connection for signature {}...", signature58);
try {
while (!success) {
if (isStopping) {
return false;
// Peers found, so pick one with the highest number of chunks
Comparator<ArbitraryDirectConnectionInfo> highestChunkCountFirstComparator =
ArbitraryDirectConnectionInfo directConnectionInfo =
// Firstly fetch peers that claim to be hosting files for this signature
List<ArbitraryDirectConnectionInfo> connectionInfoList = getDirectConnectionInfoForSignature(signature);
if (connectionInfoList == null || connectionInfoList.isEmpty()) {
LOGGER.debug("No remaining direct connection peers found for signature {}", signature58);
return false;
if (directConnectionInfo == null) {
return false;
LOGGER.debug("Attempting a direct peer connection for signature {}...", signature58);
// Remove from the list so that a different peer is tried next time
// Peers found, so pick one with the highest number of chunks
Comparator<ArbitraryDirectConnectionInfo> highestChunkCountFirstComparator =
ArbitraryDirectConnectionInfo directConnectionInfo =
String peerAddressString = directConnectionInfo.getPeerAddress();
boolean success = Network.getInstance().requestDataFromPeer(peerAddressString, signature);
if (directConnectionInfo == null) {
return false;
// Parse the peer address to find the host and port
String host = null;
int port = -1;
String[] parts = peerAddressString.split(":");
if (parts.length > 1) {
host = parts[0];
port = Integer.parseInt(parts[1]);
else {
// Use default listen port
port = Settings.getInstance().getDefaultListenPort();
// Remove from the list so that a different peer is tried next time
String peerAddressString = directConnectionInfo.getPeerAddress();
// Parse the peer address to find the host and port
String host = null;
int port = -1;
String[] parts = peerAddressString.split(":");
if (parts.length > 1) {
host = parts[0];
port = Integer.parseInt(parts[1]);
} else {
// Assume no port included
host = peerAddressString;
// Use default listen port
port = Settings.getInstance().getDefaultListenPort();
String peerAddressStringWithPort = String.format("%s:%d", host, port);
success = Network.getInstance().requestDataFromPeer(peerAddressStringWithPort, signature);
// If unsuccessful, and using a non-standard port, try a second connection with the default listen port,
// since almost all nodes use that. This is a workaround to account for any ephemeral ports that may
// have made it into the dataset.
if (!success) {
if (host != null && port > 0) {
int defaultPort = Settings.getInstance().getDefaultListenPort();
if (port != defaultPort) {
String newPeerAddressString = String.format("%s:%d", host, defaultPort);
success = Network.getInstance().requestDataFromPeer(newPeerAddressString, signature);
// If unsuccessful, and using a non-standard port, try a second connection with the default listen port,
// since almost all nodes use that. This is a workaround to account for any ephemeral ports that may
// have made it into the dataset.
if (!success) {
if (host != null && port > 0) {
if (port != defaultPort) {
String newPeerAddressString = String.format("%s:%d", host, defaultPort);
success = Network.getInstance().requestDataFromPeer(newPeerAddressString, signature);
// If _still_ unsuccessful, try matching the peer's IP address with some known peers, and then connect
// to each of those in turn until one succeeds.
if (!success) {
if (host != null) {
final String finalHost = host;
List<PeerData> knownPeers = Network.getInstance().getAllKnownPeers().stream()
.filter(knownPeerData -> knownPeerData.getAddress().getHost().equals(finalHost))
// Loop through each match and attempt a connection
for (PeerData matchingPeer : knownPeers) {
String matchingPeerAddress = matchingPeer.getAddress().toString();
success = Network.getInstance().requestDataFromPeer(matchingPeerAddress, signature);
if (success) {
// Successfully connected, so stop making connections
// If _still_ unsuccessful, try matching the peer's IP address with some known peers, and then connect
// to each of those in turn until one succeeds.
if (!success) {
if (host != null) {
final String finalHost = host;
List<PeerData> knownPeers = Network.getInstance().getAllKnownPeers().stream()
.filter(knownPeerData -> knownPeerData.getAddress().getHost().equals(finalHost))
// Loop through each match and attempt a connection
for (PeerData matchingPeer : knownPeers) {
String matchingPeerAddress = matchingPeer.getAddress().toString();
int matchingPeerPort = matchingPeer.getAddress().getPort();
// Make sure that it's not a port we've already tried
if (matchingPeerPort != port && matchingPeerPort != defaultPort) {
success = Network.getInstance().requestDataFromPeer(matchingPeerAddress, signature);
if (success) {
// Successfully connected, so stop making connections
if (success) {
// We were able to connect with a peer, so track the request
ArbitraryDataFileListManager.getInstance().addToSignatureRequests(signature58, false, true);
if (success) {
// We were able to connect with a peer, so track the request
ArbitraryDataFileListManager.getInstance().addToSignatureRequests(signature58, false, true);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// Do nothing
return success;
