Increase receiving_account_info column size from 32 to 128 bytes, to allow for Pirate Chain sapling shielded addresses, which are much longer.

This commit is contained in:
CalDescent 2022-05-21 15:24:37 +01:00
parent ab01dc5e54
commit 4547386b1f

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@ -964,6 +964,12 @@ public class HSQLDBDatabaseUpdates {
stmt.execute("DROP TABLE ArbitraryPeers");
case 42:
// Pirate Chain requires storing addresses that are 78 bytes long (69 bytes when decoded), so increase
// from 32 to 128 to give some padding for potentially even larger addresses in the future
stmt.execute("ALTER TABLE TradeBotStates ALTER COLUMN receiving_account_info SET DATA TYPE VARBINARY(128)");
// nothing to do
return false;