#!/bin/sh set -x setup_git() { git config --global user.email "travis@travis-ci.org" git config --global user.name "Travis CI" } commit_version_push() { # Add New Remote git remote add ci https://${GH_TOKEN}@github.com/${TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG}.git > /dev/null 2>&1 # Show Remotes git remote -v # Create Version variable newVersion=$(git describe --abbrev=0) # Checkout and Switch to master branch # git checkout master # Disable yarn version-git-tag yarn config set version-git-tag false # Update package.json version yarn version --new-version $newVersion # Stage file for commit git add package.json # Create a new commit with a build version git commit --message "Build Version: $newVersion" # PUSH TO GITHUB git push ci master } setup_git commit_version_push # # Attempt to commit to git only if "git commit" succeeded # if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then # echo "Commit the new version. Built and Pushing to GitHub" # push_build # else # echo "Cannot commit new version" # fi