// QORA const TYPES = { GENESIS_TRANSACTION: 1, PAYMENT_TRANSACTION: 2, REGISTER_NAME_TRANSACTION: 3, UPDATE_NAME_TRANSACTION: 4, SELL_NAME_TRANSACTION: 5, CANCEL_SELL_NAME_TRANSACTION: 6, BUY_NAME_TRANSACTION: 7, CREATE_POLL_TRANSACTION: 8, VOTE_ON_POLL_TRANSACTION: 9, ARBITRARY_TRANSACTION: 10, ISSUE_ASSET_TRANSACTION: 11, TRANSFER_ASSET_TRANSACTION: 12, CREATE_ORDER_TRANSACTION: 13, CANCEL_ORDER_TRANSACTION: 14, MULTI_PAYMENT_TRANSACTION: 15, DEPLOY_AT_TRANSACTION: 16, MESSAGE_TRANSACTION: 17 }; function getKeyPairFromSeed(seed, returnBase58) { if (typeof (seed) == "string") { seed = new Uint8Array(Base58.decode(seed)); } var keyPair = nacl.sign.keyPair.fromSeed(seed); var base58privateKey = Base58.encode(keyPair.secretKey); var base58publicKey = Base58.encode(keyPair.publicKey); if (returnBase58) { return { privateKey: Base58.encode(keyPair.secretKey), publicKey: Base58.encode(keyPair.publicKey) }; } else { return { privateKey: keyPair.secretKey, publicKey: keyPair.publicKey }; } } function stringtoUTF8Array(message) { if (typeof message == 'string') { var s = unescape(encodeURIComponent(message)); // UTF-8 message = new Uint8Array(s.length); for (var i = 0; i < s.length; i++) { message[i] = s.charCodeAt(i) & 0xff; } } return message; } function int32ToBytes(word) { var byteArray = []; for (var b = 0; b < 32; b += 8) { byteArray.push((word >>> (24 - b % 32)) & 0xFF); } return byteArray; } function int64ToBytes(int64) { // we want to represent the input as a 8-bytes array var byteArray = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; for (var index = 0; index < byteArray.length; index++) { var byte = int64 & 0xff; byteArray[byteArray.length - index - 1] = byte; int64 = (int64 - byte) / 256; } return byteArray; } function appendBuffer(buffer1, buffer2) { buffer1 = new Uint8Array(buffer1); buffer2 = new Uint8Array(buffer2); var tmp = new Uint8Array(buffer1.byteLength + buffer2.byteLength); tmp.set(buffer1, 0); tmp.set(buffer2, buffer1.byteLength); return tmp; } function equal(buf1, buf2) { if (buf1.byteLength != buf2.byteLength) return false; var dv1 = new Uint8Array(buf1); var dv2 = new Uint8Array(buf2); for (var i = 0; i != buf1.byteLength; i++) { if (dv1[i] != dv2[i]) return false; } return true; } function generateAccountSeed(seed, nonce, returnBase58) { if (typeof (seed) == "string") { seed = Base58.decode(seed); } nonceBytes = int32ToBytes(nonce); var resultSeed = new Uint8Array(); resultSeed = appendBuffer(resultSeed, nonceBytes); resultSeed = appendBuffer(resultSeed, seed); resultSeed = appendBuffer(resultSeed, nonceBytes); if (returnBase58) { return Base58.encode(SHA256.digest(SHA256.digest(resultSeed))); } else { return new SHA256.digest(SHA256.digest(resultSeed)); } } function getAccountAddressFromPublicKey(publicKey) { var ADDRESS_VERSION = 58; // Q if (typeof (publicKey) == "string") { publicKey = Base58.decode(publicKey); } var publicKeyHashSHA256 = SHA256.digest(publicKey); var ripemd160 = new RIPEMD160(); var publicKeyHash = ripemd160.digest(publicKeyHashSHA256); var addressArray = new Uint8Array(); addressArray = appendBuffer(addressArray, [ADDRESS_VERSION]); addressArray = appendBuffer(addressArray, publicKeyHash); var checkSum = SHA256.digest(SHA256.digest(addressArray)); addressArray = appendBuffer(addressArray, checkSum.subarray(0, 4)); return Base58.encode(addressArray); } function getAccountAddressType(address) { try { var ADDRESS_VERSION = 58; // Q var AT_ADDRESS_VERSION = 23; // A if (typeof (address) == "string") { address = Base58.decode(address); } var checkSum = address.subarray(address.length - 4, address.length) var addressWitoutChecksum = address.subarray(0, address.length - 4); var checkSumTwo = SHA256.digest(SHA256.digest(addressWitoutChecksum)); checkSumTwo = checkSumTwo.subarray(0, 4); if (equal(checkSum, checkSumTwo)) { if (address[0] == ADDRESS_VERSION) { return "standard"; } if (address[0] == AT_ADDRESS_VERSION) { return "at"; } } return "invalid"; } catch (e) { return "invalid"; } } function isValidAddress(address) { return (getAccountAddressType(address) != "invalid"); } function generateSignaturePaymentTransaction(keyPair, lastReference, recipient, amount, fee, timestamp) { const data = generatePaymentTransactionBase(keyPair.publicKey, lastReference, recipient, amount, fee, timestamp); return nacl.sign.detached(data, keyPair.privateKey); } function generatePaymentTransaction(keyPair, lastReference, recipient, amount, fee, timestamp, signature) { return appendBuffer(generatePaymentTransactionBase(keyPair.publicKey, lastReference, recipient, amount, fee, timestamp), signature); } function generatePaymentTransactionBase(publicKey, lastReference, recipient, amount, fee, timestamp) { const txType = TYPES.PAYMENT_TRANSACTION; const typeBytes = int32ToBytes(txType); const timestampBytes = int64ToBytes(timestamp); const amountBytes = int64ToBytes(amount * 100000000); const feeBytes = int64ToBytes(fee * 100000000); var data = new Uint8Array(); data = appendBuffer(data, typeBytes); data = appendBuffer(data, timestampBytes); data = appendBuffer(data, lastReference); data = appendBuffer(data, publicKey); data = appendBuffer(data, recipient); data = appendBuffer(data, amountBytes); data = appendBuffer(data, feeBytes); return data; } function generateSignatureMessageTransaction(keyPair, lastReference, recipient, amount, fee, timestamp, message, isText, isEncrypted) { const data = generateMessageTransactionBase(keyPair.publicKey, lastReference, recipient, amount, fee, timestamp, message, isText, isEncrypted); return nacl.sign.detached(data, keyPair.privateKey); } function generateMessageTransaction(keyPair, lastReference, recipient, amount, fee, timestamp, message, isText, isEncrypted, signature) { return appendBuffer(generateMessageTransactionBase(keyPair.publicKey, lastReference, recipient, amount, fee, timestamp, message, isText, isEncrypted), signature); } function generateMessageTransactionBase(publicKey, lastReference, recipient, amount, fee, timestamp, message, isText, isEncrypted) { txType = TYPES.MESSAGE_TRANSACTION; const typeBytes = int32ToBytes(txType); const timestampBytes = int64ToBytes(timestamp); const amountBytes = int64ToBytes(amount * 100000000); const feeBytes = int64ToBytes(fee * 100000000); const messageLength = int32ToBytes(message.length); const key = int64ToBytes(0); isTextB = new Uint8Array(1); isTextB[0] = isText; isEncryptedB = new Uint8Array(1); isEncryptedB[0] = isEncrypted; var data = new Uint8Array(); data = appendBuffer(data, typeBytes); data = appendBuffer(data, timestampBytes); data = appendBuffer(data, lastReference); data = appendBuffer(data, publicKey); data = appendBuffer(data, recipient); data = appendBuffer(data, key); data = appendBuffer(data, amountBytes); data = appendBuffer(data, messageLength); data = appendBuffer(data, message); data = appendBuffer(data, isEncryptedB); data = appendBuffer(data, isTextB); data = appendBuffer(data, feeBytes); return data; } function generateSignatureArbitraryTransactionV3(keyPair, lastReference, service, arbitraryData, fee, timestamp) { const data = generateArbitraryTransactionV3Base(keyPair.publicKey, lastReference, service, arbitraryData, fee, timestamp); return nacl.sign.detached(data, keyPair.privateKey); } function generateArbitraryTransactionV3(keyPair, lastReference, service, arbitraryData, fee, timestamp, signature) { return appendBuffer(generateArbitraryTransactionV3Base(keyPair.publicKey, lastReference, service, arbitraryData, fee, timestamp), signature); } function generateArbitraryTransactionV3Base(publicKey, lastReference, service, arbitraryData, fee, timestamp) { const txType = TYPES.ARBITRARY_TRANSACTION; const typeBytes = int32ToBytes(txType); const timestampBytes = int64ToBytes(timestamp); const feeBytes = int64ToBytes(fee * 100000000); const serviceBytes = int32ToBytes(service); const dataSizeBytes = int32ToBytes(arbitraryData.length); const paymentsLengthBytes = int32ToBytes(0); // Support payments - not yet. var data = new Uint8Array(); data = appendBuffer(data, typeBytes); data = appendBuffer(data, timestampBytes); data = appendBuffer(data, lastReference); data = appendBuffer(data, publicKey); data = appendBuffer(data, paymentsLengthBytes); // Here it is necessary to insert the payments, if there are data = appendBuffer(data, serviceBytes); data = appendBuffer(data, dataSizeBytes); data = appendBuffer(data, arbitraryData); data = appendBuffer(data, feeBytes); return data; } function generateSignatureRegisterNameTransaction(keyPair, lastReference, owner, name, value, fee, timestamp) { const data = generateRegisterNameTransactionBase(keyPair.publicKey, lastReference, owner, name, value, fee, timestamp); return nacl.sign.detached(data, keyPair.privateKey); } function generateRegisterNameTransaction(keyPair, lastReference, owner, name, value, fee, timestamp, signature) { return appendBuffer(generateRegisterNameTransactionBase(keyPair.publicKey, lastReference, owner, name, value, fee, timestamp), signature); } function generateRegisterNameTransactionBase(publicKey, lastReference, owner, name, value, fee, timestamp) { const txType = TYPES.REGISTER_NAME_TRANSACTION; const typeBytes = int32ToBytes(txType); const timestampBytes = int64ToBytes(timestamp); const feeBytes = int64ToBytes(fee * 100000000); const nameSizeBytes = int32ToBytes(name.length); const valueSizeBytes = int32ToBytes(value.length); var data = new Uint8Array(); data = appendBuffer(data, typeBytes); data = appendBuffer(data, timestampBytes); data = appendBuffer(data, lastReference); data = appendBuffer(data, publicKey); data = appendBuffer(data, owner); data = appendBuffer(data, nameSizeBytes); data = appendBuffer(data, name); data = appendBuffer(data, valueSizeBytes); data = appendBuffer(data, value); data = appendBuffer(data, feeBytes); return data; }