Qortal UI - Main Code Repository A User Interface for the Qortal Blockchain Project. Truly decentralized web hosting, application hosting, communications, data storage, and full infrastructure for the future global decentralized digital world.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

175 lines
4.6 KiB

'use strict'
// Qortal TX types
const TX_TYPES = {
1: "Genesis",
2: "Payment",
3: "Name registration",
4: "Name update",
5: "Sell name",
6: "Cancel sell name",
7: "Buy name",
8: "Create poll",
9: "Vote in poll",
10: "Arbitrary",
11: "Issue asset",
12: "Transfer asset",
13: "Create asset order",
14: "Cancel asset order",
15: "Multi-payment transaction",
16: "Deploy AT",
17: "Message",
18: "Chat",
19: "Publicize",
20: "Airdrop",
21: "AT",
22: "Create group",
23: "Update group",
24: "Add group admin",
25: "Remove group admin",
26: "Group ban",
27: "Cancel group ban",
28: "Group kick",
29: "Group invite",
30: "Cancel group invite",
31: "Join group",
32: "Leave group",
33: "Group approval",
34: "Set group",
35: "Update asset",
36: "Account flags",
37: "Enable forging",
38: "Reward share",
39: "Account level",
40: "Transfer privs",
41: "Presence"
// Qortal error codes
const ERROR_CODES = {
1: "Valid OK",
2: "Invalid address",
3: "Negative amount",
4: "Nagative fee",
5: "No balance",
6: "Invalid reference",
7: "Invalid time length",
8: "Invalid value length",
9: "Name already registered",
10: "Name does not exist",
11: "Invalid name owner",
12: "Name already for sale",
13: "Name not for sale",
14: "Name buyer already owner",
15: "Invalid amount",
16: "Invalid seller",
17: "Name not lowercase",
18: "Invalid description length",
19: "Invalid options length",
20: "Invalid option length",
21: "Duplicate option",
22: "Poll already created",
23: "Poll already has votes",
24: "Poll does not exist",
25: "Option does not exist",
26: "Already voted for that option",
27: "Invalid data length",
28: "Invalid quantity",
29: "Asset does not exist",
30: "Invalid return",
31: "Have equals want",
32: "Order does not exist",
33: "Invalid order creator",
34: "Invalid payments length",
35: "Negative price",
36: "Invalid creation bytes",
37: "Invalid tags length",
38: "Invalid type length",
39: "Invalid AT transaction",
40: "Insufficient fee",
41: "Asset does not match AT",
43: "Asset already exists",
44: "Missing creator",
45: "Timestamp too old",
46: "Timestamp too new",
47: "Too many unconfirmed",
48: "Group already exists",
49: "Group does not exist",
50: "Invalid group owner",
51: "Already group memeber",
52: "Group owner can not leave",
53: "Not group member",
54: "Already group admin",
55: "Not group admin",
56: "Invalid lifetime",
57: "Invite unknown",
58: "Ban exists",
59: "Ban unknown",
60: "Banned from group",
61: "Join request",
62: "Invalid group approval threshold",
63: "Group ID mismatch",
64: "Invalid group ID",
65: "Transaction unknown",
66: "Transaction already confirmed",
67: "Invalid TX group",
68: "TX group ID mismatch",
69: "Multiple names forbidden",
70: "Invalid asset owner",
71: "AT is finished",
72: "No flag permission",
73: "Not minting accout",
77: "Invalid rewardshare percent",
78: "Public key unknown",
79: "Invalid public key",
80: "AT unknown",
81: "AT already exists",
82: "Group approval not required",
83: "Group approval decided",
84: "Maximum reward shares",
85: "Transaction already exists",
86: "No blockchain lock",
87: "Order already closed",
88: "Clock not synced",
89: "Asset not spendable",
90: "Account can not reward share",
91: "Self share exists",
92: "Account already exists",
93: "Invalid group block delay",
94: "Incorrect nonce",
95: "Ivalid timestamp signature",
96: "Address blocked",
97: "Name Blocked",
98: "Group approval required",
99: "Account not transferable",
999: "Ivalid but ok",
1000: "Not yet released."
// Qortal 8 decimals
const QORT_DECIMALS = 1e8
// Q for Qortal
// Proxy for api calls
const PROXY_URL = "/proxy/"
// Chat reference timestamp
// Dynamic fee timestamp
const DYNAMIC_FEE_TIMESTAMP = 1692118800000
// Used as a salt for all Qora addresses. Salts used for storing your private keys in local storage will be randomly generated
const STATIC_SALT = new Uint8Array([54, 190, 201, 206, 65, 29, 123, 129, 147, 231, 180, 166, 171, 45, 95, 165, 78, 200, 208, 194, 44, 207, 221, 146, 45, 238, 68, 68, 69, 102, 62, 6])
const BCRYPT_ROUNDS = 10 // Remember that the total work spent on key derivation is BCRYPT_ROUNDS * KDF_THREADS
const BCRYPT_VERSION = "2a"
const KDF_THREADS = 16